578 research outputs found

    Aspects of optimizing of the educational space of the a student-designer

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    The article considers brief analysis and generalization of practice experience, as well as the substantiation of the possibility of searching for new theoretical ideas, methodological approaches to the process of building a new educational spaceВ статье рассматривается краткий анализ и обобщение опыта практики, а также обоснование возможности поиска новых теоретических идей, методологических подходов к процессу построения нового образовательного пространств

    Application of information technologies in teaching design and computer graphics

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    The article deals with design education, brief analysis and generalization of practice experience, as well as justification of the possibility of finding new theoretical ideas, methodological approaches to the process of building new educational spaceРассматривается дизайн-образование. Приводятся краткий анализ и обобщение опыта практики, а также обоснование возможности поиска новых теоретических идей, методологических подходов к процессу построения нового образовательного пространств

    Multimedia technology in teaching of bachelors

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    The article discusses the application of multimedia technologies in the teaching of bachelors of the university, analyzes the specifics of using these technologies in the learning process, the need to apply modern technologies in the process of self-development and self-study of students at a universityРассматриваются вопросы применения мультимедийных технологий и особенности их использования в процессе саморазвития и самообучения бакалавро

    Features of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Recycling

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    The issue of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling is currently relevant due to a number of aspects: economic, environmental and social. It is most acute across the national corporation JSC Russian Railways. The article deals with some technological features of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling with valuable components being extracted (from the example of nickel-cadmium storage batteries of JSC ”RZD” rolling equipment). The results of leaching in Trilon B synthetic oxides solution, the presence of which is possible in the raw material being processed, are presented in the study. Based on the study of leaching processes of CdO, NiO, FeO, Femet and Fe2O3 in Trilon B solution, the dependence of complexing on the pH of the solution was revealed. The experimental site of the hydrometallurgical processing of the research center (OCGP IC) in the GMO KhMC PJSC ”Uralelectromed” was selected as the testing one for the technology proposed. As a raw material for the tests, a lot of negative lamellae packed in alkaline storage batteries of two different types were used. They were obtained as a result of preliminary drying and cutting at OOO Kursk factory ”Accumulator”. The particle size is 90% - 0.1 mm. The results obtained during the research allowed the author to formulate a hypothesis about the practical use of Trilon B for the processing of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries with the extraction of valuable components having greater economic, environmental and social benefits compared to methods based on pyro metallurgy. Keywords: nickel-cadmium batteries, recycling, Trilon B, Russian Railways, hydrometallurgica

    To the question about the stimulation of creative activity and support of social innovation

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    The article discusses the interaction of teachers and students creating an acmeological environment when creating children's booksВ статье рассматривается взаимодействие педагогов и студентов, создание акмеологической среды при создании детских кни

    A climatology of surface ozone in the extra tropics: cluster analysis of observations and model results

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    Important aspects of the seasonal variations of surface ozone are discussed. The underlying analysis is based on the long-term (1990–2004) ozone records of the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) and the World Data Centre of Greenhouse Gases, which provide data mostly for the Northern Hemisphere. Seasonal variations are pronounced at most of the 114 locations at all times of the day. A seasonal-diurnal variations classification using hierarchical agglomeration clustering reveals 6 distinct clusters: clean background, rural, semi-polluted non-elevated, semi-polluted semi-elevated, elevated and polar/remote marine. For the "clean background" cluster the seasonal maximum is observed in March-April, both for night and day. For those sites with a double maximum or a wide spring-summer maximum, the spring maximum appears both for day and night, while the summer maximum is more pronounced for daytime and hence can be attributed to photochemical processes. The spring maximum is more likely caused by dynamical/transport processes than by photochemistry as it is observed in spring for all times of the day. We compare the identified clusters with corresponding data from the 3-D atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 covering the period of 1998–2005. For the model output as for the measurements 6 clusters are considered. The simulation shows at most of the sites a spring seasonal maximum or a broad spring-summer maximum (with higher summer mixing ratios). For southern hemispheric and polar remote locations the seasonal maximum in the simulation is shifted to spring, while the absolute mixing ratios are in good agreement with the measurements. The seasonality in the model cluster covering background locations is characterized by a pronounced spring (April–May) maximum. For the model clusters which cover rural and semi-polluted sites the role of the photochemical production/destruction seems to be overestimated. Taking into consideration the differences in the data sampling procedure, the comparison demonstrates the ability of the model to reproduce the main regimes of surface ozone variations quite well

    Digital technology bachelors vocational pedagogical University

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    The article deals with the use of digital technologies in the training of bachelors, analyzes the specifics of using these technologies in the learning process, the need to apply modern technologies in the process of self-development and self-study of students at a universityВ статье рассмотрены вопросы применения цифровых технологий в обучении бакалавров вуза, проанализированы особенности использования данных технологий в процессе обучения, необходимость применения современных технологий в процессе саморазвития и самообучения обучающихся вуз

    Animated Video "June 1941" as Part of the Final Qualifying Work

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    В статье определяется понятие «анимационный видеоролик» через современную цифровую технологию, как источника понимания эмоциональной подоплеки, ощущение соучастия молодежи в событиях военного времени.The article defines the concept of "animated video" through modern digital technology as a source of understanding the emotional background, the feeling of participation of young people in the events of wartime

    Surface ozone at the Caucasian site Kislovodsk High Mountain Station and the Swiss Alpine site Jungfaujoch: data analysis and trends (1990–2006)

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    Long-term ozone measurements of two background mountain sites, namely the Kislovodsk High Mountain Station in Caucasus, Russia (KHMS, 43.70° N, 42.70° E, 2070 m a.s.l.) and the Jungfraujoch in Switzerland (JFJ, 46.55° N, 7.98° E, 3580 m a.s.l.) are compared. Despite of more than 1.5 km altitude difference ozone mixing ratios are comparable at JFJ an KHMS in the beginning of measurements (1990–1993) while the annually averaged levels at JFJ are around 15 ppb higher than the ones at KHMS for the most recent years (1997–2006). The seasonal cycle of the surface ozone mixing ratios is characterized by a double spring-summer maximum at both sites with a spring one being more pronounced for the air masses with the longest contact with the upper free troposphere and stratosphere. Ozone mixing ratio increased at JFJ but decreased at KHMS for the period 1990–2006. Trends are more pronounced for the 1990s (+0.73±0.20 ppb/year at JFJ and −0.91±0.17 ppb/year at KHMS for the period 1991–2001) in comparison with the later years (+0.04±0.21 ppb/year at JFJ and −0.37±0.14 ppb/year at KHMS for the period 1997–2006). Trends show a distinct seasonality, which is different for the different periods. To investigate possible reasons for this remarkable trends difference 3-D trajectories using LAGRANTO trajectory model are used. Effects of horizontal and vertical transport on ozone trends are considered. No substantial systematic changes in the transport patterns were detected which could lead to strong changes in the trend magnitude between 1991–2001 and 1997–2006. The geographical position of the sites relative to the main topographic features and emission sources as well as distance from the coast are interpreted to be among the main reasons for the opposite surface ozone trends. During the 90s the JFJ trend reflects increase of the ozone in the upper free troposphere/lower stratosphere, while KHMS is not sensitive to this change or even showing the opposite tendency. The analysis provided evidence for a stronger influence of processes in the lower troposphere, in particular the dramatic emission decrease in the earlier 1990s in former USSR and emissions regulations in Western Europe on the surface ozone trend at KHMS.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    Extended axion electrodynamics: Optical activity induced by nonstationary dark matter

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    We establish a new self-consistent Einstein-Maxwell-axion model based on the Lagrangian, which is linear in the pseudoscalar (axion) field and its four-gradient and includes the four-vector of macroscopic velocity of the axion system as a whole. We consider extended equations of the axion electrodynamics, modified gravity field equations, and discuss nonstationary effects in the phenomenon of optical activity induced by axions.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal Gravitation and Cosmology, reported at the 14th Russian Gravitational Conference (Ulyanovsk, 2011