607 research outputs found

    Enhancement of tunneling from a correlated 2D electron system by a many-electron Mossbauer-type recoil in a magnetic field

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    We consider the effect of electron correlations on tunneling from a 2D electron layer in a magnetic field parallel to the layer. A tunneling electron can exchange its momentum with other electrons, which leads to an exponential increase of the tunneling rate compared to the single-electron approximation. Explicit results are obtained for a Wigner crystal. They provide a qualitative and quantitative explanation of the data on electrons on helium. We also discuss tunneling in semiconductor heterostructures.Comment: published version, 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX 3.

    Nomad rover field experiment, Atacama desert, Chile 2. Identification of paleolife evidence using a robotic vehicle: Lessons and recommendations for a Mars sample return mission

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com".During the Nomad Rover Field Experiment in the Atacama Desert (Chile), a potential fossil was identified in a boulder by the science team remotely located at NASA Ames Research Center, California. The science team requested the collecting of the boulder that was returned for laboratory analysis. This analysis confirmed the evidence of paleolife. As the first fossil identified and sampled by a remotely located science team using a rover, we use the case of sample I-250697 to describe the process, both in the field and later in the laboratory during the rock analysis, which led to the identification, characterization, and confirmation of the evidence of paleolife evidence in I-250697. We point out the lessons that this case provides for future Mars sample return missions

    New times, new politics: history and memory during the final years of the CPGB

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    This article examines the relationship between collective memory, historical interpretation and political identity. It focuses on the dissolution of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) as constructed through collective narrative memory, and on Marxist interpretations of history. The divisions within the party and the wider Marxist community, stretching from 1956 until 1991, were often framed around questions of historical interpretation. The events of 1989–1991 created an historical and mnemonic crisis for CPGB members who struggled to reconcile their past identities with their present situation. Unlike the outward-facing revisionism of other political parties, this was an intensely personal affair. The solution for many was to emphasise the need to find new ways to progress socialist aims, without relying on a discredited grand narrative. In contrast, other Communist parties, such as the Communist Party of Britain, which had been established (or ‘re-established’) in 1988, fared rather better. By adhering to the international party line of renewal and continued struggle, the party was able to hold its narrative together, condemning the excesses of totalitarian regimes, while reaffirming the need for international class struggle

    Independent Ion Migration in Suspensions of Strongly Interacting Charged Colloidal Spheres

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    We report on sytematic measurements of the low frequency conductivity in aequous supensions of highly charged colloidal spheres. System preparation in a closed tubing system results in precisely controlled number densities between 1E16/m3 and 1E19/m^3 (packing fractions between 1E-7 and 1E-2) and electrolyte concentrations between 1E-7 and 1E-3 mol/l. Due to long ranged Coulomb repulsion some of the systems show a pronounced fluid or crystalline order. Under deionized conditions we find s to depend linearily on the packing fraction with no detectable influence of the phase transitions. Further at constant packing fraction s increases sublinearily with increasing number of dissociable surface groups N. As a function of c the conductivity shows pronounced differences depending on the kind of electrolyte used. We propose a simple yet powerful model based on independent migration of all species present and additivity of the respective conductivity contributions. It takes account of small ion macro-ion interactions in terms of an effectivly transported charge. The model successfully describes our qualitatively complex experimental observations. It further facilitates quantitative estimates of conductivity over a wide range of particle and experimental parameters.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, Accepted by Physical Review

    Production of microsclerotia from entomopathogenic fungi and use in maize seed coating as delivery for biocontrol against Fusarium graminearum

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    The commercial use of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium spp. in biopesticides has gained more interest since the discovery that several species of this genus are able to colonize roots. In general, commercial products with Metarhizium are formulated based on conidia for insect pest control. The process of mass production, harvesting, and formulation of infective conidia can be detrimental for conidial viability. Entomopathogenic fungi such as Metarhizium spp. are able to produce high concentrations of resistant structures, known as microsclerotia, when grown in liquid media. Microsclerotia are desiccation tolerant, with excellent storage stability, and are capable of producing high quantities of infective conidia after rehydration. The aim of this study was to evaluate microsclerotia production by different isolates of Metarhizium spp. and determine the effect of microsclerotia coated onto maize seeds on plant growth in the presence of soil-borne pathogen Fusarium graminearum. On average, ~1 × 10⁵ microsclerotia/mL were produced by selected isolates of M. anisopliae (A1080 and F672) and Metarhizium robertsii (F447). Microsclerotia were formulated as granules with diatomaceous earth and used for seed coating, after which propagules produced around 5 × 10⁶ CFU/g of seeds. In the presence of the plant pathogen, maize plants grown from untreated seeds had the lowest growth, while plants treated with the Metarhizium microsclerotia had significantly greater growth than the control plants. Hyphae were observed growing on and in root tissues in all the Metarhizium spp. treatments but not in samples from control plants. Metarhizium hyphal penetration points' on roots were observed 1 month after sowing, indicating the fungi were colonizing roots as endophytes. The results obtained indicate that microsclerotia can be coated onto seeds, providing plant protection against soil plant pathogens and a method to establish Metarhizium in the ecto- and endo-rhizosphere of maize roots, allowing the persistence of this biocontrol agent

    New urbanism, crime and the suburbs: a review of the evidence

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    Sustainability now influences government policy in the UK, Australia and USA and planning policy currently advocates high density, mixed-use residential developments in 'walkable', permeable neighbourhoods, close to public transport, employment and amenities. This clearly demonstrates the growing popularity, influence and application of New Urbanist ideas.This paper reviews the criminological research relating to New Urbanism associated with the three key issues of permeability, rear laneway car parking and mixed-use development. These key issues are discussed from an environmental criminology perspective and challenge New Urbanist assumptions concerning crime. The paper proposes that crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and its crime risk assessment model represents a valuable tool for New Urbanists to utilise to reduce opportunities for crime and tackle fear of crime in the community. Recommendations for future research and collaboration are discussed

    Classification of the nucleolytic ribozymes based upon catalytic mechanism

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    The nucleolytic ribozymes carry out site-specific RNA cleavage reactions by nucleophilic attack of the 2’-oxygen atom on the adjacent phosphorus with an acceleration of a million-fold or greater. A major part of this arises from concerted general acid-base catalysis. Recent identification of new ribozymes has expanded the group to a total of nine and this provides a new opportunity to identify sub-groupings according to the nature of the general base and acid. These include nucleobases, hydrated metal ions, and 2’-hydroxyl groups. Evolution has selected a number of different combinations of these elements that lead to efficient catalysis. These differences provide a new mechanistic basis for classifying these ribozymes

    Epidemiology of Human Parvovirus 4 Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Human parvovirus 4 infections are primarily associated with parenteral exposure in western countries. By ELISA, we demonstrate frequent seropositivity for antibody to parvovirus 4 viral protein 2 among adult populations throughout sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, 37%; Cameroon, 25%; Democratic Republic of the Congo, 35%; South Africa, 20%), which implies existence of alternative transmission routes