198 research outputs found

    Cavity optomechanics with ultra-high Q crystalline micro-resonators

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    We present the first observation of optomechanical coupling in ultra-high Q crystalline whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) resonators. The high purity of the crystalline material enables optical quality factors in excess of 10^{10} and finesse exceeding 10^{6}. Simultaneously, mechanical quality factors greater than 10^{5} are obtained, still limited by clamping losses. Compared to previously demonstrated cylindrical resonators, the effective mass of the mechanical modes can be dramatically reduced by the fabrication of CaF2 microdisc resonators. Optical displacement monitoring at the 10^{-18} m/sqrt{Hz}-level reveals mechanical radial modes at frequencies up to 20 MHz, corresponding to unprecedented sideband factors (>100). Together with the weak intrinsic mechanical damping in crystalline materials, such high sindeband factors render crystalline WGM micro-resonators promising for backaction evading measurements, resolved sideband cooling or optomechanical normal mode splitting. Moreover, these resonators can operate in a regime where optomechanical Brillouin lasing can become accessible

    Determination of the vacuum optomechanical coupling rate using frequency noise calibration

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    The strength of optomechanical interactions in a cavity optomechanical system can be quantified by a vacuum coupling rate \vcr analogous to cavity quantum electrodynamics. This single figure of merit removes the ambiguity in the frequently quoted coupling parameter defining the frequency shift for a given mechanical displacement, and the effective mass of the mechanical mode. Here we demonstrate and verify a straightforward experimental technique to derive the vacuum optomechanical coupling rate. It only requires applying a known frequency modulation of the employed electromagnetic probe field and knowledge of the mechanical oscillator's occupation. The method is experimentally verified for a micromechanical mode in a toroidal whispering-gallery-resonator and a nanomechanical oscillator coupled to a toroidal cavity via its near field.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Tunable pulse delay and advancement in a coupled nanomechanical resonator-superconducting microwave cavity system

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    We theoretically study the transmission of a weak probe field under the influence of a strong pump field in a coupled nanomechanical resonator-superconducting microwave cavity system. Using the standard input-output theory, we find that both pulse delay (slow light effect) and advancement (fast light effect) of the probe field can appear in this coupled system provided that we choose the suitable detuning of the pump field from cavity resonance. The magnitude of the delay (advancement) can be tuned continuously by adjusting the power of the pump field. This technique demonstrates great potential in applications including microwave phase shifter and delay line.Comment: 12pages, 3 figure

    Cryogenic properties of optomechanical silica microcavities

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    We present the optical and mechanical properties of high-Q fused silica microtoroidal resonators at cryogenic temperatures (down to 1.6 K). A thermally induced optical multistability is observed and theoretically described; it serves to characterize quantitatively the static heating induced by light absorption. Moreover the influence of structural defect states in glass on the toroid mechanical properties is observed and the resulting implications of cavity optomechanical systems on the study of mechanical dissipation discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Prophylaxie de la septicémie des veaux, par colonisation artificielle avec des microbes

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    L’efficacité d’une colonisation artificielle de microbes non patho gènes dans le naso pharynx, en tant que prophylaxie anti-infectieuse chez le veau nouveau-né, a été étudiée dans les conditions de la pra tique. La colonisation microbienne a été réalisée immédiatement après la naissance, grâce à l’administration intranasale d’un mélange de bactéries, contenant environ 107 microbes vivants appartenant à 3 souches non pathogènes de bactéries des genres Micrococcus, Streptococcus et Corynebacterium. Les résultats suivants ont été notés : 1. — La suspension microbienne est dénuée de toute nocivité et elle est bien tolérée par les veaux nouveau-nés même mis au monde par césarienne. 2. — Dans 38 élevages où sévit la septicémie, 12 (= 7 p. 100) des 171 veaux traités prophylactiquement ont été malades et 2 sont morts. Parmi les 319 veaux-contrôles non traités des mêmes éleva ges et de la même période de vêlage, 114 (= 35,7 p. 100) sont deve nus malades, et 24 sont morts. 3. — Dans 5 élevages infectés, le taux de morbidité chez les ani maux traités a été comparé avec les pertes survenues au cours de périodes de vêlage précédentes. Sur 107 veaux traités, 5 (4,6 p. 100) ont été malades et 2 sont morts. Parmi les 232 animaux non traités, 78 (= 33,8 p. 100) ont été malades et 27 sont morts. La colonisation microbienne artificielle du naso pharynx de veau nouveau-né est donc considérée comme une mesure prophylactique efficace contre les maladies infectieuses de la période néonatale

    Mid-infrared frequency comb spanning an octave based on an Er fiber laser and difference-frequency generation

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    We describe a coherent mid-infrared continuum source with 700 cm-1 usable bandwidth, readily tuned within 600 - 2500 cm-1 (4 - 17 \mum) and thus covering much of the infrared "fingerprint" molecular vibration region. It is based on nonlinear frequency conversion in GaSe using a compact commercial 100-fs-pulsed Er fiber laser system providing two amplified near-infrared beams, one of them broadened by a nonlinear optical fiber. The resulting collimated mid-infrared continuum beam of 1 mW quasi-cw power represents a coherent infrared frequency comb with zero carrier-envelope phase, containing about 500,000 modes that are exact multiples of the pulse repetition rate of 40 MHz. The beam's diffraction-limited performance enables long-distance spectroscopic probing as well as maximal focusability for classical and ultraresolving near-field microscopies. Applications are foreseen also in studies of transient chemical phenomena even at ultrafast pump-probe scale, and in high-resolution gas spectroscopy for e.g. breath analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures revised version, added reference

    High-sensitivity monitoring of micromechanical vibration using optical whispering gallery mode resonators

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    The inherent coupling of optical and mechanical modes in high finesse optical microresonators provide a natural, highly sensitive transduction mechanism for micromechanical vibrations. Using homodyne and polarization spectroscopy techniques, we achieve shot-noise limited displacement sensitivities of 10^(-19) m Hz^(-1/2). In an unprecedented manner, this enables the detection and study of a variety of mechanical modes, which are identified as radial breathing, flexural and torsional modes using 3-dimensional finite element modelling. Furthermore, a broadband equivalent displacement noise is measured and found to agree well with models for thermorefractive noise in silica dielectric cavities. Implications for ground-state cooling, displacement sensing and Kerr squeezing are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Transgenic expression of human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (hGDNF) from integration-deficient lentiviral vectors is neuroprotective in a rodent model of Parkinson's disease

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    Standard integration-proficient lentiviral vectors (IPLVs) are effective at much lower doses than other vector systems and have shown promise for gene therapy of Parkinson's disease (PD). Their main drawback is the risk of insertional mutagenesis. The novel biosafety-enhanced integration-deficient lentiviral vectors (IDLVs) may offer a significant enhancement in biosafety, but have not been previously tested in a model of a major disease. We have assessed biosafety and transduction efficiency of IDLVs in a rat model of PD, using IPLVs as a reference. Genomic insertion of lentivectors injected into the lesioned striatum was studied by linear amplification-mediated polymerase chain reaction (PCR), followed by deep sequencing and insertion site analysis, demonstrating lack of significant IDLV integration. Reporter gene expression studies showed efficient, long-lived, and transcriptionally targeted expression from IDLVs injected ahead of lesioning in the rat striatum, although at somewhat lower expression levels than from IPLVs. Transgenic human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (hGDNF) expression from IDLVs was used for a long-term investigation of lentivector-mediated, transcriptionally targeted neuroprotection in this PD rat model. Vectors were injected before striatal lesioning, and the results showed improvements in nigral dopaminergic neuron survival and behavioral tests regardless of lentiviral integration proficiency, although they confirmed lower expression levels of hGDNF from IDLVs. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of IDLVs in a model of a major disease and indicate that these vectors could provide long-term PD treatment at low dose, combining efficacy and biosafety for targeted central nervous system applications

    Strong and Tunable Nonlinear Optomechanical Coupling in a Low-Loss System

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    A major goal in optomechanics is to observe and control quantum behavior in a system consisting of a mechanical resonator coupled to an optical cavity. Work towards this goal has focused on increasing the strength of the coupling between the mechanical and optical degrees of freedom; however, the form of this coupling is crucial in determining which phenomena can be observed in such a system. Here we demonstrate that avoided crossings in the spectrum of an optical cavity containing a flexible dielectric membrane allow us to realize several different forms of the optomechanical coupling. These include cavity detunings that are (to lowest order) linear, quadratic, or quartic in the membrane's displacement, and a cavity finesse that is linear in (or independent of) the membrane's displacement. All these couplings are realized in a single device with extremely low optical loss and can be tuned over a wide range in situ; in particular, we find that the quadratic coupling can be increased three orders of magnitude beyond previous devices. As a result of these advances, the device presented here should be capable of demonstrating the quantization of the membrane's mechanical energy.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
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