8 research outputs found


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    A process flow diagram for the complex differential extraction of precious and nonferrous metals from multi-component electronic scrap has been proposed for the purpose of improvement of the enterprise economic status in the secondary metallurgy. The advantages of the new technology and the results of extraction are given. The profit performances, which have been obtained as a result of introducing the technology, the together with the gold value as the main product during incidental extraction of other valuable components are presented. The efficiency coefficient of complex extraction of non-ferrous and precious metals is calculated by formula: K = Profit/Expenses. The effect of procurement prices on the profit is analyzed. The profit decrease per 1 ton of scrap is found to amount to 0,01 to 0,05 % with increasing the procurement price of up to 100 % for the content of precious metals at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia. Consequently, there is the possibility of significant growth of the procurement price for raw materials in comparison with the equilibrium prices of the market. The dependence of the annual profit on increased productivity for different scrap types has been analyzed. The compositions are recommended the procurement prices of which are to be increased. Realization the administrative impact on the scope of raw material supplies with the use of the pricing strategies is shown to be possible. The price increase for certain scrap types will provide the opportunity to attract suppliers, to increase the production, to expand the range of products, and obtain the additional income. Implementation of the proposed flowsheet for the complex recovery of valuable components from electronic scrap and the use of the raw materials procurement price increasing strategy for as a specific strategy for purchasing necessary resources and their distribution will allow us to improve the economic efficiency of the business activity. Increase in the profit will make possible the company to use it for realization of short- and long-term goals to improve their economic condition and strengthen the market position in the competitive environment.Предложена технологическая схема для комплексного дифференцированного извлечения благородных и цветных металлов из многокомпонентного электронного лома c целью улучшения экономического состояния предприятия вторичной металлургии. Представлены преимущества новой технологии и результаты извлечения. Приведены показатели прибыли, получаемые в результате внедрения технологии, c учетом снижения себестоимости золота как основного продукта при попутном извлечении других ценных компонентов. Рассчитан коэффициент эффективности комплексного извлечения цветных и благородных металлов по формуле: K = Доход / Затраты. Проанализировано влияние на прибыль увеличения закупочных цен. Установлено, что уменьшение прибыли на 1 т лома при повышении закупочной цены до 100 % за содержание драгоценных металлов по курсу Центрального банка РФ составило от 0,01 до 0,05 %. Следовательно, существует возможность значительного роста закупочной цены на сырье по сравнению с равновесными ценами рынка. Исследована зависимость годовой прибыли от увеличения производительности для разных категорий лома. Даны рекомендации, на какие именно составы целесообразно повышать закупочные цены. Показано, что возможна реализация управленческого воздействия на объем поставок сырья c помощью стратегии ценообразования. Рост цен на определенные виды лома будет способствовать привлечению поставщиков, увеличению объема производства, расширению ассортимента и получению дополнительной прибыли. Внедрение предлагаемой технологической схемы для комплексного извлечения ценных компонентов из электронного лома и применение стратегии повышения закупочных цен на сырье как специфической стратегии для приобретения необходимых ресурсов и их распределения позволят улучшить показатели экономической эффективности хозяйственной деятельности. Увеличение получаемой прибыли даст возможность предприятию использовать ее для реализации краткосрочных и долгосрочных целей по улучшению своего экономического состояния и укреплению рыночной позиции в условиях конкуренции

    Peculiarities of the influenza viruses circulation and their properties during 2018-2019 epidemic season in Russia and countries of the Northern Hemisphere

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    Objective. To identify the drift variability of influenza viruses during the period of epidemic rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in the period 2018-2019. The biological and molecular-genetic properties of epidemic strains isolated in certain territories of the Russian Federation were studied and compared with data from the countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Materials and methods. A range of laboratory diagnostic methods has been applied, including immune fluorescence, RT-PCR, sequencing, methods for determining sensitivity to influenza drugs and receptor specificity. Results and discussion. The proportion of influenza viruses was as follows: A (H1N1) pdm09 - 53 %, A (H3N2) - 46 %, B - about 1 %. Cases of severe acute respiratory infections have most often been associated with influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 virus. According to antigenic properties, isolated strains corresponded to the properties of vaccine viruses (A/Michigan/45/2015 - by 99.6 % and A/Singapore INFIMH-16-0019/2016 - by 86 %). The heterogeneity of influenza A virus strains population was revealed as regards individual mutations in hemaglutinin. The influenza B virus population was equally represented by both evolutionary lines (B/Victoria and B/Yamagata-like). Receptor specificity was favorable for the course and outcome of the disease. Among 70 studied epidemic strains, no strains resistant to anti-neuraminidase drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir, were detected. The article presents WHO recommendations on the composition of influenza vaccines for the countries of the Northern Hemisphere for 2019-2020, provides data on cases of human infection with avian influenza viruses A(H5N1), A(H5N6), A(H7N9) and A(H9N2)

    Грипп-2016: клинико-эпидемиологические особенности и современные возможности эффективной терапии (по данным ГБУЗ города Москвы «Инфекционная клиническая больница № 1 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы»)

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    The aim of this study was to monitor in-hospital influenza virus infection during 2015 – 2016 epidemic flu season. Methods. Influenza virus was searched in patients hospitalized to a clinical infectious diseases hospital with acute respiratory viral infection during 2015 – 2016 influenza seasonal growth period using real-time RT-PCR method. Influenza virus was isolated from nasal swabs and autopsy material using canine kidney cell line. Other laboratory methods used included complete blood count, blood chemistry, blood gas analysis, urinalysis, and chest X-ray examination. Results. We examined 1,491 patients (375 adults, 546 children, 570 pregnant women with early gestational age). The proportion of hospitalized patients with confirmed A / H1N1pdm09 influenza in January – February, 2016, was 91.3%. A / H3N2 influenza virus was diagnosed in 5.7%, influenza B virus was isolated in 1.2% of patients. Totally, influenza virus was detected in 35.2% of samples, of which 30.1% of samples were obtained from adults, 33.7% of samples were obtained from children, and 39.8% of samples were obtained from pregnant women. The prevalent patient’s age was 15 to 60 years (76.1%) in adults and 3 to 6 years in children. Moderate course of influenza with a high rate of hospital admission was seen more often and was similar to that of 2009 – 2010 epidemic season. Proportion of patients with flu complicated by pneumonia was higher than that in 2014 – 2015 epidemic season. Bilateral lung injury was diagnosed in 48.4% of patients. High mortality in ICU (46.4%) was due to delayed start of antiviral treatment and late admission to a hospital. Conclusion. In 2015 – 2016 epidemic flu season, higher morbidity, complications and poor outcomes were related to predominant infection of A – H1N1pdm09 influenza virus. Risk factors of complications and death were delayed care seeking, lack of modern antiviral medications and comorbidity.Актуальность. В период подъема заболеваемости в сезоне 2015–2016 гг. в рамках эпидемиологического надзора за циркуляцией вирусов гриппа в Российской Федерации Центром экологии и эпидемиологии гриппа (ЦЭЭГ) Института вирусологии им. Д.И.Ивановского ФГБУ «Федеральный научно-исследовательский центр эпидемиологии и микробиологии имени почетного академика Н.Ф.Гамалеи» Минздрава России (Москва) на базе ГБУЗ города Москвы «Инфекционная клиническая больница № 1 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы» (ГБУЗ г. Москвы «ИКБ № 1 ДЗМ») осуществлялся госпитальный мониторинг в условиях специализированного стационара, целью которого являлось определение количественного и качественного распределения штаммов вирусов гриппа А и В среди госпитализированных пациентов, в т. ч. с тяжелой формой заболевания, а также анализ частоты осложнений и эффективности противовирусной терапии. Материалы и методы. В период подъема заболеваемости гриппом в ГБУЗ г. Москвы «ИКБ № 1 ДЗМ» госпитализированы пациенты с клиническим диагнозом острая респираторная вирусная инфекция. Детекция вирусов гриппа проводилась методом полимеразной цепной реакции с обратной транскрипцией в режиме реального времени. Вирусы гриппа были изолированы из назальных смывов и секционного материала на перевиваемой клеточной линии почки собаки (MDCK). Лабораторная диагностика включала клинический и биохимический анализ крови, анализ газового состава крови, анализ мочи, рентгенологическое исследование органов грудной клетки. Результаты. В январе-феврале 2016 г. доля больных, госпитализированных в ГБУЗ г. Москвы «ИКБ № 1 ДЗМ» с лабораторно подтвержденным гриппом A / H1N1pdm09, составила 91,3 %, A / H3N2 – 5,7 %, В – 1,2 %. Обследованы пациенты (n = 1 491) – взрослые (n = 375), дети (n = 546) и беременные (n = 570) на разных сроках. Доля положительных на грипп проб в целом составила 35,2 %. Среди взрослых положительными на грипп были 30,1 % проб, среди детей – 33,7 %, среди беременных – 39,8 %. В возрастной структуре преобладали (76,1 %) пациенты в возрасте от 15 до 50 лет. В детской популяции наиболее вовлеченными в эпидемию оказались дети в возрасте 3–6 лет. Преобладали среднетяжелые формы гриппа с высокой частотой госпитализаций, сравнимой с сезоном 2009–2010 гг. Доля пациентов с гриппом, осложненным пневмонией, увеличилась в сравнении с эпидемическим сезоном 2014–2015 гг. Двустороннее поражение легких зарегистрировано у 48,4 % больных. Высокий уровень летальности (46,4 %) в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии связан с запоздалым началом противовирусной терапии и поздней госпитализацией. Заключение. Высокая заболеваемость, увеличение числа осложнений и неблагоприятных исходов определена доминированием вируса гриппа A / H1N1pdm09. Факторами, увеличивающими риск развития осложнений и летальных исходов, являются позднее обращение за медицинской помощью, отсутствие своевременной противовирусной терапии, сопутствующие заболевания

    The Dynamics of Peripheral Refraction and Eye Shape in Children with Progressive Myopia Wearing Orthokeratology Lenses

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    The change of peripheral refraction and the shape of 52 myopic eyes of 26 patients aged 8 to 16 (averagely, 10.4 ± 0,9 years) resulting from overnight wearing of orthokeratology lenses was followed up for 3.2 ± 0.9 years on average. The use of Ortho-k lenses was found to form relative peripheral myopia, whose value correlated with the initial degree of myopia and was averagely equal to -1.4 ± 0.13 D, -1.9 ± 0.17 D and -4.4 ± 0.13 D, respectively for low, moderate and high myopia. The ratio coefficient APA/HD between the length of the anterioposterior axis (APA) and the horizontal diameter (HD) of the eye changed from the initial value, which was averagely equal to 1.01 ± 0.06 (1.00 ± 0.002 for low myopia, 1.01 ± 0.008 for moderate myopia, and 1.02 ± 0.003 for high myopia), to -0.98 ± 0.006 (-0.94 ± 0.001 for low myopia, 0.98 ± 0.007 for moderate myopia, and - 1.00 ± 0.006 for high myopia) by the end of lens wearing term. This dynamics of APA/HD variation is an evidence of eyeball shape change as a result of prolonged use of ortho-k lenses toward the shape of a oblate ellipsoid. This is accompanied by the formation of a peripheral myopic defocus // Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2016; 1: 62-6

    Ultrasound scan of the orbit with an immersion protection in patients with subatrophy and anophthalmos

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    We observed 73 patients with anophthalmos with different types of intraorbital implants, and subatrophy of the globe. For three- dimensional ultrasound image of the orbit we used a new immersion substation on the basis of compressed polyvinyl alcohol, which was placed between the probe and the eyelids, excluding «dead zone». Acoustic density of the orbital structure and orbital blood flowwere estimated

    Improvement of supply of raw materials for the enterprise of secondary metallurgy precious metals

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    В статье рассматривается политика управления поставками сырьевых ресурсов для предприятия вторичной металлургии, не доминирующего на рынке. Для обоснования стратегических ценовых решений на рынке закупки сырья предлагается использовать элементы теории игр. Вероятность закупки поступившей на рынок партии сырья рекомендуется оценивать c помощью интегрального показателя эффективности, который учитывает наиболее значимые факторы и условия, влияющие на ее приобретение. Интегральный показатель эффективности построен на основе функции желательности Харрингтона. Приведены рекомендации по методике ценообразования на электронный лом для предприятия вторичной металлургии, использующего технологическую схему комплексной переработки сырья, учитывающие особенности состава лома, ситуацию на рынке и изменение цены на золото. Предложена двухуровневая система оплаты за электронный лом, основанная на оценке выручки от реализации всех ценных компонентов.The article discusses the policy of supply management of raw materials for secondary metallurgy enterprise, not dominated in the market. To justify the strategic pricing decisions on market purchases of raw materials are encouraged to use the elements of game theory. Probability of purchase on the market within the party raw materials should be assessed using the integral c performance indicator that takes into account the most relevant factors and conditions that affect its acquisition. Integral indicator of effectiveness is based on the desirability function of Harrington. The article gives recommendations regarding the method of pricing of electronic scrap for secondary metallurgy company that uses a flow chart of complex processing of raw materials, especially taking into account the composition of the scrap market conditions and changes in the price of gold. Authors propose a two-stages system of payment for e-waste, based on an assessment of proceeds from the sale of all of the components

    Features of integrated ultrasound research of the orbit in the evaluation of the forecast results of prosthetics in subatrophy and microphthalmia

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    A comprehensive echographic study of the orbit using an immersion environment, including high-gray-scale scanning, echo densitometry, volumetric ultrasound scan and color Doppler mapping in 19 patients with post-traumatic subatrophy and 7 patients with congenital microphthalmia. Found that low rates of eye prosthesis in anophthalmia in the late periods is due to insufficient volume of the musculoskeletal stump; if in the orbit exist a reduced in size eye (anteroposterior axis of 10.0 mm or more), the using of prosthesis does not develop deformation of the facial skeleton; the visualization of bloodstream in the great vessels at 2nd — 3rd stages ofsubatrophy and microphthalmia testifies the preservation of blood supply of the structures of the eye and orbit, presence of trophic

    Influenza Epidemiology And Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness During The 2016-2017 Season In The Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (Gihsn)

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    BackgroundThe Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN) aims to determine the burden of severe influenza disease and Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness (IVE). This is a prospective, active surveillance and hospital-based epidemiological study to collect epidemiological data in the GIHSN. In the 2016-2017 influenza season, 15 sites in 14 countries participated in the GIHSN, although the analyses could not be performed in 2 sites. A common core protocol was used in order to make results comparable. Here we present the results of the GIHSN 2016-2017 influenza season.MethodsA RT-PCR test was performed to all patients that accomplished the requirements detailed on a common core protocol. Patients admitted were included in the study after signing the informed consent, if they were residents, not institutionalised, not discharged in the previous 30days from other hospitalisation with symptoms onset within the 7days prior to admission. Patients 5years old or more must also complied the Influenza-Like Illness definition. A test negative-design was implemented to perform IVE analysis. IVE was estimated using a logistic regression model, with the formula IVE=(1-aOR)x100, where aOR is the adjusted Odds Ratio comparing cases and controls.ResultsAmong 21,967 screened patients, 10,140 (46.16%) were included, as they accomplished the inclusion criteria, and tested, and therefore 11,827 (53.84%) patients were excluded. Around 60% of all patients included with laboratory results were recruited at 3 sites. The predominant strain was A(H3N2), detected in 63.6% of the cases (1840 patients), followed by B/Victoria, in 21.3% of the cases (618 patients). There were 2895 influenza positive patients (28.6% of the included patients). A(H1N1)pdm09 strain was mainly found in Mexico. IVE could only be performed in 6 sites separately. Overall IVE was 27.24 (95% CI 15.62-37.27. Vaccination seemed to confer better protection against influenza B and in people 2-4years, or 85years old or older. The aOR for hospitalized and testing positive for influenza was 3.02 (95% CI 1.59-5.76) comparing pregnant with non-pregnant women.ConclusionsVaccination prevented around 1 in 4 hospitalisations with influenza. Sparse numbers didn't allow estimating IVE in all sites separately. Pregnancy was found a risk factor for influenza, having 3 times more risk of being admitted with influenza for pregnant women.Wo