13 research outputs found


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    Contemporary problems of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), being one of hantaviral infection nozoforms and wide-spread on Euro Asiatic continent are considered. Annual increase morbidity with of natural foci expansion, often severe course and a high mortality rate determine the importance of HFRS for health of many countries and in particular the Russia. This article presents of long standing results obtained during the study of epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory diagnostic, immunopathogenesis, treatment trials in Primorsky region of Russian Federation, being the endemic area of co-circulation of several pathogenic hantaviruses.Рассмотрены современные проблемы одной их нозоформ хантавирусной инфекции – геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом (ГЛПС), широко распространенной на Евразийском континенте. Ежегодный прирост заболеваемости с расширением природных очагов инфекции, нередко тяжелое течение и высокий уровень летальности определяют большое значение ГЛПС для здравоохранения многих стран, в том числе и России. Статья представляет результаты многолетнего изучения эпидемиологии, ранней клинической и лабораторной диагностики, иммунопатогенеза и терапии ГЛПС в Приморском крае – эндемичном регионе циркуляции нескольких патогенных хантавирусов

    Symbolic Analysis of Faulty Logic Circuits under Correlated Data-Dependent Gate Failures

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    In this paper we present a method for symbolic analysis of unreliable logic circuits in the presence of correlated and data-dependent gate failures, described by Markov chains. Furthermore, using this method we investigate the influence of data-dependent failures on the performance of majority logic and multiple input XOR gates

    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome on south of far east russia: actual problems of diagnostic and treatment

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    Contemporary problems of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), being one of hantaviral infection nozoforms and wide-spread on Euro Asiatic continent are considered. Annual increase morbidity with of natural foci expansion, often severe course and a high mortality rate determine the importance of HFRS for health of many countries and in particular the Russia. This article presents of long standing results obtained during the study of epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory diagnostic, immunopathogenesis, treatment trials in Primorsky region of Russian Federation, being the endemic area of co-circulation of several pathogenic hantaviruses