4,039 research outputs found

    The hepta-β-glucoside elicitor-binding proteins from legumes represent a putative receptor family

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    The ability of legumes to recognize and respond to β-glucan elicitors by synthesizing phytoalexins is consistent with the existence of a membrane-bound β-glucan-binding site. Related proteins of approximately 75 kDa and the corresponding mRNAs were detected in various species of legumes which respond to beta-glucans. The cDNAs for the beta-glucan-binding proteins of bean and soybean were cloned. The deduced 75-kDa proteins are predominantly hydrophilic and constitute a unique class of glucan-binding proteins with no currently recognizable functional domains. Heterologous expression of the soybean beta-glucan-binding protein in tomato cells resulted in the generation of a high-affinity binding site for the elicitor-active hepta-β-glucoside conjugate (K-d = 4.5 nM). Ligand competition experiments with the recombinant binding sites demonstrated similar ligand specificities when compared with soybean. In both soybean and transgenic tomato, membrane-bound, active forms of the glucan-binding proteins coexist with immunologically detectable, soluble but inactive forms of the proteins. Reconstitution of a soluble protein fraction into lipid vesicles regained beta-glucoside-binding activity but with lower affinity (K-d = 130 nM). We conclude that the beta-glucan elicitor receptors of legumes are composed of the 75 kDa glucan-binding proteins as the critical components for ligand-recognition, and of an as yet unknown membrane anchor constituting the plasma membrane-associated receptor complex

    Possible role of extracellularly released phagocytic proteinases in the coagulation disorder during liver transplantation

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    Orthotopic liver transplantation is frequently associated with a complex coagulation disorder, influencing the outcome of the procedure. In this respect, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) had been suggested to be of causative importance for bleeding complications after reperfusion of the liver graft. In 10 consecutive patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantations, we studied the occurrence of two phagocyte proteinases of different origin in the graft liver perfus-ate and in systemic blood during the operation, as well as their effects on hemostasis. As compared with plasma samples taken at the end of the anhepatic phase, highly significant increases of cathepsin B and thrombin-anti-thrombin III complexes (TAT), as well as highly significant decreases in antithrombin III, protein C, and C1-inhibitor were observed in graft liver perfusate. Von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen were slightly decreased, whereas the elastase-alpha1 proteinase inhibitor complexes (EPI) were elevated. In plasma the activity of cathepsin B remained unchanged during the prereperfusion phases, but immediately after revascularization of the graft this cysteine proteinase increased. The EPI showed a gradual increase in plasma during the preanhepatic and anhepatic phases but a more pronounced increase in the reperfusion phase. In parallel with the rise in these two proteinases TAT increased and the activities of antithrombin III and C1-inhibitor in plasma decreased after reperfusion. At 12 hr after revascularization plasma levels of TAT, antithrombin III, and C1-inhibitor had returned to the prereperfusion ranges, whereas cathepsin B and EPI were significantly above the baseline levels. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that extracellularly released lysosomal proteinases may play a role in the development of a DIC-like constellation, including thrombin formation after revascularization of the liver graft. For the first time we could prove the occurrence of phagocyte proteinases in graft liver perfusate and evaluate the importance of these proteinases for the understanding of the pathophysiology leading to bleeding complications in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation

    Finite size scaling analysis of compact QED

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    We describe results of a high-statistics finite size scaling analysis of 4d compact U(1) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action at the phase transition point. Using a multicanonical hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm we generate data samples with more than 150 tunneling events between the metastable states of the system, on lattice sizes up to 18^4. We performed a first analysis within the Borgs-Kotecky finite size scaling scheme. As a result, we report evidence for a first-order phase transition with a plaquette energy gap, G=0.02667(20), at a transition coupling, beta_T=1.011128(11).Comment: Lattice 2000 (Topics in Gauge Theories),6 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Mediators of leukocyte yctivation play a role in disseminated intravascular coagulation during orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Leukocytes play an important role in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). In the reperfusion phase of OLT a DIC-like situation has been described and has been held responsible for the high blood loss during this phase. We investigated the role of leukocytes in the pathogenesis of DIC in OLT by measuring the leukocytic mediators released upon activation (cathepsin B, elastase, TNF, neopterin) and the levels of thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes, seen as markers of prothrombin activation. Arterial blood samples were taken at 10 different time points during and after OLT. Samples were also taken of the perfusate released from the liver graft vein during the flushing procedure before the reperfusion phase. Aprotinin was given as a continuous infusion (0.2-0.4 Mill. KlU/hr) and its plasma levels were determined. Significantly elevated levels of neopterin (15-fold; P<0.01), cathepsin B (440-fold; P<0.01) in the perfusate, as compared with the systemic circulation, as well as their significant increases in the early reperfusion phase suggested that they were released by the graft liver. This was paralleled by elevated levels of elastase (1.3-fold, P<0.05), TNF (1.5-fold, P=NS), and TAT complexes (1.4-fold; P<0.1) in the perfusate. Significant correlations could be identified between the parameters of leukocyte activation and TAT complexes, whereas no correlation was observed between any of the parameters investigated and the aprotinin levels. Our results strongly indicate a release of leukocytic mediators from the graft liver during its reperfusion which seems to be related to the parallely increased prothrombin activation. No correlation could be seen between levels of aprotinin and levels of leukocytic mediators

    Different aprotinin applications influencing hemostatic chances in orthotopic liver transplantation

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    The effect of different aprotinin applications on hemmtatic changes and blood product requirements in orthotopic liver transplantation was investigated in a prospective, open, and randomized study. From November 1989 to June 1990, 13 patients received aprotinin as a bolus of 0.5 Mill, kallikrein inac-tivator units (KIU) on three occasions in the course of an OLT, whereas 10 other patients were treated with continuous aprotinin infusion of 0.1-0.4 Mill. KIU/hr. Before and after reperfusion of the graft liver, signs of hyperfibrinolysis, measured by thrombelastography, were significantly lower in the infusion group. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity increased during the anhepatic phase but to a significantly lesser extent in the infusion group. Blood product requirements during OLT were tendentiously higher in the bolus group but not significantly so. However, the use of packed red blood cells was significantly lower in the postoperative period, whereas there was no significant difference in fresh frozen plasma requirements between the two groups. All 23 patients have survived, and only one woman of each group required retransplantation due to severe host-versus-graft reactions. Furthermore, we investigated the perfusate of the graft liver in both groups and detected signs of a decreased t-PA release in the infusion group. Our results demonstrate an advantage of aprotinin given as continuous infusion over bolus application in OLT

    Xenogeneic, extracorporeal liver perfusion in primates improves the ratio of branched-chain amino acids to aromatic amino acids (Fischer's ratio)

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    In fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), the development of hepatic encephalopathy is associated with grossly abnormal concentrations of plasma amino acids (PAA). Normalization of the ratio of branched-chain amino acids to aromatic amino acids (Fischer's ratio) correlates with clinical improvement. This study evaluated changes in PAA metabolism during 4 h of isolated, normothermic extracorporeal liver perfusion using a newly designed system containing human blood and a rhesus monkey liver. Bile and urea production were within the physiological range. Release of the transaminases AST, ALT and LDH were minimal. The ratio of branched (valine, leucine, isoleucine) to aromatic (tyrosine, phenylalanine) amino acids increased significantly. These results indicate that a xenogeneic extracorporeal liver perfusion system is capable of significantly increasing Fischer's ratio and may play a role in treating and bridging patients in FHF in the future

    Intraossäre Infusion: Eine wichtige Technik auch für die Kinderanästhesie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die zeitgerechte Etablierung eines venösen Zugangs kann insbesondere bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern eine große Herausforderung sein. Hier hat sich die intraossäre Infusionstechnik seit den 1940er Jahren als schnelle, effiziente und sichere Alternativmethode zur Schaffung eines Gefäßzugangs bewährt, um einem vitalgefährdeten Kind dringend benötigte Medikamente und Flüssigkeiten zu applizieren. Während in den internationalen Leitlinien zur pädiatrischen Notfallmedizin der intraossären Infusion eine hohe Priorität eingeräumt wird, greifen die meisten Anästhesisten nur sehr zögerlich auf diese langjährig bewährte Punktionstechnik zurück. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die intraossäre Infusionstechnik, stellt zwei unterschiedliche Kanülierungssysteme vor und diskutiert, basierend auf den aktuellen notfallmedizinischen Leitlinien sowie anhand von eigenen Fallbeispielen, potenzielle Indikationen für die Kinderanästhesie. Demnach sollten insbesondere akut vital-gefährdete Kinder mit Kreislaufstillstand, Laryngospasmus, akuter Atemwegsblutung, hypovolämischem Schock oder Hypothermie bei ausgedehnten Verbrennungen ohne liegenden bzw. rasch anzulegenden venösen Zugang mit einer intraossären Kanüle versorgt werden. Inwieweit die intraossäre Infusion auch beim nichtakut vital-gefährdeten Kind mit schwierigem oder unmöglichem peripheren Venenzugang in der Anästhesie überbrückend und zeitlich begrenzt eingesetzt werden sollte, wird die zukünftige Diskussion zeigen. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung der intraossären Infusionstechnik in der Kinderanästhesie verlangt die unmittelbare Verfügbarkeit der entsprechenden Ausrüstung, die umfassende Schulung und das regelmäßige Training sowie eine klare Regelung für ihre Anwendung innerhalb der Anästhesieabteilun
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