1,460 research outputs found

    Correlator of heavy-quark currents at small q^2 in the large-beta_0 limit

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    The correlator of vector heavy-quark currents at small q^2 is considered in the large-beta_0 limit. The leading IR renormalon ambiguity of the sum of the perturbative series is canceled by the UV renormalon ambiguity of the gluon condensate. Asymptotic behaviour of the perturbative series is obtained in a model-independent way, up to a single unknown normalization factor. Gluon-virtuality distribution functions for the perturbative correction are calculated.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Towards pair production near threshold with unstable particle effective theory

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    We illustrate the use of effective theory techniques to describe processes involving unstable particles close to resonance. First, we present the main ideas in the context of a scalar resonance in an Abelian gauge-Yukawa model. We then outline the necessary modifications to describe W-pair production close to threshold in electron-positron collisions.Comment: Invited talk given at the 11th International Conference on QCD, Montpellier, France (5--10th July 2004

    Nonperturbative definition of the pole mass and short distance expansion of the heavy quark potential in QCD

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    We show that the O(Lambda) ambiguity in the pole mass can be fixed in a natural way by introducing a modified nonperturbative V-scheme momentum space coupling tilde-alphaV(q) where the confining contributions have been subtracted out. The method used is in the spirit of the infrared finite coupling approach to power corrections, and gives a non perturbative definition of the `potential subtracted' mass. The short distance expansion of the static potential is derived, taking into account an hypothetical short distance linear term. The magnitude of the standard OPE contributions are estimated in quenched QCD, based on results of Luscher and Weisz. It is observed that the expansion is not yet reliable at the shortest distances presently measured on the lattice.Comment: 10 pages, JHEP3.cls style; a few misprints corrected. To appear in Physics Letters

    On The Difficulty of Computing Higher-Twist Corrections

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    We discuss the evaluation of power corrections to hard scattering and decay processes for which an operator product expansion is applicable. The Wilson coefficient of the leading-twist operator is the difference of two perturbative series, each of which has a renormalon ambiguity of the same order as the power corrections themselves, but which cancel in the difference. We stress the necessity of calculating this coefficient function to sufficiently high orders in perturbation theory so as to make the uncertainty of the same order or smaller than the relevant power corrections. We investigate in some simple examples whether this can be achieved. Our conclusion is that in most of the theoretical calculations which include power corrections, the uncertainties are at least comparable to the power corrections themselves, and that it will be a very difficult task to improve the situation.Comment: 27 pages, uuencoded file containing latex source and axodraw.sty fil

    CP Violation in B -> pi+ pi- and the Unitarity Triangle

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    We analyze the extraction of weak phases from CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^- decays. We propose to determine the unitarity triangle (ρˉ,ηˉ)(\bar\rho,\bar\eta) by combining the information on mixing induced CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^-, SS, with the precision observable sin2β\sin 2\beta obtained from the CP asymmetry in BψKSB\to\psi K_S. It is then possible to write down exact analytical expressions for ρˉ\bar\rho and ηˉ\bar\eta as simple functions of the observables SS and sin2β\sin 2\beta, and of the penguin parameters rr and ϕ\phi. As an application clean lower bounds on ηˉ\bar\eta and 1ρˉ1-\bar\rho can be derived as functions of SS and sin2β\sin 2\beta, essentially without hadronic uncertainty. Computing rr and ϕ\phi within QCD factorization yields precise determinations of ρˉ\bar\rho and ηˉ\bar\eta since the dependence on rr and ϕ\phi is rather weak. It is emphasized that the sensitivity to the phase ϕ\phi enters only at second order and is extremely small for moderate values of this phase, predicted in the heavy-quark limit. Transparent analytical formulas are further given and discussed for the parameter CC of direct CP violation in Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^-. We also discuss alternative ways to analyze SS and CC that can be useful if new physics affects BdB_d--Bˉd\bar B_d mixing. Predictions and uncertainties for rr and ϕ\phi in QCD factorization are examined in detail. It is pointed out that a simultaneous expansion in 1/mb1/m_b and 1/N leads to interesting simplifications. At first order infrared divergences are absent, while the most important effects are retained. Independent experimental tests of the factorization framework are briefly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    On measuring alpha in B(t)-> rho^\pm pi^\mp

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    Defining a most economical parametrization of time-dependent B-> rho^\pm pi^\mp decays, including a measurable phase alpha_{eff} which equals the weak phase alpha in the limit of vanishing penguin amplitudes, we propose two ways for determining alpha in this processes. We explain the limitation of one method, assuming only that two relevant tree amplitudes factorize and that their relative strong phase, delta_t, is negligible. The other method, based on broken flavor SU(3), permits a determination of alpha in B^0-> rho^\pm pi^\mp in an overconstrained system using also rate measurements of B^{0,+}-> K^* pi and B^{0,+}->rho K. Current data are shown to restrict two ratios of penguin and tree amplitudes, r_\pm, to a narrow range around 0.2, and to imply an upper bound |alpha_{eff} - alpha| < 15 degrees. Assuming that delta_t is much smaller than 90 degrees, we find alpha =(93\pm 16) degrees and (102 \pm 20) degrees using BABAR and BELLE results for B(t)-> rho^\pm pi^mp. Avoiding this assumption for completeness, we demonstrate the reduction of discrete ambiguities in alpha with increased statistics, and show that SU(3) breaking effects are effectively second order in r_\pm.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, data and references updated, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Four-fermion production near the W pair production threshold

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    We perform a dedicated study of the four-fermion production process e- e+ -> mu- nubar_mu u dbar X near the W pair-production threshold in view of the importance of this process for a precise measurement of the W boson mass. Accurate theoretical predictions for this process require a systematic treatment of finite-width effects. We use unstable-particle effective field theory (EFT) to perform an expansion in the coupling constants, GammaW/MW, and the non-relativistic velocity v of the W boson up to next-to-leading order in GammaW/MW ~ alpha_ew ~ v^2. We find that the dominant theoretical uncertainty in MW is currently due to an incomplete treatment of initial-state radiation. The remaining uncertainty of the NLO EFT calculation translates into delta MW ~ 10-15 MeV, and to about 5 MeV with additional input from the NLO four-fermion calculation in the full theory.Comment: 53 pages, v2: version to be published, inessential modification

    Analytic structure in the coupling constant plane in perturbative QCD

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    We investigate the analytic structure of the Borel-summed perturbative QCD amplitudes in the complex plane of the coupling constant. Using the method of inverse Mellin transform, we show that the prescription dependent Borel-Laplace integral can be cast, under some conditions, into the form of a dispersion relation in the a-plane. We also discuss some recent works relating resummation prescriptions, renormalons and nonperturbative effects, and show that a method proposed recently for obtaining QCD nonperturbative condensates from perturbation theory is based on special assumptions about the analytic structure in the coupling plane that are not valid in QCD.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, 1 eps-figur

    Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to the Lifetime Difference of BsB_s Mesons

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    We compute the QCD corrections to the decay rate difference in the BsBˉsB_s-\bar B_s system, ΔΓBs\Delta\Gamma_{B_s}, in the next-to-leading logarithmic approximation using the heavy quark expansion approach. Going beyond leading order in QCD is essential to obtain a proper matching of the Wilson coefficients to the matrix elements of local operators from lattice gauge theory. The lifetime difference is reduced considerably at next-to-leading order. We find (ΔΓ/Γ)Bs=(fBs/210MeV)2[0.006B(mb)+0.150BS(mb)0.063](\Delta\Gamma/\Gamma)_{B_s}=(f_{B_s}/210 MeV)^2 [0.006 B(m_b)+0.150 B_S(m_b)-0.063] in terms of the bag parameters B,BSB, B_S in the NDR scheme. As a further application of our analysis we also derive the next-to-leading order result for the mixing-induced CP asymmetry in inclusive buuˉdb\to u\bar ud decays, which measures sin2α\sin 2\alpha.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; minor modifications of the text, improved discussion of eq. (35), all results unchange

    Soft-Collinear Messengers: A New Mode in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    It is argued that soft-collinear effective theory for processes involving both soft and collinear partons, such as exclusive B-meson decays, should include a new mode in addition to soft and collinear fields. These "soft-collinear messengers" can interact with both soft and collinear particles without taking them far off-shell. They thus can communicate between the soft and collinear sectors of the theory. The relevance of the new mode is demonstrated with an explicit example, and the formalism incorporating the corresponding quark and gluon fields into the effective Lagrangian is developed.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Extended Section 6, clarifying the relevance of different types of soft-collinear interaction