535 research outputs found

    OPTIMA Newsletter

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    OPTIMA Newsletter is a news journal for the presentation and discussion of issues pertinent to Mediterranean botany, published by the Secretariat of the Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area

    The changing role of botanic gardens in the Mediterranean

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    Born as medicinal plant gardens (Gardens of Simples, Giardini dei semplici), for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants and the use their active principles, very soon, botanical gardens adapted themselves to the emerging needs of changing societies, expanding their activities towards new goals

    Orobanche cohenii (Orobanchaceae) a new species from Israel

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    Orobanche cohenii a new species belonging to Orobanche sect. Trionychon is described and illustrated from Mt. Hermon, Israel. Its relationships with the other species of Orobanche sect. Trionychon occurring in this area are examined

    XV OPTIMA MEETING, Montpellier (France), 6-11 June 2016, Abstracts

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    Book of abstract of the XV OPTIMA MEETING held in Montpellier (France) from 6th to 11th June 201

    Studies on the genus Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) in Italy. VIII. Names published by Vincenzo Tineo and Michele Lojacono-Pojero

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    The typification of the Atriplex names published by Vincenzo Tineo and Michele LojaconoPojero is discussed. Atriplex ambigua, A. dealbata, A. graeci, A. halimoides, A halimoides var. glomerata, A. halimoides var. perglauca, A. polyphylla, and A. ratundifolia are neo- or lectotypified on specimens preserved at FI or PAL and ynonymized with A. glauca (= A. dealbata), A. halimus (= A. halimoides = A. halimoides var. glomerata = A. halimoides var. perglauca), A. rosea (= A. ambigua = A. graeci) and A. tornabenei (= A. polyphylla = A. rotundifolia). The Tineo’s A. arenaria, previously considered as replaced synonym of A. tornabenei, is clarified and typified (neotype) on a specimens deposited at FI

    Seed germination of Thymus richardii subsp. nitidus (Lamiaceae)

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    The germination ability of the punctual endemic Thymus richardii subsp. nitidus (Lamiaceae) from the Island of Marettimo in W Sicily was studied. Mature seeds were collected in the field. Different experimental conditions were tested and the best methods with optimal germination results were provided. This is the first germination record for this taxon

    Primo rinvenimento in Sicilia di Typha laxmannii (Typhaceae)

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    First record of Typha laxmannii Lepech. (Typhaceae) in Sicily. Typha laxmannii Lepech. (Typhaceae) is here reported, for the first time, in Sicily at Scopello, near Castellammare del Golfo (NW Sicily). This species is compared with the congenerics occurring in the region; dichotomous key and description are also given to make the identification easier

    Distribution and ecological role of selected shrubby species in the Mediterranean basin

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    In many natural and semi-natural habitats trees and shrubs represent two major growth forms (1). In particular shrublands, which can be considered a mixture of several sclerophyllous shrubs and tree species, represent a Mediterranean type of vegetation rarely found in other ecosystems. The distribution of shrubs in an ecosystem is connected to complex ecological processes. Indeed, shrubs provide substrate, food and shelter for organisms, play an important role in the nutrient cycle providing organic matter input to soils and they protect watersheds from erosion. Moreover shrubs are very important for many associated species such as mammals, birds, invertebrates, other plants (that favour thanks to their role of nurse plants), and their distribution also influences the variety and abundance of mycorrhizal fungi, fundamentals in ecological terms and nutritional relationships (2). This study represents a review on the ecological role of some selected Mediterranean shrubby species. In particular the attention is focused on the following species: Amelanchier ovalis Medik, Astragalus nebrodensis (Guss.) Strobl., Crataegus laciniata Ucria, Lycium intricatum Boiss., Prunus spinosa L., and Viburnum tinus L. These species have been selected because they are representative of different Mediterranean vegetation types, distributed in relation to the bioclimate type and the altitude. In fact, various habitats have been considered in relation to these species, for example coastal and sub-coastal environments for Lycium intricatum, sclerophyllous woodlands for Viburnum tinus, mantle vegetation and pre-forest structures for Amelanchier ovalis, Prunus spinosa and Crataegus laciniata, orophilous thornycushions vegetation for the Sicilian endemic Astragalus nebrodensis. For each species the geographical distribution in the Mediterranean Basin has been investigated, considering its borders according to the limits of Mediterranean climate (3), and the definition of terrestrial ecoregions of the world (4). The species distribution as well as their taxonomy (especially in relation to the presence of subspecies in the Italian territory) have been analyzed thanks to a number of scientific publications and web-based sources (e.g. Euro + Med PlantBase, The International Plant Names Index, ILDIS- International Legume Database & Information Service, PAN-European Species directories Infrastructure, Portale della Flora d\u2019Italia, Flora of Greece Web, Anthos, African Plant Database, Silene-Flore database, etc.) at regional, national and international scale. Moreover for each species distribution maps have been prepared geo-referencing the species location data obtained from the labels of digital herbaria samples of the Mus\ue9um National d'Histoire Naturelle, MNHN \u2013 Paris, P; Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, W; Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum, PAL; Herbarium Plant Biology Section, CAT; Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universit\ue4t Berlin, B, and from the data portal Global Biodiversity Information Facility- GBIF (always in relation to herbarium samples), also in order to obtain historical distribution data. The ecological role of species in every ecosystem, but also of their successional dynamics and their response to global changes and disturbances was investigated making an analysis of the literature data and also in relation to some botanical aspects and functional traits, available for some of the studied species, from TRY Plant Trait Database (https://www.try-db.org) and form BROT 2.0 database, for example: Growth form, Leaf phenology, Spinescence, Flower color, Dispersal mode, Fruit type, Nutritional relationships (the analysis of these data is in progress especially with regard to mycorrhizal symbioses). This has allowed to clarify why shrubs are successful in many habitats and to evaluate the critical role that they play in Mediterranean ecosystems

    Taxonomic and distributive notes on Serapias lingua subsp. Tunetana (Orchidaceae), a rare endemic to Tunisia

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    Serapias lingua subsp. tunetana, a rare endemic orchid confined to Tunis, northern of Tunisia, has been rediscovered far away from its type locality nearly after 22 years. Since its first finding in 1996 and its description published in 2005, the subspecies has not been found again, and was presumed to be extinct, or the taxon was erroneously identified. A detailed description of the subspecies justifying an amendment to its description, a map of its current distribution and colour photographs are also provided. The affinities to the related taxa within the S. lingua group occurring in Tunisia are here presented. The global IUCN status for this taxon is evaluated

    Additions to terrestrial flora of Tunisia: Occurrence and taxonomic notes

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    We document new records of 11 vascular taxa. Some were found in the wild for the first time and, therefore, are new reports to terrestrial flora of Tunisia. One species, Ranunculus acris L., is reported for the first time for North Africa. Parietaria cretica L. is confirmed for North Africa. Details about the distribution and habitats of the 11 species are provided, and comments on their status and taxonomy are included
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