26,277 research outputs found

    Transmission Oscillator Ultrasonic Spectrometer (TOUS): A new research instrument

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    TOUS is capable for measuring very small changes in acoustic attenuation and phase velocity. Its high sensitivity to small changes in ultrasonic absorption results in part from operation under marginal conditions. In spite of high sensitivity, TOUS system is relatively simple, inexpensive, and compact

    Neural networks in geophysical applications

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    Neural networks are increasingly popular in geophysics. Because they are universal approximators, these tools can approximate any continuous function with an arbitrary precision. Hence, they may yield important contributions to finding solutions to a variety of geophysical applications. However, knowledge of many methods and techniques recently developed to increase the performance and to facilitate the use of neural networks does not seem to be widespread in the geophysical community. Therefore, the power of these tools has not yet been explored to their full extent. In this paper, techniques are described for faster training, better overall performance, i.e., generalization,and the automatic estimation of network size and architecture

    Advanced composite aileron for L-1011 transport aircraft, task 1

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    Structural design and maintainability criteria were established and used as a guideline for evaluating a variety of configurations and materials for each of the major subcomponents. From this array of subcomponent designs, several aileron assemblies were formulated and analyzed. The selected design is a multirib configuration with sheet skin covers mechanically fastened to channel section ribs and spars. Qualitative analysis of currently available composite material systems led to the selection of three candidate materials on which comparative structural tests were conducted to measure the effects of environment and impact damage on mechanical property retention. In addition, each system was evaluated for producibility characteristics. From these tests, Thornel 300/5208 unidirectional tape was selected for the front spar and covers, and Thornel 300 fabric/5208 was chosen for the ribs

    The role of virtual reality in built environment education

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    This study builds upon previous research on the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) within the built environment curriculum and aims to investigate the role of VR and three-dimensional (3D) computer modelling on learning and teaching in a school of the built environment. In order to achieve this aim, a number of academic experiences were analysed to explore the applicability and viability of 3D computer modelling and VR into built environment subject areas. Although two-dimensional (2D) representations have been greatly accepted by built environment professions and education, 3D computer representations and VR applications, offering interactivity and immersiveness, are not yet widely accepted. The study attempts to understand the values and challenges of integrating visualisation technologies into built environment teaching and investigates tutors’ perceptions, opinions and concerns with respect to these technologies. The study reports on the integration process and considers how 3D computer modelling and VR technologies can combine with, and extend, the existing range of learning and teaching methods appropriate to different disciplines and programme areas

    Recent developments of MCViNE and its applications at SNS

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    MCViNE is an open source, object-oriented Monte Carlo neutron ray-tracing simulation software package. Its design allows for flexible, hierarchical representations of sophisticated instrument components such as detector systems, and samples with a variety of shapes and scattering kernels. Recently this flexible design has enabled several applications of MCViNE simulations at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Lab, including assisting design of neutron instruments at the second target station and design of novel sample environments, as well as studying effects of instrument resolution and multiple scattering. Here we provide an overview of the recent developments and new features of MCViNE since its initial introduction (Jiao et al 2016 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 810, 86–99), and some example applications

    Non-perturbative corrections to mean-field behavior: spherical model on spider-web graph

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    We consider the spherical model on a spider-web graph. This graph is effectively infinite-dimensional, similar to the Bethe lattice, but has loops. We show that these lead to non-trivial corrections to the simple mean-field behavior. We first determine all normal modes of the coupled springs problem on this graph, using its large symmetry group. In the thermodynamic limit, the spectrum is a set of δ\delta-functions, and all the modes are localized. The fractional number of modes with frequency less than ω\omega varies as exp(C/ω)\exp (-C/\omega) for ω\omega tending to zero, where CC is a constant. For an unbiased random walk on the vertices of this graph, this implies that the probability of return to the origin at time tt varies as exp(Ct1/3)\exp(- C' t^{1/3}), for large tt, where CC' is a constant. For the spherical model, we show that while the critical exponents take the values expected from the mean-field theory, the free-energy per site at temperature TT, near and above the critical temperature TcT_c, also has an essential singularity of the type exp[K(TTc)1/2]\exp[ -K {(T - T_c)}^{-1/2}].Comment: substantially revised, a section adde

    Radial Velocity along the Voyager 1 Trajectory: The Effect of Solar Cycle

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    As Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are approaching the heliopause (HP)—the boundary between the solar wind (SW) and the local interstellar medium (LISM)—we expect new, unknown features of the heliospheric interface to be revealed. A seeming puzzle reported recently by Krimigis et al. concerns the unusually low, even negative, radial velocity components derived from the energetic ion distribution. Steady-state plasma models of the inner heliosheath (IHS) show that the radial velocity should not be equal to zero even at the surface of the HP. Here we demonstrate that the velocity distributions observed by Voyager 1 are consistent with time-dependent simulations of the SW-LISM interaction. In this Letter, we analyze the results from a numerical model of the large-scale heliosphere that includes solar cycle effects. Our simulations show that prolonged periods of low to negative radial velocity can exist in the IHS at substantial distances from the HP. It is also shown that Voyager 1 was more likely to observe such regions than Voyager 2

    Socio-economic studies with social accounting and sociodemographic matrices : an application to Portugal.

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    In looking for empirical evidence about the activity of countries, a proposal is made for studying (measuring and modelling) the activity of countries through the use of Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) and Socio-Demographic Matrices (SDMs). SAMs and SDMs are presented as tools that have specific features for conducting studies in several different areas, as well as for supporting policy decision processes. Based on methodological principles that are derived mainly from the works of Richard Stone, emphasis is placed on the desirability of working in a matrix format, which includes not only people (SDM), but also, at the same time, activities, products, factors of production and institutions (SAM). This is considered to be a way of capturing the relevant network of linkages and the corresponding multiplier effects, which can be used for the subsequent modelling of the activity of the countries studied. A method will be proposed for the construction of these matrices. In the case of the SAMs, it is proposed that their design and construction should adopt, at least as their starting point, the latest version of the System of National Accounts (2008 SNA) and the corresponding results of its adoption/adaptation by different countries. The exposition of this proposal is accompanied by an example applied to Portugal.Financial support provided by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia)Portugal for the research and writing of this article, which forms part of the Strategic Project for 2011-13 (PEst- OE/EGE/UI0436/2011)

    Non locality and causal evolution in QFT

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    Non locality appearing in QFT during the free evolution of localized field states and in the Feynman propagator function is analyzed. It is shown to be connected to the initial non local properties present at the level of quantum states and then it does not imply a violation of Einstein's causality. Then it is investigated a simple QFT system with interaction, consisting of a classical source coupled linearly to a quantum scalar field, that is exactly solved. The expression for the time evolution of the state describing the system is given. The expectation value of any arbitrary ``good'' local observable, expressed as a function of the field operator and its space and time derivatives, is obtained explicitly at all order in the field-matter coupling constant. These expectation values have a source dependent part that is shown to be always causally retarded, while the non local contributions are source independent and related to the non local properties of zero point vacuum fluctuations.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics B: 16 pages: 1 figur