80 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Pork Consumer Demand During The Covid- 19 Pandemic in Medan City, North Sumatra Province

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    At the end of 2019, people in Medan City were shocked by the death of thousands of pigs in several districts in North Sumatera caused by African Swine Fever (ASF). In early March 2020, the government enacted the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These conditions caused an economic contraction marked by the growth of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which fell sharply in the second quarter of 2020 against the second quarter of 2019 by 5.32% (y-on-y). This study aims to analyze the availability and price of pork and the factors that affect consumer demand for pork during the Covid-19 pandemic in Medan City. The research location consists of six traditional markets in Medan City that sell pork, namely Kanpung Lalang Market, Sunggal Market, Melati Market, Sambu Market, Sambas Market, and Sukaramai Market with purposive sampling method. There were 80 respondents. The data collection methods used were observation, interview, and literature study. The data processing and analysis method used is the Classical Assumption Test and Model Fit Test. The results showed that the total demand for pork before the Covid-19 pandemic was 98 kg while the demand for pork during the Covid-19 pandemic decreased to 40 kg. The decrease in demand for pork is due to the increase in pork prices caused by the outbreak of ASF disease in pigs in North Sumatra. However, the purchasing power of the people of Medan City decreased due to a decrease in income caused by Covid-19. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that during the Covid-19 pandemic there was a very drastic decrease in demand for pork with a percentage reaching more than 50

    Financial Analysis of Beef Cattle Business in People's Farms of Pulau Rakyat District Asahan Regency

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    Beef  cattle are raised  with the main purpose of producing meat. This study aims to determine the financial aspects of breeders on raising beef cattle and whether  raising  beef  cattle can  help the financial of breeders.  The  research  was  conducted  in Pulau Rakyat subdistrict, Asahan Regency from  July until August 2020. The types of data used were primary data and secondary data. Determination  of  the sample by stratified sampling, namely  by dividing three groups  based  on beef cattle population,  namely  the  low  population  group (1-10 cattle), the medium population group (11-20 cattle) and the high population group (21-41 cattle), then by purposive sampling, namely took 9 farmers from each population group. The data analysis method used financial analysis. Parameters were R/C, BEP, Net B/C, Gross B/C, NPV, IRR and PP The results showed that the breeders' acceptance could meet the production costs so that the income was positive or profitable. Financial analysis of beef cattle raising were obtained R/C value >1, BEP value >0, Net B/C value and Gross B/C >1, NPV value  >0 or  positive  value,  IRR  value were 25.85%,  25.80%  and 26% which were higer  than interest rate of 16.75%  respectively. The PP value was 7, 7 and 5 months respectively before the project age (5 years)

    The Effect of Feeding Odot Grass and Ecoenzyme Fermented Rice Straw on The Performance of Local Rams

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    This study aims to determine the effect of odot grass and rice straw fermented using ecoenzyme (Garbage Enzyme) on the performance of local male sheep. This research was carried out in the firuza enclosure from September 8 to November 8, 2020. The method used is a complete randomized design (RAL) with 5 practices and 4 repeats. The treatment consists of 100% odot grass + 0% fermented rice straw (PO), 75% odot grass + 25% fermented rice straw (P1), 50% odot grass + 50% fermented rice straw (P2), 25% odot grass + 75% fermented rice straw (P3), 0% odot grass + 100% fermented rice straw (P4). The parameters studied were weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC). The results of the study had a significant effect (P<0.01) on weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion. Based on this study, it can be concluded that high feed consumption is not comparable to low weight gain resulting in high conversion

    Utilization of Kepok Banana Peels Fermentation on Rabbits Pellet Feed

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    The need for rabbit pellets is increasing along with the increasing maintenance of rabbits in North Sumatra. This study aims to determine the feed consumption (FC), avarage daily gain (ADG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR), of male local rabbits given fermented kepok banana peel (KBP) pellets. The fermentation used in this study was using local microorganisms based on KBP. This research was conducted by Dr. Hamza No. 5 North Sumatra Province from October 2020 to December 2020.The research design was used a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatments, 3 groups and each group consisted of 3 rabbits so that 27 male local rabbits were obtained. The treatments were P0 = 40% KBP without fermentation in pellets, P1 = 40% fermented KBP in pellets and P2 = 60% fermented KBP in pellets. Determination of groups based on body weight with the following groupings: K1: 418 g - 458 g, K2: 459 g - 499 g, and K3: 500 g - 540 g.The results of P0, P1 and P2 showed that the value of FC (g / head / day) were 83.76; 84.58; and 86.83 respectively. TheADG value (g / head / day) were 11.47; 12.79; and 15.01 respectively. The FCR value were 7.45; 6.78; and 5.93 respectively. The conclusion shows that the utilization of fermented KBP up to a level of 60% in the pellets is more efficient to use to increase Feed Consumption, Average Daily Gain, Income OverFeed Cost and reduce Feed Convertion Ratio of male local rabbits

    Beef Marketing Analysis PT. Lembu Andalas Langkat Stabat

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    Marketing is all the factors that are responsible for beef being distributed from the production location to where beef are consumed. This study aims to identify the characteristics of marketing institutions, big agents and retailers/small agents marketing beef, beef marketing channels, analyze marketing margins, farmer's share, beef marketing costs, and analyze beef marketing efficiency at PT Lembu Andalas, Langkat. This research was conducted in July 2022 – August 2022. The sampling method chosen was snowball sampling, namely by following marketing channels from producers to consumers. Data was collected by using interview techniques using questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that there are two marketing channels. The smallest marketing margin is obtained in marketing channel II. The bigst farmer's share is obtained in marketing channel  I. So it can be concluded that the first and second channels are efficient channels  because they have an efficiency value of >1

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Karkas Kelinci Rex pada Umur Potong yang Berbeda

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    Food diversification need to use other kind livestock which have high biological potency, economic, halal, good nutrition as meat-animal including rabbit. Rex have a medium body size compared with other kinds of frayer. The aim of this research was to determine Rex carcass and non carcass productivity. The research was used completely randomized design with four treatments. Statistical analysis used in this research was Analysisof Covariance Design (ANCOVA). Rex males were used as sample. Rex’s growth, carcass and non carcass productivity were observed. The result showed that slaughter ages had an effect on slaughter weight, carcass weight, meat weight and percentage of meat and bone. The growth of non carcass components such as heads, feets, skins and digestive tracts were affected by slaughter ages. 12 weeks-old Rex produced highest meat percentages from body weight. It was obtained that 12 weeks-old Rex produced optimal growth, slaughter weight and carcass productivity

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus in Indonesia: a population-based study in three regions

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    Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women in the Indonesian population, yet little is known about the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV). We investigated age-specific prevalence of HPV types and possible risk factors of HPV positivity in a population-based sample of 2686 women, aged 15–70 years, in Jakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Bali, Indonesia. The overall HPV prevalence was 11.4%, age-standardized to the world standard population 11.6%. The most prevalent types found were HPV 52, HPV 16, HPV 18, and HPV 39, respectively, 23.2, 18.0, 16.1, and 11.8% of the high-risk HPV types. In 20.7% of infections, multiple types were involved. Different age-specific prevalence patterns were seen: overall high in Jakarta, and in Tasikmalaya, and declining with age in Bali. The number of marriages was most associated with HPV positivity (OR 1.81 95% CI 1.31–2.51)). Remarkably, in Indonesia HPV 16 and HPV 18 are equally common in the general population, as they are in cervical cancer. HPV 52 was the most prevalent type in the general population, suggesting that this type should be included when prophylactic HPV vaccination is introduced in Indonesia

    Complexity within an oil palm monoculture : The effects of habitat variability and rainfall on adult dragonfly (Odonata) communities

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    Recent expansion of oil palm agriculture has resulted in loss of forest habitat and forest‐dependent species. However, large numbers of species—particularly insects—can persist within plantations. This study focuses on Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies): a charismatic indicator taxon and a potentially valuable pest control agent. We surveyed adult Odonata populations biannually over three years within an industrial oil palm plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia. We assessed the effects of rainfall (including an El Niño Southern Oscillation‐associated drought), the role of roadside ditches, and the importance of understory vegetation on Odonata populations. To assess the impacts of vegetation, we took advantage of a long‐term vegetation management experiment that is part of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme. We found 41 Odonata species, and communities varied between plantation core and roadside edge microhabitats, and between seasons. Abundance was significantly related to rainfall levels four months before surveys, probably indicating the importance of high water levels in roadside ditches for successful larval development. We found no significant effect of the BEFTA understory vegetation treatments on Odonata abundance, and only limited effects on community composition, suggesting that local understory vegetation structure plays a relatively unimportant role in determining communities. Our findings highlight that there are large numbers of Odonata species present within oil palm plantations and suggest that their abundance could potentially be increased by maintaining or establishing waterbodies. As Odonata are predators, this could bring pest control benefits, in addition to enhancing biodiversity within intensive agricultural landscapes.publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    Target Site Recognition by a Diversity-Generating Retroelement

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    Diversity-generating retroelements (DGRs) are in vivo sequence diversification machines that are widely distributed in bacterial, phage, and plasmid genomes. They function to introduce vast amounts of targeted diversity into protein-encoding DNA sequences via mutagenic homing. Adenine residues are converted to random nucleotides in a retrotransposition process from a donor template repeat (TR) to a recipient variable repeat (VR). Using the Bordetella bacteriophage BPP-1 element as a prototype, we have characterized requirements for DGR target site function. Although sequences upstream of VR are dispensable, a 24 bp sequence immediately downstream of VR, which contains short inverted repeats, is required for efficient retrohoming. The inverted repeats form a hairpin or cruciform structure and mutational analysis demonstrated that, while the structure of the stem is important, its sequence can vary. In contrast, the loop has a sequence-dependent function. Structure-specific nuclease digestion confirmed the existence of a DNA hairpin/cruciform, and marker coconversion assays demonstrated that it influences the efficiency, but not the site of cDNA integration. Comparisons with other phage DGRs suggested that similar structures are a conserved feature of target sequences. Using a kanamycin resistance determinant as a reporter, we found that transplantation of the IMH and hairpin/cruciform-forming region was sufficient to target the DGR diversification machinery to a heterologous gene. In addition to furthering our understanding of DGR retrohoming, our results suggest that DGRs may provide unique tools for directed protein evolution via in vivo DNA diversification

    Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Import Demand of Thailand

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    This study investigates the impact of real exchange rate uncertainty on import demand of Thailand. The period of study is during July 1997 to December 2011. The results from bounds testing for cointegration show that all variables are cointegrated. Even though there is no short-run impact, but the long-run negative impact of real exchange rate uncertainty on real imports is large and highly significant under the floating exchange rate regime. In the long run, a rise in real exchange rate uncertainty can improve the country’s trade balance by substantially lowering import demand, but can harm industrial production at the same time. Therefore, stabilization of real effective exchange rate via major nominal exchange rates may deem necessary