1,891 research outputs found

    Board characteristics and financial performance in the insurance industry: An international empirical survey

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    There are few studies in the literature on how the characteristics of boards of directors affect the performance of insurance companies. The purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristics of a company’s board that can have a significant impact on financial performance in the insurance sector. For this purpose, we performed a dynamic pooled regression model to test the impact of a wide range of board-specific factors. The survey has been conducted on an international sample of 119 listed insurance companies operating in the period 2009-2019. The sample includes companies from three geographical areas: North America, Europe and Asia. Our findings provide evidence that board structure and board independence are the most relevant governance factors, with a potentially positive impact on insurers’ market performance. These findings indirectly outline the opportunity for insurance companies to improve corporate fair value by strengthening internal governance models through effective board policies, an adequate qualification of board members and a well-balanced membership of the board. At the same time, there is still room for improvement as regards the level of board independence by strengthening internal governance policies in order to maintain an adequate number of independent and non-executive board members. The study upgrades the evidence arising from the existing literature by providing new elements to support a deeper understanding of the effects of insurance companies’ board characteristics on financial performance. Empirical results may also have important implications for both managers and policy makers

    GM1 Ganglioside Is A Key Factor in Maintaining the Mammalian Neuronal Functions Avoiding Neurodegeneration

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    Many species of ganglioside GM1, differing for the sialic acid and ceramide content, have been characterized and their physico\u2010chemical properties have been studied in detail since 1963. Scientists were immediately attracted to the GM1 molecule and have carried on an ever\u2010increasing number of studies to understand its binding properties and its neurotrophic and neuroprotective role. GM1 displays a well balanced amphiphilic behavior that allows to establish strong both hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions. The peculiar structure of GM1 reduces the fluidity of the plasma membrane which implies a retention and enrichment of the ganglioside in specific membrane domains called lipid rafts. The dynamism of the GM1 oligosaccharide head allows it to assume different conformations and, in this way, to interact through hydrogen or ionic bonds with a wide range of membrane receptors as well as with extracellular ligands. After more than 60 years of studies, it is a milestone that GM1 is one of the main actors in determining the neuronal functions that allows humans to have an intellectual life. The progressive reduction of its biosynthesis along the lifespan is being considered as one of the causes underlying neuronal loss in aged people and severe neuronal decline in neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we report on the main knowledge on ganglioside GM1, with an emphasis on the recent discoveries about its bioactive component

    Polyphase folding at upper structural levels in the Borbera valley (Northern Apennines, Italy): implications for the tectonic evolution of the linkage area between Alps and Apennines

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    The Borbera Valley (northwestern Italy) is located in a complex geological area where the linkage between Alps and Apennines occurs. In this area the Antola Unit (Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene) is unconformably overlain by the Upper Eocene–Miocene succession of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The structural analysis indicates the occurrence of a folding phase of Late Oligocene–Early Miocene age, characterised by recumbent F2 folds. These folds are superposed onto D1 structures related to an early folding phase of Middle Eocene, affecting only the Antola Unit. The occurrence of map-scale D2 folding phase structures that affect the Tertiary Piedmont Basin succession suggests that the linkage area between Alps and Apennines was reactivated during the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene

    Characterization of the GM1 oligosaccharide transport across the blood-brain-barrier

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    Ganglioside GM1 has demonstrated to attenuate Parkinson Disease (PD) symptoms in clinical and preclinical trials. Nevertheless, the GM1 efficacy revealed in vitro is critically reduced in vivo, because of the amphiphilic behavior that limits the passage across the blood brain barrier (BBB). In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that GM1 exerts neurotrophic functions by interacting with plasma membrane (PM) proteins throughout its oligosaccharide portion (OligoGM1). Furthermore, OligoGM1 intravenously or subcutaneously injected into mice is absorbed and taken up by different organs and tissues, including brain. In order to take advantage of GM1 oligosaccharide properties and to overcome GM1 pharmacological limitation, this study has been aimed by the investigation of the OligoGM1 transportthrough the BBB, by using a human in vitro model for human brain-like endothelial cells (hBLEC). Ruled out the toxicity of OligoGM1 on hBLEC, the OligoGM1 transport across the hBBB has been analyzed, finding out a 20 fold higher rate than GM1 and a time and concentration dependence. In order to characterize the OligoGM1 passage, a direct evaluation of the OligoGM1 interaction with the ABC-transporters was carried on, leaving out this way for OligoGM1 transport. Moreover, inverse- and 4\ub0C-transport experiments were performed excluding the implication of the active transport for OligoGM1 passage across the hBLEC, leading to consider the passive-paracellular route. Furthermore, after the hBLEC transport, OligoGM1 maintained its stability and capacity to induce neuritogenesis in the mouse neuroblastoma cells line Neuro2a. This preliminary study has improved the knowledge about the GM1 pharmacological potential by proving that OligoGM1 can cross advantageously the BBB, offering a new promising therapeutic strategy

    Influence of Heart Rate on Left and Right Ventricular Longitudinal Strain in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

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    Over the past years, a number of studies have demonstrated the relevance of strain assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) in evaluating ventricular function. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in left (LV) and right ventricular (RV) longitudinal strain associated with variations of heart rate (HR) in participants with and without chronic heart failure (CHF). We enrolled 45 patients, 38 of these diagnosed with CHF and carrying an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, and seven patients with pacemakers and without CHF. The frequency of atrial stimulation was increased to 90 beats/min and an echocardiogram was performed at each increase of 10 beats/min. Global LV and RV longitudinal strain (LVGLS and RVGLS, respectively) and RV free wall longitudinal strain (RVfwLS) were calculated at each HR. When analyzed as continuous variables, significant reductions in LVGLS were detected at higher HRs, whereas improvements in both RVGLS and RVfwLS were observed. Patients with a worsening of LVGLS (76% overall) were more likely to present lower baseline LV function. Only a few patients (18% for RVGLS and 16% for RVfwLS) exhibited HR-related deteriorations of RV strain measures, which was associated with lower levels of baseline RV function and higher pulmonary systolic pressures. Finally, 21 (47%) and 25 (56%) participants responded with improvements in RVGLS and RVfwLS, respectively. Our findings revealed heterogeneous RV and LV responses to increases in HR. These findings might ultimately be used to optimize cardiac functionality in patients diagnosed with CHF

    Midwives autonomy in discharge women after physiological childbirth

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    BACKGROUND: International literature identifies the midwife as the professional figure deals with women and newborns in the context of childbirth; it is however found to be still difficult to ensure this continuity of care. In Italy both the national laws and the indications of Emilia Romagna region promote this practice, ensuring the midwives management of the low risk women immediately after childbirth. The aim of the study is to investigate and describe the midwives autonomy as regards the post-partum discharge. METHODS: The computerised medical records were consulted to identify the mothers after childbirth who can be discharged independently by the obstetrician following the guidelines of the Emilia-Romagna region. RESULT S: A retrospective analysis of 1371 medical records related to the period January-June 2017 showed that 41% of discharges were managed handled by the midwives, while the remaining 59% by obstetricians. Fifty-seven percent of the women followed by the family counselling service were discharged by the obstetricians and 43% independently by the midwives. Considering the women followed by a private physician 62% were discharged by the obstetricians and 38% by the midwives. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that, in a short time from the beginning of the project, the results as regards midwives autonomy were excellent. Indeed the midwives discharges does not differed significantly from the medical ones, and care continuity between the hospital and territory is strengthened. Further studies must include questionnaires concerning satisfaction of the mother not administered in this sample of women

    Clinical and Kinematic Features of Valproate-Induced Tremor and Differences with Essential Tremor

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    Tremor is a common movement disorder that can be induced by medications, including valproate, which is used for the treatment of epilepsy. However, the clinical and neurophysiological features of valproate-induced tremor are still under-investigated. We performed a clinical and kinematic assessment of valproate-induced tremor by considering tremor body distribution and activation conditions. We investigated possible correlations between demographic and clinical data and kinematic features. Valproate-induced tremor results were also compared with those collected in a large sample of patients with essential tremor. Sixteen valproate-induced tremor patients and 93 essential tremor patients were enrolled. All participants underwent a standardised neurological examination and video recording. Patients also underwent an objective assessment of postural, kinetic and rest tremor of the upper limbs and head tremor through kinematic analysis. Nonparametric tests were used for statistical comparisons between the two groups. Clinical evaluation showed a higher occurrence of rest tremor as well as head or voice, and lower limb involvement in patients with valproate-induced tremor. Kinematic analysis showed a substantial variability in the tremor features of patients with valproate-induced tremor. Compared to essential tremor, we found a higher occurrence of rest tremor of the upper limbs and the involvement of more body segments in valproate-induced tremor patients. Valproate-induced tremor has distinctive clinical and kinematic features, which may suggest that valproate interferes with the cerebellar functions

    Does the site of origin of the microcarcinoma with respect to the thyroid surface matter? A multicenter pathologic and clinical study for risk stratification

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    It is unclear whether the site of origin of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (mPTC) with respect to the thyroid surface has an influence on clinicopathologic parameters. The objectives of the study were to: (i) Accurately measure the mPTC distance from the thyroid surface; (ii) analyze whether this distance correlates with relevant clinicopathologic parameters; and (iii) investigate the impact of the site of origin of the mPTC on risk stratification. Clinicopathologic features and BRAF mutational status were analyzed and correlated with the site of origin of the mPTC in a multicenter cohort of 298 mPTCs from six Italian medical institutions. Tumors arise at a median distance of 3.5 mm below the surface of the thyroid gland. Statistical analysis identified four distinct clusters. Group A, mPTC: size 65 5 mm and distance of the edge of the tumor from the thyroid capsule = 0 mm; group B, mPTC: size 65 5 mm and distance of the edge of the tumor from the thyroid capsule > 0 mm; group C, mPTC: size < 5 mm and distance of the edge of the tumor from the thyroid capsule = 0 mm; and group D, mPTC: size < 5 mm and distance of the edge of the tumor from the thyroid capsule > 0 mm. Univariate analysis demonstrates significant differences between the groups: Group A shows the most aggressive features, and group D the most indolent ones. By multivariate analysis, group A tumors are characterized by tall cell histotype, BRAF V600E mutation, tumor fibrosis, aggressive growth with invasive features, vascular invasion, lymph node metastases, and intermediate ATA risk. The mPTC clinicopathologic features vary according to the tumor size and distance from the thyroid surface. A four-group model may be useful for risk stratification and to refine the selection of nodules to be targeted for fine needle aspiration

    A combined model based on spleen stiffness measurement and Baveno VI criteria to rule out high-risk varices in advanced chronic liver disease

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recently, Baveno VI guidelines suggested that esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) can be avoided in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) who have a liver stiffness measurement (LSM) 150,000/mm3. We aimed to: assess the performance of spleen stiffness measurement (SSM) in ruling out patients with high-risk varices (HRV); validate Baveno VI criteria in a large population and assess how the sequential use of Baveno VI criteria and SSM could safely avoid the need for endoscopy. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 498 patients with cACLD who had undergone LSM/SSM by transient elastography (TE) (FibroScan®), platelet count and EGDs from 2012 to 2016 referred to our tertiary centre. The new combined model was validated internally by a split-validation method, and externally in a prospective multicentre cohort of 115 patients. RESULTS: SSM, LSM, platelet count and Child-Pugh-B were independent predictors of HRV. Applying the newly identified SSM cut-off (≤46 kPa) or Baveno VI criteria, 35.8% and 21.7% of patients in the internal validation cohort could have avoided EGD, with only 2% of HRVs being missed with either model. The combination of SSM with Baveno VI criteria would have avoided an additional 22.5% of EGDs, reaching a final value of 43.8% spared EGDs, with <5% missed HRVs. Results were confirmed in the prospective external validation cohort, as the combined Baveno VI/SSM ≤46 model would have safely spared (0 HRV missed) 37.4% of EGDs, compared to 16.5% when using the Baveno VI criteria alone. CONCLUSIONS: A non-invasive prediction model combining SSM with Baveno VI criteria may be useful to rule out HRV and could make it possible to avoid a significantly larger number of unnecessary EGDs compared to Baveno VI criteria only. LAY SUMMARY: Spleen stiffness measurement assessed by transient elastography, the most widely used elastography technique, is a non-invasive technique that can help the physician to better stratify the degree of portal hypertension and the risk of esophageal varices in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease. Performing spleen stiffness measurement together with liver stiffness measurement during the same examination is simple and fast and this sequential model can identify a greater number of patients that can safely avoid endoscopy, which is an invasive and expensive examination
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