4,153 research outputs found

    A novel ultrafast-low-dose computed tomography protocol allows concomitant coronary artery evaluation and lung cancer screening

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    BACKGROUND:Cardiac computed tomography (CT) is often performed in patients who are at high risk for lung cancer in whom screening is currently recommended. We tested diagnostic ability and radiation exposure of a novel ultra-low-dose CT protocol that allows concomitant coronary artery evaluation and lung screening. METHODS: We studied 30 current or former heavy smoker subjects with suspected or known coronary artery disease who underwent CT assessment of both coronary arteries and thoracic area (Revolution CT, General Electric). A new ultrafast-low-dose single protocol was used for ECG-gated helical acquisition of the heart and the whole chest. A single IV iodine bolus (70-90 ml) was used. All patients with CT evidence of coronary stenosis underwent also invasive coronary angiography. RESULTS: All the coronary segments were assessable in 28/30 (93%) patients. Only 8 coronary segments were not assessable in 2 patients due to motion artefacts (assessability: 98%; 477/485 segments). In the assessable segments, 20/21 significant stenoses (> 70% reduction of vessel diameter) were correctly diagnosed. Pulmonary nodules were detected in 5 patients, thus requiring to schedule follow-up surveillance CT thorax. Effective dose was 1.3 ± 0.9 mSv (range: 0.8-3.2 mSv). Noteworthy, no contrast or radiation dose increment was required with the new protocol as compared to conventional coronary CT protocol. CONCLUSIONS:The novel ultrafast-low-dose CT protocol allows lung cancer screening at time of coronary artery evaluation. The new approach might enhance the cost-effectiveness of coronary CT in heavy smokers with suspected or known coronary artery disease

    Interactions between endothelial cells and HIV-1.

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    Endothelial cells (EC) participate in inflammatory and immune reactions by producing and responding to soluble mediators. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 profoundly alters the features of EC. In some anatomical districts, they are infected by the virus and may represent a relevant reservoir. During lymphomononuclear cell diapedesis, EC activate virus replication in crossing cells. Direct or indirect damage of EC is particularly relevant in central nervous system, where blood-brain barrier perturbation is pivotal in neuronal degeneration. The observed alterations of EC adhesive properties contribute in altered leukocyte traffic from blood to lymphoid organs and tissues and play a role in the onset of immune surveillance alteration. These alterations of EC functions are relevant for the general vasculopathy, which marks the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and in particular are instrumental in the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. Here we discuss the biological and molecular activation of EC in HIV-1 infection that represents the basis to understand the pathogenesis of HIV-1 associated vascular diseases

    Strong coupling analysis of diquark condensation

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    The phenomenon of diquark condensation at non-zero baryon density and zero temperature is analyzed in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD. The results indicate that there is attraction in the quark-quark channel also at strong coupling, and that the attraction is more effective at high baryon density, but for infinite coupling it is not enough to produce diquark condensation. It is argued that the absence of diquark condensation is not a peculiarity of the strong coupling limit, but persists at sufficiently large finite couplings.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2004(non-zero

    The impact of human papilloma viruses, matrix metallo-proteinases and HIV protease inhibitors on the onset and progression of uterine cervix epithelial tumors: A review of preclinical and clinical studies

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    Infection of uterine cervix epithelial cells by the Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) is associated with the development of dysplastic/hyperplastic lesions, termed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). CIN lesions may regress, persist or progress to invasive cervical carcinoma (CC), a leading cause of death worldwide. CIN is particularly frequent and aggressive in women infected by both HPV and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as compared to the general female population. In these individuals, however, therapeutic regimens employing HIV protease inhibitors (HIV-PI) have reduced CIN incidence and/or clinical progression, shedding light on the mechanism(s) of its development. This article reviews published work concerning: (i) the role of HPV proteins (including HPV-E5, E6 and E7) and of matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) in CIN evolution into invasive CC; and (ii) the effect of HIV-PI on events leading to CIN progression such as basement membrane and extracellular matrix invasion by HPV-positive CIN cells and the formation of new blood vessels. Results from the reviewed literature indicate that CIN clinical progression can be monitored by evaluating the expression of MMPs and HPV proteins and they suggest the use of HIV-PI or their derivatives for the block of CIN evolution into CC in both HIV-infected and uninfected women

    Infection by high-risk human papillomaviruses, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and squamous pre-malignant or malignant lesions of the uterine cervix: a series of chained events?

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    : Wound healing requires static epithelial cells to gradually assume a mobile phenotype through a multi-step process termed epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Although it is inherently transient and reversible, EMT perdures and is abnormally activated when the epithelium is chronically exposed to pathogens: this event deeply alters the tissue and eventually contributes to the development of diseases. Among the many of them is uterine cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the most frequent malignancy of the female genital system. SCC, whose onset is associated with the persistent infection of the uterine cervix by high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs), often relapses and/or metastasizes, being resistant to conventional chemo- or radiotherapy. Given that these fearsome clinical features may stem, at least in part, from the exacerbated and long-lasting EMT occurring in the HPV-infected cervix; here we have reviewed published studies concerning the impact that HPV oncoproteins, cellular tumor suppressors, regulators of gene expression, inflammatory cytokines or growth factors, and the interactions among these effectors have on EMT induction and cervical carcinogenesis. It is predictable and desirable that a broader comprehension of the role that EMT inducers play in SCC pathogenesis will provide indications to flourish new strategies directed against this aggressive tumor

    Bilateral osteoma of the internal auditory canal: Case report and literature review

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    Osteomas of the external auditory canal tend to be rather common; those of the internal auditory canal (IAC) are much rarer, though, with less than twenty cases reported in literature up to this very day. Bilateral IAC osteomas, as in this case, are extremely unusual.These benign bone tumors grow very slowly and this implies that the patient is very often asymptomatic. The diagnosis is generally made relatively late and it is, in many cases, absolutely incidental, with Computed Thomography (CT) scans of the temporal bones performed for other reasons. The manuscript describe the case of a patient complaining with progressive bilateral hearing impairment, worsening in the course of many years; we would like to point out the benefits brought by CT in the diagnosis and therapeutic choice, which is, still today, not yet subject to unanimous consensus. (C) 2014 The College of Radiographers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Correlation between FIX genotype and pharmacokinetics of Nonacog alpha according to a multicentre Italian study

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    Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies on recombinant FIX concentrate, Nonacog alpha, were conducted with different sampling time designs which gave rise to not complete and homogenous outcomes. In addition, patient's FIX genotype/PK relationship has never been investigated

    Prevalence of occupational voice disorders in teachers

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    Introduction. In Italy the number of teachers among private and public schools is around one million. Voice disorders are thought to be one of the major occupational hazards of school teaching; in fact the teachers often use their voice with high-intensity, in noisy classes, for a long time and without suitable breaks. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of voice problems in teachers of Naples district, identifying risk factors for develop- ing voice pathology. Methods. In this study we evaluated 504 teachers (322 F - 182 M) with an age ranging between 24 and 62 years, randomly choiced in 28 schools of the district of Naples submitted to a questionnaire to determine the prevalence of voice disorders. In our study we have also introduced a comparison group of not-teachers workers of 402 subjects (244 F - 158 M); they were in the same age range as the teacher sample (range: 22- 65 years). The control group was also submitted to a question- naire regarding sociodemographic characteristics, smoking and alcohol use, a self-report of voice problems, voice symptoms, frequency of acute and chronic voice problems, absenteism due to voice problems. Results. The prevalence of reporting a current voice problem was significantly greater in teachers compared with not-teachers (8.7% vs 2.9%), as the prevalence of voice disorders during their lifetime too (51.4% vs 25.9%), c2 = 86.672, p inf. 0.001. Women, compared with men had a higher lifetime prevalence of voice disorders. An other important data evidenced, is that 116 work- ers of the teachers group (23.01%) have been forced, during their professional activity, to miss job for problems related to voice; only 22 subjects of control group (5.47%) instead, missed job for voice troubles. Discussion and Conclusions. This study confirms that teachers have a higher rate of self-reported voice problems than subjects working in other occupations. Teachers, compared with not- teachers, were significantly more likely to have experienced multiple voice symptoms including hoarseness, discomfort while using their voice, difficulty projecting their voice and tiring or change in voice quality after short use. Large proportion of these problems may be preventable and prevention programs need to be developed and evaluated. Italian teachers do not receive any preventive voice training; that, in combination with poor hygienic work conditions, could increase health problems. Thus, voice training of teachers and teacher college students in some cases should be considered as a useful tool to prevent voice disorders
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