872 research outputs found

    In-beam fast-timing measurements in 103,105,107Cd

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    Fast-timing measurements were performed recently in the region of the medium-mass 103,105,107Cd isotopes, produced in fusion evaporation reactions. Emitted gamma-rays were detected by eight HPGe and five LaBr3:Ce detectors working in coincidence. Results on new and re-evaluated half-lives are discussed within a systematic of transition rates. The 7/21+7/2_1^+ states in 103,105,107Cd are interpreted as arising from a single-particle excitation. The half-life analysis of the 11/2111/2_1^- states in 103,105,107Cd shows no change in the single-particle transition strength as a function of the neutron number

    Transition probabilities in the X(5) candidate 122^{122}Ba

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    To investigate the possible X(5) character of 122Ba, suggested by the ground state band energy pattern, the lifetimes of the lowest yrast states of 122Ba have been measured, via the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift method. The relevant levels have been populated by using the 108Cd(16O,2n)122Ba and the 112Sn(13C,3n)122Ba reactions. The B(E2) values deduced in the present work are compared to the predictions of the X(5) model and to calculations performed in the framework of the IBA-1 and IBA-2 models

    Nuclear photonics at ultra-high counting rates and higher multipole excitations

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    Next-generation gamma beams beams from laser Compton-backscattering facilities like ELI-NP (Bucharest)] or MEGa-Ray (Livermore) will drastically exceed the photon flux presently available at existing facilities, reaching or even exceeding 10^13 gamma/sec. The beam structure as presently foreseen for MEGa-Ray and ELI-NP builds upon a structure of macro-pulses (~120 Hz) for the electron beam, accelerated with X-band technology at 11.5 GHz, resulting in a micro structure of 87 ps distance between the electron pulses acting as mirrors for a counterpropagating intense laser. In total each 8.3 ms a gamma pulse series with a duration of about 100 ns will impinge on the target, resulting in an instantaneous photon flux of about 10^18 gamma/s, thus introducing major challenges in view of pile-up. Novel gamma optics will be applied to monochromatize the gamma beam to ultimately Delta E/E~10^-6. Thus level-selective spectroscopy of higher multipole excitations will become accessible with good contrast for the first time. Fast responding gamma detectors, e.g. based on advanced scintillator technology (e.g. LaBr3(Ce)) allow for measurements with count rates as high as 10^6-10^7 gamma/s without significant drop of performance. Data handling adapted to the beam conditions could be performed by fast digitizing electronics, able to sample data traces during the micro-pulse duration, while the subsequent macro-pulse gap of ca. 8 ms leaves ample time for data readout. A ball of LaBr3 detectors with digital readout appears to best suited for this novel type of nuclear photonics at ultra-high counting rates.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    g factors of coexisting isomeric states in Pb-188

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    The gg factors of the 12+{12}^{+}, {11}^{\ensuremath{-}}, and {8}^{\ensuremath{-}} isomeric states in 188Pb^{188}\mathrm{Pb} were measured using the time-differential perturbed angular distribution method as g({12}^{+})=\ensuremath{-}0.179(6), g({11}^{\ensuremath{-}})=+1.03(3), and g({8}^{\ensuremath{-}})=\ensuremath{-}0.037(7). The gg factor of the 12+{12}^{+} state follows the observed slight down-sloping evolution of the gg factors of the i13/22{i}_{13/2}^{2} neutron spherical states with decreasing NN. The gg factors of the {11}^{\ensuremath{-}} and {8}^{\ensuremath{-}} isomers proposed as oblate and prolate deformed states, respectively, were interpreted within the rotational model, using calculated and empirical gg factor values for the involved single-particle orbitals

    Transition rates and nuclear structure changes in mirror nuclei 47Cr and 47V

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    Lifetime measurements in the mirror nuclei 47Cr and 47V were performed by means of the Doppler-shift attenuation method using the multidetector array EUROBALL, in conjunction with the ancillary detectors ISIS and the Neutron Wall. The determined transition strengths in the yrast cascades are well described by full pf shell model calculations.Comment: Latex2e, 11 pages, 3 figure

    Fast-timing measurements in 95,96Mo

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    Half-lives of the 19/2+ and 21/2+ states in 95Mo and of the 8+ and 10+ states in 96Mo were measured. Matrix elements for yrast transitions in 95Mo and 96Mo are discussed.Comment: Proceedings of XIX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, 2011, 5 pages, 6 figure

    Off pump myocardial revascularization

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    Departamentul Chirurgie Cardiacă, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Scopul. Analiza retrospectivă a 308 de operaţii de revascularizare a miocardului fără circulaţie extracorporală efectuate în aa.2002 – mai 2016 în secţia Chirurgia viciilor cardiace dobândite a Spitalului Clinic Republican. Materiale şi metode. Au fost operaţi 308 de pacienţi (254 bărbaţi , 54 femei), cărora li s-a efectuat revasularizarea miocardului pe cord bătând. Vârsta medie a pacienţilor 58±11 ani (28 – 84 ani). 253 (82%) de pacienţi cu angină pectorală cl.f. III – IV, 55 (18%) angină pectorală instabilă. 193 (62,6%) au suportat infarct miocardic.249 (81%) pacienţi cu multiple leziuni coronariane. Operaţiile au fost efectuate prin sternotomie mediană. Rezultate. Pentru stabilizarea hemodinamicii în timpul operaţiei la 106 (34%) de pacienţi s-au administrat cardiotonice şi vasopresori. În 109 (35%) cazuri a fost nevoie de β-blocatori. Infarctul miocardic perioperator a fost documentat în7 (2,2%) cazuri. Hemoragia postoperatorie care a necesitat resternotomiea survenit în 7 (2,2%) cazuri, la 49 (15,9%) de pacienţi s-a transfuzat concentrat eritrocitar. Majoritatea pacienţilor au fost extubaţi în prima zi. Dereglări de ritm s-au manifestat la 56 (18%) pacienţi, care au necesitat administrarea adăugătoare de preparate antiaritmice pentru restabilirea ritmului sinusal, în 11 cazuri a fost efectuată cardioversie electrică. În perioada postoperatorie precoce au decedat 3 (0,97%) pacienţi. Concluzii. Revascularizarea miocardului off pump are multe priorităţi: durata mai scurtă a operaţiei, micşorarea timpului de anestezie şi de aflare la ventilaţia artificială, diminuarea hemoragiei şi a cantităţii hemotransfuziilor, reducerea complicaţiilor de plagă, excluderea complicaţiilor specifice legate de CEC şi, ca urmare, micşorarea duratei spitalizării şi a cheltuielilor legate de operaţie.Purpose. Retrospective analysis of 308 myocardial revascularization surgeries on a beating heart performed since 2002 to 2016 (may), in the Acquired Cardiac Disease Surgery Unit of Republican Clinical Hospital. Materials and methods. 308 patients were operated (254 men, 54 women), who have undergone “off-pump” myocardial revascularization. The mean patient age was 58 +/- 11 years (28-84). 253 (82%) have angina pectoris f.cl. III-IV, 55 (18%) have unstable angina, 193 (62,6%) have suffered myocardial infarction. 249 (81%) of patients were diagnosed with multiple coronary lesions. Most of the surgeries were performed through median sternotomy. Results. In order to stabilize the hemodynamic status during myocardial revascularization at 103 (34%) patients were administrated cardiotonics and vasopressors also in 109 (35%) cases, was needed to administrate B-blockers. Perioperatory myocardial infarction was in 7 (2,2%) cases. Postoperatory haemorrhage that required resternotomy occurred in 7 (2,2%) cases, for 49 (15,9%) patients was transfused concentrated erythrocytes. The majority of patients were extubated during the first day. Rhythm disorders was registered at 56 (18%) patients, that required additional antiarrhythmic drugs in order to convert into sinus rhythm, but to 11 patients was performed electric cardioversion. In early postoperatory period, we had 3 (0,97%) cases of mortality. Conclusion. Off pump myocardial revascularization has several advantages: short duration of operation, short anaesthesia time and ventilation, low haemorrhage and blood transfusion volume, low complication rate of wounds, elimination of complications specific to CABG, as a result shortening the hospitalization period and lower costs related to surgery

    Spectroscopy near the proton drip line in the deformed A=130 mass region : the Pr-126 nucleus

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    The near proton drip line nucleus Pr-126 was studied via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using the Ca-40 + Mo-92 reaction at 190 MeV. We observed for the first time excited states above the known isomer in this nucleus up to 31 h over bar. The observed band is discussed in the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model.The calculations and the experimental information suggest a spin 8(+) for the lowest observed state.With such a spin assignment the moment of inertia of Pr-126 gets larger than in the heavier Pr isotopes, suggesting a sudden change in deformation close to the proton drip line