102 research outputs found

    Spatial correlation between CH, CN and the diffuse interstellar band carriers

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    Observations are presented of the diffuse interstellar bands at 5780 and 5797 A and of the ultraviolet lines of CH and CN in the light of six bright stars which lie behind isolated interstellar clouds. It is found that CN and CH are only present when the 5797 band is deeper than the 5780 one. Comparisons with satellite measurements of the UV extinction show that the shape of the extinction curve is linked to the same band ratio in these stars. The results support a previous suggestion that the various components of the absorption spectrum of an isolated cloud (the extinction law, atomic and molecular features and the diffuse interstellar bands) all vary together

    Spatial correlation between CH, CN and the diffuse interstellar band carriers

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    Observations are presented of the diffuse interstellar bands at 5780 and 5797 A and of the ultraviolet lines of CH and CN in the light of six bright stars which lie behind isolated interstellar clouds. It is found that CN and CH are only present when the 5797 band is deeper than the 5780 one. Comparisons with satellite measurements of the UV extinction show that the shape of the extinction curve is linked to the same band ratio in these stars. The results support a previous suggestion that the various components of the absorption spectrum of an isolated cloud (the extinction law, atomic and molecular features and the diffuse interstellar bands) all vary together

    Ultraviolet Extinction Properties in the Milky Way

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    We have assembled a homogeneous database of 417 ultraviolet (UV) extinction curves for reddened sightlines having International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) spectra. We have combined these with optical and 2MASS photometry allowing estimates of the ratio of total-to-selective extinction, R(V), for the entire sample. Fitzpatrick-Massa (FM) parameters have also been found for the entire sample. This is the largest study of parameterized UV extinction curves yet published and it covers a wide range of environments, from dense molecular clouds to the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM), with extinctions A(V) ranging from 0.50 to 4.80. It is the first to extend far beyond the solar neighborhood and into the Galaxy at large, with 30 sightlines having distances > 5 kpc. Previously, the longest sightlines with FM parameters and R(V) extended ~ 1 kpc. We find that (1.) the CCM extinction law applies for 93% of the sightlines, implying that dust processing in the Galaxy is efficient and systematic; (2.) the central wavelength of the 2175 A bump is constant; (3.) the 2175 A bump width is dependent on environment. Only four sightlines show systematic deviations from CCM, HD 29647, 62542, 204827, and 210121. These sightlines all sample dense, molecule-rich clouds. The new extinction curves and values of R(V) allow us to revise the CCM law.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Dust properties along anomalous extinction sightlines. II. Studying extinction curves with dust models

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    The large majority of extinction sight lines in our Galaxy obey a simple relation depending on one parameter, the total-to-selective extinction coefficient, Rv. Different values of Rv are able to match the whole extinction curve through different environments so characterizing normal extinction curves. In this paper more than sixty curves with large ultraviolet deviations from their best-fit one parameter curve are analyzed. These curves are fitted with dust models to shed light into the properties of the grains, the processes affecting them, and their relations with the environmental characteristics. The extinction curve models are reckoned by following recent prescriptions on grain size distributions able to describe one parameter curves for Rv values from 3.1 to 5.5. Such models, here extended down to Rv=2.0, allow us to compare the resulting properties of our deviating curves with the same as normal curves in a self-consistent framework, and thus to recover the relative trends overcoming the modeling uncertainties. Such curves represent the larger and homogeneous sample of anomalous curves studied so far with dust models. Results show that the ultraviolet deviations are driven by a larger amount of small grains than predicted for lines of sight where extinction depends on one parameter only. Moreover, the dust-to-gas ratios of anomalous curves are lower than the same values for no deviating lines of sight. Shocks and grain-grain collisions should both destroy dust grains, so reducing the amount of the dust trapped into the grains, and modify the size distribution of the dust, so increasing the small-to-large grain size ratio. Therefore, the extinction properties derived should arise along sight lines where shocks and high velocity flows perturb the physical state of the interstellar medium living their signature on the dust properties. (Abridged version)Comment: 31 pages,12 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    An Ultra-High-Resolution Survey of the Interstellar ^7Li-to-^6Li Isotope Ratio in the Solar Neighborhood

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    In an effort to probe the extent of variations in the interstellar ^7Li/^6Li ratio seen previously, ultra-high-resolution (R ~ 360,000), high signal-to-noise spectra of stars in the Perseus OB2 and Scorpius OB2 Associations were obtained. These measurements confirm our earlier findings of an interstellar ^7Li/^6Li ratio of about 2 toward o Per, the value predicted from models of Galactic cosmic ray spallation reactions. Observations of other nearby stars yield limits consistent with the isotopic ratio ~ 12 seen in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. If this ratio originally represented the gas toward o Per, then to decrease the original isotope ratio to its current value an order of magnitude increase in the Li abundance is expected, but is not seen. The elemental K/Li ratio is not unusual, although Li and K are formed via different nucleosynthetic pathways. Several proposals to account for the low ^7Li/^6Li ratio were considered, but none seems satisfactory. Analysis of the Li and K abundances from our survey highlighted two sight lines where depletion effects are prevalent. There is evidence for enhanced depletion toward X Per, since both abundances are lower by a factor of 4 when compared to other sight lines. Moreover, a smaller Li/H abundance is observed toward 20 Aql, but the K/H abundance is normal, suggesting enhanced Li depletion (relative to K) in this direction. Our results suggest that the ^7Li/^6Li ratio has not changed significantly during the last 4.5 billion years and that a ratio ~ 12 represents most gas in the solar neighborhood. In addition, there appears to be a constant stellar contribution of ^7Li, indicating that one or two processes dominate its production in the Galaxy.Comment: 54 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    REPAIRtoire—a database of DNA repair pathways

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    REPAIRtoire is the first comprehensive database resource for systems biology of DNA damage and repair. The database collects and organizes the following types of information: (i) DNA damage linked to environmental mutagenic and cytotoxic agents, (ii) pathways comprising individual processes and enzymatic reactions involved in the removal of damage, (iii) proteins participating in DNA repair and (iv) diseases correlated with mutations in genes encoding DNA repair proteins. REPAIRtoire provides also links to publications and external databases. REPAIRtoire contains information about eight main DNA damage checkpoint, repair and tolerance pathways: DNA damage signaling, direct reversal repair, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, homologous recombination repair, nonhomologous end-joining and translesion synthesis. The pathway/protein dataset is currently limited to three model organisms: Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens. The DNA repair and tolerance pathways are represented as graphs and in tabular form with descriptions of each repair step and corresponding proteins, and individual entries are cross-referenced to supporting literature and primary databases. REPAIRtoire can be queried by the name of pathway, protein, enzymatic complex, damage and disease. In addition, a tool for drawing custom DNA–protein complexes is available online. REPAIRtoire is freely available and can be accessed at http://repairtoire.genesilico.pl/

    Ultraviolet Survey of CO and H_2 in Diffuse Molecular Clouds: The Reflection of Two Photochemistry Regimes in Abundance Relationships

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    (Abridged) We carried out a comprehensive far-ultraviolet (UV) survey of ^12CO and H_2 column densities along diffuse molecular Galactic sight lines in order to explore in detail the relationship between CO and H_2. We measured new CO abundances from HST spectra, new H_2 abundances from FUSE data, and new CH, CH^+, and CN abundances from the McDonald and European Southern Observatories. A plot of log N(CO) versus log N(H_2) shows that two power-law relationships are needed for a good fit of the entire sample, with a break located at log N(CO, cm^-2) = 14.1 and log N(H_2) = 20.4, corresponding to a change in production route for CO in higher-density gas. Similar logarithmic plots among all five diatomic molecules allow us to probe their relationships, revealing additional examples of dual slopes in the cases of CO versus CH (break at log N = 14.1, 13.0), CH^+ versus H_2 (13.1, 20.3), and CH^+ versus CO (13.2, 14.1). These breaks are all in excellent agreement with each other, confirming the break in the CO versus H_2 relationship, as well as the one-to-one correspondence between CH and H_2 abundances. Our new sight lines were selected according to detectable amounts of CO in their spectra and they provide information on both lower-density (< 100 cm^-3) and higher-density diffuse clouds. The CO versus H_2 correlation and its intrinsic width are shown to be empirically related to the changing total gas density among the sight lines of the sample. We employ both analytical and numerical chemical schemes in order to derive details of the molecular environments. In the low-density gas, where equilibrium-chemistry studies have failed to reproduce the abundance of CH^+, our numerical analysis shows that nonequilibrium chemistry must be employed for correctly predicting the abundances of both CH^+ and CO.Comment: 40 pages in emulateapj style, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Specialized Learning in Antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), Pit-Digging Predators, Shortens Vulnerable Larval Stage

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    Unique in the insect world for their extremely sedentary predatory behavior, pit-dwelling larval antlions dig pits, and then sit at the bottom and wait, sometimes for months, for prey to fall inside. This sedentary predation strategy, combined with their seemingly innate ability to detect approaching prey, make antlions unlikely candidates for learning. That is, although scientists have demonstrated that many species of insects possess the capacity to learn, each of these species, which together represent multiple families from every major insect order, utilizes this ability as a means of navigating the environment, using learned cues to guide an active search for food and hosts, or to avoid noxious events. Nonetheless, we demonstrate not only that sedentary antlions can learn, but also, more importantly, that learning provides an important fitness benefit, namely decreasing the time to pupate, a benefit not yet demonstrated in any other species. Compared to a control group in which an environmental cue was presented randomly vis-à-vis daily prey arrival, antlions given the opportunity to associate the cue with prey were able to make more efficient use of prey and pupate significantly sooner, thus shortening their long, highly vulnerable larval stage. Whereas “median survival time,” the point at which half of the animals in each group had pupated, was 46 days for antlions receiving the Learning treatment, that point never was reached in antlions receiving the Random treatment, even by the end of the experiment on Day 70. In addition, we demonstrate a novel manifestation of antlions' learned response to cues predicting prey arrival, behavior that does not match the typical “learning curve” but which is well-adapted to their sedentary predation strategy. Finally, we suggest that what has long appeared to be instinctive predatory behavior is likely to be highly modified and shaped by learning

    Big Genomes Facilitate the Comparative Identification of Regulatory Elements

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    The identification of regulatory sequences in animal genomes remains a significant challenge. Comparative genomic methods that use patterns of evolutionary conservation to identify non-coding sequences with regulatory function have yielded many new vertebrate enhancers. However, these methods have not contributed significantly to the identification of regulatory sequences in sequenced invertebrate taxa. We demonstrate here that this differential success, which is often attributed to fundamental differences in the nature of vertebrate and invertebrate regulatory sequences, is instead primarily a product of the relatively small size of sequenced invertebrate genomes. We sequenced and compared loci involved in early embryonic patterning from four species of true fruit flies (family Tephritidae) that have genomes four to six times larger than those of Drosophila melanogaster. Unlike in Drosophila, where virtually all non-coding DNA is highly conserved, blocks of conserved non-coding sequence in tephritids are flanked by large stretches of poorly conserved sequence, similar to what is observed in vertebrate genomes. We tested the activities of nine conserved non-coding sequences flanking the even-skipped gene of the teprhitid Ceratis capitata in transgenic D. melanogaster embryos, six of which drove patterns that recapitulate those of known D. melanogaster enhancers. In contrast, none of the three non-conserved tephritid non-coding sequences that we tested drove expression in D. melanogaster embryos. Based on the landscape of non-coding conservation in tephritids, and our initial success in using conservation in tephritids to identify D. melanogaster regulatory sequences, we suggest that comparison of tephritid genomes may provide a systematic means to annotate the non-coding portion of the D. melanogaster genome. We also propose that large genomes be given more consideration in the selection of species for comparative genomics projects, to provide increased power to detect functional non-coding DNAs and to provide a less biased view of the evolution and function of animal genomes