1,009 research outputs found

    Bulk Fermion Stars with New Dimensions

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    Many efforts have been devoted to the studies of the phenomenology in particle physics with extra dimensions. We propose degenerate fermion stars with extra dimensions and study what features characterized by the size of extra dimensions should appear in its structure. We find that Kaluza-Klein excited modes arise for the larger scale of extra dimensions and examine the conditions on which different layers should be caused in the inside of the stars. We expound how the extra dimensions affect on physical quantities.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Ultraviolet dependence of Kaluza-Klein effects on electroweak observables

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    In extensions of the standard model (SM) with d extra dimensions at the TeV scale the virtual exchange of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the gauge bosons gives contributions that change the SM relations between electroweak observables. These corrections are finite only for d=1; for d\ge 2 the infinite tower of KK modes gives a divergent contribution that has to be regularized introducing a cutoff (the string scale). However, the ultraviolet dependence of the KK effects is completely different if the running of the couplings with the scale is taken into account. We find that for larger d the number of excitations at each KK level increases, but their larger number is compensated by the smaller value of the gauge coupling at that scale. As a result, for any number of extra dimensions the exchange of the complete KK tower always gives a finite contribution. We show that (i) for d=1 the running of the gauge coupling decreases an 14% the effect of the KK modes on electroweak observables; (ii) in all cases more than 90% of the total effect comes from the excitations in the seven lowest KK levels and is then independent of ultraviolet physics.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Invisible Axions and Large-Radius Compactifications

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    We study some of the novel effects that arise when the QCD axion is placed in the ``bulk'' of large extra spacetime dimensions. First, we find that the mass of the axion can become independent of the energy scale associated with the breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry. This implies that the mass of the axion can be adjusted independently of its couplings to ordinary matter, thereby providing a new method of rendering the axion invisible. Second, we discuss the new phenomenon of laboratory axion oscillations (analogous to neutrino oscillations), and show that these oscillations cause laboratory axions to ``decohere'' extremely rapidly as a result of Kaluza-Klein mixing. This decoherence may also be a contributing factor to axion invisibility. Third, we discuss the role of Kaluza-Klein axions in axion-mediated processes and decays, and propose several experimental tests of the higher-dimensional nature of the axion. Finally, we show that under certain circumstances, the presence of an infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein axion modes can significantly accelerate the dissipation of the energy associated with cosmological relic axion oscillations, thereby enabling the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale to exceed the usual four-dimensional relic oscillation bounds. Together, these ideas therefore provide new ways of obtaining an ``invisible'' axion within the context of higher-dimensional theories with large-radius compactifications.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, 6 figure

    On Effective Theory of Brane World with Small Tension

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    The five dimensional theory compactified on S1S^1 with two ``branes'' (two domain walls) embedded in it is constructed, based on the field-theoretic mechanism to generate the ``brane''. Some light states localized in the ``brane'' appear in the theory. One is the Nambu-Goldstone boson, which corresponds to the breaking of the translational invariance in the transverse direction of the ``brane''. In addition, if the tension of the ``brane'' is smaller than the fundamental scale of the original theory, it is found that there may exist not only massless states but also some massive states lighter than the fundamental scale in the ``brane''. We analyze the four dimensional effective theory by integrating out the freedom of the fifth dimension. We show that some effective couplings can be explicitly calculated. As one of our results, some effective couplings of the state localized in the ``brane'' to the higher Kaluza-Klein modes in the bulk are found to be suppressed by the width of the ``brane''. The resultant suppression factor can be quantitatively different from the one analyzed by Bando et al. using the Nambu-Goto action, while they are qualitatively the same.Comment: 17 pages, uses REVTEX macr

    Stabilization of Sub-Millimeter Dimensions: The New Guise of the Hierarchy Problem

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    A new framework for solving the hierarchy problem was recently proposed which does not rely on low energy supersymmetry or technicolor. The fundamental Planck mass is at a \tev and the observed weakness of gravity at long distances is due the existence of new sub-millimeter spatial dimensions. In this picture the standard model fields are localized to a (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional wall or ``3-brane''. The hierarchy problem becomes isomorphic to the problem of the largeness of the extra dimensions. This is in turn inextricably linked to the cosmological constant problem, suggesting the possibility of a common solution. The radii of the extra dimensions must be prevented from both expanding to too great a size, and collapsing to the fundamental Planck length \tev^{-1}. In this paper we propose a number of mechanisms addressing this question. We argue that a positive bulk cosmological constant Λˉ\bar\Lambda can stabilize the internal manifold against expansion, and that the value of Λˉ\bar\Lambda is not unstable to radiative corrections provided that the supersymmetries of string theory are broken by dynamics on our 3-brane. We further argue that the extra dimensions can be stabilized against collapse in a phenomenologically successful way by either of two methods: 1) Large, topologically conserved quantum numbers associated with higher-form bulk U(1) gauge fields, such as the naturally occurring Ramond-Ramond gauge fields, or the winding number of bulk scalar fields. 2) The brane-lattice-crystallization of a large number of 3-branes in the bulk. These mechanisms are consistent with theoretical, laboratory, and cosmological considerations such as the absence of large time variations in Newton's constant during and after primordial nucleosynthesis, and millimeter-scale tests of gravity.Comment: Corrected referencing to important earlier work by Sundrum, errors fixed, additional discussion on radion phenomenology, conclusions unchanged, 23 pages, LaTe

    Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axions in theories of low-scale quantum gravity

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    We explore the physics potential of a terrestrial detector for observing axionic Kaluza-Klein excitations coming from the Sun within the context of higher-dimensional theories of low-scale quantum gravity. In these theories, the heavier Kaluza-Klein axions are relatively short-lived and may be detected by a coincidental triggering of their two-photon decay mode. Because of the expected high multiplicity of the solar axionic excitations, we find experimental sensitivity to a fundamental Peccei-Quinn axion mass up to 10210^{-2} eV (corresponding to an effective axion-photon coupling gaγγ2.×1012g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 2.\times 10^{-12} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 2 extra dimensions and a fundamental quantum-gravity scale MFM_{\rm F} of order 100 TeV, and up to 3.×1033.\times 10^{-3} eV (corresponding to gaγγ6.×1013g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 6.\times 10^{-13} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 3 extra dimensions and MF=1M_{\rm F}=1 TeV. For comparison, based on recent data obtained from lowest level underground experiments, we derive the experimental limits: gaγγ<2.5×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 2.5\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} and gaγγ<1.2×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 1.2\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} in the aforementioned theories with 2 and 3 large compact dimensions, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, extended version, as to appear in Physical Review

    Neutrino Masses from Large Extra Dimensions

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    Recently it was proposed that the standard model (SM) degrees of freedom reside on a (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional wall or ``3-brane'' embedded in a higher-dimensional spacetime. Furthermore, in this picture it is possible for the fundamental Planck mass \mst to be as small as the weak scale \mst\simeq O(\tev) and the observed weakness of gravity at long distances is due the existence of new sub-millimeter spatial dimensions. We show that in this picture it is natural to expect neutrino masses to occur in the 10^{-1} - 10^{-4}\ev range, despite the lack of any fundamental scale higher than \mst. Such suppressed neutrino masses are not the result of a see-saw, but have intrinsically higher-dimensional explanations. We explore two possibilities. The first mechanism identifies any massless bulk fermions as right-handed neutrinos. These give naturally small Dirac masses for the same reason that gravity is weak at long distances in this framework. The second mechanism takes advantage of the large {\it infrared} desert: the space in the extra dimensions. Here, small Majorana neutrino masses are generated by breaking lepton number on distant branes.Comment: 17 pages, late

    Compact Hyperbolic Extra Dimensions: Branes, Kaluza-Klein Modes and Cosmology

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    We reconsider theories with low gravitational (or string) scale M_* where Newton's constant is generated via new large-volume spatial dimensions, while Standard Model states are localized to a 3-brane. Utilizing compact hyperbolic manifolds (CHM's) we show that the spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes is radically altered. This allows an early universe cosmology with normal evolution up to substantial temperatures, and completely negates the constraints on M_* arising from astrophysics. Furthermore, an exponential hierarchy between the usual Planck scale and the true fundamental scale of physics can emerge with only order unity coefficients. The linear size of the internal space remains small. The proposal has striking testable signatures.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Ultraviolet sensitivity of rare decays in nonuniversal extra dimensional models

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    We consider a nonuniversal five dimensional model in which fermions are localised on a four dimensional brane, while gauge bosons and a scalar doublet can travel in the bulk. As a result of KK number non-conservation at the brane-bulk intersection, the ultraviolet divergence does not cancel out in some physical observables. For example, the Bdl+lB_d \to l^+l^- decay amplitude is linearly divergent, while BB--Bˉ\bar{B} mixing amplitude is log divergent. We attempt to identify the exact source of this nonrenormalizability. We compare and contrast our results with those obtained in the universal five dimensional model where all particles travel in the extra dimension.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, uses axodraw.st

    Extra Dimensions and Higgs Pair Production at Photon Colliders

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    We show that new physics effects due to extra dimensions can dramatically affect Higgs pair production at photon colliders. We find that the cross section due to extra dimensions with the scale MSM_S of new physics around 1.5 TeV, the cross section can be as large as 0.11 pb (1.5pb) for monochromatic photon collision, γγHH\gamma \gamma \to HH, with the collider energy s=0.5(1)\sqrt{s} = 0.5 (1) TeV for Higgs mass of 100 (350) GeV. The cross section can be 3 fb (2.7 fb) for the same parameters for collisions using photon beams from electron or positron back scattered by laser. These cross sections are much larger than those predicted in the Standard Model. Higgs pair production at photon colliders can provide useful tests for new physics due to extra dimensions.Comment: Typos corrected and updated references, Rev-Tex, 11 pages with one figur