12 research outputs found

    Dampak Kebakaran Lahan Terhadap Kesuburan Fisik, Kimia, Dan Biologi Tanah Serta Alternatif Penanggulangan Dan Pemanfaatannya

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    Abstrak. Makalah membahas dampak kebakaran lahan terhadap kesuburan tanah yang meliputi sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Kebakaran lahan pada awalnya akan menurunkan kenekaragaman hayati tanah, kandungan bahan organik tanah dan selanjutnya dalam jangka pendek mampu meningkatkan pH tanah, meningkatkan N-NH4+, fosfor tersedia, Na+, K+ dan Mg2+, menurunkan KTK, dan Ca2+ dan populasi biologi tanah. Sifat tanah yang paling peka terhadap kebakaran lahan adalah sifat biologi tanah termasuk hama-penyakit bawaan tanah yang hidup di permukaan tanah. Pembakaran lahan sengaja hendaknya diarahkan pada lahan yang potensial untuk pengembangan pertanian, namun memiliki endemi serangan hama-penyakit bawaan tanah. Pemanfaatan lahan pasca kebakaran dapat dilakukan dengan pencegahan terjadinya erosi oleh air hujan, pemberian bahan organik yang tidak mengandung hama-penyakit tanaman; pilihan komoditas dari jenis tanaman sederhana yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi dan cepat tumbuh. Aplikasi pupuk hayati dapat dilakukan secara maksimal, baik jenis/fungsi, jumlah maupun penempatannya dengan diikuti pemberian bahan organik secukupnya. Seluruh organisme fungsional yang dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik maupun kimia/hara dapat diaplikasikan dengan tetap memperhatikan pencegahan adanya kontaminasi hama-penyakit bawaan tanah.Abstract. The paper discussed the impact of fires on soil fertility including soil physical, chemical, and biological aspects. Fires initially lowered soil biodiversity, organic matter content and further in the short term increased soil pH, N-NH4+, available phosphorus, Na+, K+ and Mg2+, but decreased CEC, Ca2+, and biological population of the soil. The most susceptible soil properties were soil biological properties and soil pest-borne disease living on the soil surface. Deliberately burning the land should be directed to the potential land for agriculture, but has endemic soil-borne disease. Post-fire land use can be done by preventing erosion, application organic materials that do not contain plant pests and disease, selection of crops having high economic value and grow rapidly. Application of biofertilizers included type/function, rate, and placement and accompanied by sufficient organic matter application. All microorganism having ability to improve soil physical and chemical properties could be applied to the soils and that contamination of the soil borne diseases should be prevented

    Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Hayati Tanah Mendukung Pengembangan Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan

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    Pemberdayaan sumber daya biotik maupun abiotik tanah dapatmeningkatkan efisiensi sistem produksi pertanian. Sumber dayabiotik tanah meliputi flora dan fauna tanah. Pengelolaan sumberdaya biotik tanah dengan mengurangi asupan dari luar dapatmencegah Perubahan ekosistem yang ekstrem. Dalam rangkamelestarikan sistem produksi yang mandiri dan ramah lingkungan,penetapan parameter lingkungan harus jelas dan terukur denganmemerhatikan produktivitas yang akan dicapai dan konservasisumber daya. Penggunaan lahan harus sesuai daya dukungnya,neraca hara seimbang, mencegah erosi tanah pada level di bawahtolerable soil loss, dan menekan emisi CO2 di bawah ambang batastoleransi. Pengendalian hama dan penyakit dilakukan secara hayatisehingga mencegah cemaran polutan pada produk maupun hasilsamping di bawah ambang batas. Selain itu, pelaku daur ekosistemtanah lengkap (produsen, konsumen, dan pengurai) dan tidak terjadigangguan lingkungan. Populasi fauna tanah yang terancam akibatsistem pertanian intensif perlu dipulihkan dengan memberikanbahan organik sebagai sumber hara dan energi, sehingga dapatberperan dalam konservasi bahan organik tanah dan memperbaikisifat fisik tanah. Penggunaan pupuk anorganik, organik, dan hayatisecara terpadu, menghindari pestisida sintetis, dan adanya cacing tanahendogaesis merupakan indikator pertanian ramah lingkungan

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Kudus regency as one of the biggest cigarette\u27s tax producing in Indonesia. Based on that statement, so Kudus regency government arrange policy of governor\u27s rule No 4 2013 about guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. With the presence of its management, it is expected can help to decrease amount of destitution, unemployment, and increase economic development in Kudus Regency. The purpose of this study is to know how the system of management and how management of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. Which to answer about the purpose and problems in this study is by using governor\u27s policy No 4 2013 as reference of management system and management theory by George R Terry in describing guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The method used in this study is qualitative method by the study\u27s object are BAPPEDA, SEKDA and Dinas Perinkop and UMKM as SKPD of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The result of this study showed that in the implementation based on governor\u27s policy No 4 2013. In program that is funded by guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result both physical and non-physical give big effect to mid- low economy\u27s public in Kudus regency. In its implementation is still met problem, so that the result is far of the target. The problem is like limitedness of human resource in several SKPD. This case can be seen from the activity that is not spread all over yet in Kudus regency and the performance accomplishment that is not spread all over carried out yet

    Productivity Improvement of Sandy Soil Intensively Lowland Rice by Row Inserted Planting System

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    The research to increase rice planting index by row inserted planting system was conducted in sandy-loam soil of intensively lowland rice in Berbah, Yogyakarta. Yield at the initial/first rice planting was determined by N, P, and K fertilizer application, whereas inserted/second plant was determined by percentage of shadding from initial plant. The second planting (inserted at 20 days after first planting) yielded only ±50% compared to that of the first planting. Of three rice varieties studied, IR-64 had the lowest yield at the first planting, but by inserting this variety at the second planting it produced higher yield than those of Ciherang and Cimelati. The shorter plant height varieties, have a high potential to be developed into the inserted planting system. Improvement of plant distance to reduce shadding less than 50% is important to support the second plant growth. The selection of rice varieties for the first planting and the second planting should consider the potential competition of plant from sunlight and soil nutrients. The results suggest that planting time of the second planting (insertion) should consider the availability of water and shadding potential for plant at the second planting


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    Pemberdayaan sumber daya biotik maupun abiotik tanah dapatmeningkatkan efisiensi sistem produksi pertanian. Sumber dayabiotik tanah meliputi flora dan fauna tanah. Pengelolaan sumberdaya biotik tanah dengan mengurangi asupan dari luar dapatmencegah perubahan ekosistem yang ekstrem. Dalam rangkamelestarikan sistem produksi yang mandiri dan ramah lingkungan,penetapan parameter lingkungan harus jelas dan terukur denganmemerhatikan produktivitas yang akan dicapai dan konservasisumber daya. Penggunaan lahan harus sesuai daya dukungnya,neraca hara seimbang, mencegah erosi tanah pada level di bawahtolerable soil loss, dan menekan emisi CO2 di bawah ambang batastoleransi. Pengendalian hama dan penyakit dilakukan secara hayatisehingga mencegah cemaran polutan pada produk maupun hasilsamping di bawah ambang batas. Selain itu, pelaku daur ekosistemtanah lengkap (produsen, konsumen, dan pengurai) dan tidak terjadigangguan lingkungan. Populasi fauna tanah yang terancam akibatsistem pertanian intensif perlu dipulihkan dengan memberikanbahan organik sebagai sumber hara dan energi, sehingga dapatberperan dalam konservasi bahan organik tanah dan memperbaikisifat fisik tanah. Penggunaan pupuk anorganik, organik, dan hayatisecara terpadu, menghindari pestisida sintetis, dan adanya cacing tanahendogaesis merupakan indikator pertanian ramah lingkungan


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    Pot experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of Agriculture Faculty, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta and aimed to investigate the effect of soil types, varieties and  and their interaction on Fe/K, Mn/K, Cu/K and Zn/K leaf, growth, leaf protein and grain yield of rice. The experiment was set up in a 2 x 6 factorial pat- tern randomized completely block design with three replications. First factor was two soil types viz. Vertisols and Inceptisols, second factor was rice varieties viz. Cimelati, Pandan Wangi, Ciherang, Cisokan, Widas and IR 64. The result revealed that the Fe/K, Cu/K and Zn/K ratios in rice leaf was significantly affected by soil types and rice varieties. The interaction of soil and rice varieties significantly affected the leaf ratios of Fe/K, Cu/K and Zn/K, crop growth rate (CGR) and grain yield, but it was not significantly affect the Mn/K ratio and leaf protein. The leaf ratios of Fe/K, Cu/K and Zn/K, CGR and grain yield in Vertisols were significantly higher than those in Inceptisols, while Mn/K ratio and leaf protein was significantly higher in Inceptisols. The highest of grain yield was achieved by Pandan Wangi whereas the lowest of grain yield was achieved by IR 64. The lowest of grain yield was achieved by IR 64 in Inceptisols. It was affected by an imbalance of Mn/K ratio and highest of leaf protein. It could be due to the effect of Inceptisols native soil properties (lower pH, higher Mn and K) and specific characteristics of IR 64 (more responsive to low pH, higher NH +  uptake). It was also may be caused by indirect effect of urea excess and KCl fertilizers on reducing of rhizosphere pH. The Mn/K ratio was important nutrient imbalance in Inceptisols soil and rice plant. The finding of this study suggests that the research in depth which is focused on Mn/K ratio balance in Inceptisols is needed, i.e using urea and KCl application in proper rate, using another source of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and using specific of varieties (less responsive to NH + and more responsive to NO -)