344 research outputs found

    Promising source material for winter triticale breeding under the conditions of the Middle Urals

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    Background. The northern border of cereal crop cultivation passes through the territory of Sverdlovsk Province. Cultivars of winter triticale developed in the regions of Russia located to the south are grown there, but they die under unfavorable winter conditions. The breeding of this crop in local climate is at an early stage, so a study of source material for breeding new highyielding cultivars adapted to local conditions seems quite pertinent.Materials and methods. In 2017–2020, the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture in Yekaterinburg conducted a study of 78 winter triticale genotypes from 10 regions of Russia and 7 foreign countries. The seeds were obtained from the VIR genebank and breeding centers of Russia. Sowing was carried out in clean fallow on August 20–25 on 1 m2 plots in 3-4 repetitions, with the reference ‘Bashkirskaya korotkostebelnaya’ sown on every 10th plot. Plants were assessed for winter hardiness, yield, density of productive stems, plant height, ear length, number of spikelets and grains per ear, weight of 1000 grains, and ear productivity in accordance with published guidelines.Results. Cvs. ‘Privada’, ‘Tsekad 90’ and ‘Nemchinovsky 58’ combined high winter hardiness (70–81%) with resistance to damage by snow mold (15–20%), high density of productive stems (324–425 pcs/m2), and high yield (562–616 g/m2). They had high 1000 grain weight (45.4–49.1 g) and ear productivity (2.63–2.68 g). High yield (571–670 g/m2) and density of productive stems (285–436 pcs/m2 ) with reduced winter hardiness (62–72%) and resistance to snow mold (30–35%) was observed in cvs. ‘Sirs 57’, ‘Sotnik’, ‘Germes’, ‘Antey’, ‘Beta’, ‘Don’, and lines 1/1 and 8003 from Sweden

    Comparative Analysis of NS5 Protein for Tick Borne Encephalitis Virus Strains in three Virus Subtypes

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    Non-structural protein 5 (NS5) of tick-borne encephalitis virus is an enzyme which is responsible for a copying of viral RNA, and it has a strong structural similarity to RNA polymerases of another RNA virus families. The strains of the virus are separated into three subtypes, which differ by specific mutations in virus proteins, including NS5 protein. The methods of structural bioinformatics allow to construct a model of NS5 protein for several strains of the virus.The paper presents the comparative analysis of sequences and structures of NS5 protein, for three subtypes of the tick-borne encephalitis virus. The segments of protein were identified where the highest difference between subtypes and within subtypes is observed. These segments, where most of the mutations are accumulated, are located in methyltransferase domain, in the inter-domain interface, and in the three subdomains of polymerase domain. The association between the locations of mutations in NS5 protein and the flexibility of a protein backbone was observed using normal mode analysis. Namely, the most important mutations are located in the parts of protein where the amplitude of synchronous oscillations estimated using normal mode analysis is the highest: in the second zinc binding pocket within polymerase domain, in the N-terminal extension within inter-domain interface, and around an active site of methyltransferase domain

    Ethnicity-specific distribution of <em>TRPM8</em> gene variants in Eurasian populations: signs of selection

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    The TRPM8 gene encodes the ion channel, which is a cold receptor in afferent neurons of the mammalian somatosensory system. We studied the frequency of haplotype distribution from six SNPs in the TRPM8 gene in Eurasian human populations, including Russians, Kazakhs and Chukchi. Four of the six SNPs are located in exon 7 (rs13004520, rs28901637, rs11562975, rs17868387), rs7593557 is in exon 11. These exons encode parts of the N-terminus, which is necessary for channel functioning in the plasma membrane of neurons. The rs11563071 is in exon 23 encoding part of the C-terminus. The primary difference in population distribution of haplotypes determines the SNP from exon 11 which leads to Ser419Asn substitution in protein. The most pronounced dif­ferences in the patterns of diversity and frequencies of haplotypes were observed between Chukchi and Russians. The frequency of major H1 haplotype encompassing the 419Ser gene variant differs in examined populations; 0.738 (Russians), 0.507 (Kazakhs) and 0.337 (Chukchi), p &lt; 0.001. The TRPM8 gene variants encoding 419Asn and carrying the minor alleles of rs28901637 (P249P) and rs11562975 (L250L) in exon 7 are characteristic of Asian populations. The frequency of all 419Asn variants in Chukchi is comparable to that in Africans, however, the minor allele frequencies of rs28901637, rs11562975 in Africans is low. Apparently in the process of human colonization of Eurasia, minor alleles of these SNPs diverged depending on rs7593557 structure in exon 11. We analyzed sequences of five TRPM8 mRNA isoforms extracted by researchers from different tissues. Sequence analysis demonstrates that they are transcribed from major H1 variant of the TRPM8 gene but contain different translation start codons, which are generated by alternative splicing from pro-mRNA

    Склеродерма-панникулит: взгляд ревматолога

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    Difficulties in diagnosis and therapy of scleroderma-panniculitis (S-PN), one of the variants of the septal PN, are discussed. Feasibility of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging of soft tissues and histological examination of the lesions in order to set the diagnosis of PN in time is considered. The clinical case of S-PN combined with antiphospholipid syndrome is presented.В статье обсуждаются трудности диагностики и терапии склеродермы-панникулита (С-Пн), одного из вариантов септального Пн. Рассматривается целесообразность использования УЗИ, магнитно-резонансной томографии мягких тканей и гистологического исследования уплотнений с целью своевременного выявления Пн. Представлено клиническое наблюдение сочетания С-Пн и антифосфолипидного синдрома

    Innate immune factor gene expression profiles in patients with atopic dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial genetically determined inflammatory skin disease characterized by itching, chronically relapsing dermatitis, age-related features of localization and morphology of lesions. The pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is complex and includes epigenetic alterations, involved in the genomic adaptation, immune response reactions and dysfunction of the epithelial barrier that together trigger the development of atopic dermatitis. The aim of this study is to detect the expression level for IL4, IL13, IL33, TLR2, TLR9 genes in the biological materials of atopic patients.The targeted genes for further expression evaluation were selected according to our previous findings on genome-wide methylation study. We detected the cascades with the differentially methylated genes that are most likely to take place in atopic dermatitis. Thus, we investigated expression levels for the IL4, IL13, IL33, TLR2, TLR9 genes in the skin, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and whole blood cells using RT-PCR on 55 pediatric patients and 26 healthy volunteers, and on 50 adult patients. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of Kruskal-Wallis H test and Mann-Whitney U test. Targeted expression analysis revealed that in the skin samples the expression of TLR9 and IL4 was 12 times significantly lower (p &lt; 0.0001, p &lt; 0.0005) in the lesional skin; and there was a 6-fold decrease in case of TLR2 (p &lt; 0.01). The results for blood mononuclear cells differed and expression levels for most of the assessed targets were significantly higher before treatment. We have also found out that those differences were strongly pronounced especially in an elder age group (12-18 y.o.). Studying the IL33 gene expression in the whole blood samples of adults revealed that its level was significantly higher in case of patients with moderate form of AD. Besides, we concluded that locally in the affected skin inflammatory immune response may dominate; in the mononuclear cells Th2 immune response apparently takes place. New insights on immunological markers and links among them may shed a light on atopic dermatitis pathogenic mechanisms. The detected molecules could play role as potential therapeutic targets and form a management approach for patients with atopic dermatitis

    Pilot studies of the unique highland palsa mire in Western Sayan (Tuva Republic, Russian Federation)

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    In contrast to the well-studied West Siberian sector of frozen bogs in the Russian Arctic, the frozen mound bogs (so-called “palsas”) on the highlands of Southern Siberia have not yet been studied, but they are suspected to be even more sensitive to ongoing climate change. This article provides the pilot study on palsa mire Kara-Sug in the highland areas of Western Sayan mountain system, Tuva Republic. The study focuses on the current state of palsa mire and surrounding landscapes, providing wide range of ecological characteristics while describing ongoing transformations of natural landscapes under a changing climate. The study used a variety of field and laboratory methods: the integrated landscape-ecological approach, the study of peat deposits, geobotanical analysis, and modern analysis of the chemical composition of water, peat, and soils. The study shows that highland palsa mires are distinguished by their compactness and high variety of cryogenic landforms leading to high floristic and ecosystem diversity compared with lowland palsa mires. This information brings new insights and contributes to a better understanding of extrazonal highland palsa mires, which remain a “white spot” in the global environmental sciences

    Mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in the context of municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The results of the study indicate that there are significant differences in the municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region in the level of mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in 2017-2018 and the insufficient proportion of patients with acute conditions hospitalized in specialized vascular departmentsРезультаты исследования свидетельствуют о наличии значительных различий муниципальным образованиям Свердловской области по уровню смертности от цереброваскулярных болезней в 2017-2018 годы и недостаточной доле госпитализированных в специализированные сосудистые отделения пациентов с острыми состояниями

    Multimodal optical measurement for study of lower limb tissue viability in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    According to the International Diabetes Federation, the challenge of early stage diagnosis and treatment effectiveness monitoring in diabetes is currently one of the highest priorities in modern healthcare. The potential of combined measurements of skin fluorescence and blood perfusion by the laser Doppler flowmetry method in diagnostics of low limb diabetes complications was evaluated. Using Monte Carlo probabilistic modeling, the diagnostic volume and depth of the diagnosis were evaluated. The experimental study involved 76 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These patients were divided into two groups depending on the degree of complications. The control group consisted of 48 healthy volunteers. The local thermal stimulation was selected as a stimulus on the blood microcirculation system. The experimental studies have shown that diabetic patients have elevated values of normalized fluorescence amplitudes, as well as a lower perfusion response to local heating. In the group of people with diabetes with trophic ulcers, these parameters also significantly differ from the control and diabetes only groups. Thus, the intensity of skin fluorescence and level of tissue blood perfusion can act as markers for various degrees of complications from the beginning of diabetes to the formation of trophic ulcers

    Приемное устройство прецизионного импульсного лазерного дальномера

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    Introduction. At present the most accurate estimate of ranges is specific to laser range finders using phase measuring techniques. Design of a pulsed laser range finder with short probe pulses enabling one to gain high resolution and accuracy of estimate of target range close to the phase range finders is the topical problem.Aim. Development of a receiving part of the pulsed laser rangefinder with precision characteristics; determination of the accuracy of the measurements; description of the hardware.Materials and methods. The construction of the receiving part of the precision pulsed laser rangefinder with a two-scale digital range estimation system implemented by counting clock generator pulses and an analog integrator that specifies the discrete range estimation was considered. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, the energy characteristics of the rangefinder were determined: the accuracy of the range estimation and the probability of false alarm were provided by the developed scheme. The hardware of the precision laser rangefinder was described.Results. The principles of implementation of the receiving part of the laser rangefinder with a two-scale digital system for estimating the distance to the object were given. The results of numerical simulation of rangefinder characteristics were obtained, confirming the accuracy of range estimation of the order of millimeters. In the implemented rangefinder scheme, the probability of false alarm was 10-4 during 200 s of observing signal and noise mixture. The hardware of the precision laser rangefinder with a digital two-scale range estimation was proposed.Conclusion. The implemented laser range finder approaches to the capabilities of phase laser rangefinders in terms of potential accuracy of distance up to millimeters, while implementing the specified parameter in rapidly changing phono-target environment. Using of short probing pulses with a duration of 10...20 ns allows one to achieve a resolution of up to 1.5 m. In contrast to the phase rangefinder the range can be estimated from a single probe pulse.Введение. В настоящее время наибольшей точностью оценки дальности обладают лазерные дальномеры, использующие фазовые методы измерения, оценивающие дальности с точностью до единиц миллиметров. Однако эти методы пригодны для оценки дальности только до малоподвижных объектов и неработоспособны в условиях быстро изменяющейся фоноцелевой обстановки. В этой связи необходима разработка и расчет характеристик приемных частей прецизионного импульсного лазерного дальномера, использующего созданные лазерные источники излучения с длительностью зондирующих импульсов в единицы наносекунд. Такой дальномер позволит добиться высокой точности оценки дальности, приближающейся по точности к параметрам фазовых дальномеров, для высоко динамичной фоноцелевой обстановки.Цель работы. Разработка приемной части импульсного лазерного дальномера с прецизионными характеристиками; определение точности его измерений; описание его аппаратного обеспечения.Материалы и методы. Рассмотрено построение приемной части прецизионного импульсного лазерного дальномера с двухшкальной цифровой системой оценки дальности, реализуемой подсчетом импульсов тактового генератора и аналоговым интегратором, уточняющим дискретную оценку дальности. С использованием аппарата математической статистики определены энергетические характеристики дальномера: точность оценки дальности и вероятность ложной тревоги, обеспечиваемые разработанной схемой. Описано аппаратное обеспечение прецизионного лазерного дальномера.Результаты. Приведены принципы реализации приемной части лазерного дальномера с двухшкальной цифровой системой оценки дальности до объекта. Получены результаты численного моделирования характеристик дальномера, подтверждающие точность оценки дальности порядка миллиметров. В реализованной схеме дальномера вероятность ложной тревоги составила −4 10 при наблюдении реализации смеси сигнала с шумом в продолжении 200 с. Предложено аппаратное обеспечение прецизионного лазерного дальномера с цифровой двухшкальной оценкой дальности.Заключение. Реализованный лазерный дальномер по потенциальной точности оценки дальности до объекта порядка миллиметров приближается к возможностям фазовых лазерных дальномеров, при этом реализует указанный параметр в условиях быстро изменяющейся фоноцелевой обстановки. Использование коротких зондирующих импульсов длительностью в 10...20 нс позволяет добиться разрешающей способности до 1.5 м. В отличие от фазовых дальномеров дальность может быть оценена по одному зондирующему импульсу

    Катализатор восстановления оксида азота оксидом углерода

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    The catalyst for NO reduction by carbon monoxide containing copper chromite, chromium, copper and iron oxides on y-Al2O3, has been developed. NO conversion over the catalyst in the reaction mixture containing 10 vol.% of oxygen is up to 83 % (200 °C, 12 000 h-1). Carbon monoxide oxidation proceeds at the expense of catalyst lattice oxygen, and the resultant reduced sites are oxidized by nitrous oxide or oxygen from gaseous phase.Разработан катализатор восстановления NO оксидом углерода, содержащий хромит меди, оксиды хрома, меди и железа на y-Al2O3. Конверсия NO в его присутствии достигает ~83 % при 10 об.% кислорода в газовой смеси (200оС, 12000 ч-1). Окисление СО идет за счет решеточного кислорода катализатора, а образующиеся восстановленные центры катализатора окисляются оксидом азота или газообразным кислородом