118 research outputs found

    Lithological markers of protobazhenit mats splitting on sedimentary slope

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    Bazhenov abnormal sequences (BAS) are treated as result of protobazhenit plastic deformation by neocomian submarine slump on sedimentary slope. Protobazhenit mats had low bulk density (1.1-1.5 g/sm3) and positive buoyancy in silty-sandy mud of unconsolidated deposits (bulk density 1.7-1.8 g/sm3). Conceptual geomechanical model of BAS generation includes 6 studies: 1 - bedding (slipping) slide, breakage of under-achimovsky clay and protobazhenit, 2 - out-flow achimovsky sandy slump, 3 - slump pulp spreading under protobazhenit layer with its deformation and cracking, 4 - protobazhenit layer cracking due to local loading of growing sedimentary slope, 5 - secondary heaving sand injection through lateral protobazhenit brake side, 6 - burial stage. Up-floating of protobazhenit mats on semiliquid sedimentary slope occurred discretely with numerous subsidings, splittings and jumpings events. During sedimentary slope progradation mats had lack of Archimedes stability due to rising of sedimentary level, led to increment of hydraulic pressure on their side surfaces. The hydraulic fracturing conditions appeared when this pressure exceeded protobazhenit shear strength. Fracturing event was provoked by microseism or by hydraulic shock of gravity mass movement. Mat usually had splitted on two parts: lower part was fixed within sediments, upper one lifted to Archimedes equilibrium level. Splitting and up-lifting of mat produced debris flows, those were spreading on slope and enriched by protobazhenit’sinclasts. These outstanding debrit layers with bazhenitinclasts may be used as lithological markers of mats splitting events for achimovsky sequences. Theoretical model is illustrated by seismostratigraphic interpretation of achimovsky beds of Imilorskoe field of West Siberia. Two types of debrit layers with bazhenitinclasts was detected in well core. First type is generated byptotobazhenit layer’s breakage by non-uniform load of sedimentary slope (fixed in one well). The second type is associated with on-slope splitting and up-lifting of protobazhenit mats (traced in core of three wells)

    Диагностика расслаивающей аневризмы аорты в условиях многопрофильного стационара

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    Рассмотрена проблема ранней диагностики расслаивающей аневризмы аорты (АА) в многопрофильном стационаре, продемонстрированы преимущества командной работы, проанализирована информационная значимость диагностических методов по данным литературы за 2014– 2017 гг. На примере клинического случая успешной ранней диагностики и хирургического лечения расслаивающей АА у пациента доказано, что внезапная боль в грудной клетке, независимо от локализации, у лиц старше 40 лет, особенно мужчин, требует дифференциальной диагностики для исключения острых кардиоваскулярных состояний специалистами любых профилей. Дополнительное обследование пациента выявило факторы риска расслаивающей АА: синдром дисплазии соединительной ткани и артериальную гипертензию. Ишемические изменения ЭКГ в сочетании с периодической болью в грудной клетке направили поиск в сторону острого коронарного синдрома, КТ-ангиография позволила выявить другое жизнеугрожающее состояние — расслаивающую АА и провести своевременное хирургическое лечение.Acute aortic dissection (AD) is one of important and crucial clinical problem due to difficulties of earlier diagnosis and high rate of severe adverse outcomes. It is known as part of acute aortic syndrome also including intramural hematoma, penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, traumatic aortic injury, and aortic rupture. Acute AD is defined as disruption of the medial layer provoked by intramural bleeding, resulting in separation of the aortic wall layers and subsequent formation of a true lumen and a false lumen with or without communication. In most cases, an intimae tear is the initiating condition, resulting in tracking of the blood in a dissection plane within the media. The article draws the attention of specialists to the problem of optimizing the diagnosis of the AD in a multidisciplinary hospital and demonstrates the advantages of the teamwork of related specialists, provides an analysis of the information significance of diagnostic methods according to literature data for 2014–2017, and the clinical case of successful early diagnosis and complex, including surgical, treatment of AD in a young patient. The clinical case emphasizes that sudden pain in the chest, regardless of its location, in individuals over 40 years, especially in men, requires careful differential diagnosis to exclude acute cardiovascular conditions by specialists of any profile. Comprehensive examination and treatment of the patient helped to identify the RFs for AD: connective tissue dysplasia syndrome and hypertension. Ischemic type of ECG changes in the in combination with periodic chest pain sent a diagnostic opinion towards acute coronary syndrome, however an additional examination by a team of specialists of a multidisciplinary hospital revealed another acute life-threatening condition — AD, and to do surgical treatment timely

    Клинический случай успешного лечения тяжелого рефрактерного подагрического артрита

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    Цель данной работы — демонстрация дополнительных возможностей лечения тяжелого рефрактерного подагрического артрита, для чего мы приводим клинический случай. Пациент находился на стационарном лечении в терапевтическом отделении Центра реконструктивной и восстановительной медицины (университетская клиника) Одесского национального медицинского университета по поводу тяжелого рефрактерного подагрического артрита, полиартрита с поражением обоих голеностопных суставов, лучезапястных суставов, мелких суставов кистей и стоп. После неудачных попыток лечения пациента «стандартными» методами, мы успешно применили пульс-терапию метилпреднизолоном. Лечение подагрического артрита остается сложной задачей, решение которой требует комплексного подхода с учетом многих факторов, в том числе индивидуальной реакции на назначаемую терапию. Пульс-терапия метилпреднизолоном может быть эффективной в лечении тяжелого острого рефрактерного подагрического артрита.The purpose of this work was to demonstrate additional treatment options for severe refractory gouty arthritis. To achieve this goal we present a clinical case. The patient was on inpatient treatment at the Therapeutic Department of the Center of Reconstructive and Restorative Medicine (University Clinic) of the Odessa National Medical University due to severe refractory gouty arthritis, polyarthritis with injury of both ankle joints, wrist and small joints of the hands and feet. In order to treat the acute attack of gouty arthritis in this patient, we consistently used: colchicine, different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids in mild-to-moderate doses and different analgetics. After unsuccessful attempts to treat the patient with standard methods, we successfully applied pulsed therapy with methylprednisolone. Treatment of gouty arthritis remains a complex task, the solution of which requires an integrated approach taking into account many factors, including individual response to the prescribed therapy. Pulse therapy with methylprednisolone can be effective in treating severe acute refractory gouty arthritis

    SURF1 knockout cloned pigs : early onset of a severe lethal phenotype

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    Leigh syndrome (LS) associated with cytochrome c oxidase (COX) deficiency is an early onset, fatal mitochondrial encephalopathy, leading to multiple neurological failure and eventually death, usually in the first decade of life. Mutations in SURF1, a nuclear gene encoding a mitochondrial protein involved in COX assembly, are among the most common causes of LS. LSSURF1 patients display severe, isolated COX deficiency in all tissues, including cultured fibroblasts and skeletal muscle. Recombinant, constitutive SURF1 12/ 12 mice show diffuse COX deficiency, but fail to recapitulate the severity of the human clinical phenotype. Pigs are an attractive alternative model for human diseases, because of their size, as well as metabolic, physiological and genetic similarity to humans. Here, we determined the complete sequence of the swine SURF1 gene, disrupted it in pig primary fibroblast cell lines using both TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing systems, before finally generating SURF1 12/ 12 and SURF1 12/+ pigs by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). SURF1 12/ 12 pigs were characterized by failure to thrive, muscle weakness and highly reduced life span with elevated perinatal mortality, compared to heterozygous SURF1 12/+ and wild type littermates. Surprisingly, no obvious COX deficiency was detected in SURF1 12/ 12 tissues, although histochemical analysis revealed the presence of COX deficiency in jejunum villi and total mRNA sequencing (RNAseq) showed that several COX subunit-encoding genes were significantly down-regulated in SURF1 12/ 12 skeletal muscles. In addition, neuropathological findings, indicated a delay in central nervous system development of newborn SURF1 12/ 12 piglets. Our results suggest a broader role of sSURF1 in mitochondrial bioenergetics

    Analysis of Imprinted Gene Expression in Normal Fertilized and Uniparental Preimplantation Porcine Embryos

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    In the present study quantitative real-time PCR was used to determine the expression status of eight imprinted genes (GRB10, H19, IGF2R, XIST, IGF2, NNAT, PEG1 and PEG10) during preimplantation development, in normal fertilized and uniparental porcine embryos. The results demonstrated that, in all observed embryo samples, a non imprinted gene expression pattern up to the 16-cell stage of development was common for most genes. This was true for all classes of embryo, regardless of parental-origins and the direction of imprint. However, several differentially expressed genes (H19, IGF2, XIST and PEG10) were detected amongst the classes at the blastocyst stage of development. Most interestingly and despite the fact that maternally and paternally expressed genes should not be expressed in androgenones and parthenogenones, respectively, both uniparental embryos expressed these genes when tested for in this study. In order to account for this phenomenon, we compared the expression patterns of eight imprinted genes along with the methylation status of the IGF2/H19 DMR3 in haploid and diploid parthenogenetic embryos. Our findings revealed that IGF2, NNAT and PEG10 were silenced in haploid but not diploid parthenogenetic blastocysts and differential methylation of the IGF2/H19 DMR3 was consistently observed between haploid and diploid parthenogenetic blastocysts. These results appear to suggest that there exists a process to adjust the expression status of imprinted genes in diploid parthenogenetic embryos and that this phenomenon may be associated with altered methylation at an imprinting control region. In addition we believe that imprinted expression occurs in at least four genes, namely H19, IGF2, XIST and PEG10 in porcine blastocyst stage embryos

    Місце трудових та соціально-забез­печувальних прав у системі прав людини

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    Чанишева Г. І., Лагутіна І. В., Краснов Є. В.,Трюхан О. А., Сорочишин М. В., Римар Б. А., Кайтанський О. С., Медвідь А. О. Місце трудових та соціально-забез­печувальних прав у системі прав людини / Г. І. Чанишева, І. В. Лагутіна, Є. В. Краснов, О. А. Трюхан , М. В. Сорочишин , Б. А. Римар, О. С. Кайтанський, А. О. Медвідь // Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Т. 17 / голов. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва ; МОН України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2015. – C. 201-231.У статті досліджується місце трудових та соціально-забезпечувальних прав у системі прав людини. Аналізуються юридична природа та своєрідність трудових і соціально-забезпечувальних прав. Визначаються поняття, юридична природа та структура колективних трудових прав, особистих немайнових трудових прав, а також окремих індивідуальних, колективних трудових прав, соціально-забезпечувальних прав. Вносяться пропозиції щодо удосконалення чинного трудового і соціально-забезпечу¬ вального законодавства, проекту Трудового кодексу України у сфері нормативного за¬ кріплення та реалізації окремих трудових і соціально-забезпечувальних прав

    In Vitro and In Vivo Development of Horse Cloned Embryos Generated with iPSCs, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Fetal or Adult Fibroblasts as Nuclear Donors

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    The demand for equine cloning as a tool to preserve high genetic value is growing worldwide; however, nuclear transfer efficiency is still very low. To address this issue, we first evaluated the effects of time from cell fusion to activation (<1h, n = 1261; 1-2h, n = 1773; 2-3h, n = 1647) on in vitro and in vivo development of equine embryos generated by cloning. Then, we evaluated the effects of using different nuclear donor cell types in two successive experiments: I) induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) vs. adult fibroblasts (AF) fused to ooplasts injected with the pluripotency-inducing genes OCT4, SOX2, MYC and KLF4, vs. AF alone as controls; II) umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (UC-MSCs) vs. fetal fibroblasts derived from an unborn cloned foetus (FF) vs. AF from the original individual. In the first experiment, both blastocyst production and pregnancy rates were higher in the 2-3h group (11.5% and 9.5%, respectively), respect to <1h (5.2% and 2%, respectively) and 1-2h (5.6% and 4.7%, respectively) groups (P<0.05). However, percentages of born foals/pregnancies were similar when intervals of 2-3h (35.2%) or 1-2h (35.7%) were used. In contrast to AF, the iPSCs did not generate any blastocyst-stage embryos. Moreover, injection of oocytes with the pluripotency-inducing genes did not improve blastocyst production nor pregnancy rates respect to AF controls. Finally, higher blastocyst production was obtained using UC-MSC (15.6%) than using FF (8.9%) or AF (9.3%), (P<0.05). Despite pregnancy rates were similar for these 3 groups (17.6%, 18.2% and 22%, respectively), viable foals (two) were obtained only by using FF. In summary, optimum blastocyst production rates can be obtained using a 2-3h interval between cell fusion and activation as well as using UC-MSCs as nuclear donors. Moreover, FF line can improve the efficiency of an inefficient AF line. Overall, 24 healthy foals were obtained from a total of 29 born foals