362 research outputs found

    1917, l’anno “impossibile”

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    The agitations of the period of the war were a protest with an anti-militarist character which marked the beginning of a popular insurrection that involved, for a week, all the regions of Italy. The period was characterized by a profound unease which had both economic and social causes: in 1914-15 there were many clashes between citizens in favor of intervention and those against it. During the years of the war the spontaneous protests involved almost exclusively women and children. The defining aspect of the protest was a moral revolt against injustice: in the countryside against the local authorities, in the towns against the government, speculators and shopkeepers and against all those who did not seem to be paying the price of the war. The length of the war produced a greater awareness of rights: in relation to sacrifices, the people demanded a broader social equality and the end of privileg

    Universal symmetry-breaking dynamics for the Kerr interaction of counterpropagating light in dielectric ring resonators

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking is an important concept in many areas of physics. A fundamentally simple symmetry-breaking mechanism in electrodynamics occurs between counterpropagating electromagnetic waves in ring resonators, mediated by the Kerr nonlinearity. The interaction of counterpropagating light in bidirectionally pumped microresonators finds application in the realization of optical nonreciprocity (for optical diodes), studies of PT-symmetric systems, and the generation of counterpropagating solitons. Here, we present comprehensive analytical and dynamical models for the nonlinear Kerr interaction of counterpropagating light in a dielectric ring resonator. In particular, we study discontinuous behavior in the onset of spontaneous symmetry breaking, indicating divergent sensitivity to small external perturbations. These results can be applied to realize, for example, highly sensitive near-field or rotation sensors. We then generalize to a time-dependent model, which predicts different types of dynamical behavior, including oscillatory regimes that could enable Kerr-nonlinearity-driven all-optical oscillators. The physics of our model can be applied to other systems featuring Kerr-type interaction between two distinct modes, such as for light of opposite circular polarization in nonlinear resonators, which are commonly described by coupled Lugiato-Lefever equations

    Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance–improving conservation outcomes

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    The Ramsar Convention (or the Convention on Wetlands), signed in 1971, was one of the first international conservation agreements, promoting global wise use of wetlands. It has three primary objectives: national designation and management of wetlands of international importance; general wise use of wetlands; and international cooperation. We examined lessons learnt for improving wetland conservation after Ramsar’s nearly five decades of operation. The number of wetlands in the Ramsar Site Network has grown over time (2,391 Ramsar Sites, 2.5 million km2, as at 2020-06-09) but unevenly around the world, with decreasing rate of growth in recent decades. Ramsar Sites are concentrated in countries with a high Gross Domestic Product and human pressure (e.g., western Europe) but, in contrast, Ramsar Sites with the largest wetland extent are in central-west Africa and South America. We identified three key challenges for improving effectiveness of the Ramsar Site Network: increasing number of sites and wetland area, improved representation (functional, geographical and biological); and effective management and reporting. Increasing the number of sites and area in the Ramsar network could benefit from targets, implemented at national scales. Knowledge of representativeness is inadequate, requiring analyses of functional ecotypes, geographical and biological representativeness. Finally, most countries have inadequate management planning and reporting on the ecological character of their Ramsar Sites, requiring more focused attention on a vision and objectives, with regular reporting of key indicators to guide management. There are increasing opportunities to rigorously track ecological character, utilizing new tools and available indicators (e.g., remote sensing). It is critical that the world protect its wetlands, with an effective Ramsar Convention or the Convention on Wetlands at the core

    Spin dynamics of an ultra-small nanoscale molecular magnet

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    We present mathematical transformations which allow us to calculate the spin dynamics of an ultra-small nanoscale molecular magnet consisting of a dimer system of classical (high) Heisenberg spins. We derive exact analytic expressions (in integral form) for the time-dependent spin autocorrelation function and several other quantities. The properties of the time-dependent spin autocorrelation function in terms of various coupling parameters and temperature are discussed in detail

    Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2010-31 January 2011

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    This article documents the addition of 238 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alytes dickhilleni, Arapaima gigas, Austropotamobius italicus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Cobitis lutheri, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Glossina morsitans morsitans, Haplophilus subterraneus, Kirengeshoma palmata, Lysimachia japonica, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Microtus cabrerae, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pallisentis (Neosentis) celatus, Pulmonaria officinalis, Salminus franciscanus, Thais chocolata and Zootoca vivipara. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acanthina monodon, Alytes cisternasii, Alytes maurus, Alytes muletensis, Alytes obstetricans almogavarii, Alytes obstetricans boscai, Alytes obstetricans obstetricans, Alytes obstetricans pertinax, Cambarellus montezumae, Cambarellus zempoalensis, Chorus giganteus, Cobitis tetralineata, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Glossina pallidipes, Lysimachia japonica var. japonica, Lysimachia japonica var. minutissima, Orconectes virilis, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Procambarus clarkii, Salminus brasiliensis and Salminus hilarii

    Analisis Hukum Islam terhadap penerapan tarif Surge Pricing pada sewa taksi online Uber di wilayah Surabaya

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    Skripsi ini adalah hasil penelitian lapangan (field research). Rumusan masalahnya: Pertama, bagaimana praktek penerapan tarif surge pricing pada sewa taksi online Uber di wilayah Surabaya. Kedua, bagaimana analisis hukum Islam terhadap penerapan tarif surge pricing pada sewa taksi online Uber di wilayah Surabaya .Data penelitian ini dihimpun melalui observasi, wawancara kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pola pikir deduktif, yang diawali dengan mengemukakan pengertian-pengertian, teori-teori, atau fakta-fakta yang bersifat umum, yaitu ketentuan-ketentuan hukum Islam mengenai Ija>rah dan Upah dalam hukum Islam yang selanjutnya dipaparkan dari kenyataan yang ada di lapangan mengenai praktik penerapan tarif surge pricing pada sewa taksi online Uber di wilayah Surabaya, kemudian diteliti dan dianalisis.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan tarif surge pricing yang diberlakukan oleh Uber pada saat terjadinya jam jam sibuk yang menggunakan prinsip ekonomi persediaan dan permintaan, dimana jika permintaan sedang tinggi sedangkan persediaan tidak mencukupi maka biaya perjalanan otomatis meningkat. Dalam penerapannya biaya perjalanan akan meingkat antara 1.1x – 5.5x lipat. Hal ini terjadi secara tiba tiba dan menjadikan penumpang membayar biaya yang lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan perjalanan biasa, dan juga hal ini hanya terjadi di wilayah tertentu dan hanya terjadi beberapa menit atau jam saja. Dalam hukum Islam sebernarnya penerapan ini diperbolehkan, akan tetapi harus diberlakukan secara adil, jelas, transparan dan melihat kerelaan antara penumpang dengan driver. Dan dalam hal ini uber juga memberlakukan perjanjian baku yang terdapat pada buku panduan uber yang sedikit menerangkan tentang adanya tarif surge pricing ini, jadi dengan adanya perjanjian baku ini Uber sudah benar dalam penerapan adanya tarif surge pricing ini.Sejalan dengan kesimpulan di atas, maka disarankan kepada Uber supaya memberi fasilitas kepada pelanggan untuk juga mengetahui di mana atau akan terjadinya penerapan tarif surge pricing dan kepada pengguna layanan Uber agar jika terkena penerapan tarif surge pricing untuk bersabar menunggu hingga harga kembali normal atau tetap memesan taksi online uber dengan cepat agar tarif tidak semakin naik, dan juga kepada driver agar tidak memanfaatkan keadaan saat terjadinya penerapan tarif surge pricing