1,297 research outputs found

    Optimisation of laser welding of deep drawing steel for automotive applications by Machine Learning: A comparison of different techniques

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    Laser welding is particularly relevant in the industry thanks to its simplicity, flexibility and final quality. The industry 4.0 and sustainable manufacturing framework gives massive attention to in situ and non-destructive inspection methods to predict laser weld final quality. Literature often resorts to supervised Machine Learning approaches. However, selecting the ApTest method is non-trivial and often decision making relies on diverse and unclearly defined criteria. This work addresses this task by proposing a statistical comparison method based on nonparametric tests. The method is applied to the most relevant supervised Machine Learning approaches exploited in literature to predict laser weld quality, specifically, considering the optimisation of a new production line, hence focussing on supervised Machine Learning methods that do not require massive data set, that is, Generalized Linear Model (GLM), Gaussian Process Regression, Support Vector Machine, Classification and Regression Tree, and Genetic Algorithms. The statistical comparison is carried out to select the best-performing model, which is then exploited to optimise the production process. Additionally, an automatic process to optimise Machine Learning models and process parameters is resorted to, basing on Bayesian approaches, to reduce operator effect. This work provides quality and process engineers with a simple framework to compare Machine Learning approaches performances and select the most suitable process modelling technique

    Modal Uncoupling of Damped Gyroscopic Systems

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    A new approach for uncoupling the equations of motion typical for rotordynamical systems is presented. The method does not neglect the speed-dependent e!ects, such as gyroscopic e!ects, and can be particularly valuable in the controller design of actively controlled rotors. In the presence of hysteretic type of damping, the resulting uncoupled gyroscopic systems come with an equivalent viscous damping, equivalent in a sense of yielding the same natural frequency and decay rate. The approach is illustrated through three examples of technical interest: a Je!cott rotor with hysteretic damping, a Stodola}Green rotor, and a rotor of a small gas turbine. The generated results demonstrate that the developed approach is correct and straightforward

    Modal Uncoupling of Damped Gyroscopic Systems

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    A new approach for uncoupling the equations of motion typical for rotordynamical systems is presented. The method does not neglect the speed-dependent e!ects, such as gyroscopic e!ects, and can be particularly valuable in the controller design of actively controlled rotors. In the presence of hysteretic type of damping, the resulting uncoupled gyroscopic systems come with an equivalent viscous damping, equivalent in a sense of yielding the same natural frequency and decay rate. The approach is illustrated through three examples of technical interest: a Je!cott rotor with hysteretic damping, a Stodola}Green rotor, and a rotor of a small gas turbine. The generated results demonstrate that the developed approach is correct and straightforward

    Peranan USAhatani Kakao Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani Di Desa Wiyono, Gedong Tataan, Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sosial ekonomipetani, mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap besarnya tingkat pendapatanpetani dan mengetahui besarnya sumbangan pendapatan USAhatani kakao terhadappendapatan total rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah metode survei. observasi dan wawancara terstruktur. Teknik analisis datamenggunakan uji statistik berupa metode uji regresi berganda dan tabel frekuensi.Pendapatan yang berasal dari USAhatani kakao memberikan kontribusi yangbesar terhadap pendapatan total rumah tangga petani yaitu sebesar 91,7%. Darihasil uji regresi berganda yang dilakukan pada faktor produksi USAhatani kakaoterhadap pendapatan bersih USAhatani kakao menunjukan bahwa faktor upahtenaga kerja merupakan faktor yang paling banyak mengurangi pendapatan yangdiperoleh petani, sedangkan luas lahan kakao merupakan faktor yang palingbanyak meningkatkan pendapatan yang diperoleh petani

    Non-Contact Articulated Robot-Integrated Gap and Flushness Measurement System for Automobile Assembly

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    The paper proposes and metrologically characterizes a gap and flushness optical measurement system based on machine vision. The system is developed for an operator-free application as a plug-and-play feature for articulated robotic arms. The system is designed for use in Stop-and-Go quality control point of vehicle assembly process. Non-contact measurement system that consists of an ultraviolet line laser with a sensitive camera and complemented with an advanced machine vision measurement algorithm is developed. The system is directly calibrated according to state-of-the-art literature and the measurement uncertainty within the laboratory conditions is derived according to Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. Measurements on the real vehicle body is done to elicit the difference. The expanded uncertainty achieved by the system is 0.221 mm and 0.177 mm for gap and flushness respectively, significantly smaller than the sole resolution of the most adopted manual feeler gauge verification method

    Mixture distribution modelling of the sensitivities of a digital 3-axis MEMS accelerometers large batch

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    Huge quantities of low-cost analogue or digital MEMS sensors, in the order of millions per week, are produced by manufacturers. Their use is broad, from consumer electronic devices to Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and Smart Cities. In many cases, such sensors have to be calibrated by accredited laboratories to provide traceable measurements. However, at present, such a massive number of sensors cannot be calibrated and large-scale calibration systems and procedures are still missing. A first step to implementing these methods can be based on the distribution of the sensitivities of the large batches produced. Such distribution is also useful for sensor network end-users who need a single sensitivity, with the associated uncertainty, to be attributed to the whole network. Recently, a large batch of 100 digital 3-axis MEMS accelerometers was calibrated with a primary calibration system developed at INRiM and suitable for 3-axis accelerometers. Distributions of their sensitivities as a function of axis and frequency were analyzed and their non-normal behaviour was shown. However, in the preliminary phase of the study, the calibration uncertainties were not considered in these distributions. Therefore, in this paper, a mixture distribution modelling, based on Monte Carlo simulations and aimed at including the calibration uncertainties in the sensitivity distributions, is implemented and the resulting distributions are compared to the previous ones in histogram form. These distributions are also fitted with Johnson's unbounded and bimodal functions to get continuous distributions. This paper represents a further step towards the development of large-scale statistical calibration methods

    Indentation modulus, indentation work and creep of metals and alloys at the macro-scale level: Experimental insights into the use of a primary Vickers hardness standard machine

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    In this work, the experimental method and the calculation model for the determination of indentation moduli, indentation work, and indentation creep of metallic materials, by means of macroscale-level forces provided by a primary hardness standard machine at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM) at the at room temperature were described. Indentation moduli were accurately determined from measurements of indentation load, displacement, contact stiffness and hardness indentation imaging and from the slope of the indentation unloading curve by applying the Doerner-Nix linear model; indentation work, representing the mechanical work spent during the force application of the indentation procedure, was determined by calculating the areas under the loading–unloading indentation curve, through fitting experimental data with a polynomial law. Measurements were performed with a pyramidal indenter (Vickers test). The applied force was provided by a deadweight machine, and the related displacement was measured by a laser interferometric system. Applied forces and the occurring indentation depths were simultaneously measured: The resulting loading–unloading indentation curve was achieved. Illustrative tests were performed on metals and alloy samples. Discussion and comments on the suitability of the proposed method and analysis were reported
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