202 research outputs found

    On the measurement of vortex filament lifetime statistics in turbulence

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    A numerical study of turbulence seeded with light particles is presented. We analyze the statistical properties of coherent, small-scale structures by looking at the trapping events of light particles inside vortex filaments. We study the properties of particles attracting set, measuring its fractal dimension and the probability that the separation between two particles remains within the dissipative scale, even for time lapses as long as the large-scale correlation time, TL . We show how to estimate the vortex lifetime by studying the moment of inertia of bunches of particles, showing the presence of an exponential lifetime distribution, with events up to

    Occurrence of different Canine distemper virus lineages in Italian dogs

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    This study describes the sequence analysis of the H gene of 7 Canine distemper virus (CDV) strains identified in dogs in Italy between years 2002-2012. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the CDV strains belonged to 2 clusters: 6 viruses were identified as Arctic-like lineage and 1 as Europe 1 lineage. These data show a considerable prevalence of Arctic-like-CDVs in the analysed dogs. The dogs and the 3 viruses more recently identified showed 4 distinctive amino acid mutations compared to all other Arctic CDV

    Regressing multiple viral plaques and skin fragility syndrome in a cat coinfected with FcaPV2 and FcaPV3

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    Feline viral plaques are uncommon skin lesions clinically characterized by multiple, often pigmented, and slightly raised lesions. Numerous reports suggest that papillomaviruses (PVs) are involved in their development. Immunosuppressed and immunocompetent cats are both affected, the biological behavior is variable, and the regression is possible but rarely documented. Here we report a case of a FIV-positive cat with skin fragility syndrome and regressing multiple viral plaques in which the contemporary presence of two PV types (FcaPV2 and FcaPV3) was demonstrated by combining a quantitative molecular approach to histopathology. The cat, under glucocorticoid therapy for stomatitis and pruritus, developed skin fragility and numerous grouped slightly raised nonulcerated pigmented macules and plaques with histological features of epidermal thickness, mild dysplasia, and presence of koilocytes. Absolute quantification of the viral DNA copies (4555 copies/microliter of FcaPV2 and 8655 copies/microliter of FcaPV3) was obtained. Eighteen months after discontinuation of glucocorticoid therapy skin fragility and viral plaques had resolved.The role of the two viruses cannot be established and it remains undetermined how each of the viruses has contributed to the onset of VP; the spontaneous remission of skin lesions might have been induced by FIV status change over time due to glucocorticoid withdraw and by glucocorticoids withdraw itself

    Build up of yield stress fluids via chaotic emulsification

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    Stabilised dense emulsions display a rich phenomenology connecting microstructure and rheology. In this work, we study how an emulsion with a finite yield stress can be built via large-scale stirring. By gradually increasing the volume fraction of the dispersed minority phase, under the constant action of a stirring force, we are able to achieve a volume fraction close to (Formula presented.). Despite the fact that our system is highly concentrated and not yet turbulent we observe a droplet size distribution consistent with the (Formula presented.) scaling, often associated with inertial range droplets breakup. We report that the polydispersity of droplet sizes correlates with the dynamics of the emulsion formation process. Additionally, we quantify the visco-elastic properties of the dense emulsion finally obtained and we demonstrate the presence of a finite yield stress. The approach reported can pave the way to a quantitative understanding of the complex interplay between the dynamics of mesoscale constituents and the large-scale flow properties of yield stress fluids

    Fast and real-time electrical transistor assay for quantifying SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies

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    Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic renewed attention has been directed towards viral neutralization assays and neutralizing antibodies quantification, for vaccine pre-clinical trials and determining vaccine efficacy over time. The gold standard to assess antibody titer is the plaque reduction neutralization test, an end-point assay which evaluates the highest serum antibody dilution that neutralizes viral replication, by inspecting the cytopathic effect induced on cell cultures. Here, we use planar, PEDOT:PSS-based organic electrochemical transistors for real-time, remote-controlled, reliable and fast electrical monitoring of the cytopathic effect induced by SARS29 CoV-2 on Vero E6 cell lines, allowing the quantification of serum neutralizing titer. Our low-cost and scalable device has the potential to speed-up large-scale viral neutralization screening without the need for cancerous staining or highly specialized operators. Finally, the technology could be easily transferred to assess neutralizing antibody response towards different viruses in their permissive cell substrates

    Flow of foam through a convergent channel

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    International audienceWe study experimentally the flow of a foam confined as a bubble monolayer between two plates through a convergent channel. We quantify the velocity, the distribution and orientation of plastic events, and the elastic stress, using image analysis. We use two different soap solutions: a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution, with a negligible wall friction between the bubbles and the confining plates, and a mixture containing a fatty acid, giving a large wall friction. We show that for SDS solutions, the velocity profile obeys a self-similar form which results from the superposition of plastic events, and the elastic deformation is uniform. For the other solution, the velocity field differs and the elastic deformation increases towards the exit of the channel. We discuss and quantify the role of wall friction on the velocity profile, the elastic deformation, and the rate of plastic events
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