235 research outputs found

    Suppression of ferromagnetism in CeSi_1.81 under temperature and pressure

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    We have studied the pressure dependence of the magnetization of single crystalline CeSi_1.81. At ambient pressure ferromagnetism develops below T_C = 9.5 Below ~ 5 K an additional shoulder in low-field hysteresis loops and a metamagnetic crossover around 4 T suggest the appearance of an additional magnetic modulation to the ferromagnetic state. The suppression of the magnetic order in CeSi_1.81 as function of temperature at ambient pressure and as function of pressure at low temperature are in remarkable qualitative agreement. The continuous suppression of the ordered moment at p ~ 13.1 kbar suggests the existence of a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in this material.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Electronic disorder of P- and B-doped Si at the metal-insulator transition investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy and electronic transport

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    The (111)-2 × 1 surface of in situ cleaved heavily P- or B-doped Si is investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy at room temperature and at low temperature. P atoms have been identified on different sites of the Si(111)-2 × 1 surface by their characteristic voltage-dependent contrast for positive as well as negative buckling of the π-bonded chains. The distributions of dopants per surface area and of nearest-neighbour distances are found to be in agreement with a random arrangement of dopants in Si up to doping levels well above the metal–insulator transition. In addition, P atoms have been identified by their depth-dependent contrast down to the third layer beneath the surface with a volume density in agreement with the bulk doping density. The random electronic disorder supports the view of an Anderson transition driven by disorder close to the critical concentration or critical uniaxial stress

    HP1 drives de novo 3D genome reorganization in early Drosophila embryos

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    Fundamental features of 3D genome organization are established de novo in the early embryo, including clustering of pericentromeric regions, the folding of chromosome arms and the segregation of chromosomes into active (A-) and inactive (B-) compartments. However, the molecular mechanisms that drive de novo organization remain unknown. Here, by combining chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C), chromatin immunoprecipitation with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP–seq), 3D DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (3D DNA FISH) and polymer simulations, we show that heterochromatin protein 1a (HP1a) is essential for de novo 3D genome organization during Drosophila early development. The binding of HP1a at pericentromeric heterochromatin is required to establish clustering of pericentromeric regions. Moreover, HP1a binding within chromosome arms is responsible for overall chromosome folding and has an important role in the formation of B-compartment regions. However, depletion of HP1a does not affect the A-compartment, which suggests that a different molecular mechanism segregates active chromosome regions. Our work identifies HP1a as an epigenetic regulator that is involved in establishing the global structure of the genome in the early embryo

    Magnetic behavior of single crystalline Ho2_2PdSi3_3

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    The magnetic behavior of single-crystal Ho2_2PdSi3_3, crystallizing in an AlB2_2-derived hexagonal structure, is investigated by magnetic susceptibility (χ\chi) and electrical resistivity (ρ\rho) measurements along two directions. There is no dramatic anisotropy in the high temperature Curie-Weiss parameter or in the ρ\rho and isothermal magnetization data, though there is a noticeable anisotropy in the magnitude of ρ\rho between two perpendicular orientations. The degree of anisotropy is overall less prominent than in the Gd (which is an S-state ion!) and Tb analogues. A point of emphasis is that this compound undergoes long range magnetic ordering below 8 K as in the case of analogous Gd and Dy compounds. Considering this fact for these compounds with well-localised f-orbital, the spin glass freezing noted for isomorphous U compounds in the recent literature could be attributed to the role of the f-ligand hybridization, rather than just Pd-Si disorder.Comment: Physical Review B, in pres

    Entwicklung, Erprobung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Strategien in den Bereichen Tiergesundheit, Haltung, Fütterung, Management in der ökologischen Ferkelerzeugung

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    Die ökologische Ferkelerzeugung weist hinsichtlich Tiergesundheit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit große Defizite auf. Die Ursachen sind komplex und betreffen u.a. Fütterung, Haltung und Hygiene. Für diese Bereiche sollten durch Exakt- und Praxisversuche Lösungsansätze entwickelt werden. Teilprojekte umfassten folgende Themen: Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Raufutter in der Fütterung tragender Sauen, die Wirkung einer Inulinzugabe sowie vom Extrudieren von Ackerbohnen in Sauen- und Ferkelfutter, die Bewertung alternativer Desinfektionsverfahren, ein Vergleich von Einzelhaltung versus kombinierte Einzel- und Gruppenhaltung säugender Sauen sowie die Optimierung des Ferkelliegebereichs in der Ferkelaufzucht. Zentrale Ergebnisse: - Die verschiedenen Raufuttervarianten (Kleegrassilage, Heu, Maissilage, Topinamburknollen) hatten keine negativen Effekte auf Körperkonstitution und Reproduktionsleistungen der Sauen. - Die Saugferkel der mit Inulin versorgten Sauen entwickelten sich gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe während der Säugezeit leistungsmäßig besser, während der Ferkelaufzucht gab es keine Leistungssteigerungen. Der Einsatz von getoasteten Ackerbohnen führte zu signifikant besseren Ferkelzunahmen gegenüber dem Einsatz von extrudierten Ackerbohnen. - Keines der getesteten alternativen Desinfektionsverfahren (Heißwasserdampf, elektroaktiviertes Wasser, Abflammen) ist eine Alternative zur chemischen Desinfektion bezüglich Keimreduktion, Arbeitsaufwand und Kosten. - Gruppensäugen führt bei Sauen zu erhöhter Aktivität sowie zu spezifischen Verhaltensanpassungen. Leistungseinbußen konnten weder für Sauen noch für Ferkel dokumentiert werden. „Gruppensäugen“ führt zu einem höheren Arbeitszeitbedarf und steigenden Baukosten. - Der Liegebereich für Aufzuchtferkel ist in vielen Betrieben nicht optimal und durch z. T. einfache Maßnahmen (Abdichten des Liegenestes, Wärmedämmung des Bodens, Bodenheizung, Anbringen einer weiteren Wärmequelle) für die Tiere zu verbessern

    FashionBrain Project: A Vision for Understanding Europe's Fashion Data Universe

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    A core business in the fashion industry is the understanding and prediction of customer needs and trends. Search engines and social networks are at the same time a fundamental bridge and a costly middleman between the customer’s purchase intention and the retailer. To better exploit Europe’s distinctive characteristics e.g., multiple languages, fashion and cultural differences, it is pivotal to reduce retailers’ dependence to search engines. This goal can be achieved by harnessing various data channels (manufacturers and distribution networks, online shops, large retailers, social media, market observers, call centers, press/magazines etc.) that retailers can leverage in order to gain more insight about potential buyers, and on the industry trends as a whole. This can enable the creation of novel on-line shopping experiences, the detection of influencers, and the prediction of upcoming fashion trends. In this paper, we provide an overview of the main research challenges and an analysis of the most promising technological solutions that we are investigating in the FashionBrain project

    Electronic structure and nesting-driven enhancement of the RKKY interaction at the magnetic ordering propagation vector in Gd2PdSi3 and Tb2PdSi3

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    We present first-time measurements of the Fermi surface and low-energy electronic structure of intermetallic compounds Gd2PdSi3 and Tb2PdSi3 by means of angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). Both materials possess a flower-like Fermi surface consisting of an electron barrel at the G point surrounded by spindle-shaped electron pockets originating from the same band. The band bottom of both features lies at 0.5 eV below the Fermi level. From the experimentally measured band structure, we estimate the momentum-dependent RKKY coupling strength and demonstrate that it is peaked at the 1/2 GK wave vector. Comparison with neutron diffraction data from the same crystals shows perfect agreement of this vector with the propagation vector of the low-temperature in-plane magnetic order, thereby demonstrating the decisive role of the Fermi surface geometry in explaining the complex magnetically ordered ground state of ternary rare earth silicides.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure