4,327 research outputs found

    See-Saw Masses for Quarks and Leptons in SU(5)

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    We build on a recent paper by Grinstein, Redi and Villadoro, where a see-saw like mechanism for quark masses was derived in the context of spontaneously broken gauged flavour symmetries. The see-saw mechanism is induced by heavy Dirac fermions which are added to the Standard Model spectrum in order to render the flavour symmetries anomaly-free. In this letter we report on the embedding of these fermions into multiplets of an SU(5) grand unified theory and discuss a number of interesting consequences.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures (v3: outline restructured, modified mechanism to cancel anomalies

    A Discrete Four Stroke Quantum Heat Engine Exploring the Origin of Friction

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    The optimal power performance of a first principle quantum heat engine model shows friction-like phenomena when the internal fluid Hamiltonian does not commute with the external control field. The model is based on interacting two-level-systems where the external magnetic field serves as a control variable.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Changes in vegetation spectra with deterioration of leaves under two methods of preservation

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    An experiment to measure changes in leaf spectra under different methods of preservation over time was conducted. The spectral measurements were made by a three band hand held radiometer which simulated three Thematic Mapper (TM) bands: TM3, TM4, and TM5. Daily spectral measurements of white oak leaves under three preservation treatments were made. The spectral readings over three treatments (fresh, bottled, and bagged vegetation) were indistinguishable in bands TM3 and TM5 for up to 4 days after collection. After that time bagged and bottled samples showed significant increases in reflected energy caused by loss of chlorophyll from and dehydration of the vegetation. No significant variation in the reflectance values from TM4 over preservation type for the experimental period was observed

    Hyperatlas: A New Framework for Image Federation

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    Hyperatlas is an open standard intended to facilitate the large-scale federation of image-based data. The subject of hyperatlas is the space of sphere-to-plane projection mappings (the FITS-WCS information), and the standard consists of coherent collections of these on which data can be resampled and thereby federated with other image data. We hope for a distributed effort that will produce a multi-faceted image atlas of the sky, made by federating many different surveys at different wavelengths and different times. We expect that hyperatlas-compliant imagery will be published and discovered through an International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) registry, and that grid-based services will emerge for the required resampling and mosaicking.Comment: Published in ADASS XIII proceeding

    Mirror matter admixtures in K_L \to \gamma\gamma

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    Based on possible albeit tiny, admixtures of mirror matter in ordinary mesons we study the K_L \to \gamma\gamma transition. We find that this process can be described with a small SU(3) symmetry breaking of only 3%. We also determine the eta-eta' mixing angle and the pseudoscalar decay constants. The results for these parameters are consistent with some obtained in the literature. They favor two recent determinations; one based on two analytical constraints, and another one based on next-to-leading order power corrections

    Sequential Flavour Symmetry Breaking

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    The gauge sector of the Standard Model (SM) exhibits a flavour symmetry which allows for independent unitary transformations of the fermion multiplets. In the SM the flavour symmetry is broken by the Yukawa couplings to the Higgs boson, and the resulting fermion masses and mixing angles show a pronounced hierarchy. In this work we connect the observed hierarchy to a sequence of intermediate effective theories, where the flavour symmetries are broken in a step-wise fashion by vacuum expectation values of suitably constructed spurion fields. We identify the possible scenarios in the quark sector and discuss some implications of this approach.Comment: 22 pages latex, no figure

    Atlasmaker: A Grid-based Implementation of the Hyperatlas

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    The Atlasmaker project is using Grid technology, in combination with NVO interoperability, to create new knowledge resources in astronomy. The product is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, scientifically trusted image atlas of the sky, made by federating many different surveys at different wavelengths, times, resolutions, polarizations, etc. The Atlasmaker software does resampling and mosaicking of image collections, and is well-suited to operate with the Hyperatlas standard. Requests can be satisfied via on-demand computations or by accessing a data cache. Computed data is stored in a distributed virtual file system, such as the Storage Resource Broker (SRB). We expect these atlases to be a new and powerful paradigm for knowledge extraction in astronomy, as well as a magnificent way to build educational resources. The system is being incorporated into the data analysis pipeline of the Palomar-Quest synoptic survey, and is being used to generate all-sky atlases from the 2MASS, SDSS, and DPOSS surveys for joint object detection.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of ADASS XI

    On The Potential of Minimal Flavour Violation

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    Assuming the Minimal Flavour Violation hypothesis, we derive the general scalar potential for fields whose background values are the Yukawa couplings. We analyze the minimum of the potential and discuss the fine-tuning required to dynamically generate the mass hierarchies and the mixings between different quark generations. Two main cases are considered, corresponding to Yukawa interactions being effective operators of dimension five or six (or, equivalently, resulting from bi-fundamental and fundamental scalar fields, respectively). At the renormalizable and classical level, no mixing is naturally induced from dimension five Yukawa operators. On the contrary, from dimension six Yukawa operators one mixing angle and a strong mass hierarchy among the generations result.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures; Note added in proof on the stability of the minima of the scalar potential; results unchanged; references adde

    Decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^\prime into vector and pseudoscalar meson and the pseudoscalar glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing

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    We introduce a parametrization scheme for J/ψ(ψ)VPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to VP where the effects of SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking and doubly OZI-rule violation (DOZI) can be parametrized by certain parameters with explicit physical interpretations. This scheme can be used to clarify the glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing within the pseudoscalar mesons. We also include the contributions from the electromagnetic (EM) decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^\prime via J/ψ(ψ)γVPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \gamma^*\to VP. Via study of the isospin violated channels, such as J/ψ(ψ)ρηJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \rho\eta, ρη\rho\eta^\prime, ωπ0\omega\pi^0 and ϕπ0\phi\pi^0, reasonable constraints on the EM decay contributions are obtained. With the up-to-date experimental data for J/ψ(ψ)VPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to VP, J/ψ(ψ)γPJ/\psi(\psi^\prime)\to \gamma P and PγγP\to \gamma\gamma, etc, we arrive at a consistent description of the mentioned processes with a minimal set of parameters. As a consequence, we find that there exists an overall suppression of the ψ3g\psi^\prime\to 3g form factors, which sheds some light on the long-standing "ρπ\rho\pi puzzle". By determining the glueball components inside the pseudoscalar η\eta and η\eta^\prime in three different glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing schemes, we deduce that the lowest pseudoscalar glueball, if exists, has rather small qqˉq\bar{q} component, and it makes the η(1405)\eta(1405) a preferable candidate for 0+0^{-+} glueball.Comment: Revised version to appear on J. Phys. G; An error in the code was corrected. There's slight change to the numerical results, while the conclusion is intac