181 research outputs found

    Robust and Biocompatible Functionalization of ZnS Nanoparticles by Catechol-Bearing Poly(2-Methyl-2-Oxazoline)s.

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    Zinc sulfide (ZnS) nanoparticles (NPs) are particularly interesting materials for their electronic and luminescent properties. Unfortunately, their robust and stable functionalization and stabilization, especially in aqueous media, has represented a challenging and not yet completely accomplished task. In this work, we report the synthesis of colloidally stable, photoluminescent and biocompatible core\u2013polymer shell ZnS and ZnS:Tb NPs by employing a water-in-oil miniemulsion (ME) process combined with surface functionalization via catechol-bearing poly-2-methyl-2-oxazoline (PMOXA) of various molar masses. The strong binding of catechol anchors to the metal cations of the ZnS surface, coupled with the high stability of PMOXA against chemical degradation, enable the formation of suspensions presenting excellent colloidal stability. This feature, combined with the assessed photoluminescence and biocompatibility, make these hybrid NPs suitable for optical bioimaging


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    Il processo preparativo di componenti in lega NiTi a memoria di forma (SMA), per esempio fili, partendo da lingotto, richiede una lunga sequenza di trattamenti termomeccanici. E’ noto come lo stato di incrudimento del materiale, il processo di trafilatura e le numerose ricotture possano fortemente influenzare le dimensioni, la forma e la tessitura dei grani di NiTi, modificando la concentrazione di dislocazioni e di difettosità a bordo grano, inducendo la formazione di geminati o la precipitazione di numerosi composti stechiometrici e non. Le proprietà funzionali a memoria di forma di componenti in NiTi derivano dall’effettiva microstruttura della lega. Nel presente studio saranno indagati, mediante microscopia elettronica in trasmissione (TEM), gli effetti di alcuni trattamenti termomeccanici, a diversi stadi del processo, sulla microstruttura di fili NiTi. Saranno inoltre confrontate le microstrutture di fili cui sono state impartite le proprietà a memoria di forma secondo modalità differenti. Le informazioni sui cambiamenti microstrutturali e cristallografici associati a differenti strade di processo possono essere un utile aiuto nel miglioramento e nell’ottimizzazione delle proprietà funzionali del materiale, in vista delle sue possibili applicazioni in attuatori e altri sistemi intelligenti

    Cell-free DNA testing in the maternal blood in high-risk pregnancies after first-trimester combined screening

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate a strategy for clinical implementation of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing in high-risk pregnancies after first-trimester combined screening. Methods: In 259 singleton pregnancies undergoing invasive testing after first-trimester combined screening, a maternal blood sample was sent to the laboratory Natera for cfDNA testing using a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based methodology. Results: The cfDNA test provided a result in 249 (96.1%) pregnancies and, among these, identified as being at high risk 35 of 36 cases of trisomy 21, 13 of 13 with trisomy 18, five of five with trisomy 13 and three of four with sex chromosome aneuploidies. A policy of performing an invasive test in women with a combined risk of 651 in 10 or NT 654mm and offering cfDNA testing to the remaining cases would detect all cases of trisomy 21, 18 or 13, 80% of sex aneuploidies and 62.5% of other defects and would avoid an invasive procedure in 82.4% of euploid fetuses. Conclusion: In high-risk pregnancies after combined screening, a policy of selecting a subgroup for invasive testing and another for cfDNA testing would substantially reduce the number of invasive procedures and retain the ability to diagnose most of the observed aneuploidies

    Three posterior percutaneous celiac plexus block techniques. A prospective, randomized study in 61 patients with pancreatic cancer pain

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    Variations and refinements of the classic retrocrural technique of neurolytic celiac plexus block (NCPB) for pancreatic cancer pain (PCP) have been proposed over the last 30 yr to improve success rates, avoid complications and enhance diagnostic accuracy. The aim of this prospective, randomized study was to assess the efficacy and morbidity of three posterior percutaneous NCPB techniques in 61 patients with PCP. The 61 patients were randomly allocated to three NCPB treatment groups: group 1 (20 patients, transaortic plexus block); group 2 (20 patients, classic retrocrural block); and group 3 (21 patients, bilateral chemical splanchnicectomy). The quality and quantity of pain were analyzed before and after NCPB. No statistically significant differences (P greater than 0.05) were found among the three techniques in terms of either immediate or up-to-death results. Operative mortality was nil with the three techniques and morbidity negligible. NCPB abolished celiac PCP in 70-80% of patients immediately after the block and in 60-75% until death. Because celiac pain was only a component of PCP in all patients, especially in those with a longer time course until death: 1) abolition of such pain did not ensure high percentages of complete pain relief (immediate pain relief in 40-52%; pain relief until death in 10-24%); 2) NCPB was effective in controlling PCP in a higher percentage of cases if performed early after pain onset, when the pain was still only or mainly of celiac type and responded well to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug therapy; and 3) the probability of patients remaining completely pain-free diminished with increased survival tim

    Il Cancro del Retto: Terapia del Dolore nella Recidiva

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    The fight against cancer cannot only be based on survival, recurrence rate and other oncological endpoints. Patients are also asking for a decent quality of life. Rectal cancer is probably a paradigmatic example: Its treatment is often associated with the loss or severe impairment of faecal function, alteration of body anatomy, urogenital problems and, sometimes, intractable pain


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    Il lavoro descrive i quadri dolorosi comuni nel cancro della mammella e il loro trattament