1,121 research outputs found

    The Arbitration Profession in Transition: Final Report to the National Academy of Arbitrators

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    [Excerpt] In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the arbitration and mediation of employment disputes outside the collective bargaining context. This increase has been part of a larger shift from reliance on litigation and enforcement agency resolution of disputes to the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), a trend particularly evident in the employment field. Over the course of several decades employees have gained a long list of rights and protections included in a variety of laws, ranging from anti-discrimination statutes to pension safeguards to statutory attempts to guarantee safer and healthier workplaces. The growing use of arbitration, mediation, and related techniques to resolve statutory claims arising in employment relations is in part the consequence of the high costs and long delays associated with the use of administrative agencies and the court system to resolve disputes. The unpredictability of jury awards has also prompted employers and employees to opt for ADR. The growing use of ADR in employment disputes has occurred both inside and outside collective bargaining. In some union workplaces, the parties attempt to resolve statutory claims using the grievance and arbitration procedures in the collective bargaining agreement. In others, many, if not most, statutory claims are handled outside the collective bargaining arena, with employees pursuing their claims through the normal channels of agency and judicial resolution. In a minority but growing number of union-management relationships, the parties have created procedures for resolving statutory claims that are separate or “sheltered” from the collective bargaining agreement (Dunlop and Zack, 1997, particularly pp. 53–72; see also Zack, 1999, pp. 67–94). The growing use of arbitration and mediation to resolve employment disputes has been especially noteworthy in the nonunion sector. In the United States, as most people know, the proportion of the workforce that is unionized has been steadily declining for over forty years and currently stands at about 14 percent. Although the membership in the Canadian labor movement has not suffered as steep a decline, a similar trend is apparent there. As in organized workplaces, the growth of employment ADR in the nonunion sector is one consequence of employers’ attempts to avoid the high costs and long delays of the judicial and administrative routes. Of course, some nonunion employers are also motivated by a desire to provide their employees with fair and equitable dispute resolution procedures (Bingham and Chachere, 1999, pp. 95–135)

    The Arbitration Profession in Transition: Preliminary Results From a Survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators

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    [Excerpt} In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the arbitration and mediation of employment-related disputes. This increase has been part of a larger shift from reliance on litigation and agency resolution of disputes to the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), a trend particularly evident in the employment field. Over the course of several decades employees have been granted a long list of rights and protections included in a variety of laws, ranging from antidiscrimination statutes to pension safeguards to statutory attempts to guarantee safer and healthier workplaces. The growing use of arbitration, mediation, and related techniques to resolve statutory claims arising in employment relations is largely the consequence of the high costs and long delays associated with the use of administrative agencies and the court system to resolve disputes arising under these various statutes. The growing use of ADR in employment disputes has occurred both inside and outside collective bargaining. In some union workplaces, the parties attempt to resolve statutory claims using the grievance and arbitration procedures in their collective bargaining agreements. In other union workplaces, many, if not most, statutory claims are handled outside the collective bargaining arena. Employees in many such organizations pursue their statutory claims through the normal channels of agency and judicial resolution. In a minority but growing number of union-management relationships, the parties have created procedures for resolving statutory claims that are separate or sheltered from the collective bargaining agreement. The growing use of arbitration and mediation to resolve employment disputes has been especially noteworthy in the nonunion sector. In the United States, as most people know, the proportion of the work force that is unionized has been steadily declining for over 40 years and currently stands at about 14 percent. Although the Canadian labor movement has not suffered as steep a decline as in the United States, a similar trend is apparent there. The growth of employment ADR in the nonunion sector is largely the consequence of employer attempts to avoid the high costs and long delays associated with the use of judicial and administrative means to resolve disputes. Of course, some nonunion employers are also motivated by a desire to provide their employees with fair and equitable dispute resolution procedures

    Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Lake Erie-Lake Ontario Region: Reactivation of Ancient Faults with Little Neotectonic Displacement

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    The two most prominent seismic zones in the Lake Erie-Lake Ontario region are associated with the Akron magnetic lineament and with the Clarendon-Linden fault. Both these features are recognized from geophysical data as regional basement structures related to the Grenville collisional orogen. Neotectonic displacement is not geologically evident, although Paleozoic reactivation is manifested by the Clarendon-Linden fault. We have sharpened the definition of seismic zones in the region by introducing newly discovered events, improving constraints on locations and size for many others, and omitting unreliable ones. This seismicity tends to occur on old faults with minor neotectonic displacements. Related conclusions are: 1) neotectonic surface displacement is not necessary for fault capability, 2) seismogenic faults may have geological and/or geophysical expressions, and 3) a stationary moment release at the historic level requires more capable faults than the ones active during the historic period. Waste fluid injection, oil recovery, and salt-brine recovery have been implicated in cases of induced seismicity in the study area and might have contributed a significant portion of the known earthquakes. Fluid is being injected into the basal platform formation at a depth of 1.8 km near Ashtabula, Ohio. In July 1987, about a year after the onset of injection, a mbLg=3.8 main shock occurred within a 60 km wide area with no known prior seismicity. Aftershocks detected by a short-term local seismic network define a vertical left-lateral fault in the basement just below the platform rocks as close as 700 m from the injection well, probably a reactivated pre-existing fault. Subsequent seismicity suggests a westward migration by 5-10 km, possibly along the same fault.Les deux principales zones sismiques de la région sont associées au linéament magnétique d'Akron et à la faille de Clarendon-Linden. Selon les données géophysiques, ces deux éléments sont reconnus comme étant des structures régionales du socle reliés à l'orogenèse de Grenville. On a précisé la détermination des zones sismiques dans la région en ajoutant les séismes découverts récemment, en précisant les lieux et les dimensions d'autres séismes et en éliminant ceux qui sont mal connus. La sismicité tend à se manifester dans d'anciennes failles avec peu de décalage néotectonique. On en conclut que 1) le décalage néotectonique superficiel ne met pas en cause la compétence d'une faille; 2) les failles d'origine sismique peuvent avoir des manifestations géologiques ou géophysiques; 3) un relâchement momentané localisé survenant au cours de la période historique requiert plus de compétence qu'en ont les failles actives au cours de cette période. L'injection de liquide, la récupération de pétrole ou de sel ont été impliquées dans les cas de sismicité provoquée dans la région et ont probablement causé une bonne partie des séismes connus. Près d'Ashtabula, en Ohio, on a injecté des liquides à une profondeur de 1,8 km à la base de la plate-forme. En juillet 1987, environ un an après le début des injections, un séisme de mbLg= 3,8 s'est produit dans une aire de 60 km de superficie apparamment non sismique. Les répliques enregistrées par un réseau temporaire ont laissé voir une faille verticale à décrochement sénestre, immédiatement sous la plate-forme rocheuse, à près de 700 m du puits d'injection; il s'agit probablement d'une faille réactivée. Par la suite, la sismicité indique une migration de 5 à 10 km, probablement le long de la même faille.Die zwei hauptsàchlichen seismischen Zonen in der Eriesee-Ontariosee-Region werden mit dem magnetischen Lineament von Akron in Verbindung gebracht. Mittels geophysikalischer Daten erkennt man in diesen Bildungen régionale Untergrundstrukturen, die mit der Kollisions-Orogenese von Grenville verbunden sind. Wir haben die Definition der seismischen Zonen in dem Gebiet pràzisiert, indem wir kùrzlich entdeckte Erdbeben ergànzt und fur viele andere die Definition der Ort und GroRe betreffenden Zwànge verbessert haben, und die Unzuverlàssigen weggelassen haben. Dièse Erdbeben haben die Tendenz, auf alten Verwerfungen mit geringen neotektonischen Verstellungen aufzutreten. Hieraus kann man schlieBen: 1) neotektonische Oberflàchenverstellung ist keine Bedingung fur Verwerfungsfâhigkeit, 2) durch Erdbeben entstandene Verwerfungen kônnen sich geologisch und/oder geophysikalisch ausdrùcken und 3) eine ortsgebundene momentané Entlastung auf historischer Ebene erfor-dert mehr fàhige Verwerfungen als die, welche wàhrend der historischen Période aktiv waren, In den Fallen von induziertem Auftreten von Erdbeben im untersuchten Gebiet waren Zufùhrung von Flùssigkeit und ôl- und Salzgewinnung beteiligt, und sie haben wohl einen bedeutenden Anteil der bekannten Erdbeben hervorgerufen. Bei Ashtabula, Ohio, hat man in einer Tiefe von 1.8 km Flùssigkeit an der Basis der Plattformbildung eingespritzt. Im JuIi 1987, etwa ein Jahr nach Beginn der Ein-spritzungen, kam es zu einem neuen gewi-chtigen Beben von mbM) = 3.8 innerhalb eines 60 km breiten Gebiets, in dem vorher kein Erdbeben bekannt war. Nach beben, die von einem kurzfristigen ôrtlichen Erdbeben-Netzwerk registriert wurden, ergeben eine vertikale linksseitige Verwerfung im Untergrund unter der Felsenplattform, etwa 700 m vom Einspritzungsbohrloch entfernt; es handelt sich moglicherweise um eine reaktivierte, schon existierende Verwerfung. Darauffolgende Erdbeben weisen auf eine Wanderung westwàrts von 5-10 km, moglicherweise Iangs derselben Verwerfung

    Adverse Selection and Incentives in an Early Retirement Program

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    We evaluate potential determinants of enrollment in an early retirement incentive program for non-tenure-track employees of a large university. Using administrative record on the eligible population of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, historical employee count and layoff data by budget units, and public information on unit budgets, we find dips in per-employee finance in a budget unit during the application year and higher recent per employee layoffs were associated with increased probabiliites of eligible employee program enrollment. Our results also suggest, on average, that employees whose salaries are lower than we would predict given their personal characteristics and job titles were more likely to enroll in the early retirement program. To the extent that employees' compensation reflects their productivity, as it should under a pay system in which annual salary increases are based on merit, this finidng suggests that adverse selection was not a problem with the program. That is, we find no evidence that on average the "most productive" employees took the incentive.

    Adverse Selection and Incentives in an Early Retirement Program

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    We evaluate potential determinants of enrollment in an early retirement incentive program for non-tenure-track employees at a large university. Using administrative records on the eligible population of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, historical employee count and layoff data by budget units, and public information on unit budgets, we find dips in per-employee finances in a budget unit during the application year and higher recent per employee layoffs were associated with increased probabilities of eligible employee program enrollment. Our results also suggest that, on average, employees whose salaries are lower than we would predict given their personal characteristics and job titles were more likely to enroll in the early retirement program. To the extent that employees' compensation reflect their productivity, as it should under a pay system in which annual salary increases are based on merit, this finding suggests that adverse selection was not a problem with the program. That is, we find no evidence that on average the "most productive" employees took the incentive.retirement incentive program, adverse selection, layoff threat, university

    Leveraging Virtual Learning Environments for Training Interpreter Trainers

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    While the demand for conference interpreters in traditional language combinations (the more widely used languages) is decreasing, the need for experts in less widely used languages is rapidly increasing with each enlargement of the EU. Post-war peace-keeping operations as well as warcrime tribunals have also increased the need for high-level interpreters in languages hitherto not used in the international arena and consequently more well-trained interpreter trainers both for traditional programs as well as ad-hoc intensive programs must be available. Interpreters are a highly mobile community of professionals, unable to be physically present in a university for long periods of time to be trained as trainers. The Certificate course for Interpreter Trainers at ETI (University of Geneva) has been offering the only postgraduate course for training interpreter trainers since 1996. To meet the demand for training around the world the Certificate course is now offered in a blended format: Nine months of distance learning are blended with one week of faceto-face learning. The portal (www.unige.ch/eti/certificate/training) offers a rich learning environment with a number of tools to implement the philosophy of collaborative learning. With its public access and a special section for students of interpreting the portal has become an international meeting point for interpreter trainers where participants in the Certificate course interact with interpreting students at ETI, and interpreter trainers from schools around the world can interact with the Certificate teaching staff and students. This paper reports on the first systematic assessment of both the learning environment and the learning outcomes of the Certificate course.La demande d’interprètes de conférence dans les langues les plus répandues est en baisse. Par contre, la demande ne cesse de croître dans des langues moins utilisées, notamment lors de chaque élargissement de l’UE. En parallèle, sur la scène internationale, la demande d’interprètes qualifiés ne cesse d’augmenter que ce soit dans des opérations de maintien de la paix ou dans des tribunaux de crime de guerre. Cette donne contribue à un besoin accru en formateurs d’interprètes tant pour des formations traditionnelles que pour des formations intensives et ponctuelles. Les interprètes forment un corps professionnel très mobile et de ce fait, il est difficile de les mobiliser pour de longues périodes de formation. Le cours du Certificat de formateurs d’interprète dispensé par l’ETI (Université de Genève) est le seul cours postgrade du genre depuis 1996. Pour répondre à la demande venue du monde entier, le cours est maintenant offert dans un format hybride, alliant neuf mois de distance à une semaine présentielle à Genève. Le portail utilisé (www.unige.ch/eti/certificate/training) offre un environnement d’apprentissage collaboratif élaboré. De part son interface accessible à tout public et une section réservée aux étudiants en interprétation, il devient un espace de rencontre entre différentes communautés. Cet article présente les premiers résultats obtenus, au niveau de l’environnement d’apprentissage et au niveau de l’apprentissage lui-même

    Modern Determination of Vertical Deflections Using Digital Zenith Cameras

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    At the beginning of the 21st century, a significant technological change took place in geodetic astronomy. In Zurich and Hannover, digital zenith camera systems were developed based on digital imaging sensors (charge-coupled device) that strongly improved the degree of automation, efficiency, and accuracy of the observation of the direction of the plumb line and its vertical deflection. This paper describes the instrumental design of the new digital zenith camera systems and gives an overview of the data processing with focus on the models used for astrometric data reduction and tilt correction. Results of frequently repeated observations of vertical deflections and comparison measurements show an accuracy of vertical deflection measurements of better than 0.1 arc sec. Application examples for vertical deflection data from zenith camera observations, such as the high-precision local gravity field determination in engineering projects and gravity field validation are summarized

    Magnetic characterization of the frustrated three-leg ladder compound [(CuCl2tachH)3Cl]Cl2

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    We report the magnetic features of a new one-dimensional stack of antiferromagnetically coupled equilateral copper(II) triangles. High-field magnetization measurements show that the interaction between the copper triangles is of the same order of magnitude as the intra-triangle exchange although only coupled via hydrogen bonds. The infinite chain turns out to be an interesting example of a frustrated cylindrical three-leg ladder with competing intra- and inter-triangle interactions. We demonstrate that the ground state is a spin singlet which is gaped from the triplet excitation.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, revised version submitted to Phys. Rev. B. More information at http://obelix.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/~schnack
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