1,003 research outputs found

    Transport properties of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite coupling

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    Gauge theory-string theory duality describes strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric SU(n) Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature in terms of near extremal black 3-brane geometry in type IIB string theory. We use this correspondence to compute the leading correction in inverse 't Hooft coupling to the shear diffusion constant, bulk viscosity and the speed of sound in the large-n N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory plasma. The transport coefficients are extracted from the dispersion relation for the shear and the sound wave lowest quasinormal modes in the leading order alpha'-corrected black D3 brane geometry. We find the shear viscosity extracted from the shear diffusion constant to agree with result of [hep-th/0406264]; also, the leading correction to bulk viscosity and the speed of sound vanishes. Our computation provides a highly nontrivial consistency check on the hydrodynamic description of the alpha'-corrected nonextremal black branes in string theory.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Exploring the S-Matrix of Massless Particles

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    We use the recently proposed generalised on-shell representation for scattering amplitudes and a consistency test to explore the space of tree-level consistent couplings in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The extension of the constructible notion implied by the generalised on-shell representation, i.e. the possibility to reconstruct at tree level all the scattering amplitudes from the three-particle ones, together with the imposition of the consistency conditions at four-particle level, allow to rediscover all the known theories and their algebra structure, if any. Interestingly, this analysis seems to leave room for high-spin couplings, provided that at least the requirement of locality is weakened. We do not claim to have found tree-level consistent high-spin theories, but rather that our methods show signatures of them and very likely, with a suitable modification, they can be a good framework to perform a systematic search.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figur

    Precision medicine in distinct heart failure phenotypes: Focus on clinical epigenetics

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    Heart failure (HF) management is challenging due to high clinical heterogeneity of this disease which makes patients responding differently to evidence-based standard therapy established by the current reductionist approach. Better understanding of the genetic and epigenetic interactions may clarify molecular signatures underlying maladaptive responses in HF, including metabolic shift, myocardial injury, fibrosis, and mitochondrial dysfunction. DNA methylation, histone modifications and micro-RNA (miRNAs) may be major epigenetic players in the pathogenesis of HF. DNA hypermethylation of the kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF1.5) gene plays a key role in switching the failing heart from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism. Moreover, hypomethylation at H3K9 promoter level of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes also leads to reactivation of fetal genes in man. The role of miRNAs has been investigated in HF patients undergoing heart transplantation, for whom miR-10a, miR-155, miR-31, and miR-92 may be putative useful prognostic biomarkers. Recently, higher RNA methylation levels have been observed in ischemic human hearts, opening the era of "epitranscriptome" in the pathogenesis of HF. Currently, hydralazine, statins, apabetalone, and omega-3 polyunsatured fatty acids (PUFA) are being tested in clinical trials to provide epigenetic-driven therapeutic interventions. Moreover, network-oriented analysis could advance current medical practice by focusing on protein-protein interactions (PPIs) perturbing the "cardiac" interactome. In this review, we provide an epigenetic map of maladaptive responses in HF patients. Furthermore, we propose the "EPi-transgeneratlonal network mOdeling for STratificatiOn of heaRt Morbidity" (EPIKO-STORM), a clinical research strategy offering novel opportunities to stratify the natural history of HF

    On Tree Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity

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    The BCFW recursion relations provide a powerful way to compute tree amplitudes in gauge theories and gravity, but only hold if some amplitudes vanish when two of the momenta are taken to infinity in a particular complex direction. This is a very surprising property, since individual Feynman diagrams all diverge at infinite momentum. In this paper we give a simple physical understanding of amplitudes in this limit, which corresponds to a hard particle with (complex) light-like momentum moving in a soft background, and can be conveniently studied using the background field method exploiting background light-cone gauge. An important role is played by enhanced spin symmetries at infinite momentum--a single copy of a "Lorentz" group for gauge theory and two copies for gravity--which together with Ward identities give a systematic expansion for amplitudes at large momentum. We use this to study tree amplitudes in a wide variety of theories, and in particular demonstrate that certain pure gauge and gravity amplitudes do vanish at infinity. Thus the BCFW recursion relations can be used to compute completely general gluon and graviton tree amplitudes in any number of dimensions. We briefly comment on the implications of these results for computing massive 4D amplitudes by KK reduction, as well understanding the unexpected cancelations that have recently been found in loop-level gravity amplitudes.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of sub-optimal temperatures on seed germination of three warm-season turfgrasses with perspectives of cultivation in transition zone

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    Warm-season turfgrass species prevail in tropical and subtropical areas, but can also be grown in the transition zone. In this case, cold tolerance is a key aspect for germination and successful turfgrass establishment. The germination response to sub-optimal temperatures was investigated for Cynodon dactylon (cvs Jackpot, La Paloma, Transcontinental, Yukon, Riviera), Buchloe dactyloides (cv SWI 2000) and Paspalum vaginatum (cv Pure Dynasty). Four temperature regimes were applied, i.e., 20/30 °C, 15/25 °C, 10/20 °C and 5/15 °C, with a 12:12 h (light:dark) photoperiod. Germination assays were performed twice, with six replicates (Petri dishes) per treatment in each experiment, fifty seeds per dish. The final germinated percentages at last inspection time (FGP) were obtained for each Petri dish and processed by using a generalized linear mixed model (binomial error and logit link). Germination curves were fitted to each Petri dish by using time-to-event methods and germination rates (GR) for the 10th, 20th and 30th percentiles were derived and used to fit a linear thermal-time model. For all cultivars, FGP decreased with decreasing mean daily temperatures. Base temperatures (Tb) ranged between 11.4 °C and 17.0 °C, while the thermal time to obtain 30% germination ranged from 51.3 °C day for SWI 2000 to 144.0 °C day for Pure Dynasty. The estimated parameters were used to predict germination time in the field, considering the observed soil temperatures in Legnaro. The estimated date for the beginning of germination in the field would range from early April for SWI 2000 and Transcontinental to mid-May for Riviera. These results might be used as a practical support for planning spring sowing, which is crucial for successful turfgrass establishment, especially without irrigation

    Conservazione e valorizzazione delle grotte sarde: biodiversit\ue0 e ruolo socio-economico-culturale

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    Stima del valore economico del bene grotta e individuazione del target di fruitore; studio dei percorsi turistici per ottimizzare il numero dei visitatori per la salvaguardia del bene ambientale grotta, Stima della Capacit\ue0 di Carico turistica. Modello di una ottima fruizione di una grotta modello. Modello complesso di integrazione tra beni culturali, enogastronomici, ambientali e demo-etno-antropologici. Studio e creazione di network degli interessi

    Effective action for Einstein-Maxwell theory at order RF**4

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    We use a recently derived integral representation of the one-loop effective action in Einstein-Maxwell theory for an explicit calculation of the part of the effective action containing the information on the low energy limit of the five-point amplitudes involving one graviton, four photons and either a scalar or spinor loop. All available identities are used to get the result into a relatively compact form.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Autoptic findings of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomiopathy (AVC) from left ventricle and biventricular involvement

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    Objectives: To evaluate autoptic histopathological findings of arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) as major cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young adults. Background: According to Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)’s international consensus, histological criteria for AVC diagnosis include a progressive myocardial atrophy of the right ventricle characterized by a transmural fatty or fibrofatty replacement in a segmental or diffuse pattern (residual myocytes <60 % vs 60–75 % by morphometric analysis) explaining the electrical instability with increased risk of SCD. However, there is increasing evidence for atypical patterns of localizations and percentage of fibrofatty replacement suggesting the need to update histopathological features of AVC. Methods: Histology examination of ventricles, atria, and septum was performed on 10 autopsy of SCD due to AVC. Staining with hematoxylin-eosin and PicroSirius Red/Fast Green were performed on the heart samples to identify specific fibrofatty patterns. Results: Our analysis showed that: 1) myocardial replacement by a diffuse segmental fatty or fibro-fatty tissue characterized right and left ventricles as well as atrial walls; 2) the degree of fibrofatty tissue replacement was less than 40 % both in left ventricle (n = 4, 40 %) and biventricular (n = 6, 60 %) localization; 3) perivascular fibrosis, inflammatory infiltrate, areas of hypertrophy and/or areas of coagulative necrosis as signs of hypoxic damage in the first stage. Conclusions: We confirmed prior evidence for fibrofatty replacement both in biventricular and septal localizations. Importantly, we observed a less degree (<40 %) of fibrofatty replacement as compared to current guidelines. This supports the need to further explore the histological patterns of fibrofatty infiltration in a larger study population to improve the histological diagnostic criteria of AVC

    Worldline approach to vector and antisymmetric tensor fields

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    The N=2 spinning particle action describes the propagation of antisymmetric tensor fields, including vector fields as a special case. In this paper we study the path integral quantization on a one-dimensional torus of the N=2 spinning particle coupled to spacetime gravity. The action has a local N=2 worldline supersymmetry with a gauged U(1) symmetry that includes a Chern-Simons coupling. Its quantization on the torus produces the one-loop effective action for a single antisymmetric tensor. We use this worldline representation to calculate the first few Seeley-DeWitt coefficients for antisymmetric tensor fields of arbitrary rank in arbitrary dimensions. As side results we obtain the correct trace anomaly of a spin 1 particle in four dimensions as well as exact duality relations between differential form gauge fields. This approach yields a drastic simplification over standard heat-kernel methods. It contains on top of the usual proper time a new modular parameter implementing the reduction to a single tensor field. Worldline methods are generically simpler and more efficient in perturbative computations then standard QFT Feynman rules. This is particularly evident when the coupling to gravity is considered.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, references adde
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