464 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation of Indirect Field Oriented Control of Field Programmable Gate Array Based Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive

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    This paper analyzes the experimental investigation of indirect field oriented control of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based five-phase induction motor drive. A detailed d-q modeling and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique of 5-phase drive is elaborated in this paper. In the proposed work, the prototype model of 1 hp 5-phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) fed drive is implemented in hardware. SVPWM pulses are generated in FPGA platform through Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) coding. The experimental results are observed under different loading conditions and compared with simulation results to validate the simulation model

    Sigmoid gallstone ileus: a challenging diagnosis

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    Gallstone ileus is a rare (1%–4%) complication of gallstone disease. Gallstones entering the gastrointestinal tract by penetration may cause obstruction at any point along their course through the tract; however, they have a predilection to obstruct the smaller-caliber lumen of the small intestine (80.1%) or stomach (14.2%). The condition is seen more commonly in the elderly who often have significant co-morbidities. Gallstone ileus causing large bowel obstruction is rare. We report the case of a 95-year-old woman who presented with a history of abdominal pain without fever, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast revealed a high-density structure within the lumen of the distal sigmoid colon, initially suspected to be a foreign body. Medical management failed and surgical intervention was not possible. Autopsy revealed peritonitis and a rupture of the sigmoid colon at the site of a cylindrical stone found impacted in an area of fibrotic narrowing with multiple diverticula. A necrotic, thick-walled gallbladder had an irregular stone in its lumen that was a fracture match with the stone in the sigmoid. Adhesions, but no discrete fistula, were identified between the gallbladder and the adjacent transverse colon. The immediate cause of death was peritonitis caused by colonic perforation by the gallstone impacted at an area of diverticular narrowing. To our knowledge, such autopsy findings have not been previously reported

    Australian Capital Territory Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Research Project Report

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    This Report presents the findings and recommendations of a research project established to examine whether the ACT Human Rights Act 2004 (HRA) should be amended to include explicit guarantees of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) and, if so, what impact this was likely to have on governance in the ACT. The project was funded under the Australian Research Council Linkage Project Scheme; the academic project partners were the Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) in the College of Asia and the Pacific of The Australian National University and the Australian Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law, The University of New South Wales, while the Partner Organisation was the ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety

    Investigation of Essential Oils as Natural Preservation System for Development of Lipid Based Nutricosmetics

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    OBJECTIVE:In Recent years, Bacterial contamination changes physical and chemical properties of cosmetics usually resulting in phase separation, discoloration and release of odours etc. Rich composition of modern cosmetics in combination with aqueous formulation and direct exposure to bacterial skin flora make them an ideal environment for microbial growth. Taking into consideration the high risk of contamination and therefore a risk for consumers health, the use of preservatives is a necessity. Preservation systems prevent and control the growth of microorganisms from contamination during manufacturing, storage or consumer use. Completely preservative-free and microbial stable cosmetics are made by sterile production and appropriate packaging. However, satisfactory results can be achieved only for some formulations and are under certain restrictions: Preservative systems usually include various combinations of chemical biocides that operate on a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungi. They offer a high antimicrobial efficacy and therefore prolong the shelf-life of products, however, many of them can cause adverse reactions to skin. A promising strategy to overcome these problems involves the development of suitable drug carrier systems. Nowadays, essential oils are the subject of intensive scientific research and also attract attention of cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries due to their potential therapeutic benefits as well as natural preservation effect. A new promising field of application of essential oils as natural preservatives in cosmetics or feed additives in human or animal food or as plant protection products has been studied. It is estimated that more than 3000 essential oils are of commercial importance and used in flavor and cosmetic industries. The microbial safety of cosmetics has been always of special interest for industries, as microbial spoilage can lead to product degradation and cause a risk to consumers’ health. It has become more and more evident that the development of new drugs alone is not sufficient to ensure progress in drug therapy. Exciting experimental data obtained in vitro are very often followed by disappointing results in vivo due to poor drug solubility, poor absorption, rapid metabolism and elimination, high fluctuation of plasma levels due to unpredictable bioavailability after peroral administration. The carriers should permit a controlled and localized release of the drug according to the specific needs of the therapy which determines the in vivo fate of the drug. The size of the carrier depends on the desired route of administration and ranges from few nanometres to the micrometer. Nano structured lipid carriers are proved to be suitable carriers with various advantages like (i) controlled release of the drug (ii) increased drug stability (iii) high drug loading (iv) no bio toxicity of the carrier (v) avoidance of organic solvents and (vi) no problems with respect to large scale production and sterilization. Based on these facts, the aim of this work is to present current knowledge on essential oils with special focus on mechanism of antimicrobial action; assessment of their efficacy as preservatives in cosmetic formulations as well as their safety is carried out with the following objectives. Selection of Natural Preservatives/ Oils Optimization of Natural Preservatives/ Oils in various Bacterial strains. Determine the Minimum inhibitory Concentration of essential oils. The specific objective of the present work is to develop nano structured lipid carriers (NLC’s) loaded with Tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) using Natural Preservatives (Natural Essential Oils) To optimize the developed NLC loaded with THC To characterize the prepared formulations SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: In general lipid based formulations face stability problems over a longer period of time due to microbial contamination which can often change the physical and chemical properties of the drugs and excipients. In the current study, an attempt was made to enhance the stability of THC loaded lipid based formulations for nutricosmeceutical purpose using a natural preservation system. THC loaded nanostructured lipid carriers were prepared to serve as a carrier to enhance the bioavailability of THC for nutraceutical purpose and lipid based cream loaded with NLCs of THC were prepared to serve as a carrier for the delivery of THC for cosmetic purpose. Initially, essential oils like cinnamon oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, clove oil, lemon grass oil, castor oil, neem oil and their mixtures were evaluated for antimicrobial activity. The results indicated a better antimicrobial property for cinnamon oil. Hence, THC loaded nanostructured lipid carriers and the corresponding creams were prepared using cinnamon oil as liquid oil carrier. THC loaded NLC were prepared from stearic acid, cinnamon oil and tween 80 by hot homogenization technique using ultra probe sonicator. The spherical shaped nanostructure lipid particles with a particle size of 245 nm showed a sustained release pattern across pig ear skin for around 48 hours. These THC loaded nanostructure lipid particles were loaded in a lipid based cream (prepared from cetostearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, myristic acid, palmitic acid and tween 80). Evaluation of the texture properties of the lipid cream loaded with THC NLCs showed good firmness and stickiness. THC NLCs and lipid based cream loaded with THC NLCs showed good stability during the initial 3 months without any microbial contamination. Long term stability studies are in progress to evaluate the stability of the lipid based formulations for a period of 1 year. Lipid based nutricosmeceuticals prepared using cinnamon oil as a liquid oil can be a good promising natural preservative against microbial contamination and can possibly enhance the stability of several other lipid based nutricosmeceuticals loaded with different types of drugs

    Comparison of AES and DES Algorithms Implemented on Virtex-6 FPGA and Microblaze Soft Core Processor

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    Encryption algorithms play a dominant role in preventing unauthorized access to important data. This paper focus on the implementations of Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithms on Microblaze soft core Processor and also their implementations on XC6VLX240t FPGA using Verilog Hardware Description language. This paper also gives a comparison of the issues related to the hardware and software implementations of the two cryptographic algorithms

    Linear Instabilities in Multi-ion Plasmas

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    Stability of the Lower Hybrid Drift Wave in a Multi-Ion Plasma

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    Deep Blue Light Emission of (4,3-Oxo?HCMM) Coumarin Derivative for Organic Led Display Application

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    In the present technological world huge demand of white light emitting diodes has received much importance due to their vast applications in various sensors, lightning devices and display etc. The white light can be produced by mixing exact amount of green, blue and red light. Therefore, we made an attempt to produce a LED application making use of organic compounds. Hence, we synthesized 4-Hydroxy-3-[(4-Hydroxy-2-Oxo-2H-Chromen-3-yl) (4-Methoxyphenyl) Methyl]-2H-Chromen-2-One (4,3-OxoHCMM). In this present work we report, the 4,3-OxoHCMM possesses high color purity, good CIE chromaticity coordinate, and they would have potential organic light emitting devices (LED) application, this simple method to produce the blue light as blue component can play important role in WLED. Uv-Vis absorption spectra is used to determine the optical energy bandgap Eg, andfrom the photoluminescence spectra duality nature of wavelengths for 4,3-OxoHCMM molecule in different solvents is obtained due to solvation effect, this result shows a simple extraction of dye in different solvents which can be used to produce the desired wavelength

    Cropping duration and non-rhizomorphic mycelial phenotype of Pleurotus djamor woody1 co-segregate in the hybrid progenies

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    Crop duration of the cultivated Pleurotus spp. is 45 to 50 days. P. djamor isolate woody-1 was collected as natural selection and was found to be short cropping duration variety with total cropping duration of 30 days but it is less palatable. It produced very thin, loose and non-rhizomorphic mycelia appearing light white color. Whereas, other commercial Pleurotus varieties such as P. florida and P. djamor MDU1 are long crop duration varieties and palatable producing thick, compact and rhizomorphic mycelia with bright white color. Co-segregation of non-rhizomorphic mycelial phenotype and short cropping duration trait of P. djamor woody- 1 in hybrid progenies was evaluated. Hybrid strains viz., H2W12 and H2W14 have thin, loose and non-rhizomorphic mycelium and they produced primordia in 9-10 days after spawning with total cropping duration of 29-32 days. Whereas, hybrid strain namely Pf1W2 has thick, compact and rhizomorphic mycelial phenotype and it produced primordia in 20 days after spawning with the total cropping duration of 47 days. This study indicated that genes governing short cropping duration and non-rhizomorphic mycelial pattern were tightly linked and co-segregated in the progenies. Thus, non-rhizomorphic mycelial phenotype of P. djamor woody1 can be used as a phenotypic marker for selection of hybrid cultivar having short cropping duration with other desired agronomic traits in future breeding strategy