104 research outputs found

    Operation of Quantum Cellular Automaton cells with more than two electrons

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    We present evidence that operation of QCA (Quantum Cellular Automaton) cells with four dots is possible with an occupancy of 4N+2 electrons per cell (N being an integer). We show that interaction between cells can be described in terms of a revised formula for cell polarization, which is based only on the difference between diagonal occupancies. We validate our conjectures with full quantum simulations of QCA cells for a number of electrons varying from 2 to 6, using the Configuration-Interaction method.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, submitted to AP

    Universal Rashba Spin Precession of Two-Dimensional Electrons and Holes

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    We study spin precession due to Rashba spin splitting of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum wells. Based on a simple analytical expression that we derive for the current modulation in a broad class of experimental situations of ferromagnet/nonmagnetic semiconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures, we conclude that the Datta-Das spin transistor (i) is feasible with holes and (ii) its functionality is not affected by integration over injection angles. The current modulation shows a universal oscillation period, irrespective of the different forms of the Rashba Hamiltonian for electrons and holes. The analytic formulas approximate extremely well exact numerical calculations of a more elaborate Kohn--Luttinger model.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figures included, minor change

    Modeling and manufacturability assessment of bistable quantum-dot cells

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    We have investigated the behavior of bistable cells made up of four quantum dots and occupied by two electrons, in the presence of realistic confinement potentials produced by depletion gates on top of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. Such a cell represents the basic building block for logic architectures based on the concept of Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA) and of ground state computation, which have been proposed as an alternative to traditional transistor-based logic circuits. We have focused on the robustness of the operation of such cells with respect to asymmetries deriving from fabrication tolerances. We have developed a 2-D model for the calculation of the electron density in a driven cell in response to the polarization state of a driver cell. Our method is based on the one-shot Configuration-Interaction technique, adapted from molecular chemistry. From the results of our simulations, we conclude that an implementation of QCA logic based on simple ``hole-arrays'' is not feasible, because of the extreme sensitivity to fabrication tolerances. As an alternative, we propose cells defined by multiple gates, where geometrical asymmetries can be compensated for by adjusting the bias voltages. Even though not immediately applicable to the implementation of logic gates and not suitable for large scale integration, the proposed cell layout should allow an experimental demonstration of a chain of QCA cells.Comment: 26 pages, Revtex, 13 figures, title and some figures changed and minor revision

    Superconducting proximity effect in interacting double-dot systems

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    We study subgap transport from a superconductor through a double quantum dot with large on-site Coulomb repulsion to two normal leads. Non-local superconducting correlations in the double dot are induced by the proximity to the superconducting lead, detectable in non-local Andreev transport that splits Cooper pairs in locally separated, spin-entangled electrons. We find that the II--VV characteristics are strongly asymmetric: for a large bias voltage of certain polarity, transport is blocked by populating the double dot with states whose spin symmetry is incompatible with the superconductor. Furthermore, by tuning gate voltages one has access to splitting of the Andreev excitation energies, which is visible in the differential conductance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Simulation of a non-invasive charge detector for quantum cellular automata

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    Information in a Quantum Cellular Automata architecture is encoded in the polarizazion state of a cell, i.e., in the occupation numbers of the quantum dots of which the cell is made up. Non-invasive charge detectors of single electrons in a quantum dot are therefore needed, and recent experiments have shown that a quantum constriction electrostatically coupled to the quantum dot may be a viable solution. We have performed a numerical simulation of a system made of a quantum dot and a nearby quantum point contact defined, by means of depleting metal gates, in a two-dimensional electron gas at a GaAs/AlGaAs heterointerface. We have computed the occupancy of each dot and the resistance of the quantum wire as a function of the voltage applied to the plunger gate, and have derived design criteria for achieving optimal sensitivity.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, epsf, 5 figure

    Non-local Andreev transport through an interacting quantum dot

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    We investigate sub-gap transport through a single-level quantum dot tunnel coupled to one superconducting and two normal-conducting leads. Despite the tendency of a large charging energy to suppress the equilibrium proximity effect, a finite Andreev current through the dot can be achieved in non-equilibrium situations. We propose two schemes to identify non-local Andreev transport. In one of them, the presence of strong Coulomb interaction leads to negative values of the non-local conductance as a clear signal of non-local Andreev transport.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Static polarizability of two-dimensional hole gases

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    We have calculated the density-density (Lindhard) response function of a homogeneous two-dimensional (2D) hole gas in the static (omega=0) limit. The bulk valence-band structure comprising heavy-hole (HH) and light-hole (LH) states is modeled using Luttinger's kdotp approach within the axial approximation. We elucidate how, in contrast to the case of conduction electrons, the Lindhard function of 2D holes exhibits unique features associated with (i) the confinement-induced HH-LH energy splitting and (ii) the HH-LH mixing arising from the charge carriers' in-plane motion. Implications for the dielectric response and related physical observables are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, IOP latex style, v2: minor changes, to appear in NJ

    Anti-crossings of spin-split Landau levels in an InAs two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling

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    We report tilted-field transport measurements in the quantum-Hall regime in an InAs/In_0.75Ga_0.25As/In_0.75Al_0.25As quantum well. We observe anti-crossings of spin-split Landau levels, which suggest a mixing of spin states at Landau level coincidence. We propose that the level repulsion is due to the presence of spin-orbit and of band-non-parabolicity terms which are relevant in narrow-gap systems. Furthermore, electron-electron interaction is significant in our structure, as demonstrated by the large values of the interaction-induced enhancement of the electronic g-factor.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure