1,010 research outputs found

    Finite element simulation of semi-finishing turning of Electron Beam Melted Ti6Al4V under dry and cryogenic cooling

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    open6noIn the last few years, important step forwards have been made on Finite Element Simulation of machining operations. Wrought Ti6Al4V alloy has been deeply investigated both numerically and experimentally due to its wide application in the industry. Recently, Additive Manufacturing technologies as the Electron Beam Melting and the Direct Melting Laser Sintering are more and more employed in the production of biomedical and aeronautical components made of Ti6Al4V alloy. Fine acicular microstructures are generated by the application of additive manufacturing technologies, affecting the mechanical properties and the machinability. By the consequence, this peculiarity has to be considered in modelling the material behaviour. In this work, a numerical analysis of cylindrical external turning on Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Ti6Al4V alloy is presented. A Johnson-Cook constitutive equation was implemented as a flow stress model and adapted with respect to the wrought Ti6Al4V alloy. The model was calibrated and validated through the cutting forces and temperatures measurements acquired under dry and cryogenic lubricating conditions.openBordin, A; Imbrogno, S.; Rotella, G.; Bruschi, S.; Ghiotti, A.; Umbrello, D.Bordin, Alberto; Imbrogno, S.; Rotella, G.; Bruschi, Stefania; Ghiotti, Andrea; Umbrello, D

    Transient hypercortisolism and symptomatic hyperthyroidism associated to primary hyperparathyroidism in an elderly patient: case report and literature review.

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    Abstract Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is often found on routine blood tests, at a relatively asymptomatic stage. However many studies suggest different systemic effects related to PHPT, which could be enhanced by an abnormal cortisol release due to chronic stress of hyperparathyroidism. Being PHPT frequently found in the 6th to 7th decade of life, a careful and multifaceted approach should be taken. Case presentation: We report the case of an elderly patient with symptomatic PHPT and incidental pulmonary embolism. He was treated with hydration, zoledronic acid, cinacalcet and high-dose unfractionated heparin. Parathyroid surgery was successfully performed, but patient's conditions suddenly worsened because of a transient thyrotoxicosis, probably induced by a previous exposure to iodine load and/or thyroid surgical manipulation. A short-term treatment with beta-blockers was introduced for symptomatic relief. The patient also presented a transient hypercortisolism with elevated ACTH, likely due to stress related not only to aging and hospitalization but also to PHPT, resolved only four months after parathyroid surgery. Conclusion: Chronic hyperparathyroidism has been linked with increased all-cause mortality. A functional chronic hypercortisolism could be established, enhancing PHPT related disorders. Only parathyroid surgery has been demonstrated to cure PHPT and complications related, showing similar outcome between older and younger patients. However, the management of post-operative period should be more careful in fragile patients. In particular, the early diagnosis and treatment of a transient post-operative thyrotoxicosis could improve recovery. Due to the increase in prevalence and the evidence of many related complications even in asymptomatic PHPT, expert opinion-based guidelines for surgical treatment of PHPT should be developed especially for elderly patients

    Diffusion Enhancement in Core-softened fluid confined in nanotubes

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    We study the effect of confinement in the dynamical behavior of a core-softened fluid. The fluid is modeled as a two length scales potential. This potential in the bulk reproduces the anomalous behavior observed in the density and in the diffusion of liquid water. A series of NpTNpT Molecular Dynamics simulations for this two length scales fluid confined in a nanotube were performed. We obtain that the diffusion coefficient increases with the increase of the nanotube radius for wide channels as expected for normal fluids. However, for narrow channels, the confinement shows an enhancement in the diffusion coefficient when the nanotube radius decreases. This behavior, observed for water, is explained in the framework of the two length scales potential.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accept for publication at J. Chem. Phy

    Heterogeneity of associations between total and types of fish intake and the incidence of type 2 diabetes : federated meta-analysis of 28 prospective studies including 956,122 participants

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    The association between fish consumption and new-onset type 2 diabetes is inconsistent and differs according to geographical location. We examined the association between the total and types of fish consumption and type 2 diabetes using individual participant data from 28 prospective cohort studies from the Americas (6), Europe (15), the Western Pacific (6), and the Eastern Mediterranean (1) comprising 956,122 participants and 48,084 cases of incident type 2 diabetes. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for associations of total fish, shellfish, fatty, lean, fried, freshwater, and saltwater fish intake and type 2 diabetes were derived for each study, adjusting for a consistent set of confounders and combined across studies using random-effects meta-analysis. We stratified all analyses by sex due to observed interaction (p = 0.002) on the association between fish and type 2 diabetes. In women, for each 100 g/week higher intake the IRRs (95% CIs) of type 2 diabetes were 1.02 (1.01–1.03, I2 = 61%) for total fish, 1.04 (1.01–1.07, I2 = 46%) for fatty fish, and 1.02 (1.00–1.04, I2 = 33%) for lean fish. In men, all associations were null. In women, we observed variation by geographical location: IRRs for total fish were 1.03 (1.02–1.04, I2 = 0%) in the Americas and null in other regions. In conclusion, we found evidence of a neutral association between total fish intake and type 2 diabetes in men, but there was a modest positive association among women with heterogeneity across studies, which was partly explained by geographical location and types of fish intake. Future research should investigate the role of cooking methods, accompanying foods and environmental pollutants, but meanwhile, existing dietary regional, national, or international guidelines should continue to guide fish consumption within overall healthy dietary patterns


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    Erythrocyte senescence is characterized by exposure of cell surface epitopes on cell membrane proteins leading to immune mediated removal of red blood cells. One mechanism for antigen formation is tyrosine phosphorylation (Tyr-P) of the transmembrane protein band 3 by Syk kinase. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that proteolytic activation of Syk kinase by conversion from 72 kDa (p72Syk) to the 36 kDa (p36Syk) isoform enhances its phosphorylating activity independently of the association of Syk kinase with the cytoskeleton. Tyr-P assay was conducted using quantification of 32P uptake into the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 after addition of p72Syk or p36Syk. Effect of prephosphorylation of erythrocyte membrane band 3 protein by p36Syk on p72Syk-mediated phosphorylation and the effect of addition of a protease inhibitor (leupeptin) on p72Syk-mediated phosphorylation were studied by autoradiographic visualization of 32P uptake. Tyr-P by Syk isoforms of membrane skeletal and soluble fractions of band 3 was visualized by immunoblotting. It was found that p36Syk had a higher band 3 tyrosine phosphorylating activity compared with p72Syk. Pre-phosphorylation with p36Syk or p72Syk increased band 3 phosphorylating activity. Protease inhibition treatment reduced p72Syk but not p36Syk band 3 tyrosine phosphorylating activity significantly. Both soluble and membrane skeletal fractions of band 3 protein were equally tyrosine phosphorylated by each Syk isoform. In conclusion, we confirmed the hypothesis that proteolytic cleavage of p72Syk is an important regulatory step for band 3 Tyr-P and its independence of the association of band 3 with the cytoskeleton

    La ricerca finalizzata in Area Medica: approfondimenti assistenziali dell’Associazione A.N.Í.M.O.

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    Introduzione Il gruppo di ricerca dell’Associazione ANÍMO La ricerca infermieristica Obiettivo del lavoro Metodi Metodologia operativa e ambiti di attività I livelli di approfondimento metodologici • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il cateterismo vescicale • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il cateterismo venoso periferico a breve termine • Approfondimento metodologico Evidence-Report il dolore cronico in medicina interna Risultati Evidence-Report: i risultati da Revisioni di Linee Guida • Il cateterismo vescicale a permanenza • Il cateterismo venoso periferico a breve termine • La gestione del dolore cronico in medicina  Evidence-Based Care-sheet: What we know e what we can do • Le lipodistrofie associate alla pratica iniettiva • La nutrizione nel paziente con polimorbilità • Scompenso cardiaco e fine vita • Terapia anticoagulante orale e processi educativi: il ruolo dell’infermiere • La somministrazione di liquidi per via sottocutanea • L’ictus cerebrale: rischi e prevenzione Focus di approfondimento, the most updated research • La somministrazione dei farmaci per os in pazienti disfagici e/o portatori di SNG o PEG • Il dolore cronico nei pazienti con disturbi cognitivi • Le cadute negli anziani • Il monitoraggio dei parametri vitali • Il Lock dei cateteri venosi centrali: quale soluzione? Quali evidenze? • La responsabilità del professionista infermiere nella terapia farmacologica • La mancata aderenza alle prescrizioni: un problema da non sottovalutare in medicina interna • La gestione della stipsi nelle degenze di area medica: ruolo dell’infermiere • La malnutrizione in ospedale • L’uso della contenzione è un indicatore di buona pratica assistenziale e di buona cultura?  • Riposo a letto o mobilizzazione precoce? • L’uso delle checklist in area medica • La flebite da infusione • La sorveglianza infermieristica: una competenza necessaria in medicina interna • Umidità e calore della miscela di aria nei trattamenti di ventilazione non invasiva: quali evidenze? • Diabete, intervento educativo, ruolo dell’infermiere • La terapia anticoagulante e il ruolo dell’infermiere: alcune evidenze • Il ritorno dell’ipodermoclisi: quali evidenze? • Gli aspetti assistenziali prevalenti nelle cure infermieristiche alla persona colpita da ictus • Lo scompenso cardiaco: epidemiologia e interventi assistenziali Conclusioni Bibliografi

    Intravaginal testicular torsion in newborns. To fix or not to fix the contralateral testis

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    Scrotal swelling suggesting testicular torsion is a rare urological emergency which requires a clinical urgent evaluation and most of the times must be managed surgically. In newborns it can occur in the postnatal period, usually within the twenty-eighth day of life, or more frequently in utero, during the descent of the testis into the scrotum. Usually its poor fixedness allows the testis an abnormal mobility inside the scrotum, configuring the framework of extravaginal torsion. On the contrary during the perinatal period a twist that takes place inside the tunica vaginalis, known as intravaginal torsion, is extremely uncommon and only few cases are well documented in the literature. Authors present a rare case of intravaginal testicular torsion occurred in perinatal period. In this situation only the early surgical exploration of the scrotum may allow the rescue of the gonad, although in rare cases. Timing of surgical treatment and need for contralateral testicular fixation remain controversial. However since the anatomical defect of the tunica vaginalis can be bilateral the surgical fixation even of the contralateral testis is important, now or later, in order to prevent any future torsion of this gonad. The authors also present a brief review of recent literature on the subject

    A Component Framework for Java-based Real-time Embedded Systems

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    Rank (CORE): A.International audienceThe Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is becoming a popular choice in the world of real-time and embedded programming. However, RTSJ introduces many non-intuitive rules and restrictions which prevent its wide adoption. Moreover, current state-of-the-art frameworks usually fail to alleviate the development process into higher layers of the software development life-cycle. In this paper we extend our philosophy that RTSJ concepts need to be considered at early stages of software development, postulated in our prior work, in a framework that provides continuum between the design and implementation process. A component model designed specially for RTSJ serves here as a cornerstone. As the first contribution of this work, we propose a development process where RTSJ concepts are manipulated independently from functional aspects. Second, we mitigate complexities of RTSJ-development by automatically generating execution infrastructure where real-time concerns are transparently managed. We thus allow developers to create systems for variously constrained real-time and embedded environments. Performed benchmarks show that the overhead of the framework is minimal in comparison to manually written object-oriented approach, while providing more extensive functionality. Finally, the framework is designed with the stress on dynamic adaptability of target systems, a property we envisage as a fundamental in an upcoming era of massively developed real-time systems

    Causas infecciosas de problemas reprodutivos na produção de suínos.

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