14,506 research outputs found

    Particle-in-cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection with a non-uniform guide field

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    Results are presented of a first study of collisionless magnetic reconnection starting from a recently found exact nonlinear force-free Vlasov–Maxwell equilibrium. The initial state has a Harris sheet magnetic field profile in one direction and a non-uniform guide field in a second direction, resulting in a spatially constant magnetic field strength as well as a constant initial plasma density and plasma pressure. It is found that the reconnection process initially resembles guide field reconnection, but that a gradual transition to anti-parallel reconnection happens as the system evolves. The time evolution of a number of plasma parameters is investigated, and the results are compared with simulations starting from a Harris sheet equilibrium and a Harris sheet plus constant guide field equilibrium

    The effect of internal gravity waves on cloud evolution in sub-stellar atmospheres

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    Context. Sub-stellar objects exhibit photometric variability which is believed to be caused by a number of processes such as magnetically-driven spots or inhomogeneous cloud coverage. Recent sub-stellar models have shown that turbulent flows and waves, including internal gravity waves, may play an important role in cloud evolution.Aims. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of internal gravity waves on dust cloud nucleation and dust growth, and whether observations of the resulting cloud structures could be used to recover atmospheric density information.Methods. For a simplified atmosphere in two dimensions, we numerically solve the governing fluid equations to simulate the effect on dust nucleation and mantle growth as a result of the passage of an internal gravity wave. Furthermore, we derive an expression that relates the properties of the wave-induced cloud structures to observable parameters in order to deduce the atmospheric density.Results. Numerical simulations show that the density, pressure and temperature variations caused by gravity waves lead to an increase of dust nucleation by up to a factor 20, and dust mantle growth rate by up to a factor 1:6, compared to their equilibrium values. Through an exploration of the wider sub-stellar parameter space, we show that in absolute terms, the increase in dust nucleation due to internal gravity waves is stronger in cooler (T dwarfs) and TiO2-rich sub-stellar atmospheres. The relative increase however is greater in warm(L dwarf) and TiO2-poor atmospheres due to conditions less suited for efficient nucleation at equilibrium. These variations lead to banded areas in which dust formation is much more pronounced, and lead to banded cloud structures similar to those observed on Earth. Conclusions. Using the proposed method, potential observations of banded clouds could be used to estimate the atmospheric density of sub-stellar objects

    Anomalous isotopic predissociation in the F³Πu(v=1) state of O₂

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    Using a tunable, narrow-bandwidth vacuum-ultraviolet source based on third-harmonic generation from excimer-pumped dye-laser radiation, the F³Πu←X³Σg-(1,0)photoabsorption cross sections of ¹⁶O₂ and ¹⁸O₂ have been recorded in high resolution. Rotational analyses have been performed and the resultant F(v=1) term values fitted to the ³Π Hamiltonian of Brown and Merer [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 74, 488 (1979)]. A large rotationless isotope effect is observed in the F(v=1)predissociation, wherein the Lorentzian linewidth component for ¹⁸O₂ is a factor of ∼50 smaller than the corresponding ¹⁶O₂linewidth. This effect, a consequence of the nonadiabatic rotationless predissociation mechanism, is described using a coupled-channel treatment of the strongly Rydberg-valence-mixed 3Πu states. Significant J, e/f-parity, and sublevel dependencies observed in the isotopic F(v=1) rotational widths are found to derive from an indirect predissociation mechanism involving an accidental degeneracy with the E³Σ−u(v=3) level, itself strongly predissociated by ³Σ−u Rydberg-valence interactions, together with L-uncoupling (rotational) interactions between the Rydberg components of the F and E states. Transitions into the E(v=3) level are observed directly for the first time, specifically in the ¹⁸O₂ spectrumPartial support was provided by an NSF International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers Program Grant No. INT-9513350, and Visiting Fellowships for G.S. and J.B.W. at the Australian National University

    Oscillator strengths and line widths of dipole-allowed transitions in ¹⁴N₂ between 89.7 and 93.5 nm

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    Line oscillator strengths in the 20 electric dipole-allowed bands of ¹⁴N₂ in the 89.7–93.5nm (111480–106950cm⁻¹) region are reported from photoabsorptionmeasurements at an instrumental resolution of ∼6mÅ (0.7cm⁻¹) full width at half maximum. The absorptionspectrum comprises transitions to vibrational levels of the 3pσᵤc′₄¹Σᵤ⁺, 3pπᵤc³Πᵤ, and 3sσgo₃¹ΠᵤRydberg states and of the b′¹Σᵤ⁺ and b¹Πᵤ valence states. The J dependences of band f values derived from the experimental line f values are reported as polynomials in J′(J′+1) and are extrapolated to J′=0 in order to facilitate comparisons with results of coupled Schrödinger-equation calculations. Most bands in this study are characterized by a strong J dependence of the band f values and display anomalous P-, Q-, and R-branch intensity patterns. Predissociation line widths, which are reported for 11 bands, also exhibit strong J dependences. The f value and line width patterns can inform current efforts to develop comprehensive spectroscopic models that incorporate rotational effects and predissociation mechanisms, and they are critical for the construction of realistic atmospheric radiative-transfer models.This work was supported in part by NASA Grant No. NNG05GA03G to Wellesley College and Australian Research Council Discovery Program Grant No. DP0558962

    Physical State of Molecular Gas in High Galactic Latitude Translucent Clouds

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    The rotational transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) are the primary means of investigating the density and velocity structure of the molecular interstellar medium. Here we study the lowest four rotational transitions of CO towards high-latitude translucent molecular clouds (HLCs). We report new observations of the J = (4-3), (2-1), and (1-0) transitions of CO towards eight high-latitude clouds. The new observations are combined with data from the literature to show that the emission from all observed CO transitions is linearly correlated. This implies that the excitation conditions which lead to emission in these transitions are uniform throughout the clouds. Observed 13CO/12CO (1-0) integrated intensity ratios are generally much greater than the expected abundance ratio of the two species, indicating that the regions which emit 12CO (1-0) radiation are optically thick. We develop a statistical method to compare the observed line ratios with models of CO excitation and radiative transfer. This enables us to determine the most likely portion of the physical parameter space which is compatible with the observations. The model enables us to rule out CO gas temperatures greater than 30K since the most likely high-temperature configurations are 1 pc-sized structures aligned along the line of sight. The most probable solution is a high density and low temperature (HDLT) solution. The CO cell size is approximately 0.01 pc (2000 AU). These cells are thus tiny fragments within the 100 times larger CO-emitting extent of a typical high-latitude cloud. We discuss the physical implications of HDLT cells, and we suggest ways to test for their existence.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, emulateapj To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Ionisation and discharge in cloud-forming atmospheres of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets

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    Brown dwarfs and giant gas extrasolar planets have cold atmospheres with rich chemical compositions from which mineral cloud particles form. Their properties, like particle sizes and material composition, vary with height, and the mineral cloud particles are charged due to triboelectric processes in such dynamic atmospheres. The dynamics of the atmospheric gas is driven by the irradiating host star and/or by the rotation of the objects that changes during its lifetime. Thermal gas ionisation in these ultra-cool but dense atmospheres allows electrostatic interactions and magnetic coupling of a substantial atmosphere volume. Combined with a strong magnetic field , a chromosphere and aurorae might form as suggested by radio and x-ray observations of brown dwarfs. Non-equilibrium processes like cosmic ray ionisation and discharge processes in clouds will increase the local pool of free electrons in the gas. Cosmic rays and lighting discharges also alter the composition of the local atmospheric gas such that tracer molecules might be identified. Cosmic rays affect the atmosphere through air showers in a certain volume which was modelled with a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code to be able to visualise their spacial extent. Given a certain degree of thermal ionisation of the atmospheric gas, we suggest that electron attachment to charge mineral cloud particles is too inefficient to cause an electrostatic disruption of the cloud particles. Cloud particles will therefore not be destroyed by Coulomb explosion for the local temperature in the collisional dominated brown dwarf and giant gas planet atmospheres. However, the cloud particles are destroyed electrostatically in regions with strong gas ionisation. The potential size of such cloud holes would, however, be too small and might occur too far inside the cloud to mimic the effect of, e.g. magnetic field induced star spots

    Full-scale ground proximity investigation of a VTOL fighter model aircraft

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    Exhaust gas ingestion characteristics and induced aerodynamics for vertical takeoff lift engine fighter model in ground proximit

    Diffusive transport of light in three-dimensional disordered Voronoi structures

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    The origin of diffusive transport of light in dry foams is still under debate. In this paper, we consider the random walks of photons as they are reflected or transmitted by liquid films according to the rules of ray optics. The foams are approximately modeled by three-dimensional Voronoi tessellations with varying degree of disorder. We study two cases: a constant intensity reflectance and the reflectance of thin films. Especially in the second case, we find that in the experimentally important regime for the film thicknesses, the transport-mean-free path does not significantly depend on the topological and geometrical disorder of the Voronoi foams including the periodic Kelvin foam. This may indicate that the detailed structure of foams is not crucial for understanding the diffusive transport of light. Furthermore, our theoretical values for transport-mean-free path fall in the same range as the experimental values observed in dry foams. One can therefore argue that liquid films contribute substantially to the diffusive transport of light in {dry} foams.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure