166 research outputs found

    Managing software uninstall with negative trust

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    A problematic aspect of software management systems in view of integrity preservation is the handling, approval, tracking and eventual execution of change requests. In the context of the relation between clients and repositories, trust can help identifying all packages required by the intended installation. Negative trust, in turn, can be used to approach the complementary problem induced by removing packages. In this paper we offer a logic for negative trust which allows to identify admissible and no-longer admissible software packages in the current installation profile in view of uninstall processes. We provide a simple working example and the system is formally verified using the Coq theorem prover

    Minimizing transitive trust threats in software management systems

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    We consider security threats in software installation processes, posed by transitively trusted dependencies between packages from distinct repositories. To analyse them, we present SecureNDC, a Coq implemented calculus using an explicit trust function to bridge repository access and software package installation rights. Thereby, we resolve a version of the minimum install problem under trust conditions on repositorie

    Describing and simulating concurrent quantum systems

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    We present a programming language for describing and analysing concurrent quantum systems. We have an interpreter for programs in the language, using a symbolic rather than a numeric calculator, and we give its performance on examples from quantum communication and cryptography

    Teaching functional patterns through robotic applications

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    We present our approach to teaching functional programming to First Year Computer Science stu- dents at Middlesex University through projects in robotics. A holistic approach is taken to the cur- riculum, emphasising the connections between different subject areas. A key part of the students’ learning is through practical projects that draw upon and integrate the taught material. To support these, we developed the Middlesex Robotic plaTfOrm (MIRTO), an open-source platform built using Raspberry Pi, Arduino, HUB-ee wheels and running Racket (a LISP dialect). In this paper we present the motivations for our choices and explain how a number of concepts of functional programming may be employed when programming robotic applications. We present some students’ work with robotics projects: we consider the use of robotics projects to have been a success, both for their value in reinforcing students’ understanding of programming concepts and for their value in motivating the students

    Derivation of a Floquet Formalism within a Natural Framework

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    Many biological systems experience a periodic environment. Floquet theory is a mathematical tool to deal with such time periodic systems. It is not often applied in biology, because linkage between the mathematics and the biology is not available. To create this linkage, we derive the Floquet theory for natural systems. We construct a framework, where the rotation of the Earth is causing the periodicity. Within this framework the angular momentum operator is introduced to describe the Earth’s rotation. The Fourier operators and the Fourier states are defined to link the rotation to the biological system. Using these operators, the biological system can be transformed into a rotating frame in which the environment becomes static. In this rotating frame the Floquet solution can be derived. Two examples demonstrate how to apply this natural framework

    Teaching functional patterns through robotic applications

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    We present our approach to teaching functional programming to First Year Computer Science stu- dents at Middlesex University through projects in robotics. A holistic approach is taken to the cur- riculum, emphasising the connections between different subject areas. A key part of the students’ learning is through practical projects that draw upon and integrate the taught material. To support these, we developed the Middlesex Robotic plaTfOrm (MIRTO), an open-source platform built using Raspberry Pi, Arduino, HUB-ee wheels and running Racket (a LISP dialect). In this paper we present the motivations for our choices and explain how a number of concepts of functional programming may be employed when programming robotic applications. We present some students’ work with robotics projects: we consider the use of robotics projects to have been a success, both for their value in reinforcing students’ understanding of programming concepts and for their value in motivating the students

    El retaule major de Nostra Senyora del Socors i la formació del santuari cinccentista de la serra del Corredor

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    Reconstrucció de la gènesi d'un santuari cinccentista dedicat a la Mare de Déu, edificat a la serra del Corredor i equipat amb la intervenció decisiva de l'ermità Lleonard Claus (m. 1601). L'estudi se centra en el complex retaule major del santuari, contractat el 1589, i especialment en les seves catorze taules de pintura. A més d'identificar i documentar-ne per primer cop l'autor, Antoni Toreno II(m. 1598), traça un primer perfil general de la seva activitat, pràcticament desconeguda fins avui, i explora les fonts gràfiques que va utilitzar-hi -en particular, estampes de Cornelis Cort.The article investigates the origins of a sixteenth century sanctuary devoted to the Blessed Virgin, which was built with the active intervention of the hermit Lleonard Claus (m. 1601). Special attention is paid to its complex main altarpiece (commissioned in 1589), and its fourteen painted panels. The article identifies their painter, Antoni Toreno II (m. 1598), for the first time. Some of the main aspects of this artist's biography and his inspiration on Cornelis Cort engravings are described

    Laag pathogene aviaire influenza virus infecties op pluimveebedrijven in Nederland

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    Laag Pathogene Aviaire Influenza (LPAI) is een aandoening bij pluimvee die wordt veroorzaakt door LPAI virussen. In Nederland worden elk jaar meer infecties met LPAI virussen op pluimveebedrijven gedetecteerd. In dit rapport is gekeken naar een aantal mogelijke oorzaken voor deze toename. Het vermoeden bestaat dat serologisch en/of virologisch positieve bedrijven vaker dan gemiddeld bedrijven zijn met vrije uitloop. De vraag is of dit werkelijk zo is, en zo ja welke maatregelen dan genomen kunnen worden om de kans op een introductie op een bedrijf met vrije uitloop te verminderen