80 research outputs found

    Design of a socio-economic processes monitoring system based on network analysis and big data

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    Socio-economic policy should satisfy the interests of the society as much as possible and contribute to improving the quality of life. This actualizes the role of developing the theoretical and methodological foundations for building an innovative information system for monitoring the socio-economic situation and population responses. The study built and tested an algorithm for supporting management decisions based on the collection of large data sets of socio-economic information based on the principles of the digital economy and processing them through network analysis. The algorithm is focused on building a monitoring system that presupposes a synergy of the authorities and the society, not only in its pensionary part, but also among the masses, which are diverse in their representativeness. The result of the study was the formation of a theoretical and methodological framework for creating a system for making management decisions and assessing the effectiveness of the activities of government bodies, based on the principles of reflection of the final beneficiaries of economic policy.peer-reviewe

    Interactive pedagogical studies as a technology of an individual trajectory of professional development of a teacher

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    В статье представлен инициативный проект «Интерактивная педагогическая учеба как технология индивидуальной траектории профессионального развития педагога» для педагогов дополнительного образования детей, модель обучения молодых педагогов в инновационном формате педагогической учебы, в основе которой лежит использование интерактивного обучения.The article presents an initiative project of «Interactive pedagogical studies as a technology of an individual trajectory of professional development of a teacher» for teachers of additional education for children, a model of teaching young teachers in the innovative format of pedagogical studies, based on the use of interactive learning

    Carácter económico de la competencia: enfoques metodológicos generales del problema

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    In the period of structural and qualitative changes in the Russian economy, the development of the labor market and the educational services market, the effectiveness of economic education is largely determined by the level of formation of economic competencies of students. The development of the diversification process required bringing the education system in line with the requirements of market relations, the principles of alternatives and variability, ensuring the quality of education, which is the most important condition for the specialist’s demand in the labor market. The target component of the model of formation of students’ economic competences by definition includes the goals and objectives of economic training. The increased demand for economic knowledge has led to new forms of economic education. The activity component in the model of formation of economic competencies focuses on the fact that in the domestic system of education in relation to the vocational school there was a long-term practice of compiling the qualification characteristics of a specialist, which fixed the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates of various specialties, where in addition to the knowledge paradigm there were the terms “readiness”, “ability”, “responsibility”, “understanding” and “worldview”, expanding the close framework of such a paradigm. The main idea of the activity approach in education is not connected with the activity itself, but with the activity as a means of formation and development of the student’s personality. The content component of the model involves the formation of students’ economic competencies in the form of key, professional and additional economic competencies at different levels of professional education, taking into account training in economic and non-economic specialties.En el período de cambios estructurales y cualitativos en la economía rusa, el desarrollo del mercado laboral y el mercado de servicios educativos, la efectividad de la educación económica está determinada en gran medida por el nivel de formación de competencias económicas de los estudiantes. El desarrollo del proceso de diversificación requirió alinear el sistema educativo con los requisitos de las relaciones de mercado, los principios de alternativas y variabilidad, asegurando la calidad de la educación, que es la condición más importante para la demanda del especialista en el mercado laboral. El componente objetivo del modelo de formación de las competencias económicas de los estudiantes, por definición, incluye las metas y objetivos de la formación económica. La mayor demanda de conocimiento económico ha llevado a nuevas formas de educación económica. El componente de actividad en el modelo de formación de competencias económicas se centra en el hecho de que en el sistema educativo interno en relación con la escuela vocacional había una práctica a largo plazo de recopilar las características de calificación de un especialista, que fijaba los requisitos de conocimiento, habilidades y destrezas de graduados de diversas especialidades, donde además del paradigma del conocimiento existían los términos “preparación”, “habilidad”, “responsabilidad”, “comprensión” y “visión del mundo”, ampliando el marco cercano de tal paradigma. La idea principal del enfoque de la actividad en la educación no está relacionada con la actividad en sí, sino con la actividad como un medio de formación y desarrollo de la personalidad del alumno. El componente de contenido del modelo implica la formación de competencias económicas de los estudiantes en forma de competencias económicas clave, profesionales y adicionales en diferentes niveles de educación profesional, teniendo en cuenta la capacitación en especialidades económicas y no económicas

    Formação da motivação para boa disposição do futuro especialista

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    The main theories of motivation have been divided into two directions: substantial theories that consider motivation from structural positions, and procedural theories that consider motivation as a dynamic formation. These areas are united by the understanding of motivation as secondary formation to the motive. In this study the concept of “readiness” for activity is considered as an active-effective state of the individual. In the structure of professional readiness of the individual, researchers identify different components, among which the most important is the motivational – attitude to the profession, the need to complete the task successfully and interest in the activity. Of the main goal of this study is considering psychological readiness as a complex functional, psychological and personal formation. As follows in this study, psychological study includes: a positive attitude to a particular type of activity; adequate to the requirements of the character and temperament; the necessary knowledge, skills, habits; stable professionally important features of cognitive and emotional-volitional processes. The study persues a model of formation of positive motivation through a professional activity of subjects of education in terms of reinforcement on the basis of the following principles: taking into account all kinds of needs of the individual; taking into account the real contribution of each employee to the final result.Las principales teorías de motivación se han dividido en dos direcciones: teorías sustanciales que consideran la motivación desde posiciones estructurales y teorías de procedimiento que consideran la motivación como una formación dinámica. Estas áreas están unidas por la comprensión de la motivación como formación secundaria al motivo. En este estudio, el concepto de “preparación” para la actividad se considera como un estado activo-efectivo del individuo. En la estructura de preparación profesional del individuo, los investigadores identifican diferentes componentes, entre los cuales el más importante es la actitud motivadora hacia la profesión, la necesidad de completar la tarea con éxito y el interés en la actividad. El objetivo principal de este estudio es considerar la preparación psicológica como una formación funcional, psicológica y personal compleja. Como se explica a continuación en este estudio, el estudio psicológico incluye: una actitud positiva hacia un tipo particular de actividad; Adecuado a los requerimientos del carácter y temperamento; Los conocimientos, habilidades, hábitos necesarios; Características estables profesionalmente importantes de los procesos cognitivos y emocional-volitivos. El estudio persigue un modelo de formación de motivación positiva a través de una actividad profesional de sujetos de educación en términos de refuerzo.As principais teorias da motivação foram divididas em duas direções: teorias substanciais que consideram a motivação a partir de posições estruturais e teorias processuais que consideram a motivação como uma formação dinâmica. Essas áreas estão ligadas pela compreensão da motivação como formação secundária ao motivo. Neste estudo, o conceito de "preparação" para a atividade é considerado como um estado ativo-efetivo do indivíduo. Na estrutura de preparação profissional do indivíduo, os pesquisadores identificam diferentes componentes, dentre os quais o mais importante é a atitude motivadora em relação à profissão, a necessidade de completar a tarefa com sucesso e o interesse pela atividade. O principal objetivo deste estudo é considerar a preparação psicológica como uma complexa formação funcional, psicológica e pessoal. Como explicado abaixo neste estudo, o estudo psicológico inclui: uma atitude positiva em relação a um tipo particular de atividade; Adequado às exigências de caráter e temperamento; O conhecimento, habilidades, hábitos necessários; Características profissionalmente importantes estáveis de processos cognitivos e emocionais volitivos. O estudo persegue um modelo de treinamento de motivação positiva através de uma atividade profissional de sujeitos de educação em termos de reforço

    Синтез, изучение цитотоксических свойств и гемолитической активности катионных глицеролипидов алкильного типа.

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    The synthesis of new cationic ether glycerolipids, non-phosphoros analogues of edelfosine. Are investigated cytotixic properties and hemolytic activity of the synthesized substances.Синтезированы новые катионные глицеролипиды с простой эфирной связью – бесфосфорные аналоги эдельфозина. Изучены их цитотоксические свойства и гемолитическая активность

    Модульные транспортные системы на основе катионных и нейтральных амфифилов для генной терапии

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    Synthesis and biological activities of both cationic and neutral amphiphiles for the development of systems for nucleic acids delivery into eukaryotic cells have been discussedВ обзоре представлены результаты собственных исследований, полученных авторами в ходе цикла работ по синтезу и изучению биологической активности катионных и нейтральных амфифилов, предназначенных для разработки систем доставки нуклеиновых кислот в эукариотические клетки

    Синтез диглицеридов, содержащих полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты

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    Synthetic approaches to obtain diglycerides containing polyunsaturated fatty acids at C(2 ) position of glycerol were developed. These compounds can be used to generate antitumor lipids and enzymatically triggered liposomes .Разработаны синтетические подходы к получению и осуществлен синтез диглицеридов, со-держащих у С(2)-атома глицерина остатки полиненасыщенных жирных кислот, для последу-ющего создания на их основе противоопухолевых липидов и липосом с фермент-управляемым механизмом высвобождения

    Модельный синтез катионного неогликолипида

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    A convenient approach for synthesis of both neutral and cationic carbohydratebased amphiphiles has been elaborated. Compounds synthesized intended for target delivery of pharmaceutical substances into eukaryotic cells.Разработан удобный подход к синтезу углеводсодержащих амфифилов нейтральной и катионной природы на примере получения неогликолипидов глюко-ряда. Данные соединения предназначены для направленного транспорта лекарственных средств в эукариотические клетки

    Синтез поликатионных амфифилов на основе холевой кислоты

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    A synthesis of polycationic amphiphiles on the basis of cholic acis with potential antimicrobial and transfection activities has been described.Описан синтез поликатионных амфифилов на основе холевой кислоты с потенциальной антимикробной или трансфицирующей активностью

    Синтез бесфосфорных пиридинсодержащих глицеролипидов с простой эфирной связью.

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    The synthesis of new non-phosphorus ether glycerolipids containing a pyridinium ring in a polar domain is described. Novel compounds possess high cytotoxic activity against human leukemia К562 and colon cancer HCT116 cell lines.Описан синтез новых бесфосфорных глицеролипидов с простой эфирной связью, содержащих пиридиниевые основания в полярном домене. Показано, что данные соединения обладают высокой цитотоксической активностью для клеточных линий лейкоза человека К562 и рака толстой кишки НСТ116