11,344 research outputs found

    Bosonization and density-matrix renormalization group studies of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase and irrational magnetization plateaus in coupled chains

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    We review the properties of two coupled fermionic chains, or ladders, under a magnetic field parallel to the lattice plane. Results are computed by complementary analytical (bosonization) and numerical (density-matrix renormalization group) methods which allows a systematic comparison. Limiting cases such as coupled bands and coupled chains regimes are discussed. We particularly focus on the evolution of the superconducting correlations under increasing field and on the presence of irrational magnetization plateaus. We found the existence of large doping-dependent magnetization plateaus in the weakly-interacting and strong-coupling limits and in the non-trivial case of isotropic couplings. We report on the existence of extended Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phases within the isotropic t-J and Hubbard models, deduced from the evolution of different observables under magnetic field. Emphasis is put on the variety of superconducting order parameters present at high magnetic field. We have also computed the evolution of the Luttinger exponent corresponding to the ungaped spin mode appearing at finite magnetization. In the coupled chain regime, the possibility of having polarized triplet pairing under high field is predicted by bosonization.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    Scaling of Information in Turbulence

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    We propose a new perspective on Turbulence using Information Theory. We compute the entropy rate of a turbulent velocity signal and we particularly focus on its dependence on the scale. We first report how the entropy rate is able to describe the distribution of information amongst scales, and how one can use it to isolate the injection, inertial and dissipative ranges, in perfect agreement with the Batchelor model and with a fBM model. In a second stage, we design a conditioning procedure in order to finely probe the asymmetries in the statistics that are responsible for the energy cascade. Our approach is very generic and can be applied to any multiscale complex system.Comment: in Europhysics Letters, 201

    The distribution of the ratio of consecutive level spacings in random matrix ensembles

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    We derive expressions for the probability distribution of the ratio of two consecutive level spacings for the classical ensembles of random matrices. This ratio distribution was recently introduced to study spectral properties of many-body problems, as, contrary to the standard level spacing distributions, it does not depend on the local density of states. Our Wigner-like surmises are shown to be very accurate when compared to numerics and exact calculations in the large matrix size limit. Quantitative improvements are found through a polynomial expansion. Examples from a quantum many-body lattice model and from zeros of the Riemann zeta function are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Haldane charge conjecture in one-dimensional multicomponent fermionic cold atoms

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    A Haldane conjecture is revealed for spin-singlet charge modes in 2N-component fermionic cold atoms loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. By means of a low-energy approach and DMRG calculations, we show the emergence of gapless and gapped phases depending on the parity of NN for attractive interactions at half-filling. The analogue of the Haldane phase of the spin-1 Heisenberg chain is stabilized for N=2 with non-local string charge correlation, and pseudo-spin 1/2 edge states. At the heart of this even-odd behavior is the existence of a spin-singlet pseudo-spin N/2N/2 operator which governs the low-energy properties of the model for attractive interactions and gives rise to the Haldane physics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Emergence of Quintet Superfluidity in the Chain of Partially Polarized Spin-3/2 Ultracold Atom

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    The system of ultracold atoms with hyperfine spin F=3/2F=3/2 might be unstable against the formation of quintet pairs if the interaction is attractive in the quintet channel. We have investigated the behavior of correlation functions in a model including only s-wave interactions at quarter filling by large-scale density-matrix renormalization-group simulations. We show that the correlations of quintet pairs become quasi-long-ranged, when the system is partially polarized, leading to the emergence of various mixed superfluid phases in which BCS-like pairs carrying different magnetic moment coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; significantly rewritten compared to the first versio

    Competing orders in one-dimensional half-filled multicomponent fermionic cold atoms: The Haldane-charge conjecture

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    We investigate the nature of the Mott-insulating phases of half-filled 2N-component fermionic cold atoms loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. By means of conformal field theory techniques and large-scale DMRG calculations, we show that the phase diagram strongly depends on the parity of NN. First, we single out charged, spin-singlet, degrees of freedom, that carry a pseudo-spin S=N/2{\cal S}=N/2 allowing to formulate a Haldane conjecture: for attractive interactions, we establish the emergence of Haldane insulating phases when NN is even, whereas a metallic behavior is found when NN is odd. We point out that the N=1,2N=1,2 cases do \emph{not} have the generic properties of each family. The metallic phase for NN odd and larger than 1 has a quasi-long range singlet pairing ordering with an interesting edge-state structure. Moreover, the properties of the Haldane insulating phases with even NN further depend on the parity of N/2. In this respect, within the low-energy approach, we argue that the Haldane phases with N/2 even are not topologically protected but equivalent to a topologically trivial insulating phase and thus confirm the recent conjecture put forward by Pollmann {\it et al.} [Pollmann {\it et al.}, arXiv:0909.4059 (2009)].Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure

    Self-Similar Anisotropic Texture Analysis: the Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform Contribution

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    Textures in images can often be well modeled using self-similar processes while they may at the same time display anisotropy. The present contribution thus aims at studying jointly selfsimilarity and anisotropy by focusing on a specific classical class of Gaussian anisotropic selfsimilar processes. It will first be shown that accurate joint estimates of the anisotropy and selfsimilarity parameters are performed by replacing the standard 2D-discrete wavelet transform by the hyperbolic wavelet transform, which permits the use of different dilation factors along the horizontal and vertical axis. Defining anisotropy requires a reference direction that needs not a priori match the horizontal and vertical axes according to which the images are digitized, this discrepancy defines a rotation angle. Second, we show that this rotation angle can be jointly estimated. Third, a non parametric bootstrap based procedure is described, that provides confidence interval in addition to the estimates themselves and enables to construct an isotropy test procedure, that can be applied to a single texture image. Fourth, the robustness and versatility of the proposed analysis is illustrated by being applied to a large variety of different isotropic and anisotropic self-similar fields. As an illustration, we show that a true anisotropy built-in self-similarity can be disentangled from an isotropic self-similarity to which an anisotropic trend has been superimposed

    Doped two-leg ladder with ring exchange

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    The effect of a ring exchange on doped two-leg ladders is investigated combining exact diagonalization (ED) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) computations. We focus on the nature and weights of the low energy magnetic excitations and on superconducting pairing. The stability with respect to this cyclic term of a remarkable resonant mode originating from a hole pair-magnon bound state is examined. We also find that, near the zero-doping critical point separating rung-singlet and dimerized phases, doping reopens a spin gap.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, to appear in PR
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