63 research outputs found

    Terra Rossa in the Mediterranean Region: Parent Materials, Composition and Origin

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    In the past, the term “terra rossa” became quite a common indication for all limestone derived red soils in the Mediterranean region. Today, in some classification systems based on the Mediterranean climate as the major soil differentiating criterion, the term terra rossa is used as a name for the soil subclass “Modal Fersiallitic Red soil” when situated on limestones (Duchaufour, 1982). However, several national soil classifications (e.g. Croatian, Italian, Israeli) retained the term “terra rossa” for the hard limestone derived red soils. The nature and relationship of terra rossa to underlying carbonates is a long-standing problem which has resulted in different opinions with respect to the parent material and origin of terra rossa. Terra rossa is a reddish clayey to silty-clay material, which covers limestone and dolomite in the form of a discontinuous layer ranging in thickness from a few centimetres to several metres. It is also found along cracks and between bedding surfaces of limestones and dolomites. Thick accumulations of terra rossa like material are situated in karst depressions in the form of pedo-sedimentary complexes. A bright red colour is a diagnostic feature of terra rossa and is a result of the preferential formation of haematite over goethite, i.e. rubification. Terra rossa can be considered as soil, vetusol, relict soil (non-buried-paleosol), paleosol or pedo-sedimentary complex (soil-sediments) among different authors. Most authors today believe that terra rossa is polygenetic relict soil formed during the Tertiary and/or hot and humid periods of the Quaternary. However, some recent investigation in the Atlantic coastal region of Morocco (Bronger & Sedov, 2002) show that at least some terra rossa previously referred to as polygenetic relict soils should be regarded as Vetusols. In some isolated karst terrain, terra rossa may have formed exclusively from the insoluble residue of limestone and dolomite but much more often it comprises a span of parent materials including, for example, aaeolian dust, volcanic material or sedimentary clastic rocks which were derived on carbonate terrain via different transport mechanisms. Boero & Schwertmann (1989) concluded that it is of little relevance for the process of rubification whether the primary Fe sources are autochthonous or allochthonous as long as the general pedoenvironment remains essentially suitable for the formation of terra rossa. This pedoenvironment is characterised by an association of Mediterranean climate, high internal drainage due to the karstic nature of a hard limestone and neutral pH conditions. Terra rossa is formed as a result of: (1) decalcification, (2) rubification and (3) bisiallitization and/or monosiallitization. Since Fed/clay ratios are relatively uniform in most terra rossa, translocation of clay particles is responsible for the distribution of the red colour throughout the whole profile. However, since terra rossa soils have been exposed to various climatic fluctuations they can be affected by eluviation, yellowing and secondary hydromorphy. Erosion and deposition processes which were superimposed on karst terrains and induced by climatic changes, tectonic movements and/or deforestation might be responsible for both the patchy distribution of terra rossa and thick colluvial or alluvial terra rossa accumulations in uvala and dolina type of karst depressions (pedo-sedimentary complexes, soil-sediments)

    Terra Rossa in the Mediterranean Region: Parent Materials, Composition and Origin

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    In the past, the term “terra rossa” became quite a common indication for all limestone derived red soils in the Mediterranean region. Today, in some classification systems based on the Mediterranean climate as the major soil differentiating criterion, the term terra rossa is used as a name for the soil subclass “Modal Fersiallitic Red soil” when situated on limestones (Duchaufour, 1982). However, several national soil classifications (e.g. Croatian, Italian, Israeli) retained the term “terra rossa” for the hard limestone derived red soils. The nature and relationship of terra rossa to underlying carbonates is a long-standing problem which has resulted in different opinions with respect to the parent material and origin of terra rossa. Terra rossa is a reddish clayey to silty-clay material, which covers limestone and dolomite in the form of a discontinuous layer ranging in thickness from a few centimetres to several metres. It is also found along cracks and between bedding surfaces of limestones and dolomites. Thick accumulations of terra rossa like material are situated in karst depressions in the form of pedo-sedimentary complexes. A bright red colour is a diagnostic feature of terra rossa and is a result of the preferential formation of haematite over goethite, i.e. rubification. Terra rossa can be considered as soil, vetusol, relict soil (non-buried-paleosol), paleosol or pedo-sedimentary complex (soil-sediments) among different authors. Most authors today believe that terra rossa is polygenetic relict soil formed during the Tertiary and/or hot and humid periods of the Quaternary. However, some recent investigation in the Atlantic coastal region of Morocco (Bronger & Sedov, 2002) show that at least some terra rossa previously referred to as polygenetic relict soils should be regarded as Vetusols. In some isolated karst terrain, terra rossa may have formed exclusively from the insoluble residue of limestone and dolomite but much more often it comprises a span of parent materials including, for example, aaeolian dust, volcanic material or sedimentary clastic rocks which were derived on carbonate terrain via different transport mechanisms. Boero & Schwertmann (1989) concluded that it is of little relevance for the process of rubification whether the primary Fe sources are autochthonous or allochthonous as long as the general pedoenvironment remains essentially suitable for the formation of terra rossa. This pedoenvironment is characterised by an association of Mediterranean climate, high internal drainage due to the karstic nature of a hard limestone and neutral pH conditions. Terra rossa is formed as a result of: (1) decalcification, (2) rubification and (3) bisiallitization and/or monosiallitization. Since Fed/clay ratios are relatively uniform in most terra rossa, translocation of clay particles is responsible for the distribution of the red colour throughout the whole profile. However, since terra rossa soils have been exposed to various climatic fluctuations they can be affected by eluviation, yellowing and secondary hydromorphy. Erosion and deposition processes which were superimposed on karst terrains and induced by climatic changes, tectonic movements and/or deforestation might be responsible for both the patchy distribution of terra rossa and thick colluvial or alluvial terra rossa accumulations in uvala and dolina type of karst depressions (pedo-sedimentary complexes, soil-sediments)

    Distribution of Iron and Manganese in Terra Rossa from Istria and its Genetic Implications

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    Haematite and goethite are the predominant pedogenic mineral phases in terra rossa from Istria. Limited variation of selected Fe oxide characteristics in analysed samples indicates the specific pedogenic environment in which terra rossa is formed. The mean value of the Fed/Fet ratio, taken as an index of weathering is 0.7 and reflects quite a high degree of weathering of Fe-containing primary silicates. Relatively uniform Fed/clay ratios clearly indicate a predominance of co-illuviation of clay and Fe oxides. Low values of Feo point to the low content of poorly crystalline Fe oxides in analysed terra rossa. Feo/Fed ratios in the analysed profiles vary. In the upper part of the Pomer, Porec and Novigrad profiles Feo/Fed ratios are higher than in the lower part of those profiles which may be explained as a result of different pedogenic environments and/or additions of external materials in the upper part of those profiles. The lack of positive correlation between Mnd and clay and Mnd and Fed is a consequence of remobilization of manganese due to hydromorphic processes which post-dated co-illuviation of clay and Fe oxides. During the Late Tertiary and Quaternary the pedogenic environment on hard carbonate rocks of the Jurassic-Cretaceous-Palaeogene carbonate plain of southern and western Istria generally remained suitable for rubification. However, (Neo)tectonic activity and the input of external material, as well as various climatic fluctuations might have significantly effected terra rossa through the processes of erosion, colluviation, yellowing and secondary hydromorphy

    Late Neogene, Seismic stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, Mollusca, Evolution, Pannonian basin

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    The combined use of seismic stratigraphy and mollusc biostratigraphy in Late Neogene lacustrine deposits of the Pannonian basin offers three new approaches: First, the comparison of seismic facies and biofacies facilitates to make a distinction between biostratigraphic units and biofacies. Second, seismic datum levels permit crosschecking of discrete (magnetic, radiometric, and biostratigraphic) data, thus dating evolutionary events. Third, seismic monitoring of the sedimentary history of the basin helps in the understanding of the geographic distribution of molluscs (areals of younger forms are more and more restricted, due to progradation)

    Heavy Metals in Liming Materials from NW Croatia: Possible Effect of Liming on Permissible Contents of Heavy Metals in Arable Soil

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    The evaluation of the heavy metal discharge from liming materials into the arable soil in NW Croatia is based upon the contents of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Co and Hg in the studied carbonate raw materials, obtained under simulated conditions of the lowest presumed acidity (pH>3) which can occur in the agroecological environment. From the agroecological viewpoint, the heavy metal contents of the analyzed liming materials are much lower than the permissible levels. Only cadmium contents indicate that a certain amount of care should be taken into account. Because cadmium is bound in labile forms (pH>3 soluble fraction), it has to be considered quite mobile and biologically available in limed arable soils that are affected by drastic pH changes in the agroecological environment

    Problems of Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation in Clayey Karst Soils

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    Even in karst areas, considerably thick soils can be found in accumulation zones. Here, the degree of groundwater vulnerability depends not only on the thickness, but also on the hydraulic conductivity and retention properties of the soil cover. The hydraulic conductivity of fine-grained karst soils from Slovakia, Croatia and Austria was studied within several international research projects, by the application of four different test methods. Results are discussed from different points of view. Triaxial tests yielded a very broad interval between the maximum and minimum hydraulic conductivity (from 5.83x10-7 m.s-1 to 3.50x10-11 m.s-1), therefore the mean value cannot be used in any calculations. The consolidometer method gave lower values in general, between 9.40x10-10 m.s-1 to 3.59x10-8 m.s-1. However, this method overestimates the soil “impermeability”. Estimates based on grain size are unsuitable, as fine-grained soils did not fulfil the random conditions of known formula. Finally, the “in situ” hydraulic conductivity was measured using a Guelph permeameter. As expected, “in situ” tests showed 100 to 1000-times higher kf than the laboratory tests. This method best reflects the real conditions. Therefore, only this type of data should be considered in any environmental modelling. In a soil profile, hydraulic conductivity depends on the mineral composition, depth, secondary compaction, etc. The degree and duration of saturation with water is very important for young soils containing smectite. Their hydraulic conductivity might be very low when saturated for long time, but also very high, when open desiccation cracks occur. A very slight trend was found, but only in Slovak soils, showing a decrease in the hydraulic conductivity with increasing content of the clay fraction <0.002 mm. These results should contribute to a better estimate of the protective role of soils in groundwater vulnerability maps

    Tracing the evolution of the world's first mined bauxite from palaeotopography to pyritization: insights from Minjera deposits, Istria, Croatia

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    The Minjera bauxites are the first analysed and mined bauxites in the world. They are a group of pyritised bauxites situated in northern Istria, developed during the subaerial exposure phase which marked a major part of the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene in northern Istria. In this study, the morphology, petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry as well as stable sulphur isotopes of the D-1 and D-15 deposits from Minjera were studied, as well as the evolution of their bedrock and cover. This study found that those two deposits differ in morphology, mineralogy and geochemistry as a consequence of their different palaeotopographical positions, with the D-1 deposit located at a higher position at the time of its formation compared to D-15, which led to the higher degree of leaching and desilicification in the D-1 deposit. The pyritisation in the studied deposits was a multi-phase process, which began with the deposition of framboidal pyrite and micrometre-sized anhedral pyrite, over which colloform pyrite was precipitated. This indicates that the solutions were initially supersaturated with iron sulphide, saturation of which subsequently changed, as finally euhedral, dendritic and acicular pyrite were deposited, indicating undersaturated conditions. The final stage was marked by deposition of pyrite veins. This formational sequence of pyrites is also supported by stable sulphur isotopes, as the δ34S values exhibit a wide range from -40.86 to 2.32 ‰, where lower values indicate an open system with an unrestricted sulphate supply in which supersaturated conditions could have been achieved, while the higher values indicate a change towards a closed system with limited sulphate supply. The organic matter necessary for microbial sulphate reduction was derived from the marshy environment established atop of the bauxite. The initial flooding started in the Palaeocene, with the first part of the sequence being deposited under lacustrine conditions, which changed towards fully marine with the deposition of Foraminiferal limestones

    80Se(n,?) cross-section measurement at CERN n TOF

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    Radiative neutron capture cross section measurements are of fundamental importance for the study of the slow neutron capture (s-) process of nucleosynthesis. This mechanism is responsible for the formation of most elements heavier than iron in the Universe. Particularly relevant are branching nuclei along the s-process path, which are sensitive to the physical conditions of the stellar environment. One such example is the branching at 79^{79}Se (3.27 × 105^{5} y), which shows a thermally dependent β-decay rate. However, an astrophysically consistent interpretation requires also the knowledge of the closest neighbour isotopes involved. In particular, the 80^{80}Se(n,γ) cross section directly affects the stellar yield of the "cold" branch leading to the formation of the s-only 82^{82}Kr. Experimentally, there exists only one previous measurement on 80^{80}Se using the time of flight (TOF) technique. However, the latter suffers from some limitations that are described in this presentation. These drawbacks have been significantly improved in a recent measurement at CERN n TOF. This contribution presents a summary of the latter measurement and the status of the data analysis
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