839 research outputs found

    Investigation of prediction methods for the loads and stresses of Apollo type spacecraft parachutes. Volume 1: Loads

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    An analysis was conducted with the objective of upgrading and improving the loads, stress, and performance prediction methods for Apollo spacecraft parachutes. The subjects considered were: (1) methods for a new theoretical approach to the parachute opening process, (2) new experimental-analytical techniques to improve the measurement of pressures, stresses, and strains in inflight parachutes, and (3) a numerical method for analyzing the dynamical behavior of rapidly loaded pilot chute risers

    Dynamics of Inflationary Universes with Positive Spatial Curvature

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    If the spatial curvature of the universe is positive, then the curvature term will always dominate at early enough times in a slow-rolling inflationary epoch. This enhances inflationary effects and hence puts limits on the possible number of e-foldings that can have occurred, independently of what happened before inflation began and in particular without regard for what may have happened in the Planck era. We use a simple multi-stage model to examine this limit as a function of the present density parameter Ω0\Omega_0 and the epoch when inflation ends.Comment: 9 Pages RevTex4. Revised and update

    Stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates: A computer simulation study

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    Classic simulations are used to study interlayer structure, swelling curves, and stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates. For this purpose, NPzzT$ and MuPzzT ensembles are sampled for ground level and given burial conditions. For ground level conditions, a double layer hydrate having 15.0 A of basal spacing is the predominant state for relative vapor pressures (p/po) ranging in 0.6-1.0. A triple hydrate counting on 17.9 A of interlaminar distance was also found stable for p/po=1.0. For low vapor pressures, the system may produce a less hydrated but still double layer state with 13.5 A or even a single layer hydrate with 12.2 A of interlaminar distance. This depends on the established initial conditions. On the other hand, the effect of burial conditions is two sided. It was found that it enhances dehydration for all vapor pressures except for saturation, where swelling is promoted.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Solar feature tracking in both spatial and temporal domains

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    A new method for automated coronal loop tracking, in both spatial and temporal domains, is presented. The reliability of this technique was tested with TRACE 171A observations. The application of this technique to a flare-induced kink-mode oscillation, revealed a 3500 km spatial periodicity which occur along the loop edge. We establish a reduction in oscillatory power, for these spatial periodicities, of 45% over a 322 s interval. We relate the reduction in oscillatory power to the physical damping of these loop-top oscillations

    A Multi-Dataset Characterization of Window-based Hyperparameters for Deep CNN-driven sEMG Pattern Recognition

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    The control performance of myoelectric prostheses would not only depend on the feature extraction and classification algorithms but also on interactions of dynamic window-based hyper-parameters (WBHP) used to construct input signals. However, the relationship between these hyper-parameters and how they influence the performance of the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) during motor intent decoding has not been studied. Therefore, we investigated the impact of various combinations of WBHP (window length and overlap) employed for the construction of raw 2-dimensional (2D) surface electromyogram signals on the performance of CNNs when used for motion intent decoding. Moreover, we examined the relationship between the window length of the 2D sEMG and three commonly used CNN kernel sizes. To ensure high confidence in the findings, we implemented three CNNs which are variants of the existing models, and a newly proposed CNN model. Experimental analysis was conducted using three distinct benchmark databases, two from upper limb amputees and one from able-bodied subjects. The results demonstrate that the performance of the CNNs improved as the overlap between consecutively generated 2D signals increased, with 75% overlap yielding the optimal improvement by 12.62% accuracy and 39.60% F1-score compared to no overlap. Moreover, the CNNs performance was better for kernel size of seven than three and five across the databases. For the first time, we have established with multiple evidence that WBHP would substantially impact the decoding outcome and computational complexity of deep neural networks, and we anticipate that this may spur positive advancement in myoelectric control and related fields

    Enhanced Deep Transfer Learning Model based on Spatial-Temporal driven Scalograms for Precise Decoding of Motor Intent in Stroke Survivors

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    Motor function loss greatly impacts post-stroke survivors while performing activities of daily living. In the recent years, intelligent rehabilitation robotics have been proposed to enable the patients recover their lost limb functions. Besides, a large proportion of these robots function in passive mode that only allow users to navigate trajectories that rarely align with their limb movement intent, thus precluding full functional recovery. A potential solution would be to explore utilizing an efficient Transfer Learning based Convolutional Neural Network (TL-CNN) to decode multiple classes of post-stroke patients’ motion intentions towards realizing dexterously active robotic training during rehabilitation. In this regard, we propose and examined for the first time, the use of Spatial-Temporal Descriptor based Continuous Wavelet Transform (STD-CWT) as input to TL-CNN to optimally decode limb movement intent patterns of stroke patients to provide adequate input for active motor training in rehabilitation robots. Importantly, we examined the proposed (STD-CWT) method on three distinct wavelets including the Morse, Amor, and Bump, and compared their decoding outcomes with those of the commonly adopted CWT technique under similar experimental conditions. Our method was validated using electromyogram signals of five stroke survivors who performed up to twenty-two distinct limb motions. The obtained results showed that the proposed technique recorded a significantly higher decoding (p<0.05) and converges faster compared to the commonly adopted method. The proposed method equally recorded obvious class separability for individual movement classes across the stroke patients. Findings from this study suggest that the STD-CWT Scalograms would provide potential inputs for robust decoding of motor intent that may facilitate intuitively active motor training in stroke rehabilitation robots. © 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    A Continuum Saltation Model for Sand Dunes

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    We derive a phenomenological continuum saltation model for aeolian sand transport that can serve as an efficient tool for geomorphological applications. The coupled differential equations for the average density and velocity of sand in the saltation layer reproduce both known equilibrium relations for the sand flux and the time evolution of the sand flux as predicted by microscopic saltation models. The three phenomenological parameters of the model are a reference height for the grain-air interaction, an effective restitution coefficient for the grain-bed interaction, and a multiplication factor characterizing the chain reaction caused by the impacts leading to a typical time or length scale of the saturation transients. We determine the values of these parameters by comparing our model with wind tunnel measurements. Our main interest are out of equilibrium situations where saturation transients are important, for instance at phase boundaries (ground/sand) or under unsteady wind conditions. We point out that saturation transients are indispensable for a proper description of sand flux over structured terrain, by applying the model to the windward side of an isolated dune, thereby resolving recently reported discrepancies between field measurements and theoretical predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Establishment of a pipeline to analyse non-synonymous SNPs in Bos taurus

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    BACKGROUND: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are an abundant form of genetic variation in the genome of every species and are useful for gene mapping and association studies. Of particular interest are non-synonymous SNPs, which may alter protein function and phenotype. We therefore examined bovine expressed sequences for non-synonymous SNPs and validated and tested selected SNPs for their association with measured traits. RESULTS: Over 500,000 public bovine expressed sequence tagged (EST) sequences were used to search for coding SNPs (cSNPs). A total of 15,353 SNPs were detected in the transcribed sequences studied, of which 6,325 were predicted to be coding SNPs with the remaining 9,028 SNPs presumed to be in untranslated regions. Of the cSNPs detected, 2,868 were predicted to result in a change in the amino acid encoded. In order to determine the actual number of non-synonymous polymorphic SNPs we designed assays for 920 of the putative SNPs. These SNPs were then genotyped through a panel of cattle DNA pools using chip-based MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Of the SNPs tested, 29% were found to be polymorphic with a minor allele frequency >10%. A subset of the SNPs was genotyped through animal resources in order to look for association with age of puberty, facial eczema resistance or meat yield. Three SNPs were nominally associated with resistance to the disease facial eczema (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: We have identified 15,353 putative SNPs in or close to bovine genes and 2,868 of these SNPs were predicted to be non-synonymous. Approximately 29% of the non-synonymous SNPs were polymorphic and common with a minor allele frequency >10%. Of the SNPs detected in this study, 99% have not been previously reported. These novel SNPs will be useful for association studies or gene mapping

    Changing times in England: the influence on geography teachers’ professional practice

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    School geography in England has been characterised as a pendulum swinging between policies that emphasise curriculum and pedagogy alternately. In this paper, I illustrate the influence of these shifts on geography teacher's professional practice, by drawing on three “moments” from my experience as a student, teacher and teacher educator. Barnett's description of teacher professionalism as a continuous project of “being” illuminates how geography teachers can adapt to competing influences. It reflects teacher professionalism as an unfinished project, which is responsive, but not beholden, to shifting trends, and is informed by how teachers frame and enact policies. I argue that recognising these contextual factors is key to supporting geography teachers in “being” geography education professionals. As education becomes increasingly competitive on a global scale, individual governments are looking internationally for “solutions” to improve educational rankings. In this climate, the future of geography education will rest on how teachers react locally to international trends. Geography teacher educators can support this process by continuing to inform the field through meaningful geography education research, in particular in making the contextual factors of their research explicit. This can be supported through continued successful international collaboration in geography education research
