234 research outputs found
KĂsĂ©rlet a Balaton tihanyi tĂ©rsĂ©ge eutrofizálĂłdásának több tĂ©nyezĹ‘s becslĂ©sĂ©re : I. BevezetĹ‘ meggondolások, mĂłdszerek, algolĂłgiai mutatĂłk
Cikksorozatunk elsĹ‘ rĂ©szĂ©ben (folytatás: G. TĂłth Ă©s Padisák 1983) a bevezetĹ‘ megjegyzĂ©seken Ă©s a mĂłdszereken kĂvĂĽl az algolĂłgiai mutatĂłkat tárgyaljuk rĂ©szletesebben
Társadalmi konfliktusokat generáló ökológiai történések a Balaton életében az utóbbi néhány évtizedben : Gerinctelen állatok inváziói
Social Conflict Generating Ecological Developments in the Life of Lake Balaton in Recent Decades – Invertebrate invasions. Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, is a natural treasure of Hungary. Since the open of the Sió channel, the lake has become more vulnerable against biological invasions. Invasive aquatic alien species especially bivalves can evoke serious threats through causing dramatic changes and promoting numerous direct and indirect system-wide effects. They create or modify habitats, alter species diversity, nutrient cycling and other ecosystem processes; by these they generate several social conflict. Here we discuss our recent knowledge obtained on some exotic invasive invertebrates in Lake Balaton: the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and the amphipod Caspian mud shrimp (Chelicorophium curvispinum), which were the first two invaders, Dikerogammarus species, and the latest (the ninth) exotic invader from the Ponto-Caspian region, the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis). Finally, the exotic Asiatic Chinese pond mussel (Sinanodonta woodiana) is also noticed, as the decay of its population was the most serious problem related to tourist attraction in the last years. We underline the emerging importance of studying the invasive species in order to save the original and natural ecological status of Lake Balaton
Faceting and branching in 2D crystal growth
The official published version of the Article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 APSUsing atomic scale time-dependent density functional calculations we confirm that both diffusion-controlled and diffusionless crystallization modes exist in simple 2D systems. We provide theoretical evidence that a faceted to nonfaceted transition is coupled to these crystallization modes, and faceting is governed by the local supersaturation at the fluid-crystalline interface. We also show that competing modes of crystallization have a major influence on mesopattern formation. Irregularly branched and porous structures are emerging at the crossover of the crystallization modes. The proposed branching mechanism differs essentially from dendritic fingering driven by diffusive instability.This work has been supported by the EU FP7
Collaborative Project ENSEMBLE under Grant
Agreement NMP4-SL-2008-213669 and by the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences under Contract
No. OTKA-K-62588
A turbulencia hatásai a balatoni zooplankton szerkezetére és funkciójára = The effects of turbulence on the structure and function of the zooplankton in Lake Balaton
A kutatás rávilágĂtott a Balaton vĂzszint ingadozásának Ă©s turbulens kinetikai energia tartalma változásainak nagy hatására a tĂł biolĂłgiai anyagforgalmában kulcs szerepet játszĂł zooplankton Ă©letĂ©re. IntenzĂv terepvizsgálatokkal, a szĂ©lsebessĂ©g, a vĂzszint, az RMS-turbulencia Ă©s a zooplankton monitorozásával bemutattuk Ă©s leĂrtuk a zooplankton szerkezetĂ©nek Ă©s mennyisĂ©gĂ©nek szoros összefĂĽggĂ©sĂ©t a vĂztömeg turbulencia intenzitsával, amely a szĂ©lsebessĂ©g mellett a mindenkori vĂzállástĂłl fĂĽgg. Meghatároztuk a szĂ©lsebessĂ©g, a vĂzszint Ă©s a vĂz turbulencia intenzitásának összefĂĽggĂ©seit a Balatonban. A terepvizsgálatok, Ă©s laboratĂłriumi kĂsĂ©rletek során meghatároztuk azokat a turbulencia intenzitás kĂĽszöbĂ©rtĂ©keket, amelyek felett (i) szĂ©tzilálĂłdik a tavi zooplankton vertikális struktĂşrája, (ii) a fellĂ©pĹ‘ turbulens nyĂrĂłerĹ‘k fizikailag sĂ©rtik az Ă©rzĂ©keny zooplankton fajok egyedeit, Ă©s (iii) a kĂĽlönfĂ©le taxonĂłmiai- Ă©s Ă©letforma csoportok populáciĂłi tömegesen pusztulnak Ă©s funkciĂłjuk kiesik a planktonrendszerbĹ‘l. E kĂĽszöbĂ©rtĂ©kek ismeretĂ©ben olyan mĂłdon optimalizálhatĂł a tavi vĂzszint (legyen az legalább 75 cm-es) Ă©s a vĂzmĂ©rleg, hogy ne csökkenjen zooplankton funkciĂłja, amely az magas lebegĹ‘anyag tartalom miatt általában is alacsony szintű. Az eredmĂ©nyeket alkalmasnak tartjuk a balatoni vĂzmĂ©rleg tervezĂ©s, a medermĂ©lyĂtĂ©sek, a biomanipuláciĂłs beavatkozások Ă©s halgazdálkodás terĂĽletĂ©n közvetett Ă©s közvetlen haszon elĂ©rĂ©sĂ©re. | According to the four years long intensive monitoring of the RMS-turbulence, the wind velocity, water level and the zooplankton we revealed strong evidences of the negative effect of the increased turbukence coupled with water level decrease on the species composition, structure, abundance and function of the zooplankton in Lake Balaton, We experimentally determined those thresholds of the wind velocity and turbulence intensity above which (i) vertical structure of the zooplankton assemblages disintergrate, (ii) individuals of the different zooplankton taxa suffer severe injuries from the increased turbukent shear forces and (iii) their populations break down. Based on the obtained hydrodinamical information the water level could be adjusted (in an aforded 75 cm as minimal) and the water ballance optimalized so that fend the disturbance effect of the increased turbulence on the zooplankton funcion off. The obtained results are suitable and warmely offered for endusing by the lake management, in the fileds of the planning of the water ballance, lake bad excavation and biomanipulation
Short-term investigations on the phytoplankton of Lake Balaton at Tihany
Between July 20. and August 18. 1976, daily observations were carried out on the number and biomass of the phytoplankton of Lake Balaton, separately for micro- and macroalgae; in addition, organic carbon content, temperature and transparence of teh water were measured. Comparable investigations on the Lake Balaton have not been made so far.
The dynamics of certain determined variables reflect the character of a large, extensive and shallow lake. The data presented here draw attention to the difference between the thirty day variations of macro- and microalgae, and point ti the differences between information content, along with some other data, indicates the advanced state of eutrophication of the lake
KĂsĂ©rlet a Balaton tihanyi tĂ©rsĂ©ge eutrofizálĂłdásának több tĂ©nyezĹ‘s becslĂ©sĂ©re : III. MegbeszĂ©lĂ©s, az eutrofizálĂłdás egy nagy idĹ‘lĂ©ptĂ©kű fejlĹ‘dĂ©smodellje
Cikksorozatunk elsĹ‘ rĂ©szĂ©ben (G. TĂłth – Padisák 1982) a bevezetĹ‘ megjegyzĂ©seken Ă©s a mĂłdszereken kĂvĂĽl az algolĂłgiai mutatĂłkat tárgyaltuk rĂ©szletesebben, a második rĂ©sz (G. TĂłth – Padisák 1983) a bakterioplankton, a zooplankton Ă©s bizonyos vĂzkĂ©miai változĂłk vizsgálata során kapott eredmĂ©nyeket rĂ©szletezte. A jelen, folytatĂłlagos rĂ©szben az elĹ‘zĹ‘ekben tárgyalt eredmĂ©nyek szintetizálĂł megbeszĂ©lĂ©sĂ©n tĂşl a teljes cikksorozat irodalomjegyzĂ©ke kapott helyet
A Balaton tihanyi térségében végzett algológiai és bakteriológiai tanulmányok eredményeinek értékelése a zooplankton táplálkozása szempontjából.
A zooplankton legvalĂłszĂnűbb táplálĂ©kát jelentĹ‘ 10 µm-nĂ©l kisebb algák egyedszáma egy nagyságrenddel növekedett meg 1975-79 között a tihanyi tĂ©rsĂ©g nyári planktonjában. Az összalgaszám 60-80%-át tartĂłsan a 10 µm-nĂ©l kisebb algák alkották, mĂg a fitoplankton biomasszájának maximálisan 16-18%-át tettĂ©k ki. Ennek táplálkozásbiolĂłgiai vetĂĽlete, hogy a vĂz minĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t rontĂł alga biomasszának csupán kis rĂ©sze juthat a zooplanktonba, feltĂ©telezve, hogy a zooplankton a kis testű fajokat fogyasztja.
Az összbaktĂ©riumszám 1977 Ăłta emelkedett. A morfolĂłgiai csoportok közĂĽl a coccusok voltak a legfontosabbak, a bakterioplankton 80-95%-át tettĂ©k ki. Ezen belĂĽl a vĂz szervesanyagának lebontásában fontos szerepet kaphattak a kolĂłniákban lebegĹ‘ coccusok, amelyek vihart Ă©s a szerves ĂĽledĂ©k felkeveredĂ©sĂ©t követve szaporodtak el a vĂzoszlopban. Táplálkozási szempontbĂłl fontosak lehetnek ezek, mert egyes tagjaik a zooplankton számára felvehetĹ‘ mĂ©retűek. A bakterioplankton generáciĂłs ideje lecsökkent, nettĂł produkciĂłja nĹ‘tt, 1978 nyarán elĂ©rte a nettĂł elsĹ‘dleges termelĂ©s 55-60%-át. A tĂ©rsĂ©g bateriolĂłgiai szempontbĂłl mezotrĂłf, idĹ‘nkĂ©nt eutrĂłf volt. A bakterioplankton fontossága az elpusztulĂł algatömeg degradáciĂłjában növekedett, ami a baktĂ©riumfalĂł szervezetek (protozoák, rotatoriák, daphniák) elszaporodását is maga után vonhatja.
In situ predáciĂłs kĂsĂ©rleteinkben a 10 µm-nĂ©l kisebb algák által idĹ‘egysĂ©g alatt termelt biomassza 51%-a, a nagyobbaknál 6%-a, bakteriális biomassza 10%-a jutott a zooplanktonba. A balatonvĂz nagy lebegtetett biogĂ©n mĂ©sztartalma (szemcsĂ©k mĂ©rete 1-7 µm) a zooplankton, kĂĽlönösen az automatikus szűrĹ‘ szervezetek táplálĂ©kfelvĂ©telĂ©t Ă©s hasznosĂtását nagyon leronthatja
Phase field theory of interfaces and crystal nucleation in a eutectic system of fcc structure: I. Transitions in the one-phase liquid region
The published version of this Article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2007 American Institute of PhysicsThe phase field theory (PFT) has been applied to predict equilibrium interfacial properties and nucleation barrier in the binary eutectic system Ag-Cu using double well and interpolation functions deduced from a Ginzburg-Landau expansion that considers fcc (face centered cubic) crystal symmetries. The temperature and composition dependent free energies of the liquid and solid phases are taken from CALculation of PHAse Diagrams-type calculations. The model parameters of PFT are fixed so as to recover an interface thickness of approximately 1 nm from molecular dynamics simulations and the interfacial free energies from the experimental dihedral angles available for the pure components. A nontrivial temperature and composition dependence for the equilibrium interfacial free energy is observed. Mapping the possible nucleation pathways, we find that the Ag and Cu rich critical fluctuations compete against each other in the neighborhood of the eutectic composition. The Tolman length is positive and shows a maximum as a function of undercooling. The PFT predictions for the critical undercooling are found to be consistent with experimental results. These results support the view that heterogeneous nucleation took place in the undercooling experiments available at present. We also present calculations using the classical droplet model classical nucleation theory (CNT) and a phenomenological diffuse interface theory (DIT). While the predictions of the CNT with a purely entropic interfacial free energy underestimate the critical undercooling, the DIT results appear to be in a reasonable agreement with the PFT predictions.This work has been supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under Contract No. OTKA-K-62588 and by the ESA PECS Contract Nos. 98005, 98021, and 98043
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