6,453 research outputs found

    Zero-field Kondo splitting and quantum-critical transition in double quantum dots

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    Double quantum dots offer unique possibilities for the study of many-body correlations. A system containing one Kondo dot and one effectively noninteracting dot maps onto a single-impurity Anderson model with a structured (nonconstant) density of states. Numerical renormalization-group calculations show that while band filtering through the resonant dot splits the Kondo resonance, the singlet ground state is robust. The system can also be continuously tuned to create a pseudogapped density of states and access a quantum critical point separating Kondo and non-Kondo phases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Analysis of information systems for hydropower operations

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    The operations of hydropower systems were analyzed with emphasis on water resource management, to determine how aerospace derived information system technologies can increase energy output. Better utilization of water resources was sought through improved reservoir inflow forecasting based on use of hydrometeorologic information systems with new or improved sensors, satellite data relay systems, and use of advanced scheduling techniques for water release. Specific mechanisms for increased energy output were determined, principally the use of more timely and accurate short term (0-7 days) inflow information to reduce spillage caused by unanticipated dynamic high inflow events. The hydrometeorologic models used in predicting inflows were examined to determine the sensitivity of inflow prediction accuracy to the many variables employed in the models, and the results used to establish information system requirements. Sensor and data handling system capabilities were reviewed and compared to the requirements, and an improved information system concept outlined

    Surface resonance of the (2×1) reconstructed lanthanum hexaboride (001)-cleavage plane : a combined STM and DFT study

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    We performed a combined study of the (001)-cleavage plane of lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) using scanning tunneling microscopy and density-functional theory (DFT). Experimentally, we found a (2×1) reconstructed surface on a local scale. The reconstruction is only short-range ordered and tends to order perpendicularly to step edges. At larger distances from surface steps, the reconstruction evolves to a labyrinthlike pattern. These findings are supported by low-energy electron diffraction experiments. Slab calculations within the framework of DFT show that the atomic structure consists of parallel lanthanum chains on top of boron octahedra. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy shows a prominent spectral feature at −0.6eV. Using DFT, we identify this structure as a surface resonance of the (2×1) reconstructed LaB6 (100) surface which is dominated by boron dangling bond states and lanthanum d states

    Recovery of cobalt sulfate from spent lithium ion batteries by reductive leaching and solvent extraction with Cyanex 272

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    Cobalt sulfate was recovered from crushed and screened prismatic type spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) containing 5-20% Co, 5-7% Li, 5-10% Ni, 15% organic chemicals, and 7% plastics together with Cu, Al, Fe, and Mn. Cobalt was reductively leached from the - 16 mesh fraction in 1 h by stirring with 2 M H2SO4 and 6 vol.% H2O2, at 60 °C and 300 rpm using a solid/liquid ratio of 100 g/L to give a cobalt concentration of 28 g/L, corresponding to a leaching efficiency of > 99%. Metal ion impurities such as copper, iron, and aluminium were precipitated as hydroxides from solution by adjusting pH to 6.5. Cobalt was then selectively extracted from the purified aqueous phase by equilibrating with 50% saponified 0.4 M Cyanex 272 at an equilibrium pH ∼ 6. The McCabe-Thiele plot predicted 99.9% cobalt extraction in a 2 stage counter-current operation with A/O ratio of 1/2. Separation factors for the extraction of Co/Li and Co/Ni at pH 6 were close to 750. The stripping of the loaded organic phase with 2 M H2SO4 produced a solution of 96 g/L Co from which pure pigment grade cobalt sulfate could be recovered by evaporation/recrystallisation. Overall, 92% cobalt could be recovered from the spent lithium ion batteries

    Scalable Mining of Common Routes in Mobile Communication Network Traffic Data

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    A probabilistic method for inferring common routes from mobile communication network traffic data is presented. Besides providing mobility information, valuable in a multitude of application areas, the method has the dual purpose of enabling efficient coarse-graining as well as anonymisation by mapping individual sequences onto common routes. The approach is to represent spatial trajectories by Cell ID sequences that are grouped into routes using locality-sensitive hashing and graph clustering. The method is demonstrated to be scalable, and to accurately group sequences using an evaluation set of GPS tagged data

    Danish values, the foundation of the Folkeskole

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    We have imaged with Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/UVIS the central 2′7 × 2′7 region of the giant elliptical galaxy M87, using the ultraviolet filter F275W. In combination with archival ACS/WFC data taken through the F606W and F814W filters, covering the same field, we have constructed integrated-light UV-optical colors and magnitudes for 1460 objects, most of which are believed to be globular clusters (GCs) belonging to M87. The purpose was to ascertain whether the multiple-populations syndrome, ubiquitous among Galactic GCs, also exists among the M87 family of clusters. To achieve this goal, we sought those GCs with exceptionally blue UV-to-optical colors because helium-enriched sub-populations produce a horizontal-branch morphology that is well populated at high effective temperature. For comparison, integrated, synthetic UV-optical and purely optical colors and magnitudes have been constructed for 45 Galactic GCs, starting from individual-star photometry obtained with the same instruments and the same filters. We identify a small group of M87 clusters exhibiting a radial UV-optical color gradient, representing our best candidate GCs hosting multiple populations with extreme helium content. We also find that the central spatial distribution of the bluer GCs is flattened in a direction parallel to the jet, while the distribution of redder GCs is more spherical. We release to the astronomical community our photometric catalog in F275W, F606W, and F814W bands and the high-quality image stacks in the same bands

    Significance of low energy impact damage on modal parameters of composite beams by design of experiments

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    This paper presents an experimental study on the effects of multi-site damage on the vibration response of composite beams damaged by low energy impacts around the barely visible impact damage limit (BVID). The variation of the modal parameters with different levels of impact energy and density of damage is studied. Vibration tests have been carried out with both burst random and classical sine dwell excitations in order to compare that which of the methods among Polymax and Half Bandwidth Method is more suitable for damping estimation in the presence of damage. Design of experiments (DOE) performed on the experimental data show that natural frequency is a more sensitive parameter for damage detection than the damping ratio. It also highlighted energy of impact as the factor having a more significant effect on the modal parameters. Half Bandwidth Method is found to be unsuitable for damping estimation in the presence of damage

    Space Motions of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Draco and Sculptor based on HST Proper Motions with ~10-year Time Baseline

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    We present new proper motion (PM) measurements of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) Draco and Sculptor using multi-epoch images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC. Our PM results have uncertainties far lower than previous measurements, even made with the same instrument. The PM results for Draco and Sculptor are (mu_W,mu_N)_Dra = (-0.0562+/-0.0099,-0.1765+/-0.0100) mas/yr and (mu_W,mu_N)_Scl = (-0.0296+/-0.0209,-0.1358 +/-0.0214) mas/yr. The implied Galactocentric velocity vectors for Draco and Sculptor have radial and tangential components: (V_rad,V_tan)_Dra = (-88.6,161.4) +/- (4.4,5.6) km/s; and (V_rad,V_tan)_Scl = (72.6,200.2) +/- (1.3,10.8) km/s. We study the detailed orbital history of both Draco and Sculptor via numerical orbit integrations. Orbital periods of Draco and Sculptor are found to be 1-2 and 2-5 Gyrs, respectively, accounting for uncertainties in the MW mass. We also study the influence of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) on the orbits of Draco and Sculptor. Overall, the inclusion of the LMC increases the scatter in the orbital results. Based on our calculations, Draco shows a rather wide range of orbital parameters depending on the MW mass and inclusion/exclusion of the LMC, but Sculptor's orbit is very well constrained with its most recent pericentric approach to the MW being 0.3-0.4 Gyr ago. Our new PMs imply that the orbital trajectories of both Draco and Sculptor are confined within the Disk of Satellites (DoS), better so than implied by earlier PM measurements, and likely rule out the possibility that these two galaxies were accreted together as part of a tightly bound group.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Extraction of buildings from high-resolution satellite data and airborne Lidar

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    Automatic building extraction is a difficult object recognition problem due to a high complexity of the scene content and the object representation. There is a dilemma to select appropriate building models to be reconstructed; the models have to be generic in order to represent a variety of building shape, whereas they also have to be specific to differentiate buildings from other objects in the scene. Therefore, a scientific challenge of building extraction lies in constructing a framework for modelling building objects with appropriate balance between generic and specific models. This thesis investigates a synergy of IKONOS satellite imagery and airborne LIDAR data, which have recently emerged as powerful remote sensing tools, and aims to develop an automatic system, which delineates building outlines with more complex shape, but by less use of geometric constraints. The method described in this thesis is a two step procedure: building detection and building description. A method of automatic building detection that can separate individual buildings from surrounding features is presented. The process is realized in a hierarchical strategy, where terrain, trees, and building objects are sequentially detected. Major research efforts are made on the development of a LIDAR filtering technique, which automatically detects terrain surfaces from a cloud of 3D laser points. The thesis also proposes a method of building description to automatically reconstruct building boundaries. A building object is generally represented as a mosaic of convex polygons. The first stage is to generate polygonal cues by a recursive intersection of both datadriven and model-driven linear features extracted from IKONOS imagery and LIDAR data. The second stage is to collect relevant polygons comprising the building object and to merge them for reconstructing the building outlines. The developed LIDAR filter was tested in a range of different landforms, and showed good results to meet most of the requirements of DTM generation and building detection. Also, the implemented building extraction system was able to successfully reconstruct the building outlines, and the accuracy of the building extraction is good enough for mapping purposes
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