463 research outputs found

    Scarring in a driven system with wave chaos

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    We consider acoustic wave propagation in a model of a deep ocean acoustic waveguide with a periodic range-dependence. Formally, the wave field is described by the Schrodinger equation with a time-dependent Hamiltonian. Using methods borrowed from the quantum chaos theory it is shown that in the driven system under consideration there exists a "scarring" effect similar to that observed in autonomous quantum systems.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Compactons in Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Lattices with Strong Nonlinearity Management

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    The existence of compactons in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in the presence of fast periodic time modulations of the nonlinearity is demonstrated. In the averaged DNLS equation the resulting effective inter-well tunneling depends on modulation parameters {\it and} on the field amplitude. This introduces nonlinear dispersion in the system and can lead to a prototypical realization of single- or multi-site stable discrete compactons in nonlinear optical waveguide and BEC arrays. These structures can dynamically arise out of Gaussian or compactly supported initial data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The frustrated Brownian motion of nonlocal solitary waves

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    We investigate the evolution of solitary waves in a nonlocal medium in the presence of disorder. By using a perturbational approach, we show that an increasing degree of nonlocality may largely hamper the Brownian motion of self-trapped wave-packets. The result is valid for any kind of nonlocality and in the presence of non-paraxial effects. Analytical predictions are compared with numerical simulations based on stochastic partial differential equationComment: 4 pages, 3 figures

    Collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate induced by fluctuations of the laser intensity

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    The dynamics of a metastable attractive Bose-Einstein condensate trapped by a system of laser beams is analyzed in the presence of small fluctuations of the laser intensity. It is shown that the condensate will eventually collapse. The expected collapse time is inversely proportional to the integrated covariance of the time autocorrelation function of the laser intensity and it decays logarithmically with the number of atoms. Numerical simulations of the stochastic 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation confirms analytical predictions for small and moderate values of mean field interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 7 eps figure

    Solitons in Tonks-Girardeau gas with dipolar interactions

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    The existence of bright solitons in the model of the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) gas with dipole-dipole (DD) interactions is reported. The governing equation is taken as the quintic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (NLSE) with the nonlocal cubic term accounting for the DD attraction. In different regions of the parameter space (the dipole moment and atom number), matter-wave solitons feature flat-top or compacton-like shapes. For the flat-top states, the NLSE with the local cubic-quintic (CQ) nonlinearity is shown to be a good approximation. Specific dynamical effects are studied assuming that the strength of the DD interactions is ramped up or drops to zero. Generation of dark-soliton pairs in the gas shrinking under the action of the intensifying DD attraction is observed. Dark solitons exhibit the particle-like collision behavior. Peculiarities of dipole solitons in the TG gas are highlighted by comparison with the NLSE including the local CQ terms. Collisions between the solitons are studied too. In many cases, the collisions result in merger of the solitons into a breather, due to strong attraction between them.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted by J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Modulational and Parametric Instabilities of the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    We examine the modulational and parametric instabilities arising in a non-autonomous, discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation setting. The principal motivation for our study stems from the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in a deep optical lattice. We find that under periodic variations of the heights of the interwell barriers (or equivalently of the scattering length), additionally to the modulational instability, a window of parametric instability becomes available to the system. We explore this instability through multiple-scale analysis and identify it numerically. Its principal dynamical characteristic is that, typically, it develops over much larger times than the modulational instability, a feature that is qualitatively justified by comparison of the corresponding instability growth rates

    Collapse and revival of oscillations in a parametrically excited Bose-Einstein condensate in combined harmonic and optical lattice trap

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    In this work, we study parametric resonances in an elongated cigar-shaped BEC in a combined harmonic trap and a time dependent optical lattice by using numerical and analytical techniques. We show that there exists a relative competition between the harmonic trap which tries to spatially localize the BEC and the time varying optical lattice which tries to delocalize the BEC. This competition gives rise to parametric resonances (collapse and revival of the oscillations of the BEC width). Parametric resonances disappear when one of the competing factors i.e strength of harmonic trap or the strength of optical lattice dominates. Parametric instabilities (exponential growth of Bogoliubov modes) arise for large variations in the strength of the optical lattice.Comment: 9 pages, 20 figure

    Theory of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves and Selection of the Ground State

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    A theory of time dependent nonlinear dispersive equations of the Schroedinger / Gross-Pitaevskii and Hartree type is developed. The short, intermediate and large time behavior is found, by deriving nonlinear Master equations (NLME), governing the evolution of the mode powers, and by a novel multi-time scale analysis of these equations. The scattering theory is developed and coherent resonance phenomena and associated lifetimes are derived. Applications include BEC large time dynamics and nonlinear optical systems. The theory reveals a nonlinear transition phenomenon, ``selection of the ground state'', and NLME predicts the decay of excited state, with half its energy transferred to the ground state and half to radiation modes. Our results predict the recent experimental observations of Mandelik et. al. in nonlinear optical waveguides

    Above-bandgap ordinary optical properties of GaSe single crystal

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    We report above-bandgap ordinary optical properties of ε-phase GaSe single crystal. Reference-quality pseudodielectric function 〈ε(E)〉 = 〈ε1(E)〉+i〈ε2(E)〉 and pseudorefractive index 〈N(E)〉 = 〈n(E)〉+i〈k(E)〉 spectra were measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry from 0.73 to 6.45 eV at room temperature for the light polarization perpendicular to the optic axis (math⊥math). The 〈ε〉 spectrum exhibited several interband-transition critical-point structures. Analysis of second-energy derivatives calculated numerically from the measured data yielded the critical-point energy [email protected]