785 research outputs found

    Air intakes for a probative missile of rocket ramjet

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    The methods employed to test air intakes for a supersonic guided ramjet powered missile being tested by ONERA are described. Both flight tests and wind tunnel tests were performed on instrumented rockets to verify the designs. Consideration as given to the number of intakes, with the goal of delivering the maximum pressure to the engine. The S2, S4, and S5 wind tunnels were operated at Mach nos. 1.5-3 for the tests, which were compartmentalized into fuselage-intake interaction, optimization of the intake shapes, and the intake performance. Tests were performed on the length and form of the ogive, the presence of grooves, the height of traps in the boundary layer, the types and number of intakes and the lengths and forms of diffusers. Attention was also given to the effects of sideslip, effects of the longitudinal and circumferential positions of the intakes were also examined. Near optimum performance was realized during Mach 2.2 test flights of the prototype rockets

    Functional co-monotony of processes with applications to peacocks and barrier options

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    We show that several general classes of stochastic processes satisfy a functional co-monotony principle, including processes with independent increments, Brownian diffusions, Liouville processes. As a first application, we recover some recent results about peacock processes obtained by Hirsch et al. which were themselves motivated by a former work of Carr et al. about the sensitivity of Asian Call options with respect to their volatility and residual maturity (seniority). We also derive semi-universal bounds for various barrier options.Comment: 27 page

    Carbon Dynamics Along the Seine River Network: Insight From a Coupled Estuarine/River Modeling Approach

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    The Seine river discharges over 700 Gg of carbon (C) every year into the sea mostly under the form of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and emits 445 Gg under the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere over its entire river network. The watershed, which drains 76,000 km2, is heavily populated with 18 106 inhabitants and is thus submitted to large anthropic pressure. The offline coupling of two Reactive Transport Models is used to understand the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of carbon, oxygen and nutrients and quantify the CO2 exchange at the air-water interface along the main axis of the river. The estuarine section of the Seine is simulated by the generic estuarine model C-GEM (for Carbon Generic Estuarine Model), while the upstream part of the network, devoid of tidal influence is simulated by the pyNuts-Riverstrahler modeling platform which also includes an explicit representation of the drainage network ecological functioning. Our simulations provide a process-based representation of nutrients, oxygen, total organic carbon (TOC) and the carbonate system (DIC and alkalinity) over the entire year 2010. Our coupled modeling chain allows quantifying the respective contributions of the estuarine and freshwater sections of the system in the removal of carbon as well as following the fate of TOC and DIC along the river network. Our results also allow calculating an integrated carbon budget of the Seine river network for year 2010

    When does the elastic regime begin in viscoelastic pinch-off?

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    In this experimental and numerical study, we revisit the question of the onset of the elastic regime in viscoelastic pinch-off. This is relevant for all modern filament thinning techniques which aim at measuring the extensional properties of low-viscosity polymer solutions such as the Slow Retraction Method (SRM) in Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometry (CaBER) as well as the dripping method where a drop detaches from a nozzle. In these techniques, a stable liquid bridge is slowly brought to its stability threshold where capillary-driven thinning starts, slowing down dramatically at a critical radius h1 marking the onset of the elastic regime where the bridge becomes a filament with elasto-capillary thinning dynamics. While a theoretical scaling for this transition radius exists for the classical step-strain CaBER protocol, where polymer chains stretch without relaxing during the fast plate separation, we show that it is not necessarily valid for a slow protocol such as in SRM since polymer chains only start stretching (beyond their equilibrium coiled configuration) when the bridge thinning rate becomes comparable to the inverse of their relaxation time. We derive a universal scaling for h1 valid for both low and high-viscosity polymer solution which is validated by both CaBER (SRM) experiments with different polymer solutions, plate diameters and sample volumes and by numerical simulations using the FENE-P model

    Fermi-Edge Singularities in AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Wells : Extrinsic Versus Many-Body Scattering Processes

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    A Fano resonance mechanism is evidenced to control the formation of optical Fermi-edge singularities in multi-subband systems such as remotely doped AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures. Using Fano parameters, we probe the physical nature of the interaction between Fermi-sea electrons and empty conduction subbands. We show that processes of extrinsic origin like alloy-disorder prevail easily at 2D over multiple diffusions from charged valence holes expected by many-body scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Enhanced fluctuations of the tunneling density of states near bottoms of Landau bands measured by a local spectrometer

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    We have found that the local density of states fluctuations (LDOSF) in a disordered metal, detected using an impurity in the barrier as a spectrometer, undergo enhanced (with respect to SdH and dHvA effects) oscillations in strong magnetic fields, omega _c\tau > 1. We attribute this to the dominant role of the states near bottoms of Landau bands which give the major contribution to the LDOSF and are most strongly affected by disorder. We also demonstrate that in intermediate fields the LDOSF increase with B in accordance with the results obtained in the diffusion approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Energy spectra of quasiperiodic systems via information entropy

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    We study the relationship between the electronic spectrum structure and the configurational order of one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems. We take the Fibonacci case as an specific example, but the ideas outlined here may be useful to accurately describe the energy spectra of general quasiperiodic systems of technological interest. Our main result concerns the {\em minimization} of the information entropy as a characteristic feature associated to quasiperiodic arrangements. This feature is shown to be related to the ability of quasiperiodic systems to encode more information, in the Shannon sense, than periodic ones. In the conclusion we comment on interesting implications of these results on further developments on the issue of quasiperiodic order.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 8 pages, 3 figures available on request from FD-A ([email protected]), Phys Rev E submitted, MA/UC3M/02/9

    Impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease: decreased striatal dopamine transporter levels

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    Objective Impulse control disorders are commonly associated with dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD). PD patients with impulse control disorders demonstrate enhanced dopamine release to conditioned cues and a gambling task on [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and enhanced ventral striatal activity to reward on functional MRI. We compared PD patients with impulse control disorders and age-matched and gender-matched controls without impulse control disorders using [123I]FP-CIT (2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl)tropane) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), to assess striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) density. Methods The [123I]FP-CIT binding data in the striatum were compared between 15 PD patients with and 15 without impulse control disorders using independent t tests. Results Those with impulse control disorders showed significantly lower DAT binding in the right striatum with a trend in the left (right: F(1,24)=5.93, p=0.02; left: F(1,24)=3.75, p=0.07) compared to controls. Conclusions Our findings suggest that greater dopaminergic striatal activity in PD patients with impulse control disorders may be partly related to decreased uptake and clearance of dopamine from the synaptic cleft. Whether these findings are related to state or trait effects is not known. These findings dovetail with reports of lower DAT levels secondary to the effects of methamphetamine and alcohol. Although any regulation of DAT by antiparkinsonian medication appears to be modest, PD patients with impulse control disorders may be differentially sensitive to regulatory mechanisms of DAT expression by dopaminergic medications
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