546 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the article is to study the political and legal systems of states on countering international extremism with the use of a systematic approach in the context of certain characteristics of Eastern and Western (European) countries, as well as the United States and Great Britain. The methodological base includes the use of comparative analysis (identifications and differences) and methods for constructing certain typologies of Western and Eastern states, which are grouped according to both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Findings. In modern conditions, a systematic approach in scientific research has been used since the mid-50s of the 20th century. The article discusses this approach in the political and legal sphere on international issues; Eastern and Western (European) types of states in the context of countering extremism are analyzed as examples. The processes of globalization influenced the 21st century led to the emergence of "transnational extremism." In modern conditions, in order to counter international (transnational) extremism, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms and approaches, taking into account the realities of modern society. The world community has encountered the use of Internet space by extremist organizations, which threatens the security of modern society and individual countries. Countering extremism on an international scale is proposed to be carried out in the following areas: first, the development of an international legal and information base; second, the creation of a favorable social and economic environment in states and regions; third, the development of mechanisms to prevent the financing of extremist activities; fourth, the creation of an international analytical structure involving scientific personnel from different countries to identify the causes of extremism in different regions of the world community and develop forecasts at certain stages in different regions, and develop modern mechanisms to counter transnational extremism.El propósito del artículo es estudiar los sistemas políticos y legales de los estados para contrarrestar el extremismo internacional con el uso de un enfoque sistemático en el contexto de ciertas características de los países orientales y occidentales (europeos), los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. . La base metodológica incluye el uso de análisis comparativos (identificaciones y diferencias) y métodos para construir ciertas tipologías de estados occidentales y orientales, que se agrupan de acuerdo con las características cualitativas y cuantitativas. Recomendaciones. En las condiciones modernas, se ha utilizado un enfoque sistemático en la investigación científica desde mediados de los años 50 del siglo XX. El artículo discute este enfoque en la esfera política y legal en asuntos internacionales; Se analizan como ejemplos los tipos de estados del este y del oeste (europeos) en el contexto de la lucha contra el extremismo. Los procesos de globalización que influyeron en el siglo XXI llevaron a la aparición del "extremismo transnacional". En las condiciones modernas, para contrarrestar el extremismo internacional (transnacional), es necesario desarrollar nuevos mecanismos y enfoques, teniendo en cuenta las realidades de la sociedad moderna.La comunidad mundial ha encontrado el uso del espacio de Internet por parte de organizaciones extremistas, lo que amenaza la seguridad de la sociedad moderna y los países individuales. Se propone llevar a cabo la lucha contra el extremismo a escala internacional en las siguientes áreas: primero, el desarrollo de una base legal e informativa internacional; segundo, la creación de un entorno social y económico favorable en los estados y regiones; tercero, el desarrollo de mecanismos para prevenir el financiamiento de actividades extremistas; cuarto, la creación de una estructura analítica internacional con personal científico de diferentes países para identificar las causas del extremismo en diferentes regiones de la comunidad mundial y desarrollar pronósticos en ciertas etapas en diferentes regiones, y desarrollar mecanismos modernos para contrarrestar el extremismo transnacional.Цель исследования–исследование политико-правовые системы государств по вопросам противодействия международному экстремизму с применением системного подхода в контексте определенных особенностей восточных и западных (европейских) стран, а также США и Великобритании.Методологическая база включает применение сравнительного анализа (отождествления и различия) и методы построения определенных типологий западных и восточных государств, которые группируются как по качественным, так и количественным признакам.Выводы. В современных условиях в научных исследованиях применяется системный подход с середины 50-х годов ХХ столетия. В статье этот подход рассматривается в политико-правовой сфере по международным вопросам, а в качестве примеров анализируются восточный и западный (европейских) типы государств мирового сообщества в контексте вопросов противодействия экстремизму.Процессы глобализации повлияли в ХХI веке обусловили появление «транснационального экстремизма». В современных условиях для противодействия международному (транснациональному) экстремизму необходимо разрабатывать новые механизмы и подходы с учетом реалий современного общества.Особую тревогу вызывает религиозный экстремизм, особенно в исламских странах, который постепенно распространяющегося по всему миру. Ислам определяет черты организации и деятельности восточных государств и является частью политического механизма, а также влияет на развитие государств и на общественно-политические и государственно-правовые отношения в них и является политико-идеологической основой.Мировое сообщество столкнулось с использованием интернет-пространства экстремистскими организациями, что угрожает безопасности современного общества и отдельных стран. В международном масштабе вести противодействие экстремизму предлагается в последующих направлениях: первое - разработка международной правовой и информационной баз; второе - создание в государствах и регионах благоприятной социальной и экономической обстановки; третье - выработка механизмов по предотвращению финансирования экстремистской деятельности; четвертое - создание международного аналитической структуры с привлечением научных кадров из разных стран мира для выявления причин, способствующих возникновению экстремизма в разных регионах мирового сообщества и разработки прогнозов на определенных этапах в разных регионах, и выработки современных механизмов противодействия транснациональному экстремизму

    Infective endocarditis: the specific features of its course, the criteria for diagnosis, differential diagnosis (part II)

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is today characterized by polyetiology due to a wide range of pathogens. The paper describes the specific features of the clinical picture of the disease in relation to the etiological agent, which have, in some cases, a crucial role in the choice of empiric antibiotic therapy. Significant clinical polymorphism, obscure symptoms, and monosyndromic onset as guises all enhance the importance of the differential diagnosis of IE, at its early stages in particular. Basic approaches to differentiating IE from the diseases in which differentially diagnostic problems arise to the utmost are outlined

    To the question about the stimulation of creative activity and support of social innovation

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    The article discusses the interaction of teachers and students creating an acmeological environment when creating children's booksВ статье рассматривается взаимодействие педагогов и студентов, создание акмеологической среды при создании детских кни

    A climatology of surface ozone in the extra tropics: cluster analysis of observations and model results

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    Important aspects of the seasonal variations of surface ozone are discussed. The underlying analysis is based on the long-term (1990–2004) ozone records of the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) and the World Data Centre of Greenhouse Gases, which provide data mostly for the Northern Hemisphere. Seasonal variations are pronounced at most of the 114 locations at all times of the day. A seasonal-diurnal variations classification using hierarchical agglomeration clustering reveals 6 distinct clusters: clean background, rural, semi-polluted non-elevated, semi-polluted semi-elevated, elevated and polar/remote marine. For the "clean background" cluster the seasonal maximum is observed in March-April, both for night and day. For those sites with a double maximum or a wide spring-summer maximum, the spring maximum appears both for day and night, while the summer maximum is more pronounced for daytime and hence can be attributed to photochemical processes. The spring maximum is more likely caused by dynamical/transport processes than by photochemistry as it is observed in spring for all times of the day. We compare the identified clusters with corresponding data from the 3-D atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 covering the period of 1998–2005. For the model output as for the measurements 6 clusters are considered. The simulation shows at most of the sites a spring seasonal maximum or a broad spring-summer maximum (with higher summer mixing ratios). For southern hemispheric and polar remote locations the seasonal maximum in the simulation is shifted to spring, while the absolute mixing ratios are in good agreement with the measurements. The seasonality in the model cluster covering background locations is characterized by a pronounced spring (April–May) maximum. For the model clusters which cover rural and semi-polluted sites the role of the photochemical production/destruction seems to be overestimated. Taking into consideration the differences in the data sampling procedure, the comparison demonstrates the ability of the model to reproduce the main regimes of surface ozone variations quite well


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    At present, the problem of infective endocarditis (IE) remains relevant for clinicians of different specialties, including rheumatologists. The distinctive feature of present-day IE is its polyetiological pattern due to a broad spectrum of pathogens. The lecture highlights in detail clinical picture of the disease, laboratory and instrumental findings. It presents current international diagnostic criteria for IE. The obvious clinical polymorphism, subtle symptoms, and monosyndromic onset as masks, all increases the significance of differential diagnosis of IE, in early disease stages in particular. Main approaches to differentiating IE from diseases posing the greatest differentially diagnostic challenges are set forth

    Persistent organic pollutants (PCBs and OCP) in air and soil from Ulaanbaatar and the Lake Hovsgol region, Mongolia

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    The investigations of POPs in soil and air in three urban and rural sites of the Mongolia are presented. The POPs distribution in air repeats the POPs distribution in soil on the area investigated. The POPs levels in soil and air are lower than maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and preliminary permissible concentrations (PPC) of PCBs and OCP accepted in Russia. POPs levels in Mongolian soil obtained in the investigation are comparable with those from background areas of the world. POPs levels in Mongolian air are in the frame of concentrations found in the world. The PCB homological pattern in soil near electric power station in Ulaanbaatar is close to homological pattern in PCB technical mixture (Sovol or Arochlor 1254). The homological patterns in soil from other sites changed due to the redistribution of PCB congeners in the environment. The ratio of DDT and its metabolites indicates fresh entrance of DDT in the environment of Mongolia due to the atmospheric transboundary transport from countries using DDT (China, India) or from local agricultural sources. Hazard indexes in result from human exposure with POPs in soil and air are lower by 2-4 orders than 1 that denotes the possible default of disturbances in target organ and system. CR under the same scenario corresponds to the first diapason that is taken by population as negligible risk, not differ from usual everyday risks. Such risks don’t require additional measures for the reducing of risks and their levels are a subject of periodical control. The necessity of additional investigation of POPs distribution and the fate in Mongolian environment is indicated.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v12i0.176 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.12 2011: 69-7

    Инфекционный эндокардит: особенности течения, критерии диагноза, дифференциальная диагностика (часть II)

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is today characterized by polyetiology due to a wide range of pathogens. The paper describes the specific features of the clinical picture of the disease in relation to the etiological agent, which have, in some cases, a crucial role in the choice of empiric antibiotic therapy. Significant clinical polymorphism, obscure symptoms, and monosyndromic onset as guises all enhance the importance of the differential diagnosis of IE, at its early stages in particular. Basic approaches to differentiating IE from the diseases in which differentially diagnostic problems arise to the utmost are outlined.Характерной чертой современного инфекционного эндокардита (ИЭ) является его полиэтиологичность, обусловленная широким спектром возбудителей. В статье освещены особенности клинической картины болезни в зависимости от этиологического агента, которые в ряде случаев играют определяющую роль в выборе эмпирической антибиотикотерапии. Представлены современные (отечественные и международные) диагностические критерии ИЭ. Выраженный клинический полиморфизм, стертость симптоматики, моносиндромный дебют в виде масок - все это повышает значение дифференциального диагноза ИЭ, особенно на ранних стадиях болезни. Излагаются основные подходы к разграничению ИЭ с заболеваниями, при которых в наибольшей степени возникают дифференциально-диагностические проблемы

    Инфекционный эндокардит: лечение и профилактика (часть III)

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    The present paper completes a series of papers on the current aspects of infective endocarditis (IE). It also presents detailed antibacterial treatment schemes for IE in relation of an isolated pathogen. The authors show it expedient to use of glucocorticoids in IE and give indications for their administration. The basic principles of antibiotic prevention of IE are considered in various IE risk groups.Настоящая публикация завершает серию статей, посвященных современным аспектам инфекционного эндокардита (ИЭ). Представлены подробные схемы антибактериальной терапии ИЭ в зависимости от выделенного возбудителя. Обоснована целесообразность применения глюкокортикоидов при ИЭ и даны показания к их назначению. Рассмотрены основные принципы антибиотико-профилактики ИЭ в различных группах риска

    Extended axion electrodynamics: Optical activity induced by nonstationary dark matter

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    We establish a new self-consistent Einstein-Maxwell-axion model based on the Lagrangian, which is linear in the pseudoscalar (axion) field and its four-gradient and includes the four-vector of macroscopic velocity of the axion system as a whole. We consider extended equations of the axion electrodynamics, modified gravity field equations, and discuss nonstationary effects in the phenomenon of optical activity induced by axions.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal Gravitation and Cosmology, reported at the 14th Russian Gravitational Conference (Ulyanovsk, 2011

    Protecting Children from Verbal and Visual Aggression Through the Creation of a New Artistic Product

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    The article talks about the need to protect children from low-quality printing products, aggressive texts and the importance of creating new children's books, the experience of creating a new artistic product by students and teachers of the Russian State Pedagogical University.В статье говориться о необходимости защиты детей от некачественной полиграфической продукции, агрессивных текстов и важности создания новых детских книг, опыте создания нового художественного продукта студентами и преподавателями РГППУ