272 research outputs found

    Statistics of reduced words in locally free and braid groups: Abstract studies and application to ballistic growth model

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    We study numerically and analytically the average length of reduced (primitive) words in so-called locally free and braid groups. We consider the situations when the letters in the initial words are drawn either without or with correlations. In the latter case we show that the average length of the reduced word can be increased or lowered depending on the type of correlation. The ideas developed are used for analytical computation of the average number of peaks of the surface appearing in some specific ballistic growth modelComment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 7 separated Postscript figures (available on request), submitted to J. Phys. (A): Math. Ge

    Statistical dynamics of a non-Abelian anyonic quantum walk

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    We study the single particle dynamics of a mobile non-Abelian anyon hopping around many pinned anyons on a surface. The dynamics is modelled by a discrete time quantum walk and the spatial degree of freedom of the mobile anyon becomes entangled with the fusion degrees of freedom of the collective system. Each quantum trajectory makes a closed braid on the world lines of the particles establishing a direct connection between statistical dynamics and quantum link invariants. We find that asymptotically a mobile Ising anyon becomes so entangled with its environment that its statistical dynamics reduces to a classical random walk with linear dispersion in contrast to particles with Abelian statistics which have quadratic dispersion.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Random Hierarchical Matrices: Spectral Properties and Relation to Polymers on Disordered Trees

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    We study the statistical and dynamic properties of the systems characterized by an ultrametric space of states and translationary non-invariant symmetric transition matrices of the Parisi type subjected to "locally constant" randomization. Using the explicit expression for eigenvalues of such matrices, we compute the spectral density for the Gaussian distribution of matrix elements. We also compute the averaged "survival probability" (SP) having sense of the probability to find a system in the initial state by time tt. Using the similarity between the averaged SP for locally constant randomized Parisi matrices and the partition function of directed polymers on disordered trees, we show that for times t>tcrt>t_{\rm cr} (where tcrt_{\rm cr} is some critical time) a "lacunary" structure of the ultrametric space occurs with the probability 1const/t1-{\rm const}/t. This means that the escape from some bounded areas of the ultrametric space of states is locked and the kinetics is confined in these areas for infinitely long time.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures (the paper is essentially reworked

    Random Operator Approach for Word Enumeration in Braid Groups

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    We investigate analytically the problem of enumeration of nonequivalent primitive words in the braid group B_n for n >> 1 by analysing the random word statistics and the target space on the basis of the locally free group approximation. We develop a "symbolic dynamics" method for exact word enumeration in locally free groups and bring arguments in support of the conjecture that the number of very long primitive words in the braid group is not sensitive to the precise local commutation relations. We consider the connection of these problems with the conventional random operator theory, localization phenomena and statistics of systems with quenched disorder. Also we discuss the relation of the particular problems of random operator theory to the theory of modular functionsComment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 4 separated Postscript figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys. B [PM

    Ballistic deposition patterns beneath a growing KPZ interface

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    We consider a (1+1)-dimensional ballistic deposition process with next-nearest neighbor interaction, which belongs to the KPZ universality class, and introduce for this discrete model a variational formulation similar to that for the randomly forced continuous Burgers equation. This allows to identify the characteristic structures in the bulk of a growing aggregate ("clusters" and "crevices") with minimizers and shocks in the Burgers turbulence, and to introduce a new kind of equipped Airy process for ballistic growth. We dub it the "hairy Airy process" and investigate its statistics numerically. We also identify scaling laws that characterize the ballistic deposition patterns in the bulk: the law of "thinning" of the forest of clusters with increasing height, the law of transversal fluctuations of cluster boundaries, and the size distribution of clusters. The corresponding critical exponents are determined exactly based on the analogy with the Burgers turbulence and simple scaling considerations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor edits: typo corrected, added explanation of two acronyms. The text is essentially equivalent to version

    Variational solution of the T-matrix integral equation

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    We present a variational solution of the T-matrix integral equation within a local approximation. This solution provides a simple form for the T matrix similar to Hubbard models but with the local interaction depending on momentum and frequency. By examining the ladder diagrams for irreducible polarizability, a connection between this interaction and the local-field factor is established. Based on the obtained solution, a form for the T-matrix contribution to the electron self-energy in addition to the GW term is proposed. In the case of the electron-hole multiple scattering, this form allows one to avoid double counting.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Topological Entanglement of Polymers and Chern-Simons Field Theory

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    In recent times some interesting field theoretical descriptions of the statistical mechanics of entangling polymers have been proposed by various authors. In these approaches, a single test polymer fluctuating in a background of static polymers or in a lattice of obstacles is considered. The extension to the case in which the configurations of two or more polymers become non-static is not straightforward unless their trajectories are severely constrained. In this paper we present another approach, based on Chern--Simons field theory, which is able to describe the topological entanglements of two fluctuating polymers in terms of gauge fields and second quantized replica fields.Comment: 16 pages, corrected some typos, added two new reference

    On scale-free and poly-scale behaviors of random hierarchical network

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    In this paper the question about statistical properties of block--hierarchical random matrices is raised for the first time in connection with structural characteristics of random hierarchical networks obtained by mipmapping procedure. In particular, we compute numerically the spectral density of large random adjacency matrices defined by a hierarchy of the Bernoulli distributions {q1,q2,...}\{q_1,q_2,...\} on matrix elements, where qγq_{\gamma} depends on hierarchy level γ\gamma as qγ=pμγq_{\gamma}=p^{-\mu \gamma} (μ>0\mu>0). For the spectral density we clearly see the free--scale behavior. We show also that for the Gaussian distributions on matrix elements with zero mean and variances σγ=pνγ\sigma_{\gamma}=p^{-\nu \gamma}, the tail of the spectral density, ρG(λ)\rho_G(\lambda), behaves as ρG(λ)λ(2ν)/(1ν)\rho_G(\lambda) \sim |\lambda|^{-(2-\nu)/(1-\nu)} for λ|\lambda|\to\infty and 0<ν<10<\nu<1, while for ν1\nu\ge 1 the power--law behavior is terminated. We also find that the vertex degree distribution of such hierarchical networks has a poly--scale fractal behavior extended to a very broad range of scales.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures (paper is substantially revised

    Entangled Polymer Rings in 2D and Confinement

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    The statistical mechanics of polymer loops entangled in the two-dimensional array of randomly distributed obstacles of infinite length is discussed. The area of the loop projected to the plane perpendicular to the obstacles is used as a collective variable in order to re-express a (mean field) effective theory for the polymer conformation. It is explicitly shown that the loop undergoes a collapse transition to a randomly branched polymer with RlN14R\propto lN^\frac{1}{4}.Comment: 17 pages of Latex, 1 ps figure now available upon request, accepted for J.Phys.A:Math.Ge

    Space-charge mechanism of aging in ferroelectrics: an exactly solvable two-dimensional model

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    A mechanism of point defect migration triggered by local depolarization fields is shown to explain some still inexplicable features of aging in acceptor doped ferroelectrics. A drift-diffusion model of the coupled charged defect transport and electrostatic field relaxation within a two-dimensional domain configuration is treated numerically and analytically. Numerical results are given for the emerging internal bias field of about 1 kV/mm which levels off at dopant concentrations well below 1 mol%; the fact, long ago known experimentally but still not explained. For higher defect concentrations a closed solution of the model equations in the drift approximation as well as an explicit formula for the internal bias field is derived revealing the plausible time, temperature and concentration dependencies of aging. The results are compared to those due to the mechanism of orientational reordering of defect dipoles.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. accepted to Physical Review