35 research outputs found

    Methodology and implementation of the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI)

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    Establishment of the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) has resulted in a surveillance system which provides regular, reliable, timely, and accurate data on children's weight status—through standardized measurement of bodyweight and height—in the WHO European Region. Additional data on dietary intake, physical activity, sedentary behavior, family background, and school environments are collected in several countries. In total, 45 countries in the European Region have participated in COSI. The first five data collection rounds, between 2007 and 2021, yielded measured anthropometric data on over 1.3 million children. In COSI, data are collected according to a common protocol, using standardized instruments and procedures. The systematic collection and analysis of these data enables intercountry comparisons and reveals differences in the prevalence of childhood thinness, overweight, normal weight, and obesity between and within populations. Furthermore, it facilitates investigation of the relationship between overweight, obesity, and potential risk or protective factors and improves the understanding of the development of overweight and obesity in European primary-school children in order to support appropriate and effective policy responses

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Pottery Tradition Centre at Chałupki (Holy Cross Mts) as a geoturistic object

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    Z dużym prawdopodobieństwem można przyjąć, że wiejski ośrodek garncarski w rejonie dzisiejszej miejscowości Chałupki (gmina Morawica) należy do najstarszych w regionie świętokrzyskim i funkcjonował już w czasach rzymskich (II w n.e.). Okres jego świetności przypada na XVIII i XIX w. W dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym liczył prawie 70 warsztatów i liczba ta stopniowo malała aż do roku 1993, kiedy został zamknięty ostatni warsztat Stefana Sowińskiego. Garncarstwo rozwinęło się w oparciu o lokalne złoża krasowych glin neogeńskich, występujących w obrębie lejów krasowych utworzonych w wapieniach górnej jury. Gliny te pozyskiwano szybikami na obszarze około 8,6 km2, obejmującym miejscowość Chałupki i ciągnącym się na południe od niej. Proces produkcji ceramiki był wieloetapowy. Obejmował przygotowanie gliny, tzw. „gojenie”, formowanie naczyń na toczku garncarskim, suszenie, glazurowane i wypalanie w piecach. Asortyment wyrobów ceramicznych uległ z czasem wzbogaceniu. Obok naczyń użytkowych pojawiły się zabawki, głównie gwizdki, oraz kropielnice i figury świętych. Ceramika z Chałupek była używana nie tylko przez ludność lokalną, lecz w całym regionie świętokrzyskim, a nawet poza jego granicami. Z biegiem czasu zmieniało się jej przeznaczenie od czysto użytkowego po dekoracyjne. Od 1998 r. funkcjonuje w Chałupkach Ośrodek Tradycji Garncarstwa, pełniący rolę muzealno-edukacyjną. Corocznie, w lipcu, na terenie ośrodka odbywa się festyn etnograficzny „Chałupkowe Garncynki”. Ośrodek Tradycji Garncarstwa w Chałupkach jest licznie odwiedzany przez turystów – zarówno indywidualnych, jak i grupy zorganizowane oraz wycieczki szkolne. Stanowi obiekt geoturystyczny promujący dziedzictwo kulturowe Chałupek.It is highly probable that the rural pottery center in the area of today’s Chałupki (Morawica commune) is one of the oldest in the Świętokrzyskie region, as it was already functioning in Roman times (II in A.D.). The period of its glory falls during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the interwar period, it held almost 70 workshops, and this number gradually decreased until 1993, when the last workshop of Stefan Sowiński was closed. The basis for the establishment of pottery came from the local karstic Neogene clays, occurring within karst funnels developed in the Upper Jurassic limestones. The clays were obtained by shafts in the area of approx. 8.6 km2, covering the village of Chałupki and extending to the south of it. The production process of the ceramics was multi-stage. It included the preparation of clay, the so-called “healing”, forming dishes on a potter’s toast, drying, glazing and baking in ovens. The range of ceramic products has been enriched over time. Next to utility vessels, toys appeared, mainly whistles, as well as bowls and statuettes of saints. Earthenware from Chałupki was used not only by the local population, but also in the entire Świętokrzyskie region, and even outside its borders. Over time, its role changed from purely useful to decorative. Since 1998, the Center of Pottery Tradition has been operating in Chałupki, which is both a museum and an educational object. Every year, in July, the center hosts the ethnographic festival “Chałupkowe Potions”. The Pottery Tradition Center in Chałupki is frequented by tourists, both individual and organized groups, as well as school trips. It is a geotouristic object promoting the cultural heritage of Chałupki

    Megaspore zones of the epicontinental Triassic and Jurassic deposits in Poland – overview

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    Praca stanowi podsumowanie wyników wieloletnich badań nad rozmieszczeniem megaspor w epikontynentalnych utworach triasu i jury dolnej na Niżu Polskim. W materiale pochodzącym z kilkuset otworów, położonych na obszarze Polski pozakarpackiej, wydzielono 11 zespołów megasporowych o randze poziomów zespołowych, skorelowanych ze standardowym podziałem stratygraficznym. Poziomy te mogą być zastosowane w biostratygrafii utworów triasu i jury dolnej nie tylko na obszarze Polski, lecz także do szerszych porównań w skali europejskiej i światowej jako poziomy standardowe.Wydzielone poziomy megasporowe powiązano z poziomami miosporowymi triasu i jury dolnej, wyróżnianymi na obszarze Polski. Dane miosporowe, a także ostatnio przeprowadzone wysokorozdzielcze badania chemostratygraficzne przyczyniły się do uzyskania dodatkowych uściśleń wiekowych wyróżnionych poziomów megasporowych. Megaspory są także ważnym wskaźnikiem paleoklimatycznym.The paper summarizes many years of studies on the distribution of megaspores in the epicontinental Triassic and Jurassic deposits of Poland. Eleven assemblages in the rank of assemblage zones, correlated with the standard stratigraphical division, have been identified in the material obtained from hundreds of boreholes. These assemblages can be applied for biostratigraphical correlation of Triassic and Jurassic deposits both on a European and global scale as standard zones. Correlation between miospore and megaspore zones, as well as recent high-resolution chemostratigraphic correlations, allowed more precise interpretation of the age of the megaspore zones. Megaspores are also important as palaeoclimatic indicators

    A New Model for the Regulation of Distribution System Operators with Quality Elements that Includes the SAIDI/SAIFI/CRP/CPD Indices

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    This document is a description of quality regulation for Distribution System Operators included in the new regulations model for 2016-2020 and informed by the SAIDI, SAIFI, CRP and CPD indices. The changes have an impact on the amount of return from regulated income of enterprises that distribute electric energy. In the new system, failure to fulfil the conditions and indices results in a decrease of return on capital for the DSO

    CSR of banks in Poland

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    The financial services sector is viewed as a central pillar of modern capitalist economies. Banks - the main actors in the financial sector - play a fundamental role in determining the stability of financial markets and sustainability of modern economies. However, banks are involved in a profession that since medieval times has been held in contempt because of usury. Banks make a part of a very sensitive business activities: they trade money which represents other people's security and well-being. The results of banks' actions may influence many areas of our life both in micro and macro perspective. After the financial crises of 2008 banks have lost their credibility in the eyes of their clients and financial investors. Social responsibility concept has been found to be a way for banks to earn back their credibility and rebuilding of trust. The aim of this chapter is to underline the theoretical importance of banks' engagement in the CSR activities and the practices regarding banks CSR involvement in Poland