476 research outputs found

    Digital Is Different: Digitalization Undermines Stakeholder Relations Because It Impedes Firm Anthropomorphization

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    Digitalization is typically seen as an operational and/or strategic issue. We go beyond such a view and present findings suggesting that digitalization may also affect how people relate to a firm. The guiding intuitions of our research are that digitalization may impede firm anthropomorphization, i.e., the attribution of human-like capacities of mind (‘agency’ and ‘experience’) to firms, and that this may affect stakeholder relations. Specifically, we suspect that digitalization is likely to undermine a firm’s ability to establish and maintain the sort of communal (trusting and cooperative) relations that stakeholder theory sees as crucial for value creation. We find support for these intuitions in four experimental studies (total N = 819): people attribute less experience (but not less agency) to more digitalized firms and this reduces their willingness to affiliate with, trust, or enact pro-social behavior towards such firms. We also find that these effects are stronger for communally-oriented respondents, and that one reason that people are less inclined to enter into a relationship with a more digitalized firm is that they believe that this will make it more difficult to enact communal behaviors. Together, our findings suggest that firm digitalization may, ceteris paribus, undermine firms’ ability to generate value

    Landbouwkundige gevolgen peilverhoging in veenweidegebied = Agricultural consequences of level increase in low moor polder areas

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    In this study the effects of a renewed increase of a decreased ditch water level were considered. Increasing the ditch water level leads to decreased land subsidence, but also to less yield (6%) and more damage, or a more difficult grassland management. Damage calculated from earlier studies of 222 euro/ha immediately applies after level increas

    Trust maintenance as a function of construal level and attributions: the case of apologies

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    When do recipients of an apology (‘trustors’) base their decision to trust a perpetrator (a ‘trustee’) on the attributional information embedded in an apology? Attributions provide a detailed account of the trustee’s causal involvement in committing a transgression. We therefore argue that trustors in a low construal level mindset use this information in their trusting decision. However, trustors in a high construal level mindset likely consider all apologies as simple statements of regret, regardless of the attributional information they contain. We find support for this argument in four laboratory experiments. This research nuances the idea that to restore trust by means of an apology, the trustee must only use an effective attribution for a negative outcome. We also present a more realistic understanding of the process leading from apologies to trust than has been offered in previous work by simultaneously considering the role of the trustor and that of the trustee in the trust restoration process

    Getting it done and getting it right: Leader disciplinary reactions to Followers’ moral transgressions are determined by construal level mindset

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    All normative leadership theories suggest that disciplining followers that transgress moral norms is a crucial leadership task. However, leaders sometimes yet fail to do so. Previous research has indicated that leaders may refrain from enacting discipline out of self-interest or from concern for the organization’s interest. We explore another option: leaders may simply be unwilling to enforce moral norms because of a negative attitude towards them. We argue and show that leaders that construe norms on relatively low (i.e. concrete) levels are likely to see norms as annoying obstacles, whereas leaders that construe moral norms on high (i.e. abstract) levels will have a more positive view of norms. In line with this, high construal level leaders are likely to be willing to enforce moral norms through discipline in response to follower moral transgressions. Low construal level leaders, in contrast, actively avoid doing so. We show this effect in different contexts and for different types of leader discipline

    Lagere stikstofbemesting drukt melkproductie

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    Verlaging van de stikstofgift gaat echter ten koste van de grasproductie. Daardoor kunnen minder koeien per hectare worden gehouden

    Inkuilen van eendenkroos als veevoer met verschillende additieven = Ensiling Duckweed for feed with different additives

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    Ferment duckweed as silage is a cheap and sustainable alternative for drying. Without an additive, no satisfying preservation result was reached. Molasses gave a good preservation result and is relatively cheap and practical. Common methods of forage ensilaging are not suitable for duckweed as they have too little product structure to facilitate wrapping. The use of an airtight container or silo may lead to good preservation results, and prevent losses

    Ontwikkeling beweidingsysteem bij mobiel robotmelken = Development of grazing system with mobile milking robot

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    This report discussed which grazing system fits best to milking in the meadow with a robot. Free strip grazing gave good results. In a number of farm situations in which grazing is difficult, mobile robot milking in combination with grazing can be an economically attractive alternative

    Landbouwkundige gevolgen van peilverhoging in het veenweidegebied

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    In het verleden is veel onderzoek gedaan naar de effecten van peilverlaging. Over de effecten van het opnieuw verhogen van een verlaagd peil is echter weinig bekend. Omdat de provincie Utrecht het verhogen van het peil als mogelijke optie ziet om een verdere maaivelddaling af te remmen, is het van belang om te weten welke negatieve effecten voor de landbouw zullen optreden en wannee

    Aardappelpersvezels aantrekkelijke energiebron

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    Het is een zetmeelrijke en eiwitarme krachtvoervervanger die goed past in een rantsoen met veel graskuil

    Fairness enactment as response to higher level unfairness: the roles of self-construal and spatial distance

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    In contrast to the abundance of evidence on employee reactions to manager unfairness, we know very little about factors that predict whether managers will act fairly or not. This article explores the effect of procedural unfairness that emanates from higher level managers on procedural fairness enactment at lower levels in the organization. We argue that lower level managers can enact both more and less fair procedures in response to higher level unfairness and that this depends on the extent to which lower level managers define the self in terms of their relation with their higher level manager (i.e., relational-interdependent self-construal). We study both the moderating role of self-construal and how it is embedded in the physical environment of the organization. We pay particular attention to how spatial distance between higher and lower management affects self-construal at lower levels and—because of this relationship—the enactment of fair procedures within the organization. We conduct four studies (in two of which we study spatial distance as an antecedent for self-construal) and show that relatively high levels of relational-interdependent self-construal lead to assimilation in terms of procedural fairness enactment, whereas relatively low levels lead to contrast
