291 research outputs found

    "Oil above water" : economic interdependence and third-party intervention

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    We explore economic incentives for third parties to intervene in ongoing internal wars. We develop a three-party model of the decision to intervene in conflict that highlights the role of the economic benefits accruing from the intervention and the potential costs. We present novel empirical results on the role of oil in motivating third-party military intervention. We find that the likelihood of a third-party intervention increases when (a) the country at war has large reserves of oil, (b) the relative competition in the sector is limited, and (c) the potential intervener has a higher demand for oil

    Consistent biofilm formation by Streptococcus pyogenes emm 1 isolated from patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections

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    Objectives: Biofilm formation has been demonstrated in muscle and soft tissue samples from patients with necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI) caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, but the clinical importance of this observation is not clear. Although M-protein has been shown to be important for in vitro biofilm formation in S. pyogenes, the evidence for an association between emm type and biofilm forming capacity is conflicting. Here we characterize the biofilm forming capacity in a collection of S. pyogenes isolates causing NSTI, and relate this to emm type of the isolates and clinical characteristics of the patients. Methods: Bacterial isolates and clinical data were obtained from NSTI patients enrolled in a multicenter prospective observational study. Biofilm forming capacity was determined using a microtiter plate assay. Results: Among 57 cases, the three most frequently encountered emm types were emm1 (n = 22), emm3 (n = 13), and emm28 (n = 7). The distribution of biofilm forming capacity in emm1 was qualitatively (narrow-ranged normal distribution) and quantitatively (21/22 isolates in the intermediate range) different from other emm types (wide ranged, multimodal distribution with 5/35 isolates in the same range as emm1). There were no significant associations between biofilm forming capacity and clinical characteristics of the patients. Conclusions: The biofilm forming capacity of emm1 isolates was uniform and differed significantly from other emm types. The impact of biofilm formation in NSTI caused by S. pyogenes on clinical outcomes remains uncertain.publishedVersio

    Judiciary institutions and violent crime in American Indian nations

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    In many American Indian nations the security situation is dire. While scholars have studied how institutions shape economic development in American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) nations, the role of AIAN institutions for security and violent crime has received much less attention—despite the extensive literature highlighting the important role of effective and legitimate institutions in the long-term decline of violence. We analyze how varying types of American Indian polities and judiciary institutions fare in tackling violent crime using data across 146 American Indian polities. Our findings indicate that more autonomous American Indian criminal justice institutions with specialized court systems are associated with lower violent crime. However, customary justice institutions do not appear to be effective in reducing violent crime, highlighting the problem of cultural mismatch between traditional and formal justice systems. We argue that analyzing AIAN nations provides important insights into how institutional legitimacy can shape violent crime

    Political opportunity structures, democracy, and civil war

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    Theories of mobilization suggest that groups are more likely to resort to violence in the presence of political opportunity structures that afford greater prospects for extracting concessions from the government or better opportunities to topple ruling governments. However, existing efforts to consider the possible influences of political opportunity structures on incentives for violence and civil war empirically have almost invariably relied upon measures of democracy to proxy for the hypothesized mechanisms, most notably the argument that the opposing effects of political accommodation and repression will give rise to an inverted U-shaped relationship between democracy and the risk of civil war. The authors detail a number of problems with measures of democracy as proxies for political opportunity structures and develop alternative measures based on the likely risks that political leaders will lose power in irregular challenges and their implications for the incentives for resort to violence. The authors evaluate empirically how the security with which leaders hold office influences the prospects of violent civil conflict. The findings indicate that recent irregular leader entry and transitions indeed increase the risk of conflict onset, while democratic institutions are found to decrease the risk of civil war, after controlling for the new measures of state weakness. </jats:p

    Variation in gene expression patterns in effusions and primary tumors from serous ovarian cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND: While numerous studies have characterized primary ovarian tumors, little information is available regarding expression patterns of metastatic sites of this cancer. To define sets of genes that distinguish primary and metastatic ovarian tumors, we used cDNA microarrays to characterize global gene expression patterns in 38 effusions (28 peritoneal, 10 pleural) and 8 corresponding primary ovarian tumors, and searched for associations between expression patterns and clinical parameters. RESULTS: We observed multidimensional variation in expression patterns among the cancers. Coordinate variation in expression of genes from two chromosomal regions, 8q and 19q, was seen in subsets of the cancers indicating possible amplifications in these regions. A set of 112 unique genes of known function was differentially expressed between primary tumors and effusions using supervised analysis. Relatively few differences were seen between effusions isolated from the pleural and peritoneal cavities or between effusions from patients diagnosed with stage III and stage IV cancers. A set of 84 unique genes was identified that distinguished high from lower grade ovarian cancers. The results were corroborated using immunocytochemistry, mRNA in situ hybridization, and immunoblotting. CONCLUSION: The extensive variation in expression patterns observed underscores the molecular heterogeneity of ovarian cancer, but suggests a similar molecular profile for ovarian carcinoma cells in serosal cavities

    Preregistering Qualitative Research: A Delphi Study

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    Preregistrations—records made a priori about study designs and analysis plans and placed in open repositories—are thought to strengthen the credibility and transparency of research. Different authors have put forth arguments in favor of introducing this practice in qualitative research and made suggestions for what to include in a qualitative preregistration form. The goal of this study was to gauge and understand what parts of preregistration templates qualitative researchers would find helpful and informative. We used an online Delphi study design consisting of two rounds with feedback reports in between. In total, 48 researchers participated (response rate: 16%). In round 1, panelists considered 14 proposed items relevant to include in the preregistration form, but two items had relevance scores just below our predefined criterion (68%) with mixed argument and were put forth again. We combined items where possible, leading to 11 revised items. In round 2, panelists agreed on including the two remaining items. Panelists also converged on suggested terminology and elaborations, except for two terms for which they provided clear arguments. The result is an agreement-based form for the preregistration of qualitative studies that consists of 13 items. The form will be made available as a registration option on Open Science Framework (osf.io). We believe it is important to assure that the strength of qualitative research, which is its flexibility to adapt, adjust and respond, is not lost in preregistration. The preregistration should provide a systematic starting point

    The Diffusion of Inclusion: An Open Polity Model of Ethnic Power Sharing

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    While there is a growing consensus that ethnic inclusion produces peace, less is known about what causes transitions to power sharing between ethnic groups in central governments in multiethnic states. The few studies that have addressed this question have proposed explanations stressing exclusively domestic factors. Yet, power sharing is spatially clustered, which suggests that diffusion may be at play. Inspired by studies of democratic diffusion, we study the spread of inclusive policies with an “open polity model” that explicitly traces diffusion from inclusion in other states. Our findings indicate that the relevant diffusion processes operate primarily at the level of world regions rather than globally or between territorial neighbors. Thus, the more inclusive the region, the more likely a shift to power sharing becomes. Shifts away from inclusion to dominance are less common since World War II, but they are more likely in regional settings characterized by ethnic exclusion

    Diabetes and necrotizing soft tissue infections—A prospective observational cohort study : Statistical analysis plan

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    Background: Necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) are rare but carry a high morbidity and mortality. The multicenter INFECT project aims to improve the understanding of the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and prognosis of NSTIs. This article describes the study outline and statistical analyses that will be used. Methods: Within the framework of INFECT project, patients with NSTI at 5 Scandinavian hospitals are enrolled in a prospective observational cohort study. The goal is to evaluate outcome and characteristics for patients with NSTI and diabetes compared to patients with NSTI without diabetes. The primary outcome is mortality at 90 days after inclusion. Secondary outcomes include days alive and out of ICU and hospital, SAPS II, SOFA score, infectious etiology, amputation, affected body area, and renal replacement therapy. Comparison in mortality between patients with diabetes type 1 and 2 as well as between insulin-treated and non-insulin–treated diabetes patients will be made. Clinical data for diabetic patients with NSTI will be reported. Conclusion: The study will provide important data on patients with NSTI and diabetes.</p

    Drug-induced activation of SREBP-controlled lipogenic gene expression in CNS-related cell lines: Marked differences between various antipsychotic drugs

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    BACKGROUND: The etiology of schizophrenia is unknown, but neurodevelopmental disturbances, myelin- and oligodendrocyte abnormalities and synaptic dysfunction have been suggested as pathophysiological factors in this severe psychiatric disorder. Cholesterol is an essential component of myelin and has proved important for synapse formation. Recently, we demonstrated that the antipsychotic drugs clozapine and haloperidol stimulate lipogenic gene expression in cultured glioma cells through activation of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) transcription factors. We here compare the action of chlorpromazine, haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone and ziprasidone on SREBP activation and SREBP-controlled gene expression (ACAT2, HMGCR, HMGCS1, FDPS, SC5DL, DHCR7, LDLR, FASN and SCD1) in four CNS-relevant human cell lines. RESULTS: There were marked differences in the ability of the antipsychotic drugs to activate the expression of SREBP target genes, with clozapine and chlorpromazine as the most potent stimulators in a context of therapeutically relevant concentrations. Glial-like cells (GaMg glioma and CCF-STTG1 astrocytoma cell lines) displayed more pronounced drug-induced SREBP activation compared to the response in HCN2 human cortical neurons and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, indicating that antipsychotic-induced activation of lipogenesis is most prominent in glial cells. CONCLUSION: Our present data show a marked variation in the ability of different antipsychotics to induce SREBP-controlled transcriptional activation of lipogenesis in cultured human CNS-relevant cells. We propose that this effect could be relevant for the therapeutic efficacy of some antipsychotic drugs

    The fatty acid binding protein 7 (FABP7) is involved in proliferation and invasion of melanoma cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The molecular mechanisms underlying melanoma tumor development and progression are still not completely understood. One of the new candidates that emerged from a recent gene expression profiling study is <it>fatty acid-binding protein 7 </it>(<it>FABP7)</it>, involved in lipid metabolism, gene regulation, cell growth and differentiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied the functional role of FABP7 in human melanoma cell lines and using immunohistochemistry analyzed its expression pattern and clinical role in 11 nevi, 149 primary melanomas and 68 metastases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>FABP7 mRNA and protein level is down-regulated following treatment of melanoma cell lines with a PKC activator (PMA) or MEK1 inhibitor (PD98059). Down-regulation of FABP7 using siRNA decreased cell proliferation and invasion but did not affect apoptosis. In clinical specimens, FABP7 was expressed in 91% of nevi, 71% of primary melanomas and 70% of metastases, with a cytoplasmic and/or nuclear localization. FABP7 expression was associated with tumor thickness in superficial spreading melanoma (P = 0.021). In addition, we observed a trend for an association between FABP7 expression and Ki-67 score (P = 0.070) and shorter relapse-free survival (P = 0.069) in this group of patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that FABP7 can be regulated by PKC and the MAPK/ERK1/2 pathway through independent mechanisms in melanoma cell lines. Furthermore, FABP7 is involved in cell proliferation and invasion <it>in vitro</it>, and may be associated with tumor progression in melanoma.</p
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