763 research outputs found

    Carbon fibre tips for scanning probe microscopy based on quartz tuning fork force sensors

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    We report the fabrication and the characterization of carbon fibre tips for their use in combined scanning tunnelling and force microscopy based on piezoelectric quartz tuning fork force sensors. We find that the use of carbon fibre tips results in a minimum impact on the dynamics of quartz tuning fork force sensors yielding a high quality factor and consequently a high force gradient sensitivity. This high force sensitivity in combination with high electrical conductivity and oxidation resistance of carbon fibre tips make them very convenient for combined and simultaneous scanning tunnelling microscopy and atomic force microscopy measurements. Interestingly, these tips are quite robust against occasionally occurring tip crashes. An electrochemical fabrication procedure to etch the tips is presented that produces a sub-100 nm apex radius in a reproducible way which can yield high resolution images.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Investigation of Living Cells in the Nanometer Regime with the Scanning Force Microscope

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    Membrane structures of different types of cells are imaged in the nanometer regime by scanning force microscopy (SFM). The images are compared to those obtained with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SFM imaging can be done on the outer cell membrane under conditions that keep the cells alive in aqueous solutions. This opens up the possibility of observing the kinematics of the structures that determine the interaction of a cell with its environment. Therefore, STM observations, together with information obtained with the electron microscope, open up new ways of studying the development of biological structures. With the currently possible resolution, the SFM gives access to processes such as antibody binding or endo- and exocytosis, including processes correlated to the infection of cells by viruses

    Theoretical Study of Friction: A Case of One-Dimensional Clean Surfaces

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    A new method has been proposed to evaluate the frictional force in the stationary state. This method is applied to the 1-dimensional model of clean surfaces. The kinetic frictional force is seen to depend on velocity in general, but the dependence becomes weaker as the maximum static frictional force increases and in the limiting case the kinetic friction gets only weakly dependent on velocity as described by one of the laws of friction. It is also shown that there is a phase transition between state with vanishing maximum static frictional force and that with finite one. The role of randomness at the interface and the relation to the impurity pinning of the sliding Charge-Density-Wave are discussed. to appear in Phys.Rev.B. abstract only. Full text is available upon request. E-mail: [email protected]: 2 pages, Plain TEX, OUCMT-94-

    Quantum shot-noise at local tunneling contacts on mesoscopic multiprobe conductors

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    New experiments that measure the low-frequency shot-noise spectrum at local tunneling contacts on mesoscopic structures are proposed. The current fluctuation spectrum at a single tunneling tip is determined by local partial densities of states. The current-correlation spectrum between two tunneling tips is sensitive to non-diagonal density of states elements which are expressed in terms of products of scattering states of the conductor. Thus such an experiment permits to investigate correlations of electronic wave functions. We present specific results for a clean wire with a single barrier and for metallic diffusive conductors.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 2 figure

    Dynamic image potential at an Al(111) surface

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    We evaluate the electronic self-energy Sigma(E) at an Al(111) surface using the GW space-time method. This self-energy automatically includes the image potential V-im not present in any local-density approximation for exchange and correlation. We solve the energy-dependent quasiparticle equations and calculate the effective local potential experienced by electrons in the near-surface region. The relative contribution of exchange proves to be very different for states above the Fermi level. The image-plane position for interacting electrons is closer to the surface than for the purely electrostatic effects felt by test charges, and, like its classical counterpart, is drawn inwards by the effects of atomic structure

    Landauer Theory, Inelastic Scattering and Electron Transport in Molecular Wires

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    In this paper we address the topic of inelastic electron scattering in mesoscopic quantum transport. For systems where only elastic scattering is present, Landauer theory provides an adequate description of transport that relates the electronic current to single-particle transmission and reflection probabilities. A formalism proposed recently by Bonca and Trugman facilitates the calculation of the one-electron transmission and reflection probabilities for inelastic processes in mesoscopic conductors connected to one-dimensional ideal leads. Building on their work, we have developed a self-consistent procedure for the evaluation of the non-equilibrium electron distributions in ideal leads connecting such mesoscopic conductors to electron reservoirs at finite temperatures and voltages. We evaluate the net electronic current flowing through the mesoscopic device by utilizing these non-equilibrium distributions. Our approach is a generalization of Landauer theory that takes account of the Pauli exclusion principle for the various competing elastic and inelastic processes while satisfying the requirement of particle conservation. As an application we examine the influence of elastic and inelastic scattering on conduction through a two site molecular wire with longitudinal phonons using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model of electron-phonon coupling.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    First-Principles Studies of Hydrogenated Si(111)--7×\times7

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    The relaxed geometries and electronic properties of the hydrogenated phases of the Si(111)-7×\times7 surface are studied using first-principles molecular dynamics. A monohydride phase, with one H per dangling bond adsorbed on the bare surface is found to be energetically favorable. Another phase where 43 hydrogens saturate the dangling bonds created by the removal of the adatoms from the clean surface is found to be nearly equivalent energetically. Experimental STM and differential reflectance characteristics of the hydrogenated surfaces agree well with the calculated features.Comment: REVTEX manuscript with 3 postscript figures, all included in uu file. Also available at http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~ulloa/ulloa.htm

    Electron transport in nanotube--molecular wire hybrids

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    We study contact effects on electron transport across a molecular wire sandwiched between two semi-infinite (carbon) nanotube leads as a model for nanoelectrodes. Employing the Landauer scattering matrix approach we find that the conductance is very sensitive to parameters such as the coupling strength and geometry of the contact. The conductance exhibits markedly different behavior in the two limiting scenarios of single contact and multiple contacts between the molecular wire and the nanotube interfacial atoms. In contrast to a single contact the multiple-contact configuration acts as a filter selecting single transport channels. It exhibits a scaling law for the conductance as a function of coupling strength and tube diameter. We also observe an unusual narrow-to-broad-to-narrow behavior of conductance resonances upon decreasing the coupling.Comment: 4 pages, figures include

    Static and dynamic properties of frictional phenomena in a one-dimensional system with randomness

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    Static and dynamic frictional phenomena at the interface with random impurities are investigated in a two-chain model with incommensurate structure. Static frictional force is caused by the impurity pinning and/or by the pinning due to the regular potential, which is responsible for the breaking of analyticity transition for impurity-free cases. It is confirmed that the static frictional force is always finite in the presence of impurities, in contrast to the impurity-free system. The nature of impurity pinning is discussed in connection with that in density waves. The kinetic frictional force of a steady sliding state is also investigated numerically. The relationship between the sliding velocity dependence of the kinetic frictional force and the strength of impurity potential is discussed.Comment: RevTex, 14 pages, 6 PostScript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Variable Curvature Slab Molecular Dynamics as a Method to Determine Surface Stress

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    A thin plate or slab, prepared so that opposite faces have different surface stresses, will bend as a result of the stress difference. We have developed a classical molecular dynamics (MD) formulation where (similar in spirit to constant-pressure MD) the curvature of the slab enters as an additional dynamical degree of freedom. The equations of motion of the atoms have been modified according to a variable metric, and an additional equation of motion for the curvature is introduced. We demonstrate the method to Au surfaces, both clean and covered with Pb adsorbates, using many-body glue potentials. Applications to stepped surfaces, deconstruction and other surface phenomena are under study.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Physical Review
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