2,770 research outputs found

    Instabilit\ue0 dei mercati, propensione al rischio e politiche di intervento: effetti dell'incertezza indotta dai cambiamenti strutturali nei mercati globali

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    La crisi corrente solleva ampie problematiche economiche e politiche. Oltre all\u2019esigenza di porre sotto controllo le turbolenze finanziarie e di sostenere una rapida ripresa, c\u2019\ue8 la necessit\ue0 di focalizzare l\u2019attenzione sulle incoerenze nei mercati e sulle politiche di regolamentazione/supervisione, per ridurre la probabilit\ue0 di eventi simili nel futuro. L\u2019articolo offre un\u2019analisi di alcuni aspetti chiave su due ambiti tematici. (1) Rischi interpretativi e di regolamentazione, ruolo delle agenzie di rating. La crisi ha avuto un\u2019ampia diffusione nell\u2019economia, imponendo elevati costi economici e ispirando varie proposte di riforma delle regolamentazioni. La mancanza di una diagnosi condivisa pu\uf2 creare rischi di scelte politiche inefficienti. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata al problema di un possibile ruolo inadeguato delle agenzie di rating. (2) Incertezza sistemica, premio al rischio e politica monetaria. Si discute come la non adeguata comprensione della dinamica dei cambiamenti nell\u2019economia globale ed dei riallineamenti nel potere economico riduca la capacit\ue0 degli investitori di gestire i rischi e possa indurre la conduzione politica a scelte improprie

    A battery-operated, stabilized, high-energy pulsed electron gun for the production of rare gas excimers

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    We report on the design of a new type of electron gun to be used for experiments of infrared emission spectroscopy of rare gas excimers. It is based on a filament heated by means of a pack of rechargeable batteries floated atop the high-voltage power supply. The filament current is controlled by a feedback circuit including a superluminescent diode decoupled from the high voltage by means of an optical fiber. Our experiment requires that the charge injection is pulsed and constant and stable in time. This electron gun can deliver several tens of nC per pulse of electrons of energy up to 100100\,keV into the sample cell. This new design eliminates ripples in the emission current and ensures up to 12 hrs of stable performance.Comment: 1o pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    An experimental apparatus for measuring the Casimir effect at large distances

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    An experimental set-up for the measurement of the Casimir effect at separations larger than a few microns is presented. The apparatus is based on a mechanical resonator and uses a homodyne detection technique to sense the Casimir force in the plane-parallel configuration. First measurements in the 3-10 micrometer range show an unexpected large force probably due to patch effects.Comment: Proceedings of the workshop On the 60 Years on Casimir Effec

    Recenti tendenze nei flussi di investimento estero delle economie emergenti. Sovereign wealth funds, imprese globali ed effetti per i paesi sviluppati

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    L\u2019articolo analizza le caratteristiche principali dei recenti flussi di investimento diretto estero realizzati dalle economie emergenti. In primo luogo, si approfondiscono le determinanti macroeconomiche alla base della disponibilit\ue0 di capitali presso tali paesi, esaminando in particolare il ruolo cruciale e controverso svolto dai sovereign wealth funds. Vengono poi discusse le determinanti istituzionali e strutturali degli investimenti esteri dalla prospettiva delle imprese degli stessi emergenti. Infine, l\u2019analisi viene completata focalizzando l\u2019attenzione sul caso particolare della politica pubblica della Cina nei riguardi degli investimenti diretti verso l\u2019estero, in particolare verso l\u2019Europa e l\u2019Italia

    Experiences, opinions and current policies on users' choice and change of the allocated primary mental health professional: A survey among directors of community mental health centers in the Emilia-Romagna region, Italy

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    Background: The subject of how the initial allocation of the primary mental health professional (PMHP) in community mental health services is made and the frequency and management of users' requests to choose and/or change their allocated PMHPs has been scarcely investigated. The present paper is aimed at exploring the experiences and opinions of directors of community mental health centers (CMHC) on this topic. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted. Electronic ad hoc questionnaires with both multiple choice and open-ended questions were e-mailed to the institutional addresses of CMHC directors in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy) with the consent of their heads of department and the Ethical Committee. Quantitative data were analysed by means of Microsoft Excel software and STATA 14.2 (College Station, TX), while the qualitative analysis was performed using the Nvivo12 software. Results: Twenty-eight questionnaires were collected (response rate: 71.8%) that were equally distributed between males and females. For the initial PMHP allocation, casual allocation by "fixed-rota" was commonly performed (39.3%). Moreover, hope for a change of prescription by a different psychiatrist was the most frequent reason for users' requests to change their PMHP. In two mental health departments only (Parma and Bologna), written guidelines to manage users' requests of change of PMHP were available. In this context, most participants classified the explored topics as relevant and believed that written policies, especially if shared with users, could be useful. Conclusions: In Emilia-Romagna CMHCs, neither users nor professionals were generally involved in the initial choice of the PMHP. Further national-level studies should be conducted in order to confirm this finding. Additionally, written and shared guidelines for managing users' request to choose/change their PHMP may be useful

    The COVID-19 recession might increase discriminating attitudes toward LGBT people and mental health problems due to minority stress

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    This letter to the Editor points the attention to the fact that the foreseen economic downturn related to the COVID 19 Crisis may lead to an increase to the discrimination of the lgbtiq+ population. This may lead to an increase to the minority streess experienced by this population and, consequently, to mental health difficulties. It supports this warning analysing and reporting data from he first survey on discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity was performed by the Italian National Institute of Statistics in 2011 (ISTAT, 2015) on a sample of about 8,000 individuals aged 18-74 years

    New isogenic wild types in N. crassa

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    New isogenic wild types in N. crass

    Chronic pelvic pain: comorbidity between chronic musculoskeletal pain and vulvodynia.

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    Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a common condition that has a major impact on the quality of life of both men and women. Male CPP is usually attributable to well-defined urogenital conditions (most frequently infectious/non infectious prostatic diseases) or musculoskeletal or bowel diseases, whereas the features of female CPP are much more complex and are of particular clinical and epidemiological importance. It is a multifactorial syndrome that can be due to diseases of the urogenital, gastrointestinal, or musculoskeletal systems, or to neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders. It is not always easy to identify its predominant pathogenesis, although it often occurs as a central sensitization syndrome triggered by an initial stimulus which is no longer detectable and only manifests itself clinically through pain. In this respect, there are some very interesting relationships between vulvodynia and fibromyalgic syndrome, as identified in a preliminary study of women with chronic musculoskeletal pain in which it was demonstrated that vulvar pain plays an important role, although it is often overlooked and undiagnosed

    Historical micronutrient psychiatry: descriptive analysis of patients with pellagra admitted to the “San Lazzaro” asylum in Reggio Emilia (Italy) in the decade 1901-1910

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    This study aims at describing the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients affected by pellagra and admitted to the “San Lazzaro” psychiatric asylum (Reggio Emilia, Italy) from 1901 to 1910 besides exploring possible gender differences for the collected information. Data were collected from the admission register and clinical records of those patients who were admitted to the San Lazzaro Psychiatric Hospital receiving a diagnosis of pellagra at their first admission. The pellagrous patient population was characterised by a higher rate of hospitalisation for women (64.3%) and the number of hospitalised patients suffering from pellagra gradually decreased from 1901 (78; 8.3%) to 1910 (8;0.7%). The most common profession for men admitted with pellagra was farmer/agricultural labourer, while most of the women were housewives. A characteristic shared by both the male and female population of inpatients was very high rate of illiteracy: only one patient was recorded as being able to read and write. The generic diagnosis of “mental illness from pellagra” was predominant (70%), while “dementia from pellagra” accounts for 17.85% of the admission diagnoses: no statistically significant differences between men and women were found in the frequency of diagnosis. Half of the patients, both men and women, died while being inpatients. This study confirms previous findings about the case mix of pellagra patients admitted to psychiatric hospital at the beginning of the last century in northern Italy and highlights the significance of the relationship of psychiatry with other medical disciplines and the sociocultural milieu