12 research outputs found

    Pflanzenarten der MVR als Quelle biologisch aktiver Verbindungen

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    Es wurde der Gehalt an Flavonoiden und Kumarinen von 250 Pflanzenarten, die zu 38 Gattungen, 35 Familien der Flora der \ MVR gehören. untersucht. Bei 50 Arten der Familien Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae wurde ein beträchtlicher Gehalt an Flavoiden festgestellt. Kumarine sind für 60 Arten (17 Familien) nachgewiesen. Ausführlich wurde die Zusammensetzung der Flavonoidc für einzelne Arten der Familie Asteraceae und die der Kumarine für Arten der Familie .Apiaceae untersucht. Es wurden für die Gewinnung biologisch aktiver Flavonoide und Kumarine aussichtsreiche Pflanzenarten gefunden, die die Grundlage für die Herstellung originaler Arzneimittel von einem breiten Wirkungsspektrum bilden können. Untersucht wurde auljerdem die Verbreitung von Süljholz-Glycyrrhiza llralensis auf dem Territorium der MVR. Der Wurzelrohstoff wurde zwecks Bestimmung des Gehalts an aktiven Komponenten analysiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dalj der Rohstoff von Glycyrrhiza uralensis aus der MVR ähnlich dem aus der UdSSR für Arzneimittel verwendet werden kann. Изучено наличие флавоноидов и кумаринов у 250 видов растений, относящихся к 38 родам из 35 семейств флоры МНР. Установлено значительное содержание флаВDНОИДО 13 у 50 видов семейств Asteraceae, РаЬасеае, Lamiaceae. Присутствие кумаринов обнаружено у 60 видов из 17 семейств. Детально исследован состав флавоноидов отдельных видо\u27З семейства Asteraceae и кумаринов видов семейства Apiaceae. Выявлены растения перспективные для получения биологически активных флавоноидов и кумаринсв, На основе которых могут быть созданы оригинальныэ препараты различного спектрз действия. Изучены запасы солодкового корня (Glycyrrhisa uralепsis) на iерритории МНР. Проведен анализ сырья корня на содержания активных компонентсв. Установлено, что сырьё Glycyrrhiza uralensis, произрастающей на территории МНР может бытьиспользовано для получения лекарственных препаратов аналогично сырью этого аида, добываемого в СССР

    Towards effective indirect radioisotope energy converters with bright and radiation hard scintillators of (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 family

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    Ceramics of quaternary garnets (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 doped with Ce, Tb have been fabricated and evaluated as prospective materials for indirect energy converters of α-and β-voltaic. Samples were characterized at excitation with an X-ray source and an intense 150 keV electron beam and showed good temperature stability of their emission and tolerance to irradiation. The role of X-rays accompanied the α-particle emitting in the increase of the conversion efficiency is clarified. The garnet-type structure of the matrix in the developed materials allows the production of quality crystalline mass with a light yield exceeding that of the commonly used YAG: Ce scintillator by a factor of two times. © 2022 Korean Nuclear SocietyMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, FEUZ-2020-0060; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiSW: 075-11-2021-070; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationAuthors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353 . The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060 ) (authors with affiliation “c”).Authors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353. The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060) (authors with affiliation “c”)

    Quantification of C1 esterase inhibitor in human serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Correlation with turbidimetric immunoassay

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    C1 inhibitor of serine proteases (C1-INH) performs a regulatory function in the complement system and vascular permeability. Deficiency of C1-INH leads to various forms of angioedema, including hereditary angioedema (HAE). The cause of HAE is a genetically determined violation of the synthesis of C1-INH. A decrease in the level of C1-INH to 50% relative to the norm leads to an increase in the production of bradykinin, which is the basis for the diagnosis of HAE. The development of affordable ELISA for the quantitative determination of C1-INH is a popular direction for clinicians. During the development of a new kit for quantitative determination of C1-INH, two mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with different epitope specificities were obtained. On their basis, a sandwich-type ELISA was developed. The specificity of the obtained mAb's was confirmed using the medical device “Berinert”. To prepare calibrators, C1-INH was affinity purified from human blood plasma using a sorbent with immobilized mAbs. The identity of the C1-INH protein was confirmed by PAGE electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry on MALDI-TOF/TOF UltrafleXtreme mass spectrometer. To assess the quality indicators of developed reagents kit, studies were carried out in accordance with GOST R 51352-2013 and TU 21.20.23-041-01967164-2022. Values of quality indicators: accuracy — 93.53%; measurement linearity interval — 22.00-176.07 ng/mL. Using the developed ELISA test system, we examined 28 blood sera from healthy donors and 7 blood sera from patients with confirmed HAE. In the same samples, the content of C1-INH was determined by turbidimetric method, using the "Diagnostic reagents for in vitro immunochemical studies of specific blood proteins. Model: C1-esterase inhibitor (C1 EsteraseInhibitor)" (Aptec, Belgium). The correlation coefficient was 0.94 (p < 0.05). It was found that the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the developed ELISA is 100%. As a result of the study, an original ELISA test system for the quantitative determination of C1-INH was developed "Reagent kit for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of human C1-inhibitor (C1-inh PS)"

    Pflanzenarten der MVR als Quelle biologisch aktiver Verbindungen

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    Es wurde der Gehalt an Flavonoiden und Kumarinen von 250 Pflanzenarten, die zu 38 Gattungen, 35 Familien der Flora der \ MVR gehören. untersucht. Bei 50 Arten der Familien Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae wurde ein beträchtlicher Gehalt an Flavoiden festgestellt. Kumarine sind für 60 Arten (17 Familien) nachgewiesen. Ausführlich wurde die Zusammensetzung der Flavonoidc für einzelne Arten der Familie Asteraceae und die der Kumarine für Arten der Familie .Apiaceae untersucht. Es wurden für die Gewinnung biologisch aktiver Flavonoide und Kumarine aussichtsreiche Pflanzenarten gefunden, die die Grundlage für die Herstellung originaler Arzneimittel von einem breiten Wirkungsspektrum bilden können. Untersucht wurde auljerdem die Verbreitung von Süljholz-Glycyrrhiza llralensis auf dem Territorium der MVR. Der Wurzelrohstoff wurde zwecks Bestimmung des Gehalts an aktiven Komponenten analysiert. Es wurde festgestellt, dalj der Rohstoff von Glycyrrhiza uralensis aus der MVR ähnlich dem aus der UdSSR für Arzneimittel verwendet werden kann. Изучено наличие флавоноидов и кумаринов у 250 видов растений, относящихся к 38 родам из 35 семейств флоры МНР. Установлено значительное содержание флаВDНОИДО 13 у 50 видов семейств Asteraceae, РаЬасеае, Lamiaceae. Присутствие кумаринов обнаружено у 60 видов из 17 семейств. Детально исследован состав флавоноидов отдельных видо\u27З семейства Asteraceae и кумаринов видов семейства Apiaceae. Выявлены растения перспективные для получения биологически активных флавоноидов и кумаринсв, На основе которых могут быть созданы оригинальныэ препараты различного спектрз действия. Изучены запасы солодкового корня (Glycyrrhisa uralепsis) на iерритории МНР. Проведен анализ сырья корня на содержания активных компонентсв. Установлено, что сырьё Glycyrrhiza uralensis, произрастающей на территории МНР может бытьиспользовано для получения лекарственных препаратов аналогично сырью этого аида, добываемого в СССР


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    Objectives. To assess the frequency and preferences when assigning intraarticular therapy with hyaluronic acid (HA) in knee оsteoarthritis (ОА) in clinical practice. Material and methods. The analysis of 200 patient records with knee OA treated at the regional center of rheumatology to assess the frequency and spectrum assignment of НА, profile of patients, who were prescribed HA, and its effectiveness. To assess the opinions of rheumatologists on intraarticular therapy with НА we conducted an anonymous questionnaire of 20 rheumatologists of Ekaterinburg. Results. The analysis showed that intraarticular НА therapy was recommended by rheumatologists to 46% of patients with knee ОА, of which the treatment was performed in only 35%. Patients who received treatment were older and more often took NSAIDs and symptomatic slow-acting drugs. Intra-articular НА therapy was effective in 69% of patients. НА with higher molecular weight were more effective, although rheumatologists prefer НА with low molecular weight. Conclusion. In clinical practice, НА is used widely in the treatment of knee ОА, a positive effect from the treatment noted in more than a half of patients