695 research outputs found

    Serum Complement C3 and C4 Levels in Relation to Diagnosis of Lupus Nephritis

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    Purpose: The main objective of this study was to measure serum complement C3 and C4 concentrations in patients of lupus nephritis to see if these simple measurements would give useful information to the clinician managing such patients.Method: A total of 52 samples were obtained from SLE patients, 17 suffering from lupus nephritis. All patients met the revised 1997 American College of Rheumatology criteria for SLE. Serum C3 and C4 concentrations were measured with single gel radioimmunodiffusion technique. Results: In lupus nephritis, C3 and C4 are generally correlated. Both C3 and C4 levels were decreased but C4 concentrations were more often and more profoundly depressed than C3 concentration. Conclusion: All patients of lupus nephritis with low C3 or C4 concentrations should have serial measurements performed and selected patients will need a full complement profile, including measurement of alternate pathway components and total hemolytic pathway. Keywords: Systemic lupus erythematosus, Auto antibodies, Lupus nephritis, C3 and C4Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 7(4) 2008: pp. 1117-112

    The ORCA-ome as a key to understanding alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus

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    Catharanthus roseus produces an important class of secondary metabolites known as terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIA). The dimeric TIA vincristine and vinblastine are effective anticancer drugs. Two transcription factors called ORCA2 and ORCA3 have been reported to regulate the MeJA-responsive expression of several biosynthesis genes. We report here comprehensive transcript profiling analysis of Catharanthus cell lines overexpressing ORCA2 or ORCA3 in an inducible manner. By using cDNA-amplified fragment-length polymorphism technology the quantitative accumulation patterns of 11,277 transcript tags were determined and analyzed. Thirty six transcripts were upregulated in response to overexpression of either by both ORCA2 or ORCA3 while 22 tags and 16 tags were upregulated specifically in ORCA2 overexpressing lines and ORCA3 over expression lines, respectively. Accumulation of downstream TIAs was also differentially affected by ORCA2 and ORCA3 overexpression. TIA accumulation patterns allowed us to predict in which set of cDNA-AFLP tags genes encoding the corresponding enzymes should be present. Metabolite analysis showed that overexpression of either ORCA2 or ORCA3 resulted in increased ajmalicine levels, indicating that the gene encoding Cathenamine Reductase (CR) must be regulated by both ORCAs. Since the CR-75 tag gave a TBLASTX hit to aldo/keto oxidoreductase enzymes we investigated the possibility that CR-75 corresponds to CR. Recombinant CR-75 protein produced in E. coli was able convert cathenamine to ajmalicine using NADPH as a cofactor, thereby identifying CR-75 as Cathenamine Reductase. We also report the isolation and characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase genes from C. roseus which may function as 10-hydroxygeraniol oxidoreductases (10HGO). Two ORCA regulated genes were also isolated and characterized from C. roseus cell suspension culture which may have roles in TIA biosynthesisPartially supported by NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar PakistanUBL - phd migration 201

    Genetic structure of Indian populations based on fifteen autosomal microsatellite loci

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    BACKGROUND: Indian populations endowed with unparalleled genetic complexity have received a great deal of attention from scientists world over. However, the fundamental question over their ancestry, whether they are all genetically similar or do exhibit differences attributable to ethnicity, language, geography or socio-cultural affiliation is still unresolved. In order to decipher their underlying genetic structure, we undertook a study on 3522 individuals belonging to 54 endogamous Indian populations representing all major ethnic, linguistic and geographic groups and assessed the genetic variation using autosomal microsatellite markers. RESULTS: The distribution of the most frequent allele was uniform across populations, revealing an underlying genetic similarity. Patterns of allele distribution suggestive of ethnic or geographic propinquity were discernible only in a few of the populations and was not applicable to the entire dataset while a number of the populations exhibited distinct identities evident from the occurrence of unique alleles in them. Genetic substructuring was detected among populations originating from northeastern and southern India reflective of their migrational histories and genetic isolation respectively. CONCLUSION: Our analyses based on autosomal microsatellite markers detected no evidence of general clustering of population groups based on ethnic, linguistic, geographic or socio-cultural affiliations. The existence of substructuring in populations from northeastern and southern India has notable implications for population genetic studies and forensic databases where broad grouping of populations based on such affiliations are frequently employed

    Time-resolved impulse response of the magnetoplasmon resonance in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We have used optically excited ultrashort electrical pulses to measure the magnetoplasmon resonance of a two-dimensional electron gas formed in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure at frequencies up to 200 gigahertz. This is accomplished by incorporating the sample into a guided wave probe operating in a pumped (^{3}He) system. We are able to detect the resonance by launching a stimulus pulse in the guide, and monitoring the system response in a time resolved pump-probe arrangement. Data obtained from measurements yield resonant frequencies that agree with the magnetoplasmon dispersion relation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Identification of R368H as a predominant CYP1B1 allele causing primary congenital glaucoma in Indian patients

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    Purpose: To investigate the predominant mutation in the CYP1B1 gene in patients in India with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods and to characterize the molecular defect in two generations of an affected family. Methods: DNA samples from 146 patients with PCG from 138 pedigrees were analyzed for several distinct mutations in CYP1B1 by PCR-RFLP. Results: PCR-RFLP screening revealed that 30.8% of patients were positive for any one of the six mutations (376insA, 528G→A, 923C→T, 959G→A, 1449G→A, and 1514C→A), and 17.8% of the patients were found to have the rarely reported mutation R368H (1449G→A). All mutations were confirmed by DNA sequencing. Conclusions: The results suggest extensive allelic heterogeneity in the Indian patients with PCG, with the predominant allele being R368H among the 146 Indian patients tested. It appears possible to use this approach for carrier detection in pedigrees with a positive family history and in population screening. The approach also offers a method for rapid screening of potential carriers and affected individuals

    IL-22 mediates goblet cell hyperplasia and worm expulsion in intestinal helminth infection.

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    Type 2 immune responses are essential in protection against intestinal helminth infections. In this study we show that IL-22, a cytokine important in defence against bacterial infections in the intestinal tract, is also a critical mediator of anti-helminth immunity. After infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, a rodent hookworm, IL-22-deficient mice showed impaired worm expulsion despite normal levels of type 2 cytokine production. The impaired worm expulsion correlated with reduced goblet cell hyperplasia and reduced expression of goblet cell markers. We further confirmed our findings in a second nematode model, the murine whipworm Trichuris muris. T.muris infected IL-22-deficient mice had a similar phenotype to that seen in N.brasiliensis infection, with impaired worm expulsion and reduced goblet cell hyperplasia. Ex vivo and in vitro analysis demonstrated that IL-22 is able to directly induce the expression of several goblet cell markers, including mucins. Taken together, our findings reveal that IL-22 plays an important role in goblet cell activation, and thus, a key role in anti-helminth immunity


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    Anthropogenic contaminants arising from both stationary (power plants, industries and residential heating) and mobile sources (road traffic) can harm ambient air quality in urban areas. Depending upon their physical state, these pollutants are classified as liquid and vapor phases and are subsequently transported to the Earth’s surface through dry and wet deposition. After the deposition of these pollutants onto the surface of earth various health effects caused by these pollutants occurred like cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. In this study four different locations/sites were selected from the Rawalpindi city depending upon the population, traffic rush and industries to examine the noise level, concentration of carbon dioxide and heavy metals. Air sampler was used for the collection of air sample to analyze the heavy metal concentration, Quest electronic sound meter for measuring sound level and SIBATA for CO2 measurement. The study findings revealed that noise level was higher at all selected locations as described by WHO limit (70 dB) being highest at Industrial area due to heavy machinery and lowest at green area. Concentration of all four heavy metals were high as compared with the prescribed limits. CO2 level reaches up to 300 ppm because of coal consumption during the winter season. The threshold values of all these selected parameters well above the prescribed limits defined by the authorities so to combat with this situation we should move towards more energy efficient fuels, proper maintenance of vehicles and machineries, traffic management and installation of noise barriers in industries as well as installation of catalytic convertors in vehicles to stop further air pollution
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