71 research outputs found

    The mathematical basis for deterministic quantum mechanics

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    If there exists a classical, i.e. deterministic theory underlying quantum mechanics, an explanation must be found of the fact that the Hamiltonian, which is defined to be the operator that generates evolution in time, is bounded from below. The mechanism that can produce exactly such a constraint is identified in this paper. It is the fact that not all classical data are registered in the quantum description. Large sets of values of these data are assumed to be indistinguishable, forming equivalence classes. It is argued that this should be attributed to information loss, such as what one might suspect to happen during the formation and annihilation of virtual black holes. The nature of the equivalence classes is further elucidated, as it follows from the positivity of the Hamiltonian. Our world is assumed to consist of a very large number of subsystems that may be regarded as approximately independent, or weakly interacting with one another. As long as two (or more) sectors of our world are treated as being independent, they all must be demanded to be restricted to positive energy states only. What follows from these considerations is a unique definition of energy in the quantum system in terms of the periodicity of the limit cycles of the deterministic model.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections, comments and explanations adde

    A symmetry for vanishing cosmological constant

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    Two different realizations of a symmetry principle that impose a zero cosmological constant in an extra-dimensional set-up are studied. The symmetry is identified by multiplication of the metric by minus one. In the first realization of the symmetry this is provided by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the coordinates by the imaginary number i. In the second realization this is accomplished by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the metric tensor by minus one. In both realizations of the symmetry the requirement of the invariance of the gravitational action under the symmetry selects out the dimensions given by D = 2(2n+1), n=0,1,2,... and forbids a bulk cosmological constant. Another attractive aspect of the symmetry is that it seems to be more promising for quantization when compared to the usual scale symmetry. The second realization of the symmetry is more attractive in that it is posible to make a possible brane cosmological constant zero in a simple way by using the same symmetry, and the symmetry may be identified by reflection symmetry in extra dimensions.Comment: Talk in the conference IRGAC 2006, 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelon

    Complex Lagrangians and phantom cosmology

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    Motivated by the generalization of quantum theory for the case of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with PT symmetry, we show how a classical cosmological model describes a smooth transition from ordinary dark energy to the phantom one. The model is based on a classical complex Lagrangian of a scalar field. Specific symmetry properties analogous to PT in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics lead to purely real equation of motion.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in J.Phys.A, refs. adde

    Brane Induced Gravity, its Ghost and the Cosmological Constant Problem

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    "Brane Induced Gravity" is regarded as a promising framework for addressing the cosmological constant problem, but it also suffers from a ghost instability for parameter values that make it phenomenologically viable. We carry out a detailed analysis of codimension > 2 models employing gauge invariant variables in a flat background approximation. It is argued that using instead a curved background sourced by the brane would not resolve the ghost issue, unless a very specific condition is satisfied (if satisfiable at all). As for other properties of the model, from an explicit analysis of the 4-dimensional graviton propagator we extract a mass, a decay width and a momentum dependent modification of the gravitational coupling for the spin 2 mode. In the flat space approximation, the mass of the problematic spin 0 ghost is instrumental in filtering out a brane cosmological constant. The mass replaces a background curvature that would have had the same function. The optical theorem is used to demonstrate the suppression of graviton leakage into the uncompactified bulk. Then, we derive the 4-dimensional effective action for gravity and show that general covariance is spontaneously broken by the bulk-brane setup. This provides a natural realization of the gravitational Higgs mechanism. We also show that the addition of extrinsic curvature dependent terms has no bearing on linearized brane gravity.Comment: v2: LaTeX, JHEP style, 41 pages, 3 eps figures. Partly rewritten to improve presentation, results unchanged, published versio

    Late transient acceleration of the universe in string theory on S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2}

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    Recently, in Gong {\em et al} \cite{GWW07} and Wang and Santos \cite{WS07} it was shown that the effective cosmological constant on each of the two orbifold branes can be easily lowered to its current observational value, by using the large extra dimensions in the framework of both M-Theory and string theory on S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2}. In this paper, we study the current acceleration of the universe, using the formulas developed in \cite{WS07}. We first construct explicitly time-dependent solution to the 10-dimensional bulk of the Neveu-Schwarz/Neveu-Schwarz sector, compactified on a 5-dimensional torus. Then, we write down the generalized Friedmann equations on each of the two dynamical branes, and fit the models to the 182 gold supernova Ia data and the BAO parameter from SDSS, using both of our MINUIT and Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) codes. With the best fitting values of the parameters involved as initial conditions, we integrate the generalized Friedmann equations numerically and find the future evolution of the universe. We find that it depends on the choice of the radion potentials V4(I)(I=1,2)V_{4}^{(I)} (I = 1, 2) of the branes. In particular, when choosing them to be the Goldberger-Wise potentials, V4(I)=λ4(I)(ψ2vI2)2V_{4}^{(I)} = \lambda_{4}^{(I)} (\psi^{2} - {v_{I}}^{2})^{2}, we find that the current acceleration of the universe driven by the effective cosmological constant is only temporary. Due to the effects of the potentials, the universe will be finally in its decelerating expansion phase again. We also study the proper distance between the two branes, and find that it remains almost constant during the whole future evolution of the universe in all the models considered.Comment: revtex4, 18 figures. Typos corrected and new References added. Version to be published in JCA

    Nonsaturated Holographic Dark Energy

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    It has been well established by today that the concept of holographic dark energy (HDE) does entail a serious candidate for the dark energy of the universe. Here we deal with models where the holographic bound for dark energy is not saturated for a large portion of the history of the universe. This is particularly compelling when the IR cutoff is set by the Hubble scale, since otherwise a transition from a decelerated to an accelerated era cannot be obtained for a spatially flat universe. We demonstrate by three generic but disparate dynamical models, two of them containing a variable Newton constant, that transition between the two eras is always obtained for the IR cutoff in the form of the Hubble scale and the nonsaturated HDE. We also give arguments of why such a choice for the dark energy is more consistent and favored over the widely accepted saturated form.Comment: 9 pages, minor revision, to appear in JCA

    Vacuum properties of nonsymmetric gravity in de Sitter space

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    We consider quantum effects of a massive antisymmetric tensor field on the dynamics of de Sitter space-time. Our starting point is the most general, stable, linearized Lagrangian arising in nonsymmetric gravitational theories (NGTs), where part of the antisymmetric field mass is generated by the cosmological term. We construct a renormalization group (RG) improved effective action by integrating out one loop vacuum fluctuations of the antisymmetric tensor field and show that, in the limit when the RG scale goes to zero, the Hubble parameter -- and thus the effective cosmological constant -- relaxes rapidly to zero. We thus conclude that quantum loop effects in de Sitter space can dramatically change the infrared sector of the on-shell gravity, making the expansion rate insensitive to the original (bare) cosmological constant.Comment: 32 pages, 2 eps figure

    MSLED, Neutrino Oscillations and the Cosmological Constant

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    We explore the implications for neutrino masses and mixings within the minimal version of the supersymmetric large-extra-dimensions scenario (MSLED). This model was proposed in {\tt hep-ph/0404135} to extract the phenomenological implications of the promising recent attempt (in {\tt hep-th/0304256}) to address the cosmological constant problem. Remarkably, we find that the simplest couplings between brane and bulk fermions within this approach can lead to a phenomenologically-viable pattern of neutrino masses and mixings that is also consistent with the supernova bounds which are usually the bane of extra-dimensional neutrino models. Under certain circumstances the MSLED scenario can lead to a lepton mixing (PMNS) matrix close to the so-called bi-maximal or the tri-bimaximal forms (which are known to provide a good description of the neutrino oscillation data). We discuss the implications of MSLED models for neutrino phenomenology.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure; Reposted with a few additional reference

    Cosmic coincidences and relic neutrinos

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    A simple phenomenological description for the energy transfer between a variable cosmological constant (CC) and a gas of relic neutrinos in an expanding universe can account for a near coincidence between the neutrino and dark-energy densities to hold over a significant portion of the history of the universe. Although such a cosmological setup may promote neutrinos to mass-varying particles, both with slow and quick neutrino mass changing with the expansion of the universe naturally implemented in the model, it also works equally well for static neutrino masses. We also stress what sort of models for variable CC can potentially underpin the above scenario.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, based on the on the talk at IRGAC-2006 (Barcelona, July 11-15, 2006), accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Is the evidence for dark energy secure?

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    Several kinds of astronomical observations, interpreted in the framework of the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology, have indicated that our universe is dominated by a Cosmological Constant. The dimming of distant Type Ia supernovae suggests that the expansion rate is accelerating, as if driven by vacuum energy, and this has been indirectly substantiated through studies of angular anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and of spatial correlations in the large-scale structure (LSS) of galaxies. However there is no compelling direct evidence yet for (the dynamical effects of) dark energy. The precision CMB data can be equally well fitted without dark energy if the spectrum of primordial density fluctuations is not quite scale-free and if the Hubble constant is lower globally than its locally measured value. The LSS data can also be satisfactorily fitted if there is a small component of hot dark matter, as would be provided by neutrinos of mass 0.5 eV. Although such an Einstein-de Sitter model cannot explain the SNe Ia Hubble diagram or the position of the `baryon acoustic oscillation' peak in the autocorrelation function of galaxies, it may be possible to do so e.g. in an inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi cosmology where we are located in a void which is expanding faster than the average. Such alternatives may seem contrived but this must be weighed against our lack of any fundamental understanding of the inferred tiny energy scale of the dark energy. It may well be an artifact of an oversimplified cosmological model, rather than having physical reality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; to appear in a special issue of General Relativity and Gravitation, eds. G.F.R. Ellis et al; Changes: references reformatted in journal style - text unchange