9,158 research outputs found

    Ordering of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass in magnetic fields

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    Spin and chirality orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass are studied under magnetic fields in light of the recently developed spin-chirality decoupling-recoupling scenario. It is found by Monte Carlo simulations that the chiral-glass transition and the chiral-glass ordered state, which are essentially of the same character as their zero-field counterparts, occur under magnetic fields. Implication to experimental phase diagram is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A Maximum Mass-to-Size Ratio in Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity

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    We derive a modified Buchdahl inequality for scalar-tensor theories of gravity. In general relativity, Buchdahl has shown that the maximum value of the mass-to-size ratio, 2M/R2M/R, is 8/9 for static and spherically symmetric stars under some physically reasonable assumptions. We formally apply Buchdahl's method to scalar-tensor theories and obtain theory-independent inequalities. After discussing the mass definition in scalar-tensor theories, these inequalities are related to a theory-dependent maximum mass-to-size ratio. We show that its value can exceed not only Buchdahl's limit, 8/9, but also unity, which we call {\it the black hole limit}, in contrast to general relativity. Next, we numerically examine the validity of the assumptions made in deriving the inequalities and the applicability of our analytic results. We find that the assumptions are mostly satisfied and that the mass-to-size ratio exceeds both Buchdahl's limit and the black hole limit. However, we also find that this ratio never exceeds Buchdahl's limit when we impose the further condition, ρ3p0\rho-3p\ge0, on the density, ρ\rho, and pressure, pp, of the matter.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures and 1 tabl

    Ordering of the Heisenberg Spin Glass in High Dimensions

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    Ordering of the Heisenberg spin glass with the nearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling is investigated by equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations in four and five dimensions. Ordering of the mean-field Heisenberg spin-glass is also studied for comparison. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the spin-glass and the chiral-glass orderings. Our numerical data suggest that, in five dimensions, the model exhibits a single spin-glass transition at a finite temperature, where the spin-glass order accompanying the simultaneous chiral-glass order sets in. In four dimensions, by contrast, the model exhibits a chiral-glass transition at a finite temperature, not accompanying the standard spin-glass order. The critical region associated with the chiral-glass transition, however, is very narrow, suggesting that dimension four is close to the marginal dimensionality.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Monte Carlo Studies of the Ordering of the Three-Dimensional Isotropic Heisenberg Spin Glass in Magnetic Fields

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    Spin and chirality orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass under magnetic fields are studied by large-scale equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that the chiral-glass transition and the chiral-glass ordered state, which are essentially of the same character as their zero-field counterparts, occur under magnetic fields. The chiral-glass ordered state exhibits a one-step-like peculiar replica-symmetry breaking in the chiral sector, while it does not accompany the spin-glass order perpendicular to the applied field. Critical perperties of the chiral-glass transition are different from those of the standard Ising spin glass. Magnetic phase diagram of the model is constructed, which reveals that the chiral-glass state is quite robust against magnetic fields. The chiral-glass transition line has a character of the Gabay-Toulouse line of the mean-field model, yet its physical origin being entirely different. These numerical results are discussed in light of the recently developed spin-chirality decoupling-recoupling scenario. Implication to experimental phase diagram is also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figure

    Tricritical behavior of the frustrated XY antiferromagnet

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    Extensive histogram Monte-Carlo simulations of the XY antiferromagnet on a stacked triangular lattice reveal exponent estimates which strongly favor a scenario of mean-field tricritical behavior for the spin-order transition. The corresponding chiral-order transition occurs at the same temperature but appears to be decoupled from the spin-order. These results are relevant to a wide class of frustrated systems with planar-type order and serve to resolve a long-standing controversy regarding their criticality.Comment: J1K 2R1 4 pages (RevTex 3.0), 4 figures available upon request, Report# CRPS-94-0

    Anti-pheromone as a tool for better exploration of search space

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    Many animals use chemical substances known as pheromones to induce behavioural changes in other members of the same species. The use of pheromones by ants in particular has lead to the development of a number of computational analogues of ant colony behaviour including Ant Colony Optimisation. Although many animals use a range of pheromones in their communication, ant algorithms have typically focused on the use of just one, a substance that encourages succeeding generations of (artificial) ants to follow the same path as previous generations. Ant algorithms for multi-objective optimisation and those employing multiple colonies have made use of more than one pheromone, but the interactions between these different pheromones are largely simple extensions of single criterion, single colony ant algorithms. This paper investigates an alternative form of interaction between normal pheromone and anti-pheromone. Three variations of Ant Colony System that apply the anti-pheromone concept in different ways are described and tested against benchmark travelling salesman problems. The results indicate that the use of anti-pheromone can lead to improved performance. However, if anti-pheromone is allowed too great an influence on ants' decisions, poorer performance may result

    Dynamical simulation of spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses

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    Spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses are studied with and without randaom magnetic anisotropy by dynamical Monte Carlo simulations. In isotropic case, clear evidence of a finite-temperature chiral-glass transition is presented. While the spin autocorrelation exhibits only an interrupted aging, the chirality autocorrelation persists to exhibit a pronounced aging effect reminisecnt of the one observed in the mean-field model. In anisotropic case, asymptotic mixing of the spin and the chirality is observed in the off-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures, LaTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Squark and slepton masses as probes of supersymmetric SO(10) unification

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    We carry out an analysis of the non-universal supersymmetry breaking scalar masses arising in SO(10) supersymmetric unification. By considering patterns of squark and slepton masses, we derive a set of sum rules for the sfermion masses which are independent of the manner in which SO(10) breaks to the Standard Model gauge group via its SU(5) subgroups. The phenomenology arising from such non-universality is unaffected by the symmetry breaking pattern, so long as the breaking occurs via any of the SU(5) subgroups of the SO(10) group.Comment: 15 pages using RevTe

    Monte Carlo studies of the ordering of the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with long-range power-law interactions

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    The nature of the ordering of the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin-glass model with a long-range power-law interaction is studied by extensive Monte Carlo simulations, with particular attention to the issue of the spin-chirality decoupling/coupling. Large system sizes up to L=4096L=4096 are studied. With varying the exponent σ\sigma describing the power-law interaction, we observe three distinct types of ordering regimes. For smaller σ\sigma, the spin and the chirality order at a common finite temperature with a common correlation-length exponent, exhibiting the standard spin-chirality coupling behavior. For intermediate σ\sigma, the chirality orders at a temperature higher than the spin, exhibiting the spin-chirality decoupling behavior. For larger σ\sigma, both the spin and the chirality order at zero temperature. We construct a phase diagram in the σ\sigma versus the temperature plane, and discuss implications of the results. Critical properties associated with both the chiral-glass and the spin-glass transitions are also determined.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Evaluation of half wave induction motor drive for use in passenger vehicles

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    Research performed at the University of Missouri-Columbia to devise and design a lower cost inverter induction motor drive for electrical propulsion of passenger vehicles is described. A two phase inverter motor system is recommended. The new design is predicted to provide comparable vehicle performance, improved reliability and a cost advantage for a high production vehicle, decreased total rating of the power semiconductor switches, and a somewhat simpler control hardware compared to the conventional three phase bridge inverter motor drive system. The major disadvantages of the two phase inverter motor drive are that it is larger and more expensive than a three phase machine, the design of snubbers for the power leakage inductances produce higher transient voltages, and the torque pulsations are relatively large because of the necessity to limit the inverter switching frequency to achieve high efficiency